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Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac.1995;96(6):392-5.


[Removal through the coronal approach of the upper wisdom teeth. Apropos of a case of bilateral migration into the temporal fossa].

PMID: 8650500



This report presents a case of double migration of third maxillary molar in temporal fossa and their removal by a coronal approach. A 15 years of old boy, was seen for major trismus. 2 months before, he underwent under general anaesthesy impacted third maxillary molar removal. The radiologic examination showed that superior third molar has been pushed and left into the temporal fossa in both sides. After computed tomography examination, teeth were removed by a coronal approach. This was the only approach in order to preserve facial nerve and to allow with good chances to remove the teeth. Intervention was successful. Postoperative course was uneventful. The buccal apperture was normalized three months after surgery.