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Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.1997 Apr;17(2):112-23.


Twin-stage procedure. Part 1: A new method to reproduce precise eccentric occlusal relations.

PMID: 9497706



The condylar path, the incisal path, and the cusp angle determine the amount of disocclusion during eccentric movement. In prosthodontics, the condylar path has been used as the main determinant of occlusion. However, the method to derive the incisal path and cusp angle from the condylar path is not known, and thus it has been difficult to scientifically reproduce the amount of disocclusion on a restoration. This study describes the Twin-Stage Procedure, in which the cusp angle is used as the main determinant of occlusion because of its reliability. It is possible to accurately control the amount of disocclusion on the restoration without measuring condylar path.