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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Morphine produces potent antinociception, sedation, and hypothermia in humanized mice expressing human mu-opioid receptor splice variants.
  • Yi-Han Huang
  • Yu-Wei Wu
  • Jian-Ying Chuang
  • Yung-Chiao Chang
  • Hsiao-Fu Chang
  • Pao-Luh Tao
  • Horace H Loh
  • Shiu-Hwa Yeh
  • Pain.2020 06;161(6):1177-1190. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001823.


MERIT, a cellular system coordinating lysosomal repair, removal and replacement.
  • Jingyue Jia
  • Aurore Claude-Taupin
  • Yuexi Gu
  • Seong Won Choi
  • Ryan Peters
  • Bhawana Bissa
  • Michal H Mudd
  • Lee Allers
  • Sandeep Pallikkuth
  • Keith A Lidke
  • Michelle Salemi
  • Brett Phinney
  • Muriel Mari
  • Fulvio Reggiori
  • Vojo Deretic
  • Autophagy.2020 Jun;:1-3. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1779451.Epub 2020-06-21.

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae由来のマイナーエフェクトウイルス性因子を用いたスクリーニングにより、イネMAGIC集団における抵抗性と感受性のQTLを同定した

Resistance and susceptibility QTL identified in a rice MAGIC population by screening with a minor-effect virulence factor from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae.
  • Alejandra I Huerta
  • Emily E Delorean
  • Ana M Bossa-Castro
  • Bradley W Tonnessen
  • Chitra Raghavan
  • Rene Corral
  • Álvaro L Pérez-Quintero
  • Hei Leung
  • Valérie Verdier
  • Jan E Leach
  • Plant Biotechnol. J..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/pbi.13438.Epub 2020-06-28.


Comparison of Predictive Powers for Mortality between Systemic Vascular Resistance Index and Serum Lactate in Children with Persistent Catecholamine-Resistant Shock.
  • En-Pei Lee
  • Sheng-Chih Chu
  • Shao-Hsuan Hsia
  • Kuan-Fu Chen
  • Oi-Wa Chan
  • Chia-Ying Lin
  • Ya-Ting Su
  • Jainn-Jim Lin
  • Han-Ping Wu
  • Biomed Res Int.2020;2020:1341326. doi: 10.1155/2020/1341326.Epub 2020-06-19.


Phase II study of axalimogene filolisbac (ADXS-HPV) for platinum-refractory cervical carcinoma: An NRG oncology/gynecologic oncology group study.
  • Warner K Huh
  • William E Brady
  • Paula M Fracasso
  • Don S Dizon
  • Matthew A Powell
  • Bradley J Monk
  • Charles A Leath
  • Lisa M Landrum
  • Edward J Tanner
  • Erin K Crane
  • Stefanie Ueda
  • Michael T McHale
  • Carol Aghajanian
  • Gynecol. Oncol..2020 Jul;S0090-8258(20)32317-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.06.493.Epub 2020-07-05.


A novel nanobiotherapeutic poly-[hemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-catalase-carbonic anhydrase] with no cardiac toxicity for the resuscitation of a rat model with 90 minutes of sustained severe hemorrhagic shock with loss of 2/3 blood volume.
  • Yuzhu Bian
  • Thomas Ming Swi Chang
  • Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol.2015 Feb;43(1):1-9. doi: 10.3109/21691401.2014.964554.Epub 2014-10-09.


Fossils from Mille-Logya, Afar, Ethiopia, elucidate the link between Pliocene environmental changes and Homo origins.
  • Zeresenay Alemseged
  • Jonathan G Wynn
  • Denis Geraads
  • Denne Reed
  • W Andrew Barr
  • René Bobe
  • Shannon P McPherron
  • Alan Deino
  • Mulugeta Alene
  • Mark J Sier
  • Diana Roman
  • Joseph Mohan
  • Nat Commun.2020 May;11(1):2480. 10.1038/s41467-020-16060-8. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16060-8.Epub 2020-05-19.


