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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Congenital third cranial nerve palsy with prenuclear dysinnervation involving otolithic pathways: Underpinnings of a novel congenital cranial dysinnervation disorder.
  • Pramod K Pandey
  • Divya Kishore
  • Annu Joon
  • Priya Saraf
  • Indian J Ophthalmol.2020 Jul;68(7):1478-1480. IndianJOphthalmol_2020_68_7_1478_287503. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1627_19.


Steroid injection and polyglycolic acid shielding as a prevention against stricture after esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection: a retrospective comparative analysis.
  • Yoshiki Sakaguchi
  • Yosuke Tsuji
  • Tomohiro Shinozaki
  • Daisuke Ohki
  • Hiroya Mizutani
  • Chihiro Minatsuki
  • Keiko Niimi
  • Nobutake Yamamichi
  • Kazuhiko Koike
  • Gastrointest. Endosc..2020 May;S0016-5107(20)34270-X. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2020.04.070.Epub 2020-05-03.


Body temperature elevation during exercise is essential for activating the Akt signaling pathway in the skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic rats.
  • Takamasa Tsuzuki
  • Toshinori Yoshihara
  • Noriko Ichinoseki-Sekine
  • Ryo Kakigi
  • Yuri Takamine
  • Hiroyuki Kobayashi
  • Hisashi Naito
  • PLoS ONE.2018;13(10):e0205456. PONE-D-18-18834. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205456.Epub 2018-10-10.


Inflammatory macrophage memory in NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease.
  • Pascal Haimerl
  • Ulrike Bernhardt
  • Sonja Schindela
  • Fiona Dr Henkel
  • Antonie Lechner
  • Ulrich M Zissler
  • Xavier Pastor
  • Dominique Thomas
  • Alexander Cecil
  • Yan Ge
  • Mark Haid
  • Cornelia Prehn
  • Janina Tokarz
  • Matthias Heinig
  • Jerzy Adamski
  • Carsten B Schmidt-Weber
  • Adam M Chaker
  • Julia Esser-von Bieren
  • J. Allergy Clin. Immunol..2020 Jun;S0091-6749(20)30803-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.04.064.Epub 2020-06-12.


Core-Shell poly-(D,l-Lactide-co-Glycolide)-chitosan Nanospheres with simvastatin-doxycycline for periodontal and osseous repair.
  • Po-Chun Chang
  • Wei-Chiu Tai
  • Hui-Ting Luo
  • Chern-Hsiung Lai
  • Hsu-Hsiang Lin
  • Zhi-Jie Lin
  • Ying-Chieh Chang
  • Bor-Shiunn Lee
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 May;158:627-635. S0141-8130(20)33043-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.04.183.Epub 2020-05-07.

Ad5 ベクター化 HIV ワクチン接種者における粘膜 T 細胞の長期的な活性化とホーミング表現型

Long-term mucosal T cell activation and homing phenotypes in recipients of an Ad5-vectored HIV vaccine.
  • Marcel E Curlin
  • Jason Shao
  • Gabriela Diaz
  • Paul T Edlefsen
  • Richard M Novak
  • Kenneth H Mayer
  • Mary Allen
  • Cecilia Morgan
  • Janine Maenza
  • Susan Buchbinder
  • Michael C Keefer
  • Stephen C De Rosa
  • Lawrence Corey
  • Ann Duerr
  • Vaccine.2020 Jul;S0264-410X(20)30829-X. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.06.043.Epub 2020-07-14.


The problem of axillary staging in breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Role of targeted axillary dissection and types of lymph node markers.
  • Diego Flores-Funes
  • José Aguilar-Jiménez
  • María Martínez-Gálvez
  • María José Ibáñez-Ibáñez
  • Luis Carrasco-González
  • José Ignacio Gil-Izquierdo
  • José Luis Aguayo-Albasini
  • Cir Esp.2020 May;S0009-739X(20)30097-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ciresp.2020.03.012.Epub 2020-05-05.


Speciation of mercury in water and biological samples by eco-friendly ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent based on liquid phase microextraction with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.
  • Arnon Thongsaw
  • Yuthapong Udnan
  • Gareth M Ross
  • Wipharat Chuachuad Chaiyasith
  • Talanta.2019 May;197:310-318. S0039-9140(19)30018-9. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.018.Epub 2019-01-09.


Arsenic trioxide induces regulatory functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells through interferon- inhibition.
  • Yishan Ye
  • Laure Ricard
  • Lama Siblany
  • Nicolas Stocker
  • Frédéric De Vassoigne
  • Eolia Brissot
  • Baptiste Lamarthée
  • Arsène Mekinian
  • Mohamad Mohty
  • Béatrice Gaugler
  • Florent Malard
  • Acta Pharm Sin B.2020 Jun;10(6):1061-1072. S2211-3835(19)30954-2. doi: 10.1016/j.apsb.2020.01.016.Epub 2020-01-31.

