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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


FAK activity sustains intrinsic and acquired ovarian cancer resistance to platinum chemotherapy.
  • Carlos J Diaz Osterman
  • Duygu Ozmadenci
  • Elizabeth G Kleinschmidt
  • Kristin N Taylor
  • Allison M Barrie
  • Shulin Jiang
  • Lisa M Bean
  • Florian J Sulzmaier
  • Christine Jean
  • Isabelle Tancioni
  • Kristen Anderson
  • Sean Uryu
  • Edward A Cordasco
  • Jian Li
  • Xiao Lei Chen
  • Guo Fu
  • Marjaana Ojalill
  • Pekka Rappu
  • Jyrki Heino
  • Adam M Mark
  • Guorong Xu
  • Kathleen M Fisch
  • Vihren N Kolev
  • David T Weaver
  • Jonathan A Pachter
  • Balázs Győrffy
  • Michael T McHale
  • Denise C Connolly
  • Alfredo Molinolo
  • Dwayne G Stupack
  • David D Schlaepfer
  • Elife.2019 09;8. e47327. doi: 10.7554/eLife.47327.Epub 2019-09-03.


The Mediterranean diet and menopausal health: An EMAS position statement.
  • Antonio Cano
  • Skye Marshall
  • Irene Zolfaroli
  • Johannes Bitzer
  • Iuliana Ceausu
  • Peter Chedraui
  • Fatih Durmusoglu
  • Risto Erkkola
  • Dimitrios G Goulis
  • Angelica Lindén Hirschberg
  • Ludwig Kiesel
  • Patrice Lopes
  • Amos Pines
  • Mick van Trotsenburg
  • Irene Lambrinoudaki
  • Margaret Rees
  • Maturitas.2020 Jul;S0378-5122(20)30325-X. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2020.07.001.Epub 2020-07-13.

未治療の濾胞性リンパ腫を対象としたBendamustine/RituximabとBortezomib導入またはLenalidomide継続併用の3アーム無作為化第II相試験。ECOG-ACRIN E2408

A Three-Arm Randomized Phase II Study of Bendamustine/Rituximab with Bortezomib Induction or Lenalidomide Continuation in Untreated Follicular Lymphoma: ECOG-ACRIN E2408.
  • Andrew M Evens
  • Fangxin Hong
  • Thomas M Habermann
  • Ranjana H Advani
  • Randy D Gascoyne
  • Thomas E Witzig
  • Andrew Quon
  • Erik A Ranheim
  • Stephen M Ansell
  • Puneet Singh Cheema
  • Philip A Dy
  • Timothy E O'Brien
  • Jane N Winter
  • Terrence P Cescon
  • Julie E Chang
  • Brad S Kahl
  • Clin. Cancer Res..2020 Jun;1078-0432.CCR-20-1345. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-1345.Epub 2020-06-12.


Urinary Angiotensinogen in addition to Imaging Classification in the Prediction of Renal Outcome in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
  • Hayne Cho Park
  • Juhee Kim
  • AJin Cho
  • Do Hyoung Kim
  • Young Ki Lee
  • Hyunjin Ryu
  • Hyunsuk Kim
  • Kook Hwan Oh
  • Yun Kyu Oh
  • Young Hwan Hwang
  • Kyu Beck Lee
  • Soo Wan Kim
  • Yeong Hoon Kim
  • Joongyub Lee
  • Curie Ahn
  • J. Korean Med. Sci..2020 Jun;35(22):e165. 35.e165. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2020.35.e165.Epub 2020-06-08.


Integrating the Population Perspective into Health System Performance Assessment (IPHA): Study Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study in Germany Linking Survey and Claims Data of Statutorily and Privately Insured.
  • Miriam Blümel
  • Julia Röttger
  • Julia Köppen
  • Katharina Achstetter
  • Reinhard Busse
  • Int J Health Policy Manag.2020 Jan;doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.141.Epub 2020-01-20.


Training-Induced Deactivation of the AT Receptor Pathway Drives Autonomic Control and Heart Remodeling During the Transition From the Pre- to Hypertensive Phase in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
  • Tassia Santos Rodrigues da Costa
  • Gustavo Santos Masson
  • Rosangela Aparecida Dos Santos Eichler
  • Juliane Cristina de Souza Silva
  • Silvia Lacchini
  • Lisete Compagno Michelini
  • Circ. J..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-19-1161.Epub 2020-06-10.


