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Swed Dent J.1998;22(4):157-64.


Number and frequency of bitewing radiographs and assessment of approximal caries in 14-to-19-year-old Swedish adolescents.

PMID: 9850558


本研究の仮説は、15~19歳の青少年において、う蝕の既往歴が個別化された咬合X線検査の指標となりうるというものである。オレブロ郡の公立歯科診療所のファイルから無作為に100人の青年(すべて19歳)を抽出した。93人の青少年について、公立歯科診療所のファイルと歯科放射線科のファイルを評価することにより、3歳から19歳までのすべての患者についてX線写真の総数を合計した。14歳から19歳までの咬合X線写真のすべてのセットについて、近似う蝕の評価を行った。3歳から19歳までの患者の口腔内X線写真の平均撮影枚数は24.4枚であった。14~19歳の青少年の70~80%が毎年咬合採得検査を受けていることが示された。15歳における咬合検査実施の決定は、14歳における初期う蝕の表面数と有意に相関していた。 その他の年齢群では、調査したいずれの変数もX線検査の実施と有意な相関は認められなかった。

The hypothesis of the present study was that previous experience of caries may serve as an indicator for individualised bitewing examinations in 15-19-old adolescents. One hundred adolescents, all 19 years old, were randomly selected from the files of public dental clinics in the County of Orebro. For 93 adolescents the total number of radiographs were summed for every patient from the age of 3 to 19 by assessing the files of public dental clinics and by assessing the files of the dental radiology department. All sets of bitewing radiographs from 14 up to and including the age of 19 were assessed with respect to approximal caries. The average number of intraoral radiographs exposed in a patient from the age of 3 through 19 was 24.4. It was shown that 70 to 80% of 14-19-year-old-adolescents had had a bitewing examination every year. The decision to perform a bite-wing examination in a 15-year-old was significantly correlated to the number of surfaces with initial caries at the age of 14. In the other age groups, none of the investigated variables was found to be significantly correlated to the performance of radiographic examinations.