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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Discovery of phenanthridine analogues as novel chemical probes disrupting the binding of DNA to ΔFosB homodimers and ΔFosB/JunD heterodimers.
  • Yi Li
  • Zhiqing Liu
  • Galina Aglyamova
  • Jianping Chen
  • Haiying Chen
  • Mukund Bhandari
  • Mark A White
  • Gabrielle Rudenko
  • Jia Zhou
  • Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett..2020 Aug;30(16):127300. S0960-894X(20)30411-X. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2020.127300.Epub 2020-06-06.


Meta-analysis examining overall survival in patients with pancreatic cancer treated with second-line 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin-based therapy after failing first-line gemcitabine-containing therapy: effect of performance status and comparison with other regimens.
  • Zev A Wainberg
  • Kynan Feeney
  • Myung Ah Lee
  • Andrés Muñoz
  • Antonio Cubillo Gracián
  • Sara Lonardi
  • Baek-Yeol Ryoo
  • Annie Hung
  • Yong Lin
  • Johanna Bendell
  • J Randolph Hecht
  • BMC Cancer.2020 Jul;20(1):633. 10.1186/s12885-020-07110-x. doi: 10.1186/s12885-020-07110-x.Epub 2020-07-08.


Toxic microcystis reduces tolerance of daphnia to increased chloride, and low chloride alleviates the harm of toxic microcystis to daphnia.
  • Yurou Li
  • Yuying Zhu
  • Lili Ma
  • Jing Huang
  • Yunfei Sun
  • Lu Zhang
  • Kai Lyu
  • Zhou Yang
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;260:127594. S0045-6535(20)31789-6. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127594.Epub 2020-07-11.


Heparan sulfate co-immobilized with cRGD ligands and BMP2 on biomimetic platforms promotes BMP2-mediated osteogenic differentiation.
  • Julius Sefkow-Werner
  • Paul Machillot
  • Adria Sales
  • Elaine Castro-Ramirez
  • Melissa Degardin
  • Didier Boturyn
  • Elisabetta Ada Cavalcanti-Adam
  • Corinne Albiges-Rizo
  • Catherine Picart
  • Elisa Migliorini
  • Acta Biomater.2020 Jul;S1742-7061(20)30400-1. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.07.015.Epub 2020-07-13.

Ocimum gratissimum L.の精油と発光ダイオード(LED)ライトとの関連付けによる抗生物質耐性の変調

Modulation of antibiotic resistance by the essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. in association with light-emitting diodes (LED) lights.
  • Maria Karollyna do N Silva Leandro
  • Janaína E Rocha
  • Camila F Bezerra
  • Priscilla R Freitas
  • Jessica Horana F Feitosa
  • Viviane B Bezerra
  • Rizelle de O Barros
  • Livia Maria G Leandro
  • José Junior Dos S Aguiar
  • Paulo S Pereira
  • Marcela Christofoli
  • Jaime Ribeiro-Filho
  • Marcello Iriti
  • Henrique Douglas M Coutinho
  • Edinardo Fagner F Matias
  • Z. Naturforsch., C, J. Biosci..2020 Jul;/j/znc.ahead-of-print/znc-2020-0034/znc-2020-0034.xml. doi: 10.1515/znc-2020-0034.Epub 2020-07-06.


A Single-Institution Experience of Induction 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, Irinotecan, and Oxaliplatin Followed by Surgery Versus Consolidative Radiation for Borderline and Locally Advanced Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer.
  • Michael Cecchini
  • Joseph A Miccio
  • Jay Pahade
  • Jill Lacy
  • Ronald R Salem
  • Skyler B Johnson
  • Adriana Blakaj
  • Stacey Stein
  • Jeremy S Kortmansky
  • Kimberly L Johung
  • Pancreas.2020 Aug;49(7):904-911. doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000001592.


Characterization of outdoor air pollution from solid fuel combustion in Xuanwei and Fuyuan, a rural region of China.
  • Wei Hu
  • George Downward
  • Jason Y Y Wong
  • Boris Reiss
  • Nathaniel Rothman
  • Lützen Portengen
  • Jihua Li
  • Rena R Jones
  • Yunchao Huang
  • Kaiyun Yang
  • Ying Chen
  • Jun Xu
  • Jun He
  • Bryan Bassig
  • Wei Jie Seow
  • H Dean Hosgood
  • Linlin Zhang
  • Guoping Wu
  • Fusheng Wei
  • Roel Vermeulen
  • Qing Lan
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11335. 10.1038/s41598-020-68229-2. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68229-2.Epub 2020-07-09.

原生動物である Paramecium caudatum と Ceriodaphnia silvestrii に対するカルボフランとジウロンの個別毒性と混合毒性

Individual and mixture toxicity of carbofuran and diuron to the protozoan Paramecium caudatum and the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii.
  • Adrislaine S Mansano
  • Raquel A Moreira
  • Hugo C Dornfeld
  • Emanuela C Freitas
  • Eny M Vieira
  • Michiel A Daam
  • Odete Rocha
  • Mirna H R Seleghim
  • Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf..2020 Sep;201:110829. S0147-6513(20)30668-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110829.Epub 2020-06-09.

予後因子は KRAS 変異状態によって異なる。大腸肝転移に対する肝切除術後の予後グループを定義するための分類と回帰木モデル

Prognostic factors differ according to KRAS mutational status: A classification and regression tree model to define prognostic groups after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastasis.
  • Amika Moro
  • Rittal Mehta
  • Diamantis I Tsilimigras
  • Kota Sahara
  • Anghela Z Paredes
  • Fabio Bagante
  • Alfredo Guglielmi
  • Sorin Alexandrescu
  • George A Poultsides
  • Kazunari Sasaki
  • Federico N Aucejo
  • Timothy M Pawlik
  • Surgery.2020 Jul;S0039-6060(20)30303-2. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2020.05.019.Epub 2020-07-13.