Effects of dietary protein levels and protease supplementation on growth performance, carcass traits, meat quality, and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acid in Pekin ducks fed a complex diet.
  • Q D Wang
  • K Y Zhang
  • Y Zhang
  • S P Bai
  • X M Ding
  • J P Wang
  • H W Peng
  • G Tian
  • Y Xuan
  • Z W Su
  • Q F Zeng
  • Poult. Sci..2020 Jul;99(7):3557-3566. S0032-5791(20)30223-6. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.03.047.Epub 2020-04-27.


Comparison of the neurocognitive outcomes in term infants treated with levetiracetam and phenobarbital monotherapy for neonatal clinical seizures.
  • Pinar Arican
  • Nihal Olgac Dundar
  • Neslihan Mete Atasever
  • Mine Akkaya Inal
  • Pinar Gencpinar
  • Dilek Cavusoglu
  • Sinem Akbay
  • Hasan Tekgul
  • Seizure.2020 Jun;80:71-74. S1059-1311(20)30168-0. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2020.06.006.Epub 2020-06-05.


Crotonylation of key metabolic enzymes regulates carbon catabolite repression in Streptomyces roseosporus.
  • Chen-Fan Sun
  • Wei-Feng Xu
  • Qing-Wei Zhao
  • Shuai Luo
  • Xin-Ai Chen
  • Yong-Quan Li
  • Xu-Ming Mao
  • Commun Biol.2020 Apr;3(1):192. 10.1038/s42003-020-0924-2. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0924-2.Epub 2020-04-24.


HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis Formation via ROS-Dependent Upregulation of Twist.
  • Ekaterina Bayurova
  • Juris Jansons
  • Dace Skrastina
  • Olga Smirnova
  • Dzeina Mezale
  • Anastasia Kostyusheva
  • Dmitry Kostyushev
  • Stefan Petkov
  • Philip Podschwadt
  • Vladimir Valuev-Elliston
  • Sviataslau Sasinovich
  • Sergey Korolev
  • Per Warholm
  • Anastasia Latanova
  • Elizaveta Starodubova
  • Amir Tukhvatulin
  • Oleg Latyshev
  • Renat Selimov
  • Pavel Metalnikov
  • Alexander Komarov
  • Olga Ivanova
  • Tatiana Gorodnicheva
  • Sergey Kochetkov
  • Marina Gottikh
  • Ilze Strumfa
  • Alexander Ivanov
  • Ilya Gordeychuk
  • Maria Isaguliants
  • Oxid Med Cell Longev.2019;2019:6016278. doi: 10.1155/2019/6016278.Epub 2019-12-02.


Defining the emergence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in breast cancer using single-cell transcriptomics.
  • Hamad Alshetaiwi
  • Nicholas Pervolarakis
  • Laura Lynn McIntyre
  • Dennis Ma
  • Quy Nguyen
  • Jan Akara Rath
  • Kevin Nee
  • Grace Hernandez
  • Katrina Evans
  • Leona Torosian
  • Anushka Silva
  • Craig Walsh
  • Kai Kessenbrock
  • Sci Immunol.2020 02;5(44). eaay6017. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.aay6017.


Catabolic Division of Labor Enhances Production of D-Lactate and Succinate From Glucose-Xylose Mixtures in Engineered Co-culture Systems.
  • Andrew D Flores
  • Hyun G Choi
  • Rodrigo Martinez
  • Moses Onyeabor
  • E Zeynep Ayla
  • Amanda Godar
  • Michael Machas
  • David R Nielsen
  • Xuan Wang
  • Front Bioeng Biotechnol.2020;8:329. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00329.Epub 2020-05-05.


Red Blood Cell AE1/Band 3 Transports in Dominant Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis Patients.
  • Jean-Philippe Bertocchio
  • Sandrine Genetet
  • Lydie Da Costa
  • Stephen B Walsh
  • Bertrand Knebelmann
  • Julie Galimand
  • Lucie Bessenay
  • Corinne Guitton
  • Renaud De Lafaille
  • Rosa Vargas-Poussou
  • Dominique Eladari
  • Isabelle Mouro-Chanteloup
  • Kidney Int Rep.2020 Mar;5(3):348-357. S2468-0249(20)30007-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2019.12.020.Epub 2020-01-13.


