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2020年08月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Sodium Hypochlorite Reduces Postoperative Discomfort and Painful Early Failure after Carious Exposure and Direct Pulp Capping-Initial Findings of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Nidambur Vasudev Ballal
  • Henry F Duncan
  • Namith Rai
  • Prateek Jalan
  • Matthias Zehnder
  • J Clin Med.2020 Jul;9(8). E2408. doi: 10.3390/jcm9082408.Epub 2020-07-28.


Ten-year survival of pressed, acid-etched e.max lithium disilicate monolithic and bilayered complete-coverage restorations: Performance and outcomes as a function of tooth position and age.
  • Kenneth A Malament
  • Zuhair S Natto
  • Van Thompson
  • Dianne Rekow
  • Steven Eckert
  • Hans-Peter Weber
  • J Prosthet Dent.2019 May;121(5):782-790. S0022-3913(19)30071-X. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2018.11.024.Epub 2019-04-05.


Ten-year survival of pressed, acid-etched e.max lithium disilicate monolithic and bilayered complete-coverage restorations: Performance and outcomes as a function of tooth position and age.
  • Kenneth A Malament
  • Zuhair S Natto
  • Van Thompson
  • Dianne Rekow
  • Steven Eckert
  • Hans-Peter Weber
  • J Prosthet Dent.2019 May;121(5):782-790. S0022-3913(19)30071-X. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2018.11.024.Epub 2019-04-05.


Comparative Evaluation of Plaque Inhibitory and Antimicrobial Efficacy of Probiotic and Chlorhexidine Oral Rinses in Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
  • Shreya Shruti Shah
  • Supriya Nambiar
  • Deepa Kamath
  • Ethel Suman
  • Bhaskaran Unnikrishnan
  • Asavari Desai
  • Sanchit Mahajan
  • Kushan Kishore Dhawan
  • Int J Dent.2019;2019:1964158. doi: 10.1155/2019/1964158.Epub 2019-02-20.


Effect of fluoride sustained slow-releasing device on fluoride, phosphate and calcium levels in plaque biofilms over time measured using ion chromatography.
  • Hani Abudiak
  • Colin Robinson
  • Monty S Duggal
  • Simon Strafford
  • K Jack Toumba
  • J Dent.2012 Aug;40(8):632-8. S0300-5712(12)00091-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.008.Epub 2012-04-20.


Effect of fluoride sustained slow-releasing device on fluoride, phosphate and calcium levels in plaque biofilms over time measured using ion chromatography.
  • Hani Abudiak
  • Colin Robinson
  • Monty S Duggal
  • Simon Strafford
  • K Jack Toumba
  • J Dent.2012 Aug;40(8):632-8. S0300-5712(12)00091-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.008.Epub 2012-04-20.


Effect of fluoride sustained slow-releasing device on fluoride, phosphate and calcium levels in plaque biofilms over time measured using ion chromatography.
  • Hani Abudiak
  • Colin Robinson
  • Monty S Duggal
  • Simon Strafford
  • K Jack Toumba
  • J Dent.2012 Aug;40(8):632-8. S0300-5712(12)00091-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.04.008.Epub 2012-04-20.


Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden, during 40 years (1973-2013). I. Review of findings on oral care habits and knowledge of oral health.
  • Ola Norderyd
  • Göran Kochi
  • Apostolos Papias
  • Alkisti Anastassaki Köhler
  • Anna Nydell Helkimo
  • Carl-Otto Brahm
  • Ulrika Lindmark
  • Ninita Lindfors
  • Anna Mattsson
  • Bo Rolander
  • Christer Ullbro
  • Elisabeth Wárnberg Gerdin
  • Fredrik Frisk
  • Swed Dent J.2015;39(2):57-68.