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Scand J Dent Res.1983 Dec;91(6):453-7.

2~4歳児におけるStreptococcus mutansの定着とう蝕経験

Streptococcus mutans establishment and dental caries experience in children from 2 to 4 years old.

PMID: 6581521


39人の小児を対象に、2歳、3歳、4歳の時点で、歯垢および唾液中のS. mutansの定着とう蝕経験について縦断的に調査した。S. mutansは小児の38%に認められ、血清型はc/e/fが優勢であった。2歳時に歯垢中にS. mutansを保菌していた小児は、最もう蝕活動性の高い小児であった。4歳時のう蝕指数(虫歯、見逃し、充填面の数、dmfs = 10.6 +/- 5.3)は、後にS. mutansを保菌した小児(dmfs = 3.4 +/- 1.8、Pは0.005未満)、またはS. mutansの感染がなかった小児(dmfs = 0.3 +/- 1.1、Pは0.0003未満)と有意に異なっていた。したがって、切歯歯垢中のS. mutansの早期定着は、幼若な乳歯列における早期かつ広範なう蝕攻撃を示唆していると結論された。

39 children were studied longitudinally at the age of 2, 3, and 4 yr for the colonization of S. mutans in plaque and saliva and for caries experience. S. mutans was found in 38% of the children, and the predominant serotype group was c/e/f. A total of 16 children got caries before the age of 4. Children who harbored S. mutans in their plaque at the age of 2, appeared to be the most caries-active individuals. Their caries index values (number of decayed, missed and filled surfaces, dmfs = 10.6 +/- 5.3) at the age of 4 differed significantly from the values of children who harbored S. mutans later (dmfs = 3.4 +/- 1.8, P less than 0.005) or remained free from S. mutans infection (dmfs = 0.3 +/- 1.1, P less than 0.0003). It was thus concluded that the early establishment of S. mutans in the plaque of primary incisors indicated early and extensive caries attack in young primary dentition.