Recurrent microdeletions at chromosome 2p11.2 are associated with thymic hypoplasia and features resembling DiGeorge syndrome.
  • Joshua D Bernstock
  • Arthur H Totten
  • Abdel G Elkahloun
  • Kory R Johnson
  • Anna C Hurst
  • Frederick Goldman
  • Andrew K Groves
  • Fady M Mikhail
  • T Prescott Atkinson
  • J. Allergy Clin. Immunol..2020 Jan;145(1):358-367.e2. S0091-6749(19)31256-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.09.020.Epub 2019-10-07.

高分解能質量分析法によるAverrhoa carambola L.樹皮中の二次代謝物の同定とα-グルコシダーゼ、チロシナーゼ、エラスターゼ、抗酸化力の評価

Identification of secondary metabolites in Averrhoa carambola L. bark by high-resolution mass spectrometry and evaluation for α-glucosidase, tyrosinase, elastase, and antioxidant potential.
  • Syful Islam
  • Md Badrul Alam
  • Arif Ahmed
  • Seulgidaun Lee
  • Sang-Han Lee
  • Sunghwan Kim
  • Food Chem.2020 Jun;332:127377. S0308-8146(20)31239-5. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127377.Epub 2020-06-23.


Development of a pseudovirus assay and evaluation to screen natural products for inhibition of HIV-1 subtype C reverse transcriptase.
  • Lufuno Grace Mavhandu
  • Hua Cheng
  • Yeou-Cheng Bor
  • Denis Manga Tebit
  • Marie-Louise Hammarskjold
  • David Rekosh
  • Pascal Obong Bessong
  • J Ethnopharmacol.2020 Aug;258:112931. S0378-8741(20)30780-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112931.Epub 2020-04-30.


A prospective evaluation of inter-rater agreement of routine medical records audits at a large general hospital in São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Ana Carolina Cintra Nunes Mafra
  • João Luiz Miraglia
  • Fernando Antonio Basile Colugnati
  • Gilberto Soares Lourenço Padilha
  • Renata Rafaella Santos Tadeucci
  • Ederson Almeida
  • Mario Maia Bracco
  • BMC Health Serv Res.2020 Jul;20(1):638. 10.1186/s12913-020-05495-w. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05495-w.Epub 2020-07-10.


A child with rhombencephalosynapsis, agenesis of the trigeminal ganglion and optic coloboma (without alopecia): a variant of the cerebellotrigeminal dermal dysplasia?
  • Federica Sullo
  • Stefano Palmucci
  • Agata Polizzi
  • Martino Ruggieri
  • Andrea D Praticò
  • Clin. Dysmorphol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/MCD.0000000000000333.Epub 2020-07-10.

Klf9 は、グルココルチコイド受容体活性に対するトランスクリプトーム応答を制御する重要なフィードフォワード制御因子である

Klf9 is a key feedforward regulator of the transcriptomic response to glucocorticoid receptor activity.
  • Ian Gans
  • Ellen I Hartig
  • Shusen Zhu
  • Andrea R Tilden
  • Lucie N Hutchins
  • Nathaniel J Maki
  • Joel H Graber
  • James A Coffman
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11415. 10.1038/s41598-020-68040-z. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68040-z.Epub 2020-07-10.

QbD(Quality by Design)アプローチを用いたリバスチグミンを搭載したナノ構造脂質キャリア(NLC)の鼻から脳への送達のための二重最適化。配合変数と機器パラメータ

Double Optimization of Rivastigmine-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) for Nose-to-Brain Delivery Using the Quality by Design (QbD) Approach: Formulation Variables and Instrumental Parameters.
  • Sara Cunha
  • Cláudia Pina Costa
  • Joana A Loureiro
  • Jorge Alves
  • Andreia F Peixoto
  • Ben Forbes
  • José Manuel Sousa Lobo
  • Ana Catarina Silva
  • Pharmaceutics.2020 Jun;12(7). E599. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070599.Epub 2020-06-28.


Mutations in the iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis protein HSCB cause congenital sideroblastic anemia.
  • Andrew Crispin
  • Chaoshe Guo
  • Caiyong Chen
  • Dean R Campagna
  • Paul J Schmidt
  • Daniel A Lichtenstein
  • Chang Cao
  • Anoop K Sendamarai
  • Gordon J Hildick-Smith
  • Nicholas C Huston
  • Jeanne Boudreaux
  • Sylvia S Bottomley
  • Matthew M Heeney
  • Barry H Paw
  • Mark D Fleming
  • Sarah Ducamp
  • J. Clin. Invest..2020 Jul;135479. doi: 10.1172/JCI135479.Epub 2020-07-07.