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2021年04月 みんなが読んでいる論文

に訂正します。Baseline HbA1c Level Influences the Effect of Periodontal Therapy on Glycemic Control in People with Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis(ベースラインHbA1cレベルが歯周病治療の血糖コントロールへの効果に影響する。A Systematic Review on Randomized Controlled Trails

Correction to: Baseline HbA1c Level Influences the Effect of Periodontal Therapy on Glycemic Control in People with Type 2 Diabetes and Periodontitis: A Systematic Review on Randomized Controlled Trails.
  • Ya-Fei Chen
  • Qi Zhan
  • Chen-Zhou Wu
  • Yi-Hang Yuan
  • Wen Chen
  • Fan-Yuan Yu
  • Yi Li
  • Long-Jiang Li
  • Diabetes Ther.2021 Mar;10.1007/s13300-021-01036-8. doi: 10.1007/s13300-021-01036-8.Epub 2021-03-27.


Atrophic Maxilla Rehabilitation Through Dental Implants Using the V-4 Strategy Associated With Guided Surgery: A Case Report and Technique Description.
  • Maurício Saraiva Meirelles
  • Daniel Costa Ferreira de Almeida
  • Glauco Rodrigues Velloso
  • Madelaine Torres
  • Suelen Cristina Sartoretto
  • Vittorio Moraschini
  • J Oral Implantol.2020 Dec;449186. doi: 10.1563/aaid-joi-D-20-00121.Epub 2020-12-03.


Oral microbiota and atherothrombotic carotid plaque vulnerability in periodontitis patients. A cross-sectional study.
  • Adrian Brun
  • Alexandre Nuzzo
  • Bastien Prouvost
  • Devy Diallo
  • Sandrella Hamdan
  • Elena Meseguer
  • Céline Guidoux
  • Philippa Lavallée
  • Pierre Amarenco
  • Guy Lesèche
  • Philippe Bouchard
  • Jean-Baptiste Michel
  • Hélène Rangé
  • J Periodontal Res.2021 Apr;56(2):339-350. doi: 10.1111/jre.12826.Epub 2020-12-25.

歯内療法前のコンポジットビルドアップで準備されたアクセスキャビティ周辺の歯内療法用仮設修復材のマージナルリーク:In Vitro Study

Marginal Leakage of Endodontic Temporary Restorative Materials around Access Cavities Prepared with Pre-Endodontic Composite Build-Up: An In Vitro Study.
  • Atsushi Kameyama
  • Aoi Saito
  • Akiko Haruyama
  • Tomoaki Komada
  • Setsuko Sugiyama
  • Toshiyuki Takahashi
  • Takashi Muramatsu
  • Materials (Basel).2020 Apr;13(7). E1700. doi: 10.3390/ma13071700.Epub 2020-04-05.


[Some problems concerning the occlusion of deciduous teeth of 3 year-old children. II. 1. Profilogram of deciduous dentition. 2. Occlusion of the cynodont of milk tooth and termination. 3. A classification of the occlusion of deciduous teeth by the terminal plane].
  • Y Isshiki
  • K Yatabe
  • H Yamaguchi
  • Y Kitafusa
  • Shikwa Gakuho.1970 Apr;70(4):74-83.


Reliability and accuracy of cone beam computed tomography versus conventional multidetector computed tomography for image-guided craniofacial implant planning: An in vitro study.
  • J P Dings
  • L Verhamme
  • M A Merkx
  • T Xi
  • G J Meijer
  • T J Maal
  • Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2019 May/June;34(3):665–672. doi: 10.11607/jomi.6915.Epub 2019-04-01.


Potential clinical application of masseter and temporal muscle massage treatment using an oral rehabilitation robot in temporomandibular disorder patients with myofascial pain.
  • Yoshiko Ariji
  • Miwa Nakayama
  • Wataru Nishiyama
  • Nobumi Ogi
  • Shigemitsu Sakuma
  • Akitoshi Katsumata
  • Kenichi Kurita
  • Eiichiro Ariji
  • Cranio.2015 Oct;33(4):256-62. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2015.1097303.Epub 2015-12-29.


Potential clinical application of masseter and temporal muscle massage treatment using an oral rehabilitation robot in temporomandibular disorder patients with myofascial pain.
  • Yoshiko Ariji
  • Miwa Nakayama
  • Wataru Nishiyama
  • Nobumi Ogi
  • Shigemitsu Sakuma
  • Akitoshi Katsumata
  • Kenichi Kurita
  • Eiichiro Ariji
  • Cranio.2015 Oct;33(4):256-62. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2015.1097303.Epub 2015-12-29.

セメントを用いたインプラント支持修復物の装着者を対象とした「Quality of Life with Implant Prostheses (QoLIP-10)」質問票の検証

Validation of the 'Quality of Life with Implant Prostheses (QoLIP-10)' questionnaire for wearers of cement-retained implant-supported restorations.
  • Carmen Perea
  • Jaime Del Río
  • Arelis Preciado
  • Christopher D Lynch
  • Alicia Celemín
  • Raquel Castillo-Oyagüe
  • J Dent.2015 Aug;43(8):1021-31. S0300-5712(15)00082-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2015.03.014.Epub 2015-04-08.


