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J Dent Sci.2024 Oct;19(4):2126-2134.


Comparative evaluation of the remaining dentin volume following instrumentation with rotary, reciprocating, and hand files during root canal treatment in primary molars: An study.

PMID: 39347077




BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The effectiveness of root canal treatments with different file systems in primary teeth is important in terms of clinical practice and the use of file systems that work with different principles in primary tooth pulpectomy is becoming widespread. The amount of remaining dentin in the coronal region of the root is important in terms of the prognosis of the tooth and the long-term success of the treatment in teeth that have undergone root canal treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remaining dentin volume in the coronal part of the root after the use of rotary, reciprocating, and conventional hand files in primary tooth pulpectomy.


30本の小臼歯を3群に分けた。各グループにおいて、3種類のファイルを用いて準備を行った:WaveOneゴールド(往復運動),TruNatomy(回転運動),および従来のハンドファイルである.3次元画像を用いて、根の冠状部2mmにおける象牙質の残存量を評価した。グループの平均値は一元配置分散分析を用いて比較し、Tukey 検定を用いて事後分析を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 primary molars were divided into three groups. In each group, the preparations were made with three different file types: WaveOne Gold, which works with reciprocating motion; TruNatomy, which works with rotational motion; and conventional hand files. The three-dimensional images were evaluated for remaining dentin volume in the 2-mm coronal part of the root. Group means were compared using one-way analysis of variance, and post hoc analyses were performed with the Tukey test.


術前と術後の象牙質量に統計学的有意差は認められなかった(>0.05)。調製後の平均差はWaveOne Gold群で最も大きく、TruNatomy群で最も小さかった。差の平均パーセンテージを評価したところ、WaveOne Goldを使用した場合よりもTruNatomyを使用した場合の方が、調製後の象牙質体積が統計的に有意に多く保存されていることが観察された(=0.021)。

RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of preoperative and postoperative dentin volume ( > 0.05). The mean difference after preparation was observed the most in the WaveOne Gold group and the least in the TruNatomy group. When the mean percentage differences were evaluated, it was observed that statistically significantly more dentin volume was preserved after the preparation with TruNatomy than with WaveOne Gold ( = 0.021).


乳歯の抜髄術において、歯根冠状部 2 mm の象牙質量を保存するためには、往復運動するファイルシステムよりも回転運動するファイルシステムの方が好ましい。

CONCLUSION: In primary tooth pulpectomy, file systems working with rotational motion can be preferred over file systems working with reciprocating motion in preserving the amount of dentin in the 2-mm coronal part of the root.