Short Direct Repeats in the 3' Untranslated Region Are Involved in Subgenomic Flaviviral RNA Production.
  • Qiu-Yan Zhang
  • Xiao-Feng Li
  • Xiaolin Niu
  • Na Li
  • Hong-Jiang Wang
  • Cheng-Lin Deng
  • Han-Qing Ye
  • Xing-Yao Huang
  • Qi Chen
  • Yan-Peng Xu
  • Hao-Long Dong
  • Xiao-Dan Li
  • Hui Zhao
  • Pei-Yong Shi
  • Zhi-Ming Yuan
  • Peng Gong
  • Xianyang Fang
  • Cheng-Feng Qin
  • Bo Zhang
  • J. Virol..2020 Feb;94(6). e01175-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01175-19.Epub 2020-02-28.


Synthesis, in-vitro and in-silico evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles with Root Extract of Withania somnifera for antibacterial activity via binding of penicillin binding protein-4.
  • Isha Gaurav
  • Tanuja Singh
  • Abhimanyu Thakur
  • Gaurav Kumar
  • Parth Rathee
  • Puja Kumari
  • Kumari Sweta
  • Curr Pharm Biotechnol.2020 Jul;CPB-EPUB-107862. doi: 10.2174/1389201021666200702152000.Epub 2020-07-02.


[Root architecture and fine root characteristics of Juglans mandshurica saplings in different habitats in the secondary forest on the west slope of Zhangguangcailing, China].
  • Li-Qing Xu
  • Dong-Hai Cui
  • Qing-Cheng Wang
  • Yong Zhang
  • Shuang-Jiao Ma
  • Kai-Yue Zhu
  • Jian-Wen Hu
  • Hong-Li Li
  • Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao.2020 Feb;31(2):373-380. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202002.009.


Induced Fetal Human Muscle Stem Cells with High Therapeutic Potential in a Mouse Muscular Dystrophy Model.
  • Mingming Zhao
  • Atsutoshi Tazumi
  • Satoru Takayama
  • Nana Takenaka-Ninagawa
  • Minas Nalbandian
  • Miki Nagai
  • Yumi Nakamura
  • Masanori Nakasa
  • Akira Watanabe
  • Makoto Ikeya
  • Akitsu Hotta
  • Yuta Ito
  • Takahiko Sato
  • Hidetoshi Sakurai
  • Stem Cell Reports.2020 Jul;15(1):80-94. S2213-6711(20)30225-3. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.06.004.Epub 2020-07-02.

Nootkatone はマウスの急性および慢性炎症反応を抑制します

Nootkatone Inhibits Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Responses in Mice.
  • Lindaiane Bezerra Rodrigues Dantas
  • Ana Letícia Moreira Silva
  • Cícero Pedro da Silva Júnior
  • Isabel Sousa Alcântara
  • Maria Rayane Correia de Oliveira
  • Anita Oliveira Brito Pereira Bezerra Martins
  • Jaime Ribeiro-Filho
  • Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho
  • Fabíolla Rocha Santos Passos
  • Lucindo José Quintans-Junior
  • Irwin Rose Alencar de Menezes
  • Raffaele Pezzani
  • Sara Vitalini
  • Molecules.2020 May;25(9). E2181. doi: 10.3390/molecules25092181.Epub 2020-05-07.


Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies ELP5 as a determinant of gemcitabine sensitivity in gallbladder cancer.
  • Sunwang Xu
  • Ming Zhan
  • Cen Jiang
  • Min He
  • Linhua Yang
  • Hui Shen
  • Shuai Huang
  • Xince Huang
  • Ruirong Lin
  • Yongheng Shi
  • Qiang Liu
  • Wei Chen
  • Man Mohan
  • Jian Wang
  • Nat Commun.2019 12;10(1):5492. 10.1038/s41467-019-13420-x. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13420-x.Epub 2019-12-02.


