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J Pharm Bioallied Sci.2024 Jul;16(Suppl 3):S2385-S2387.


Comparative Analysis of Braces and Aligners: Long-Term Orthodontic Outcomes.

PMID: 39346382




OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the long-term results of orthodontic treatment with traditional braces and Invisalign, with a particular emphasis on treatment length, patient satisfaction, correction of malocclusion, and long-term stability.



METHODS: Between 2020 and 2022, individuals who had orthodontic treatment at a tertiary care center had their data analysed. Patients with mild to severe malocclusions treated with conventional braces or Invisalign between the ages of 12 and 18 met the inclusion criteria. Assessments were done on results, length of treatment, degree of malocclusion, and long-term stability. With significance set at < 0.05, statistical analyses comprised t-tests for treatment duration and Chi-square testing for malocclusion correction.


インビザラインの平均治療期間は、従来の歯列矯正(24ヶ月)よりもはるかに短かった(18ヶ月)(< 0.001)。成功率は88~90%であり、どちらの技術も不正咬合治療において顕著な成功率を示した。インビザラインは、再発の割合がやや多かったが、その差は統計的に有意ではなかった(> 0.05)。

FINDINGS: The mean treatment time for Invisalign was much shorter (18 months) than for conventional braces (24 months) ( < 0.001). With 88-90% success rates, both techniques demonstrated remarkable success rates in malocclusion treatment. Even though Invisalign was associated with a somewhat greater percentage of relapse instances, the difference was not statistically significant ( > 0.05).



CONCLUSION: In conclusion, Invisalign showed a much shorter treatment period than conventional braces, yet both showed excellent malocclusion correction. The choice of modality should be based on patient satisfaction, treatment objectives, and case complexity, taking into account the trade-offs between treatment length and potential variations in long-term stability.