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Eur J Dent Educ.2024 Nov;28(4):1052-1057.


Technical Quality of Root Fillings Performed by Undergraduate Dental Students in Single-Canal Teeth: A 10-Year Retrospective Study.

PMID: 39291748




OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the radiographic technical quality of root fillings in single-canal teeth performed over a decade (June 2013 to June 2023) by undergraduate dental students of the Federal University of Campina Grande.


すべての歯は、Gates-Gliddenドリルを用いたケモメカニカルプリパレーションと、根尖1mm手前までのステンレススチールファイルによるハンドインスツルメンテーションを受けた。根尖拡張は、最初の解剖学的根尖径より2~3本上の器具を用いて行った。感染の徴候や症状がない場合、ガッタパーチャコーンとシーラー26またはMTAフィラペックスを使用して管腔を充填した。根充と歯冠修復の質を評価するため、充塡後のX線写真を定期的に撮影した。経験豊富な研究者が、根充長、側方適合、テーパーを考慮した術後周囲X線写真を評価するために、ImageJ 1.52qソフトウェアを使用して検査者を訓練し、キャリブレーションを行った。根充は、3つのパラメータが許容できる分類に達した時点で満足とした。カイ二乗検定では、歯の種類、歯列弓、歯髄診断を5%の有意水準で比較した。

METHODS: All teeth underwent chemomechanical preparation using Gates-Glidden drills and hand instrumentation with stainless steel files up to 1 mm short of the root apex. Apical expansion was performed with up to two or three instruments above the initial anatomical apical diameter. The canal was filled in the absence of signs and symptoms of infection using gutta-percha cones and Sealer 26 or MTA Fillapex. A post-filling radiograph was routinely taken to assess the quality of root filling and coronal restoration. An experienced researcher trained and calibrated an examiner to evaluate post-operative periapical radiographs considering root-filling length, lateral adaptation and taper using ImageJ 1.52q software. Root filling was satisfactory when reaching acceptable classifications for the three parameters. The chi-squared test compared tooth type, dental arch and pulpal diagnosis at a 5% significance level.



RESULTS: The study assessed 124 canals, showing 90 (72.6%) satisfactory root fillings. The sub-analysis of individual parameters demonstrated that 105 (84.7%) root fillings had acceptable length, 113 (91.1%) adapted well to lateral canal walls, and 109 (87.9%) had proper taper. Most cases occurred in maxillary teeth (n = 99), pulp necrosis was the most frequent pulpal diagnosis (n = 89), and root-filling quality showed no association with tooth type, dental arch or pulpal diagnosis.



CONCLUSION: The technical quality of root fillings in single-canal teeth treated by dental students was predominantly satisfactory.