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Cureus.2024 Aug;16(8):e67556.


Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Fabricated Laminate Veneers in Aesthetic Rehabilitation: A Case Report.

PMID: 39310425



Porcelain laminate veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment for correcting discoloured, worn, misaligned, gapped, chipped, or crooked teeth. The restorative material utilized in the indirect method can be processed using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) technology or conventional technique, which is highly sensitive. Due to its multiple benefits, digital technology is growing quickly and has opened up a lot of new opportunities for dental practitioners. These days, CAD/CAM is a helpful technique that enables the creation of monolithic restorations for ceramic materials, which is most recently utilized in the field of ceramic veneers as well as digital impression capturing and digital designing as part of treatment planning. This case study details the methodical process of creating laminate veneers for a patient who wants to enhance the look of their anterior teeth utilizing both traditional and CAD/CAM technology.