HNF1A糖尿病(3型若年者の成熟期糖尿病)患者におけるリナグリプチン治療の有無にかかわらずグリメピリドの有効性と安全性。A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial (GLIMLINA)

Efficacy and Safety of Glimepiride With or Without Linagliptin Treatment in Patients With HNF1A Diabetes (Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Type 3): A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial (GLIMLINA).
  • Alexander S Christensen
  • Sofie Hædersdal
  • Julie Støy
  • Heidi Storgaard
  • Ulla Kampmann
  • Julie L Forman
  • Marta Seghieri
  • Jens J Holst
  • Torben Hansen
  • Filip K Knop
  • Tina Vilsbøll
  • Diabetes Care.2020 Jul;dc200408. doi: 10.2337/dc20-0408.Epub 2020-07-13.


Successive exposure to Mentha piperita L. essential oil affects the culturability and induces membrane repair in a persister epidemic Salmonella Typhimurium PT4.
  • Adma Nadja Ferreira de Melo
  • Geany Targino de Souza Pedrosa
  • Erika Tayse da Cruz Almeida
  • Guojie Cao
  • Dumitru Macarisin
  • Donald W Schaffner
  • Evandro L de Souza
  • Marciane Magnani
  • Microb. Pathog..2020 May;149:104264. S0882-4010(20)30630-6. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104264.Epub 2020-05-25.

花粉がインフルエンザ様の流行を抑制する季節的要因と思われる花粉の数と花粉症とインフルエンザ様発症率の逆関係を調べたオランダの研究 2016-2019年

Pollen likely seasonal factor in inhibiting flu-like epidemics. A Dutch study into the inverse relation between pollen counts, hay fever and flu-like incidence 2016-2019.
  • Martijn J Hoogeveen
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 Jul;727:138543. S0048-9697(20)32056-8. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138543.Epub 2020-04-17.


Effects of feeding diets with processed Moringa oleifera stem meal on growth and laying performance, and immunological and antioxidant activities in laying ducks.
  • S L Yang
  • R C Yang
  • X Zhou
  • S H Yang
  • L L Luo
  • Y C Zhu
  • Surintorn Boonanuntan
  • Poult. Sci..2020 Jul;99(7):3445-3451. S0032-5791(20)30238-8. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.04.002.Epub 2020-04-24.


Biological Characterization of F508delCFTR Protein Processing by the CFTR Corrector ABBV-2222/GLPG2222.
  • Ashvani K Singh
  • Yihong Fan
  • Corina Balut
  • Sara Alani
  • Arlene M Manelli
  • Andrew M Swensen
  • Ying Jia
  • Torben R Neelands
  • Timothy A Vortherms
  • Bo Liu
  • Xenia B Searle
  • Xueqing Wang
  • Wenqing Gao
  • Tzyh-Chang Hwang
  • Hong Y Ren
  • Douglas Cyr
  • Philip R Kym
  • Katja Conrath
  • Chris Tse
  • J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther..2020 01;372(1):107-118. jpet.119.261800. doi: 10.1124/jpet.119.261800.Epub 2019-11-15.


Dietary factors during pregnancy and atopic outcomes in childhood: a systematic review from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
  • C Venter
  • C Agostoni
  • S H Arshad
  • M Ben-Abdallah
  • G Du Toit
  • D M Fleischer
  • M Greenhawt
  • D H Glueck
  • M Groetch
  • N Lunjani
  • K Maslin
  • A Maiorella
  • R Meyer
  • A Muraro
  • M J Netting
  • B I Nwaru
  • D J Palmer
  • M P Palumbo
  • G Roberts
  • C Roduit
  • P K Smith
  • E Untersmayr
  • L Vanderlinden
  • L O'Mahony
  • Pediatr Allergy Immunol.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/pai.13303.Epub 2020-06-10.

漢方薬Radix Paeoniae Rubraがアラキドン酸経路のPTGS2を調節して慢性骨盤内炎症疾患を改善するメカニズムの研究

Research on the mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine Radix Paeoniae Rubra in improving chronic pelvic inflammation disease by regulating PTGS2 in the arachidonic acid pathway.
  • Xiao-Hong Li
  • Yan-Ru Liu
  • Da-Hai Jiang
  • Zhi-Shu Tang
  • Da-Wei Qian
  • Zhong-Xing Song
  • Lin Chen
  • Xin-Bo Shi
  • Ning-Juan Yang
  • Ya-Feng Yan
  • Ai-Bing Chang
  • Biomed. Pharmacother..2020 Jun;129:110052. S0753-3322(20)30243-2. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110052.Epub 2020-06-16.


