[Deglutition in patients treated with reconstructive laryngectomy].
PMID: 9638157
INTRODUCTION: We stress the importance of dynamic radiologic studies of swallowing in the patients submitted to reconstructive laryngectomy.
1989年1月から1996年12月までに再建的喉頭切除術を受けた36例、すなわちクリコヒヨイドエピグロトペクシー34例、クリコヒヨイドエピグロトペクシー1例、ゲリエールクリコヒヨイドエピグロトペクシー1例を検討した。X線装置からの透視下ビデオ録画(Sony U-Matic RM 580)を用いて動的放射線学的検査を行った。研究は、患者を立位または座位にして、安静時および嚥下時の口腔咽頭部のAPおよびLL透視画像を最初に取得した。その後、5mlの液体(60%)と半液体(250%)のバリウムを2本のボーラスで嚥下した。誤嚥が疑われる場合は、2mlボーラスから開始した。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: January, 1989, to December, 1996, we examined 36 patients submitted to reconstructive laryngectomy, namely cricohyoidoepiglottopexy in 34 cases, cricohyoidopexy in 1 case and Guerrier's cricohyoidoepiglottopexy in 1 case. Dynamic radiologic studies were performed with fluoroscopic videorecording (Sony U-Matic RM 580) from an X-ray unit. The study was performed with the patients standing or sitting, initially acquiring AP and LL fluoroscopic images of the oropharyngeal region at rest and during swallowing. The patients then swallowed 2 boluses of 5 ml liquid (60%) and semiliquid (250%) barium. When aspiration was suspected, we began with a 2-ml bolus.
RESULTS: The patients were grouped by symptoms: group A patients had no symptoms, group B patients had dysphagia and group C patients presented aspiration. The functional changes were: reduced pharyngeal contraction, reduced epiglottis deflection, reduced hyoid bone elevation, aspiration, altered upper esophageal sphincter function. The organic alterations were: parapharyngeal diverticulum, pharyngeal stenosis, posterior pharyngeal wall introflexion. Three group A patients had severe posterior pharyngeal wall introflexion, 4 had marked retention and 2 of them presented postswallowing aspiration. Two group B patients had major retention, 1 cricopharyngeal incoordination, 3 posterior pharyngeal wall introflexion, 2 a pseudodiverticulum and 2 a luminal stenosis. Seven group C patients had intraswallowing and 3 postswallowing aspiration.
CONCLUSION: The videofluorographic identification of organic and functional complications, sometimes unknown in asymptomatic patients, is useful for therapy and suggests the speech specialist the best compensatory mechanism to improve the patients' swallowing and consequently their quality of life. Moreover, videofluorography of swallowing is a very useful tool in the follow-up, to monitor treatment outcome after rehabilitation.