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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


High levels of chemerin associated with variants in the NOS3 and APOB genes in rural populations of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
  • A P Batista
  • K F Barbosa
  • C Z Masioli
  • E M Queiroz
  • C C Marinho
  • A P C Cândido
  • G L L Machado-Coelho
  • Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res..2020;53(6):e9113. S0100-879X2020000600601. doi: 10.1590/1414-431x20209113.Epub 2020-05-08.


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): an evidence map of medical literature.
  • Nan Liu
  • Marcel Lucas Chee
  • Chenglin Niu
  • Pin Pin Pek
  • Fahad Javaid Siddiqui
  • John Pastor Ansah
  • David Bruce Matchar
  • Sean Shao Wei Lam
  • Hairil Rizal Abdullah
  • Angelique Chan
  • Rahul Malhotra
  • Nicholas Graves
  • Mariko Siyue Koh
  • Sungwon Yoon
  • Andrew Fu Wah Ho
  • Daniel Shu Wei Ting
  • Jenny Guek Hong Low
  • Marcus Eng Hock Ong
  • BMC Med Res Methodol.2020 07;20(1):177. 10.1186/s12874-020-01059-y. doi: 10.1186/s12874-020-01059-y.Epub 2020-07-02.


Cultivar- and wood area-dependent metabolomic fingerprints of grapevine infected by Botryosphaeria dieback.
  • Christelle Lemaître-Guillier
  • Florence Fontaine
  • Chloé Roullier-Gall
  • Mourad Harir
  • Maryline Magnin-Robert
  • Christophe Clément
  • Sophie Trouvelot
  • Régis D Gougeon
  • Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin
  • Marielle Adrian
  • Phytopathology.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-02-20-0055-R.Epub 2020-06-29.


The antioxidant, aged garlic extract, exerts cytotoxic effects on wild-type and multidrug-resistant human cancer cells by altering mitochondrial permeability.
  • Shinji Ohkubo
  • Lisa Dalla Via
  • Silvia Grancara
  • Yuta Kanamori
  • Aída Nelly García-Argáez
  • Gianluca Canettieri
  • Paolo Arcari
  • Antonio Toninello
  • Enzo Agostinelli
  • Int. J. Oncol..2018 Sep;53(3):1257-1268. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2018.4452.Epub 2018-06-22.


A quality improvement initiative to implement the eat, sleep, console neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome care tool in Massachusetts' PNQIN collaborative.
  • Elisha M Wachman
  • Mary Houghton
  • Patrice Melvin
  • Breanna C Isley
  • Jennifer Murzycki
  • Rachana Singh
  • Susan Minear
  • Kathryn Dee L MacMillan
  • Debra Banville
  • Amy Walker
  • Teresa Mitchell
  • Rose Galimi-Hayes
  • Selena Jorgensen
  • Daphne Remy Gomes
  • Fran Hodgins
  • Bonny L Whalen
  • Hafsatou Diop
  • Munish Gupta
  • J Perinatol.2020 Jul;10.1038/s41372-020-0733-y. doi: 10.1038/s41372-020-0733-y.Epub 2020-07-16.


Trpm4 ion channels in pre-Bötzinger complex interneurons are essential for breathing motor pattern but not rhythm.
  • Maria Cristina D Picardo
  • Yae K Sugimura
  • Kaitlyn E Dorst
  • Prajkta S Kallurkar
  • Victoria T Akins
  • Xingru Ma
  • Ryoichi Teruyama
  • Romain Guinamard
  • Kaiwen Kam
  • Margaret S Saha
  • Christopher A Del Negro
  • PLoS Biol..2019 02;17(2):e2006094. pbio.2006094. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006094.Epub 2019-02-21.


Coronal Hamate Fractures with Carpometacarpal Dislocation Treated Effectively Using Headless Compression Screws with Percutaneous Pinning Fixation by Using the 2-Directional Approach: A Report of 2 Cases.
  • Hirokazu Shimizu
  • Tomoya Matsuhashi
  • Akira Fukushima
  • Yusuke Menjo
  • Yoshihiro Hojo
  • Norimasa Iwasaki
  • JBJS Case Connect.2020 Apr-Jun;10(2):e0361. 01709767-202006000-00041. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.CC.19.00361.


FDG-PET in Cotard syndrome before and after treatment: can functional brain imaging support a two-factor hypothesis of nihilistic delusions?
  • Miguel Restrepo-Martínez
  • Mariana Espinola-Nadurille
  • Leo Bayliss
  • Ivan Díaz-Meneses
  • Nora E Kerik
  • Mario F Mendez
  • Jesús Ramírez-Bermúdez
  • Cogn Neuropsychiatry.2019 11;24(6):470-480. doi: 10.1080/13546805.2019.1676710.Epub 2019-10-09.