Association between interatrial block, left atrial fibrosis, and mechanical dyssynchrony: Electrocardiography-magnetic resonance imaging correlation.
  • Luisa Ciuffo
  • Vanesa Bruña
  • Manuel Martínez-Sellés
  • Henrique Doria de Vasconcellos
  • Susumu Tao
  • Tarek Zghaib
  • Saman Nazarian
  • David D Spragg
  • Joseph Marine
  • Ronald D Berger
  • Joao A C Lima
  • Hugh Calkins
  • Antonio Bayés-de-Luna
  • Hiroshi Ashikaga
  • J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol..2020 Jul;31(7):1719-1725. doi: 10.1111/jce.14608.Epub 2020-06-15.


Questioning the prognostic role of BAP-1 immunohistochemistry in malignant pleural mesothelioma: A single center experience with systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Luca Cantini
  • Federica Pecci
  • Alberto Murrone
  • Marco Tomasetti
  • Cecilia Copparoni
  • Ilaria Fiordoliva
  • Francesca Morgese
  • Silvia Rinaldi
  • Paola Mazzanti
  • Corrado Rubini
  • Alessia Cimadamore
  • Francesca Barbisan
  • Riccardo Giampieri
  • Marina Scarpelli
  • Lory Santarelli
  • Rossana Berardi
  • Lung Cancer.2020 Aug;146:318-326. S0169-5002(20)30498-0. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.06.024.Epub 2020-06-21.


Separate domains of G3BP promote efficient clustering of alphavirus replication complexes and recruitment of the translation initiation machinery.
  • Benjamin Götte
  • Marc D Panas
  • Kirsi Hellström
  • Lifeng Liu
  • Baila Samreen
  • Ola Larsson
  • Tero Ahola
  • Gerald M McInerney
  • PLoS Pathog..2019 06;15(6):e1007842. PPATHOGENS-D-19-00011. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007842.Epub 2019-06-14.


An integrative approach to the facile functional classification of dorsal root ganglion neuronal subclasses.
  • Mario J Giacobassi
  • Lee S Leavitt
  • Shrinivasan Raghuraman
  • Rishi Alluri
  • Kevin Chase
  • Rocio K Finol-Urdaneta
  • Heinrich Terlau
  • Russell W Teichert
  • Baldomero M Olivera
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2020 03;117(10):5494-5501. 1911382117. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1911382117.Epub 2020-02-20.


Patients help other patients: Qualitative study on a longstanding community cooperative to tackle leprosy in India.
  • Seong Hye Jung
  • Hee Won Han
  • Hyeonseok Koh
  • Soo-Young Yu
  • Nobutoshi Nawa
  • Ayako Morita
  • Ken Ing Cherng Ong
  • Masamine Jimba
  • Juhwan Oh
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 01;14(1):e0008016. PNTD-D-19-00319. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008016.Epub 2020-01-13.


Bronchoalveolar bile acid and inflammatory markers to identify high-risk lung transplant recipients with reflux and microaspiration.
  • Chen Yang Kevin Zhang
  • Musawir Ahmed
  • Ella Huszti
  • Liran Levy
  • Sarah E Hunter
  • Kristen M Boonstra
  • Sajad Moshkelgosha
  • Andrew T Sage
  • Sassan Azad
  • Ricardo Zamel
  • Rasheed Ghany
  • Jonathan C Yeung
  • Oscar M Crespin
  • Courtney Frankel
  • Marie Budev
  • Pali Shah
  • John M Reynolds
  • Laurie D Snyder
  • John A Belperio
  • Lianne G Singer
  • S Samuel Weigt
  • Jamie L Todd
  • Scott M Palmer
  • Shaf Keshavjee
  • Tereza Martinu
  • J. Heart Lung Transplant..2020 May;S1053-2498(20)31558-8. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2020.05.006.Epub 2020-05-19.


Vitamin D Receptor Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue of Obese Individuals is Regulated by miRNA and Correlates with the Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Level.
  • Marta Izabela Jonas
  • Alina Kuryłowicz
  • Zbigniew Bartoszewicz
  • Wojciech Lisik
  • Maurycy Jonas
  • Krzysztof Kozniewski
  • Monika Puzianowska-Kuznicka
  • Int J Mol Sci.2019 Oct;20(21). E5272. doi: 10.3390/ijms20215272.Epub 2019-10-24.