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J Clin Immunol.2024 Sep;45(1):1.


Non-Skewed X-inactivation Results in NF-κB Essential Modulator (NEMO) Δ-exon 5-autoinflammatory Syndrome (NEMO-NDAS) in a Female with Incontinentia Pigmenti.

PMID: 39264518



NF-κB必須モジュレーター(NEMO)をコードするX染色体IKBKGの遺伝子低形成欠損は、それぞれ男性では外胚葉形成不全と免疫不全を、女性では皮膚疾患である色素性失禁(IP)を引き起こす。NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) Δ-exon 5-autoinflammatory syndrome (NEMO-NDAS)は、alternative splicingとNEMO-Δex5の割合の増加によって引き起こされる全身性の自己炎症性疾患である。我々は、非傾斜X不活性化によるIPとNEMO-NDASを呈する女性保因者を調査した。

PURPOSE: Genetic hypomorphic defects in X chromosomal IKBKG coding for the NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) lead to ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency in males and the skin disorder incontinentia pigmenti (IP) in females, respectively. NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) Δ-exon 5-autoinflammatory syndrome (NEMO-NDAS) is a systemic autoinflammatory disease caused by alternative splicing and increased proportion of NEMO-Δex5. We investigated a female carrier presenting with IP and NEMO-NDAS due to non-skewed X-inactivation.



METHODS: IKBKG transcripts were quantified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from the patient, her mother, and healthy controls using RT-PCR and nanopore sequencing. Corresponding proteins were analyzed by western blotting and flow cytometry. Besides toll-like receptor (TLR) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signaling, the interferon signature, cytokine production and X-inactivation status were investigated.


女性患者において、再発性発熱、口腔潰瘍、肝炎、好中球減少を伴うIPおよび自己炎症が認められたが、免疫不全は認められなかった。NEMOシグナル伝達機能の中程度の低下に加え、I型インターフェロン障害、IL-18とCXCL10の上昇が認められた。彼女と彼女の母親は、NEMO欠損患者で以前に報告されたIKBKGのエクソン5のヘテロ接合型変異体c.613C>T p.(Gln205*)を有していた。しかし、X不活性化は母親では偏っていたが、患者ではそうではなかった。代替スプライシングにより、末梢血細胞サブセットにおける全長蛋白質に対するNEMO-Dex5の比率が増加し、自己炎症を引き起こした。臨床症状はTNF阻害剤による治療で部分的に消失した。

RESULTS: IP and autoinflammation with recurrent fever, oral ulcers, hepatitis, and neutropenia, but no immunodeficiency was observed in a female patient. Besides moderately reduced NEMO signaling function, type I interferonopathy, and elevated IL-18 and CXCL10 were found. She and her mother both carried the heterozygous variant c.613 C > T p.(Gln205*) in exon 5 of IKBKG previously reported in NEMO-deficient patients. However, X-inactivation was skewed in the mother, but not in the patient. Alternative splicing led to increased ratios of NEMO-Dex5 over full-length protein in peripheral blood cell subsets causing autoinflammation. Clinical symptoms partially resolved under treatment with TNF inhibitors.



CONCLUSION: Non-skewed X-inactivation can lead to NEMO-NDAS in females with IP carrying hypomorphic IKBKG variants due to alternative splicing and increased proportions of NEMO-∆ex5.