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Cell Biochem Biophys.2024 Oct;


Understanding the intricate impacts and mechanism of actions of adaptogens on reproductive function.

PMID: 39369159



Adaptogens, comprising plants and mushrooms, modulate the immune system, energy balance, and various physiological processes, including reproduction. Despite their potential benefits, the impact of adaptogens on reproductive function remains understudied. This review examines the effects of common adaptogens on male and female reproductive functions, highlighting their regulation of neuro-endocrine-immune interactions crucial for reproduction. While existing literature reveals varying impacts on reproductive function, most adaptogens exhibit beneficial effects, modulating neuroimmunology and promoting gonadal steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis, and folliculogenesis through direct mechanisms or suppression of oxidative stress and inflammation. Further experimental research is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms of action of adaptogens, which would significantly advance the management of reproductive disorders and other diseases. Validating these findings in clinical trials is also essential.