Aspergillus fumigatus のいくつかの典型的および中等辺形のフィアリド種の抗原プロファイル
Antigenic profile of some typical and septate phialide-strains of Aspergillus fumigatus.
PMID: 6374936 DOI: 10.1080/00362178485380161.
Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fumigatus var.系統間の違いにかかわらず,A. fumigatusの2つの形態の分離株は,抗原プロファイルがほぼ類似しており,その質的共有率は80%から100%であった.また,A. fumigatus var.一方,A. flavusとA. nigerは,A. fumigatusとは分類学的にあまり近縁ではなかったが,それぞれ16%,8%しか共有されていなかった。また,A. fumigatusの代表的な系統およびセプタート系統の培養濾液抗原から同定された共通の抗原活性成分の数は約29であった。また,タンデムゲルおよび中間ゲルを用いた二次元電気泳動により,2種類のA. fumigatusが抗原的に相同性があることが明らかになった.また,この病原体の抗原活性成分は,タンパク質-糖タンパク質が主であることが示唆された.
Antigens from typical and septate phialide-strains of Aspergillus fumigatus, A. fumigatus var. ellipticus, A. fischeri, A. flavus and A. niger were analysed by fused rocket and two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis. Depsite strain-to-strain variations, isolates of the two morphological forms of A. fumigatus showed a close similarity in their antigenic profile; the percentage of qualitative sharing ranged between 80% and 100%. The number of antigens shared by the isolates of A. fumigatus var. ellipticus and A. fischeri as compared with a typical A. fumigatus isolate was relatively high. By contrast isolates of A. flavus and A. niger, which are taxonomically not so closely related to A. fumigatus, revealed a qualitative sharing of only 16% and 8%, respectively. The number of common antigenically active components identified in culture filtrate antigens from the typical and septate phialide-strains of A. fumigatus was around 29. Two-dimensional electrophoresis with tandem and intermediate gel proved further that the two types of A. fumigatus isolates are antigenically homologous. Present findings also support the view that the antigenically active components of this pathogen are predominantly protein-glycoprotein in nature.