A single ovarian stimulation, as performed in assisted reproductive technologies, can modulate the anxiety-like behavior and neuronal activation in stress-related brain areas in rats.
  • Flora França Nogueira Mariotti
  • Bianca Santos Martins Gonçalves
  • Giovanna Pimpão
  • Marcos Mônico-Neto
  • Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes
  • Milena de Barros Viana
  • Isabel Cristina Céspedes
  • Luciana Le Sueur-Maluf
  • Horm Behav.2020 Jun;124:104805. S0018-506X(20)30131-8. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104805.Epub 2020-06-20.


Different Patterns of Functional Connectivity Alterations Within the Default-Mode Network and Sensorimotor Network in Basal Ganglia and Pontine Stroke.
  • Huiyou Chen
  • Mengye Shi
  • Hong Zhang
  • Ying-Dong Zhang
  • Wen Geng
  • Liang Jiang
  • Zhengqian Wang
  • Yu-Chen Chen
  • Xindao Yin
  • Med. Sci. Monit..2019 Dec;25:9585-9593. 918185. doi: 10.12659/MSM.918185.Epub 2019-12-15.


Predictors for delayed antibiotic administration among bacteraemic patients in the Emergency Department: differences between medical and surgical interns.
  • Matthaios Papadimitriou-Olivgeris
  • Konstantinos Perdikis
  • Michela Cois
  • Léa Roth
  • Sofia Mykoniati
  • Charly Nusbaumer
  • Luce Bertaiola Monnerat
  • Hervé Duplain
  • Eur. J. Clin. Invest..2020 Jun;:e13324. doi: 10.1111/eci.13324.Epub 2020-06-21.

ヤギの重要臓器におけるCorynebacterium pseudotuberculosisとその免疫原性ミコール酸抽出物の臨床病理学的反応とPCR検出

Clinico-pathological responses and PCR detection of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and its immunogenic mycolic acid extract in the vital organs of goats.
  • Mohammed Naji Odhah
  • Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse
  • Eric Lim Teik Chung
  • Zaid Mahmood
  • Abd Wahid Haron
  • Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila
  • Mohd Zamri-Saad
  • Microb. Pathog..2019 Oct;135:103628. S0882-4010(19)30985-4. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103628.Epub 2019-07-17.

シトルルス・アマルスのFusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum race 2とパパイヤリングスポットウイルスに対する抵抗性のQTLマッピング

QTL mapping of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum race 2 and Papaya ringspot virus in Citrullus amarus.
  • Sandra E Branham
  • W Patrick Wechter
  • Kai-Shu Ling
  • Bidisha Chanda
  • Laura Massey
  • Guangwei Zhao
  • Nihat Guner
  • Marco Bello
  • Eileen Kabelka
  • Zhangjun Fei
  • Amnon Levi
  • Theor. Appl. Genet..2020 Feb;133(2):677-687. 10.1007/s00122-019-03500-3. doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03500-3.Epub 2019-12-10.


Viral myocarditis involves the generation of autoreactive T cells with multiple antigen specificities that localize in lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs in the mouse model of CVB3 infection.
  • Rakesh H Basavalingappa
  • Rajkumar Arumugam
  • Ninaad Lasrado
  • Bharathi Yalaka
  • Chandirasegaran Massilamany
  • Arunakumar Gangaplara
  • Jean-Jack Riethoven
  • Shi-Hua Xiang
  • David Steffen
  • Jay Reddy
  • Mol. Immunol..2020 Aug;124:218-228. S0161-5890(20)30395-3. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2020.06.017.Epub 2020-06-29.


Acute exacerbation of unclassifiable idiopathic interstitial pneumonia: comparison with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Noriyuki Enomoto
  • Hyogo Naoi
  • Yuya Aono
  • Mineo Katsumata
  • Yasuoki Horiike
  • Hideki Yasui
  • Masato Karayama
  • Hironao Hozumi
  • Yuzo Suzuki
  • Kazuki Furuhashi
  • Tomoyuki Fujisawa
  • Naoki Inui
  • Yutaro Nakamura
  • Takafumi Suda
  • Ther Adv Respir Dis.2020 Jan-Dec;14:1753466620935774. doi: 10.1177/1753466620935774.


Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth's tropical forests.
  • Martin J P Sullivan
  • Simon L Lewis
  • Kofi Affum-Baffoe
  • Carolina Castilho
  • Flávia Costa
  • Aida Cuni Sanchez
  • Corneille E N Ewango
  • Wannes Hubau
  • Beatriz Marimon
  • Abel Monteagudo-Mendoza
  • Lan Qie
  • Bonaventure Sonké
  • Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez
  • Timothy R Baker
  • Roel J W Brienen
  • Ted R Feldpausch
  • David Galbraith
  • Manuel Gloor
  • Yadvinder Malhi
  • Shin-Ichiro Aiba
  • Miguel N Alexiades
  • Everton C Almeida
  • Edmar Almeida de Oliveira
  • Esteban Álvarez Dávila
  • Patricia Alvarez Loayza
  • Ana Andrade
  • Simone Aparecida Vieira
  • Luiz E O C Aragão
  • Alejandro Araujo-Murakami
  • Eric J M M Arets
  • Luzmila Arroyo
  • Peter Ashton
  • Gerardo Aymard C
  • Fabrício B Baccaro
  • Lindsay F Banin
  • Christopher Baraloto
  • Plínio Barbosa Camargo
  • Jos Barlow
  • Jorcely Barroso
  • Jean-François Bastin
  • Sarah A Batterman
  • Hans Beeckman
  • Serge K Begne
  • Amy C Bennett
  • Erika Berenguer
  • Nicholas Berry
  • Lilian Blanc
  • Pascal Boeckx
  • Jan Bogaert
  • Damien Bonal
  • Frans Bongers
  • Matt Bradford
  • Francis Q Brearley
  • Terry Brncic
  • Foster Brown
  • Benoit Burban
  • José Luís Camargo
  • Wendeson Castro
  • Carlos Céron
  • Sabina Cerruto Ribeiro
  • Victor Chama Moscoso
  • Jerôme Chave
  • Eric Chezeaux
  • Connie J Clark
  • Fernanda Coelho de Souza
  • Murray Collins
  • James A Comiskey
  • Fernando Cornejo Valverde
  • Massiel Corrales Medina
  • Lola da Costa
  • Martin Dančák
  • Greta C Dargie
  • Stuart Davies
  • Nallaret Davila Cardozo
  • Thales de Haulleville
  • Marcelo Brilhante de Medeiros
  • Jhon Del Aguila Pasquel
  • Géraldine Derroire
  • Anthony Di Fiore
  • Jean-Louis Doucet
  • Aurélie Dourdain
  • Vincent Droissart
  • Luisa Fernanda Duque
  • Romeo Ekoungoulou
  • Fernando Elias
  • Terry Erwin
  • Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert
  • Sophie Fauset
  • Joice Ferreira
  • Gerardo Flores Llampazo
  • Ernest Foli
  • Andrew Ford
  • Martin Gilpin
  • Jefferson S Hall
  • Keith C Hamer
  • Alan C Hamilton
  • David J Harris
  • Terese B Hart
  • Radim Hédl
  • Bruno Herault
  • Rafael Herrera
  • Niro Higuchi
  • Annette Hladik
  • Eurídice Honorio Coronado
  • Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco
  • Walter Huaraca Huasco
  • Kathryn J Jeffery
  • Eliana Jimenez-Rojas
  • Michelle Kalamandeen
  • Marie Noël Kamdem Djuikouo
  • Elizabeth Kearsley
  • Ricardo Keichi Umetsu
  • Lip Khoon Kho
  • Timothy Killeen
  • Kanehiro Kitayama
  • Bente Klitgaard
  • Alexander Koch
  • Nicolas Labrière
  • William Laurance
  • Susan Laurance
  • Miguel E Leal
  • Aurora Levesley
  • Adriano J N Lima
  • Janvier Lisingo
  • Aline P Lopes
  • Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez
  • Tom Lovejoy
  • Jon C Lovett
  • Richard Lowe
  • William E Magnusson
  • Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte
  • Ângelo Gilberto Manzatto
  • Ben Hur Marimon
  • Andrew R Marshall
  • Toby Marthews
  • Simone Matias de Almeida Reis
  • Colin Maycock
  • Karina Melgaço
  • Casimiro Mendoza
  • Faizah Metali
  • Vianet Mihindou
  • William Milliken
  • Edward T A Mitchard
  • Paulo S Morandi
  • Hannah L Mossman
  • Laszlo Nagy
  • Henrique Nascimento
  • David Neill
  • Reuben Nilus
  • Percy Núñez Vargas
  • Walter Palacios
  • Nadir Pallqui Camacho
  • Julie Peacock
  • Colin Pendry
  • Maria Cristina Peñuela Mora
  • Georgia C Pickavance
  • John Pipoly
  • Nigel Pitman
  • Maureen Playfair
  • Lourens Poorter
  • John R Poulsen
  • Axel Dalberg Poulsen
  • Richard Preziosi
  • Adriana Prieto
  • Richard B Primack
  • Hirma Ramírez-Angulo
  • Jan Reitsma
  • Maxime Réjou-Méchain
  • Zorayda Restrepo Correa
  • Thaiane Rodrigues de Sousa
  • Lily Rodriguez Bayona
  • Anand Roopsind
  • Agustín Rudas
  • Ervan Rutishauser
  • Kamariah Abu Salim
  • Rafael P Salomão
  • Juliana Schietti
  • Douglas Sheil
  • Richarlly C Silva
  • Javier Silva Espejo
  • Camila Silva Valeria
  • Marcos Silveira
  • Murielle Simo-Droissart
  • Marcelo Fragomeni Simon
  • James Singh
  • Yahn Carlos Soto Shareva
  • Clement Stahl
  • Juliana Stropp
  • Rahayu Sukri
  • Terry Sunderland
  • Martin Svátek
  • Michael D Swaine
  • Varun Swamy
  • Hermann Taedoumg
  • Joey Talbot
  • James Taplin
  • David Taylor
  • Hans Ter Steege
  • John Terborgh
  • Raquel Thomas
  • Sean C Thomas
  • Armando Torres-Lezama
  • Peter Umunay
  • Luis Valenzuela Gamarra
  • Geertje van der Heijden
  • Peter van der Hout
  • Peter van der Meer
  • Mark van Nieuwstadt
  • Hans Verbeeck
  • Ronald Vernimmen
  • Alberto Vicentini
  • Ima Célia Guimarães Vieira
  • Emilio Vilanova Torre
  • Jason Vleminckx
  • Vincent Vos
  • Ophelia Wang
  • Lee J T White
  • Simon Willcock
  • John T Woods
  • Verginia Wortel
  • Kenneth Young
  • Roderick Zagt
  • Lise Zemagho
  • Pieter A Zuidema
  • Joeri A Zwerts
  • Oliver L Phillips
  • Science.2020 05;368(6493):869-874. 368/6493/869. doi: 10.1126/science.aaw7578.Epub 2020-05-21.


German language questionnaires for assessing implementation constructs and outcomes of psychosocial and health-related interventions: a systematic review.
  • Christina Kien
  • Marie-Therese Schultes
  • Monika Szelag
  • Rudolf Schoberberger
  • Gerald Gartlehner
  • Implement Sci.2018 12;13(1):150. 10.1186/s13012-018-0837-3. doi: 10.1186/s13012-018-0837-3.Epub 2018-12-12.


Novel Phenothiazine-Bridged Porphyrin-(Hetero)aryl dyads: Synthesis, Optical Properties, In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Staining of Human Ovarian Tumor Cell Lines.
  • Eva Molnar
  • Emese Gal
  • Luiza Gaina
  • Castelia Cristea
  • Eva Fischer-Fodor
  • Maria Perde-Schrepler
  • Patriciu Achimas-Cadariu
  • Monica Focsan
  • Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Apr;21(9). E3178. doi: 10.3390/ijms21093178.Epub 2020-04-30.