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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文

コウモリのミヨチス(Myotis davidii)由来インターフェロン刺激遺伝子産物15(ISG15)の構造とドメイン間のISG15相互作用がウイルスタンパク質のエンゲージメントに与える影響

Structure of interferon-stimulated gene product 15 (ISG15) from the bat species Myotis davidii and the impact of interdomain ISG15 interactions on viral protein engagement.
  • Caroline Langley
  • Octavia Goodwin
  • John V Dzimianski
  • Courtney M Daczkowski
  • Scott D Pegan
  • Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol.2019 Jan;75(Pt 1):21-31. S2059798318015322. doi: 10.1107/S2059798318015322.Epub 2019-01-04.


Novel Hydroquinone-Alumina Composites Stabilizing a Guest-Free Clathrate Structure: Applications in Gas Processing.
  • Romuald Coupan
  • Peter Moonen
  • Christophe Dicharry
  • Frederic Plantier
  • Joseph Diaz
  • Eve Péré
  • Abdel Khoukh
  • Fabrice Guerton
  • Pascale Senechal
  • Cédric Charvillat
  • Marie-Line DE Solan
  • Jean-Philippe Torré
  • ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c06187.Epub 2020-07-07.


Safety and immunogenicity of the live attenuated intranasal pertussis vaccine BPZE1: a phase 1b, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled dose-escalation study.
  • Maja Jahnmatz
  • Laura Richert
  • Nabil Al-Tawil
  • Jann Storsaeter
  • Céline Colin
  • Claire Bauduin
  • Marcel Thalen
  • Ken Solovay
  • Keith Rubin
  • Nathalie Mielcarek
  • Rigmor Thorstensson
  • Camille Locht
  • Lancet Infect Dis.2020 Jul;S1473-3099(20)30274-7. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30274-7.Epub 2020-07-17.


Photosynthesis across African cassava germplasm is limited by Rubisco and mesophyll conductance at steady state, but by stomatal conductance in fluctuating light.
  • Amanda P De Souza
  • Yu Wang
  • Douglas J Orr
  • Elizabete Carmo-Silva
  • Stephen P Long
  • New Phytol..2020 03;225(6):2498-2512. doi: 10.1111/nph.16142.Epub 2019-10-01.


To Keto or Not to Keto? A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Assessing the Effects of Ketogenic Therapy on Alzheimer Disease.
  • Maria G Grammatikopoulou
  • Dimitrios G Goulis
  • Konstantinos Gkiouras
  • Xenophon Theodoridis
  • Kalliopi K Gkouskou
  • Athanasios Evangeliou
  • Efthimis Dardiotis
  • Dimitrios P Bogdanos
  • Adv Nutr.2020 Jun;nmaa073. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmaa073.Epub 2020-06-29.


Dose-dependent effect of smoking and smoking cessation on periodontitis-related tooth loss during 10 - 47 years periodontal maintenance -- a retrospective study in compliant cohort.
  • Andrea Ravidà
  • Giuseppe Troiano
  • Musa Qazi
  • Muhammad H A Saleh
  • Islam Saleh
  • Wenche S Borgnakke
  • Hom-Lay Wang
  • J. Clin. Periodontol..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13336.Epub 2020-06-27.


Combinatorial Therapy of Zinc Metallochaperones with Mutant p53 Reactivation and Diminished Copper Binding.
  • Saif Zaman
  • Xin Yu
  • Anthony F Bencivenga
  • Adam R Blanden
  • Yue Liu
  • Tracy Withers
  • Bing Na
  • Alan J Blayney
  • John Gilleran
  • David A Boothman
  • Stewart N Loh
  • S David Kimball
  • Darren R Carpizo
  • Mol. Cancer Ther..2019 08;18(8):1355-1365. 1535-7163.MCT-18-1080. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-18-1080.Epub 2019-06-13.

BHA, BHT, TBHQを添加したポリプロピレンベースの活性型食品包装フィルムのマイグレーション分析、酸化防止剤、機械的特性の評価

Migration analysis, antioxidant, and mechanical characterization of polypropylene-based active food packaging films loaded with BHA, BHT, and TBHQ.
  • Seyedeh Homa Fasihnia
  • Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust
  • Seyed Jamaleddin Peighambardoust
  • Abdulrasoul Oromiehie
  • Maral Soltanzadeh
  • Donatella Peressini
  • J. Food Sci..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.15337.Epub 2020-07-19.


