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Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2024 Jun;17(6):706-711.


Early Detection and Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Canine: A Case Report.

PMID: 39391143




AIM AND BACKGROUND: Upper canines are the second most common teeth involved in impaction after the third mandibular molar. Accurate diagnosis at an appropriate age is important to reduce complications of the impacted tooth and its adjacent teeth. We present a case of early detection of an impacted left maxillary canine, which allowed spontaneous eruption through arch expansion.


11歳の患者が、未萌出の左上顎犬歯の経過観察のために紹介された。この歯は唇側で触知可能であったが、萌出スペースが不足しており、Tanaka and Johnstonスペース分析法を用いて評価したところ、2mmの乖離があった。患者には、全身性歯肉炎、多発性う蝕、上顎切歯の脱灰がみられた。オルソパントモグラム(OPG)により、臨床所見と歯のインパクションが確認された。歯の位置は、口腔内周囲X線写真(IOPA)を加えたパララックス法で確認した。歯はアーチと一直線上にあった。この良好な位置関係から、アクリルプレート、上顎第一大臼歯と小臼歯の金属クラスプ、正中線の拡張スクリューを備えた上顎可撤式装置(URA)が患者に製作された。患者は毎週1/4回転させてスクリューを作動させた。予防と齲蝕管理を同時に行った。URAを使用して10ヵ月後、左上顎犬歯は萌出した。

CASE DESCRIPTION: An 11-year-old patient was referred for monitoring of an unerupted left maxillary canine. The tooth was palpable labially, but there was a lack of space for an eruption for the tooth, with 2 mm of discrepancy as assessed using the Tanaka and Johnston space analysis method. The patient had generalized gingivitis, multiple carious teeth, and dens evaginatus of upper incisors. An orthopantomogram (OPG) confirmed the clinical findings and impaction of the tooth. Localization of the tooth was done using the parallax technique with the addition of an intraoral periapical radiograph (IOPA). The tooth was in line with the arch. Due to this favorable position, an upper removable appliance (URA) with an acrylic plate, metal clasps on the upper first molars and premolars, and an expansion screw in the midline was constructed for the patient. The patient activated the screw with a weekly quarter turn. Preventive and caries management strategies were done simultaneously. The impacted left maxillary canine erupted after 10 months of using the URA.



CONCLUSION: Due to the high plasticity of bone structures in a growing child, interceptive orthodontic treatment using removable appliances works well. The impacted left maxillary canine erupted in place after 10 months of using the URA without the need for surgical or fixed orthodontic treatment.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Early detection of impacted teeth in a growing child is important in order for us to intervene in the problem at an earlier stage to avoid further complications.


Sockanathan L, Ahmad NS, Zakaria ASI.衝撃を受けた犬歯の早期発見とインターセプティブ矯正治療:症例報告。Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(6):706-711.

HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Sockanathan L, Ahmad NS, Zakaria ASI. Early Detection and Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Canine: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(6):706-711.