Serum chymase levels correlate with severe dengue warning signs and clinical fluid accumulation in hospitalized pediatric patients.
  • Abhay P S Rathore
  • Manouri Senanayake
  • Arjuna Salinda Athapathu
  • Sunethra Gunasena
  • Irantha Karunaratna
  • Wei Yee Leong
  • Ting Lim
  • Chinmay Kumar Mantri
  • Annelies Wilder-Smith
  • Ashley L St John
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11856. 10.1038/s41598-020-68844-z. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68844-z.Epub 2020-07-16.

Trypanosoma brucei brucei由来のメタクラスパーゼ-2(MCA2)を標的としたリガンドの検証と、トリパノソーマ・コンゴレンセ由来のMCA5への応用の可能性を示した

Validation of ligands targeting metacaspase-2 (MCA2) from Trypanosoma brucei brucei and their application to MCA5 from T. congolense as possible trypanocides.
  • L E-A Eyssen
  • Theresa Ht Coetzer
  • J. Mol. Graph. Model..2020 Jun;97:107579. S1093-3263(19)30913-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2020.107579.Epub 2020-03-06.


Janus Kinase mutations in mice lacking PU.1 and Spi-B drive B cell leukemia through reactive oxygen species-induced DNA damage.
  • Michelle Lim
  • Carolina R Batista
  • Bruno R de Oliveira
  • Rachel Creighton
  • Jacob Ferguson
  • Kurt Clemmer
  • Devon Knight
  • James Iansavitchous
  • Danish Mahmood
  • Mariano Avino
  • Rodney P DeKoter
  • Mol. Cell. Biol..2020 Jul;MCB.00189-20. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00189-20.Epub 2020-07-06.


Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated central nervous system demyelinating disease: a tertiary center experience from Turkey.
  • Berin Inan
  • Rahsan Gocmen
  • Atay Vural
  • Ayse Ilksen Colpak
  • Edgar Meinl
  • Rana Karabudak
  • Asli Tuncer
  • Mult Scler Relat Disord.2020 Jul;44:102376. S2211-0348(20)30451-X. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102376.Epub 2020-07-04.


Clinical efficacy and safety of 6-thioguanine in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Liang Chen
  • Huai-Xiu Yan
  • Xiao-Wei Liu
  • Wen-Xin Chen
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 May;99(18):e20082. 00005792-202005010-00054. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020082.


Involvement of methylation of MicroRNA-122, -125b and -106b in regulation of Cyclin G1, CAT-1 and STAT3 target genes in isoniazid-induced liver injury.
  • Yuhong Li
  • Qi Ren
  • Lingyan Zhu
  • Yingshu Li
  • Jinfeng Li
  • Yiyang Zhang
  • Guoying Zheng
  • Tiesheng Han
  • Shufeng Sun
  • Fumin Feng
  • BMC Pharmacol Toxicol.2018 03;19(1):11. 10.1186/s40360-018-0201-x. doi: 10.1186/s40360-018-0201-x.Epub 2018-03-20.


Predicting therapies in Japanese hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator using the 2014 European Society of Cardiology guidelines.
  • Miyo Nakano
  • Yusuke Kondo
  • Masahiro Nakano
  • Takatsugu Kajiyama
  • Kazuo Miyazawa
  • Tomohiko Hayashi
  • Ryo Ito
  • Haruhiro Takahira
  • Yoshio Kobayashi
  • Heart Vessels.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00380-020-01668-z. doi: 10.1007/s00380-020-01668-z.Epub 2020-07-15.


Reduction of inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies using enhanced supraventricular tachycardia discriminators: the ReduceIT study.
  • Johann Christoph Geller
  • Armin Wöhrle
  • Mathias Busch
  • Albrecht Elsässer
  • Thomas Kleemann
  • Frank Birkenhauer
  • Peter Bramlage
  • Christian Veltmann
  • J Interv Card Electrophysiol.2020 Jul;10.1007/s10840-020-00816-9. doi: 10.1007/s10840-020-00816-9.Epub 2020-07-14.


Transport of COVID-19 and other highly contagious patients by helicopter and fixed-wing air ambulance: a narrative review and experience of the Swiss air rescue Rega.
  • Roland Albrecht
  • Jürgen Knapp
  • Lorenz Theiler
  • Marcus Eder
  • Urs Pietsch
  • Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med.2020 May;28(1):40. 10.1186/s13049-020-00734-9. doi: 10.1186/s13049-020-00734-9.Epub 2020-05-14.


Increased tumor-associated macrophages in the prostate cancer microenvironment predicted patients' survival and responses to androgen deprivation therapies in Indonesian patients cohort.
  • Prahara Yuri
  • Katsumi Shigemura
  • Koichi Kitagawa
  • Exsa Hadibrata
  • Muhammad Risan
  • Andy Zulfiqqar
  • Indrawarman Soeroharjo
  • Ahmad Z Hendri
  • Raden Danarto
  • Aya Ishii
  • Saya Yamasaki
  • Yongmin Yan
  • Didik S Heriyanto
  • Masato Fujisawa
  • Prostate Int.2020 Jun;8(2):62-69. S2287-8882(20)30001-5. doi: 10.1016/j.prnil.2019.12.001.Epub 2020-02-10.