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2021年05月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Longevity of Teeth and Dental Implants in Patients Treated for Chronic Periodontitis Following Periodontal Maintenance Therapy in a Private Specialist Practice: A Retrospective Study with a 10-Year Follow-up.
  • Renzo Guarnieri
  • Dario Di Nardo
  • Gianni Di Giorgio
  • Gabriele Miccoli
  • Luca Testarelli
  • Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2021 Jan-Feb;41(1):89-98. doi: 10.11607/prd.4674.


Longevity of Teeth and Dental Implants in Patients Treated for Chronic Periodontitis Following Periodontal Maintenance Therapy in a Private Specialist Practice: A Retrospective Study with a 10-Year Follow-up.
  • Renzo Guarnieri
  • Dario Di Nardo
  • Gianni Di Giorgio
  • Gabriele Miccoli
  • Luca Testarelli
  • Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2021 Jan-Feb;41(1):89-98. doi: 10.11607/prd.4674.


Comparison between computer-guided and freehand dental implant placement surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • F C Yogui
  • F R Verri
  • J M de Luna Gomes
  • C A A Lemos
  • R S Cruz
  • E P Pellizzer
  • Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2021 Feb;50(2):242-250. S0901-5027(20)30302-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.08.004.Epub 2020-09-10.


Survival and complication rates of tooth-implant versus freestanding implant supporting fixed partial prosthesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Gerardo La Monaca
  • Nicola Pranno
  • Susanna Annibali
  • Cordaro Massimo
  • Antonella Polimeni
  • Romeo Patini
  • Maria Paola Cristalli
  • J Prosthodont Res.2021 Feb;65(1):1-10. doi: 10.2186/jpr.JPOR_2019_494.Epub 2020-09-09.


Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes of Single Posterior Implant-Supported Restorations Completed by Predoctoral Students: A Retrospective Study with Up to 10 Years of Follow Up.
  • Despoina Bompolaki
  • Sara A Edmondson
  • James A Katancik
  • Phophi Kamposiora
  • George Papavasiliou
  • J Prosthodont.2021 Feb;30(2):111-118. doi: 10.1111/jopr.13284.Epub 2020-12-11.


Long-Term Comparison of Survival and Marginal Bone of Implants with and without Sinus Augmentation in Maxillary Molars within the Same Patients: A 5.8- to 22-Year Retrospective Study.
  • Won-Bae Park
  • Ji-Young Han
  • Kyung-Lhi Kang
  • J Clin Med.2021 Mar;10(7). 1360. doi: 10.3390/jcm10071360.Epub 2021-03-25.


Adjunctive use of enamel matrix derivatives to porcine-derived xenograft for the treatment of one-wall intrabony defects: Two-year longitudinal results of a randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Jae-Hong Lee
  • Do-Hyung Kim
  • Seong-Nyum Jeong
  • J Periodontol.2020 07;91(7):880-889. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0432.Epub 2019-12-29.


Acceleration of bone regeneration of horizontal bone defect in rats using collagen-binding basic fibroblast growth factor combined with collagen scaffolds.
  • Shin Nakamura
  • Takashi Ito
  • Kentaro Okamoto
  • Takehiko Mima
  • Kentaro Uchida
  • Yasir D Siddiqui
  • Masahiro Ito
  • Masako Tai
  • Keisuke Okubo
  • Keisuke Yamashiro
  • Kazuhiro Omori
  • Tadashi Yamamoto
  • Osamu Matsushita
  • Shogo Takashiba
  • J Periodontol.2019 09;90(9):1043-1052. doi: 10.1002/JPER.18-0674.Epub 2019-04-14.


Two-year randomized clinical trial of enamel matrix derivative treated infrabony defects: radiographic analysis.
  • Mariana Schutzer Ragghianti Zangrando
  • Daniela Chambrone
  • Ivan Munhoz Pasin
  • Marina Clemente Conde
  • Cláudio Mendes Pannuti
  • Luiz Antônio Pugliesi Alves de Lima
  • BMC Oral Health.2014 Dec;14:149. 1472-6831-14-149. doi: 10.1186/1472-6831-14-149.Epub 2014-12-04.