Nonlinear optical microscopy is a novel tool for the analysis of cutaneous alterations in pseudoxanthoma elasticum.
  • Norbert Kiss
  • Luca Fésűs
  • Szabolcs Bozsányi
  • Flóra Szeri
  • Matthias Van Gils
  • Viktória Szabó
  • Anikó Ilona Nagy
  • Bernadett Hidvégi
  • Róbert Szipőcs
  • Ludovic Martin
  • Olivier Vanakker
  • Tamás Arányi
  • Béla Merkely
  • Norbert M Wikonkál
  • Márta Medvecz
  • Lasers Med Sci.2020 May;10.1007/s10103-020-03027-w. doi: 10.1007/s10103-020-03027-w.Epub 2020-05-06.


Epithelial-interleukin-1 inhibits collagen formation by airway fibroblasts: Implications for asthma.
  • Emmanuel T Osei
  • Leila B Mostaço-Guidolin
  • Aileen Hsieh
  • Stephanie M Warner
  • May Al-Fouadi
  • Mary Wang
  • Darren J Cole
  • Geoffrey N Maksym
  • Teal S Hallstrand
  • Wim Timens
  • Corry-Anke Brandsma
  • Irene H Heijink
  • Tillie-Louise Hackett
  • Sci Rep.2020 May;10(1):8721. 10.1038/s41598-020-65567-z. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65567-z.Epub 2020-05-26.


Applying organic polymer flocculants in conditioning and advanced dewatering of landfill sludge as a substitution of ferric trichloride and lime: Mechanism, optimization and pilot-scale study.
  • Xiaodan Zhao
  • Jie Jiang
  • Zhen Zhou
  • Jiazhe Yang
  • Guang Chen
  • Wei Wu
  • Dongqi Sun
  • Jie Yao
  • Zhan Qiu
  • Kankan He
  • Zhichao Wu
  • Ziyang Lou
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;260:127617. S0045-6535(20)31812-9. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127617.Epub 2020-07-11.


Systematic analysis on multiple Gene Expression Omnibus data sets reveals fierce immune response in hepatitis B virus-related acute liver failure.
  • Huadi Chen
  • Wenting Zhao
  • Yixi Zhang
  • Yiwen Guo
  • Weixin Luo
  • Xiaobo Wang
  • Yu Nie
  • Maodong Ye
  • Changjun Huang
  • Dongping Wang
  • Maogen Chen
  • Xiaoshun He
  • Qiang Zhao
  • J. Cell. Mol. Med..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jcmm.15561.Epub 2020-07-19.


H3K9me3-mediated epigenetic regulation of senescence in mice predicts outcome of lymphoma patients.
  • Kolja Schleich
  • Julia Kase
  • Jan R Dörr
  • Saskia Trescher
  • Animesh Bhattacharya
  • Yong Yu
  • Elizabeth M Wailes
  • Dorothy N Y Fan
  • Philipp Lohneis
  • Maja Milanovic
  • Andrea Lau
  • Dido Lenze
  • Michael Hummel
  • Bjoern Chapuy
  • Ulf Leser
  • Maurice Reimann
  • Soyoung Lee
  • Clemens A Schmitt
  • Nat Commun.2020 Jul;11(1):3651. 10.1038/s41467-020-17467-z. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17467-z.Epub 2020-07-20.

腸内マイクロバイオームトランスファー、COVID-19誘発性高炎症の新規治療戦略?In reply to, 'COVID-19.免疫学および治療オプション」、フェルゼンシュタイン、ハーバート・マクナマラら、2020'

Intestinal microbiome transfer, a novel therapeutic strategy for COVID-19 induced hyperinflammation?: In reply to, 'COVID-19: Immunology and treatment options', Felsenstein, Herbert McNamara et al. 2020'.
  • James R McIlroy
  • Benjamin H Mullish
  • Simon D Goldenberg
  • Gianluca Ianiro
  • Julian R Marchesi
  • Clin. Immunol..2020 Jul;218:108542. S1521-6616(20)30439-3. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108542.Epub 2020-07-12.


No difference in the outcome of metastatic thyroid cancer patients when using recombinant or endogenous TSH.
  • Maria Cristina Campopiano
  • Debora Podestà
  • Francesca Bianchi
  • Carlotta Giani
  • Laura Agate
  • Valeria Bottici
  • Virginia Cappagli
  • Loredana Lorusso
  • Antonio Matrone
  • Luciana Puleo
  • Laura Valerio
  • David Viola
  • Paolo Piaggi
  • Rossella Elisei
  • Eleonora Molinaro
  • Eur. J. Endocrinol..2020 Jul;EJE-20-0088.R2. doi: 10.1530/EJE-20-0088.Epub 2020-07-01.