Significance of switching of the nucleos(t)ide analog used to treat Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection from entecavir to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate.
  • Yoshihito Uchida
  • Masamitsu Nakao
  • Shohei Tsuji
  • Hayato Uemura
  • Jun-Ichi Kouyama
  • Kayoko Naiki
  • Daisuke Motoya
  • Kayoko Sugawara
  • Nobuaki Nakayama
  • Yukinori Imai
  • Tomoaki Tomiya
  • Satoshi Mochida
  • J. Med. Virol..2020 Aug;92(8):1370. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25837.Epub 2020-04-17.


Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement.
  • Bahaa Abu-Raya
  • Kirsten Maertens
  • Kathryn M Edwards
  • Saad B Omer
  • Janet A Englund
  • Katie L Flanagan
  • Matthew D Snape
  • Gayatri Amirthalingam
  • Elke Leuridan
  • Pierre Van Damme
  • Vana Papaevangelou
  • Odile Launay
  • Ron Dagan
  • Magda Campins
  • Anna Franca Cavaliere
  • Tiziana Frusca
  • Sofia Guidi
  • Miguel O'Ryan
  • Ulrich Heininger
  • Tina Tan
  • Ahmed R Alsuwaidi
  • Marco A Safadi
  • Luz M Vilca
  • Nasamon Wanlapakorn
  • Shabir A Madhi
  • Michelle L Giles
  • Roman Prymula
  • Shamez Ladhani
  • Federico Martinón-Torres
  • Litjen Tan
  • Lessandra Michelin
  • Giovanni Scambia
  • Nicola Principi
  • Susanna Esposito
  • Front Immunol.2020;11:1282. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01282.Epub 2020-06-24.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder is Not Associated with High-Risk HPV.
  • Jennifer Gordetsky
  • Andrew J Spieker
  • Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez Pena
  • Sonia Kamanda
  • Michele R Anderson
  • John Cheville
  • Steve Boorjian
  • Igor Frank
  • Carlos Prieto Granada
  • Eva Comperat
  • Michelle S Hirsch
  • Kenneth A Iczkowski
  • Brittney Imblum
  • Lauren Schwartz
  • Giovanna A Giannico
  • Soroush Rais-Bahrami
  • Urology.2020 Jul;S0090-4295(20)30832-3. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2020.06.065.Epub 2020-07-15.

オーストラリアのダーウィン地域におけるキネトプラスティダ(Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae)の媒介者と疑われる() (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)の種を、新しいサーベイランスシステムを用いて調査した

Utilising a novel surveillance system to investigate species of () (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) as the suspected vectors of (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) in the Darwin region of Australia.
  • Elina Panahi
  • Martin Shivas
  • Sonja Hall-Mendelin
  • Nina Kurucz
  • Penny A Rudd
  • Rachel De Araujo
  • Eloise B Skinner
  • Lorna Melville
  • Lara J Herrero
  • Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl.2020 Aug;12:192-198. S2213-2244(20)30060-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.06.004.Epub 2020-06-17.


S-methyl-L-cysteine Protects against Antimycin A-induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neural Cells via Mimicking Endogenous Methionine-centered Redox Cycle.
  • Lan Ni
  • Xin-Lei Guan
  • Fu-Feng Chen
  • Peng-Fei Wu
  • Curr Med Sci.2020 Jun;40(3):422-433. 10.1007/s11596-020-2196-y. doi: 10.1007/s11596-020-2196-y.Epub 2020-07-17.


N-WASP Control of LPAR1 Trafficking Establishes Response to Self-Generated LPA Gradients to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Metastasis.
  • Amelie Juin
  • Heather J Spence
  • Kirsty J Martin
  • Ewan McGhee
  • Matthew Neilson
  • Marie F A Cutiongco
  • Nikolaj Gadegaard
  • Gillian Mackay
  • Loic Fort
  • Sergio Lilla
  • Gabriela Kalna
  • Peter Thomason
  • Yvette W H Koh
  • Jim C Norman
  • Robert H Insall
  • Laura M Machesky
  • Dev. Cell.2019 11;51(4):431-445.e7. S1534-5807(19)30774-9. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.09.018.Epub 2019-10-24.


Activation of Mitochondrial orf355 Gene Expression by A Nuclear-Encoded DREB Transcription Factor Causes Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Maize.
  • Senlin Xiao
  • Jie Zang
  • Yuanrong Pei
  • Jie Liu
  • Juan Liu
  • Wei Song
  • Zi Shi
  • Aiguo Su
  • Jiuran Zhao
  • Huabang Chen
  • Mol Plant.2020 Jul;S1674-2052(20)30215-X. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.07.002.Epub 2020-07-03.


Cooling assisted headspace microextraction by packed sorbent coupled to HPLC for the determination of volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil.
  • Fariba Nazari Serenjeh
  • Payman Hashemi
  • Ali Reza Ghiasvand
  • Fahimeh Rasolzadeh
  • Nahid Heydari
  • Alireza Badiei
  • Anal. Chim. Acta.2020 Aug;1125:128-134. S0003-2670(20)30625-5. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2020.05.067.Epub 2020-05-29.