Esthetic preferences of European American, Hispanic American, Japanese, and African judges for soft-tissue profiles.
  • Mayumi Nomura
  • Etsuko Motegi
  • John P Hatch
  • Peter T Gakunga
  • Peter M Ng'ang'a
  • John D Rugh
  • Hideharu Yamaguchi
  • Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2009 Apr;135(4 Suppl):S87-95. S0889-5406(08)01189-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.02.019.

A New Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Dressing:物理的・化学的特性,細胞毒性および象牙細管透過性

A New Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Dressing: Physical and Chemical Properties, Cytotoxicity and Dentinal Tubule Penetration.
  • Natália Villa
  • Vanessa Valgas Dos Santos
  • Ubirajara Maciel da Costa
  • Aline Teixeira Mendes
  • Pedro Henrique Marks Duarte
  • Ricardo Abreu da Rosa
  • Jefferson Ricardo Pereira
  • Marcus Vinícius Reis Só
  • Braz Dent J.2020 Nov-Dec;31(6):598-604. S0103-64402020000600598. doi: 10.1590/0103-6440202003376.

A New Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Dressing:物理的・化学的特性,細胞毒性および象牙細管透過性

A New Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Dressing: Physical and Chemical Properties, Cytotoxicity and Dentinal Tubule Penetration.
  • Natália Villa
  • Vanessa Valgas Dos Santos
  • Ubirajara Maciel da Costa
  • Aline Teixeira Mendes
  • Pedro Henrique Marks Duarte
  • Ricardo Abreu da Rosa
  • Jefferson Ricardo Pereira
  • Marcus Vinícius Reis Só
  • Braz Dent J.2020 Nov-Dec;31(6):598-604. S0103-64402020000600598. doi: 10.1590/0103-6440202003376.


Randomized controlled multicentre study comparing short dental implants (6 mm) versus longer dental implants (11-15 mm) in combination with sinus floor elevation procedures: 5-Year data.
  • Daniel S Thoma
  • Robert Haas
  • Katarzyna Sporniak-Tutak
  • Abel Garcia
  • Thomas D Taylor
  • Christoph H F Hämmerle
  • J Clin Periodontol.2018 12;45(12):1465-1474. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13025.Epub 2018-11-25.


Optimal number of implants for complete-arch implant-supported prostheses with a follow-up of at least 5 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Jéssica Marcela de Luna Gomes
  • Cleidiel Aparecido Araújo Lemos
  • Joel Ferreira Santiago Junior
  • Sandra Lúcia Dantas de Moraes
  • Marcelo Coelho Goiato
  • Eduardo Piza Pellizzer
  • J Prosthet Dent.2019 May;121(5):766-774.e3. S0022-3913(18)30427-X. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2018.06.001.Epub 2018-12-04.

Dynamic-Assisted Navigational System in Zygomatic Implant Surgery:最新の臨床およびキャダバー研究の質的および量的なシステマティックレビュー

Dynamic-Assisted Navigational System in Zygomatic Implant Surgery: A Qualitative and Quantitative Systematic Review of Current Clinical and Cadaver Studies.
  • Shaqayeq Ramezanzade
  • Seied Omid Keyhan
  • Frank J Tuminelli
  • Hamid Reza Fallahi
  • Parisa Yousefi
  • Jose Lopez-Lopez
  • J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2020 Oct;S0278-2391(20)31240-4. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2020.10.009.Epub 2020-10-14.


Identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria species by multiplex real-time PCR with high-resolution melting.
  • Aline Dos Santos Peixoto
  • Lílian Maria Lapa Montenegro
  • Andrea Santos Lima
  • Fábio Lopes Melo
  • Walter Lins Barbosa Júnior
  • Maria Madileuza Carneiro Neves
  • Jesus Pais Ramos
  • Haiana Charifker Schindler
  • Zulma Maria Medeiros
  • Rev Soc Bras Med Trop.2020;53:e20200211. S0037-86822020000100372. doi: 10.1590/0037-8682-0211-2020.Epub 2020-11-06.


Identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria species by multiplex real-time PCR with high-resolution melting.
  • Aline Dos Santos Peixoto
  • Lílian Maria Lapa Montenegro
  • Andrea Santos Lima
  • Fábio Lopes Melo
  • Walter Lins Barbosa Júnior
  • Maria Madileuza Carneiro Neves
  • Jesus Pais Ramos
  • Haiana Charifker Schindler
  • Zulma Maria Medeiros
  • Rev Soc Bras Med Trop.2020;53:e20200211. S0037-86822020000100372. doi: 10.1590/0037-8682-0211-2020.Epub 2020-11-06.