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Compend Contin Educ Dent.2024 Sep;45(8):e1-e4.

歯磨きの補助としての口腔洗浄液の有効性:6週間の臨床試験 毎日の口腔洗浄による歯垢および歯肉炎の管理

Effectiveness of Oral Rinse as an Adjunct to Toothbrushing: A 6-Week Clinical Trial Management of Plaque and Gingivitis With Daily Oral Rinsing.

PMID: 39276793



A common condition found in many patients, gingival inflammation results from irritation from dental plaque and the bacteria contained in plaque. Although effective management of dental plaque and the resulting gingivitis through daily homecare continues to be heavily emphasized, the high prevalence of oral diseases globally suggests that most individuals do not achieve sufficient plaque removal with their manual toothbrushing routine. To help enhance a patient's homecare regimen, daily oral rinsing has been shown to improve oral hygiene. The simple use of mouthwash after toothbrushing optimizes plaque removal while leading to an improvement in gingival health. This article reviews a single-center, randomized, controlled, single-blind, 6-week study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a professional chlorhexidine alternative oral care mouthrinse as an adjunct to toothbrushing with sodium fluoride toothpaste with regard to plaque removal and gingivitis reduction.