An update on hepatitis C virus genotype distribution in Jordan: a 12-year retrospective study from a tertiary care teaching hospital in Amman.
  • Malik Sallam
  • Rawan Batarseh
  • Anas Natsheh
  • Jumana Abbadi
  • Esraa Al-Fraihat
  • Alaa' Yaseen
  • Doaa Kaddomi
  • Nadia Khamees
  • Azmi Mahafzah
  • Gülşen Özkaya Şahin
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2019 Dec;20(1):3. 10.1186/s12879-019-4735-3. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4735-3.Epub 2019-12-31.

神経切除と冬眠がマーモット(Marmota flaviventris)の骨の性質とエンドカンナビノイド系に及ぼす影響

The effects of neurectomy and hibernation on bone properties and the endocannabinoid system in marmots (Marmota flaviventris).
  • Emily M Cravens
  • Jay S Kirkwood
  • Lisa M Wolfe
  • Rebecca A Packer
  • Lawrence R Whalen
  • Samantha J Wojda
  • Jessica E Prenni
  • Gregory L Florant
  • Seth W Donahue
  • Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol..2020 03;241:110621. S1095-6433(19)30385-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2019.110621.Epub 2019-11-27.


Poly(ADP-ribosylation) is present in murine sciatic nerve fibers and is altered in a Charcot-Marie-Tooth-1E neurodegenerative model.
  • Laura I Lafon Hughes
  • Carlos J Romeo Cardeillac
  • Karina B Cal Castillo
  • Salomé C Vilchez Larrea
  • José R Sotelo Sosa
  • Gustavo A Folle Ungo
  • Silvia H Fernández Villamil
  • Alejandra E Kun González
  • PeerJ.2017;5:e3318. 3318. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3318.Epub 2017-05-10.


Hypoxia-Preconditioned Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Rescue Optic Nerve Axons Via Differential Roles of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in an Optic Nerve Compression Animal Model.
  • Heejung Kwon
  • Mira Park
  • Sarmila Nepali
  • Helen Lew
  • Mol. Neurobiol..2020 Aug;57(8):3362-3375. 10.1007/s12035-020-01965-8. doi: 10.1007/s12035-020-01965-8.Epub 2020-06-10.


Inhibition of the prostaglandin D-GPR44/DP2 axis improves human islet survival and function.
  • Shadab Abadpour
  • Björn Tyrberg
  • Simen W Schive
  • Charlotte Wennberg Huldt
  • Peter Gennemark
  • Erik Ryberg
  • Tina Rydén-Bergsten
  • David M Smith
  • Olle Korsgren
  • Stanko Skrtic
  • Hanne Scholz
  • Maria Sörhede Winzell
  • Diabetologia.2020 Jul;63(7):1355-1367. 10.1007/s00125-020-05138-z. doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05138-z.Epub 2020-04-29.


A Network Meta-Analysis to Compare Effectiveness of Baricitinib and Other Treatments in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Inadequate Response to Methotrexate.
  • Walid Fakhouri
  • Xiaofei Wang
  • Inmaculada de La Torre
  • Claudia Nicolay
  • J Health Econ Outcomes Res.2020;7(1):10-23. jheor-7-1-12273. doi: 10.36469/jheor.2020.12273.Epub 2020-04-10.

重症筋無力症患者のCD4 T細胞は、IL-21、IL-4、IL-17Aの産生が増加し、PD-1とICOSの存在が高いことが特徴である

CD4 T Cells of Myasthenia Gravis Patients Are Characterized by Increased IL-21, IL-4, and IL-17A Productions and Higher Presence of PD-1 and ICOS.
  • Merve Çebi
  • Hacer Durmus
  • Fikret Aysal
  • Berker Özkan
  • Gizem Engin Gül
  • Arman Çakar
  • Mehmet Hocaoglu
  • Metin Mercan
  • Sibel P Yentür
  • Melih Tütüncü
  • Vildan Yayla
  • Onur Akan
  • Öner Dogan
  • Yeşim Parman
  • Güher Saruhan-Direskeneli
  • Front Immunol.2020;11:809. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00809.Epub 2020-05-19.


Annexin A2 depletion exacerbates the intracerebral microhemorrhage induced by acute rickettsia and Ebola virus infections.
  • Zhengchen Su
  • Qing Chang
  • Aleksandra Drelich
  • Thomas Shelite
  • Barbara Judy
  • Yakun Liu
  • Jie Xiao
  • Changchen Zhou
  • Xi He
  • Yang Jin
  • Tais Saito
  • Shaojun Tang
  • Lynn Soong
  • Maki Wakamiya
  • Xiang Fang
  • Alexander Bukreyev
  • Thomas Ksiazek
  • William K Russell
  • Bin Gong
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 Jul;14(7):e0007960. PNTD-D-19-01978. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007960.Epub 2020-07-20.

キノキサリン-7-カルボキシレート1,4-ジ-N-オキサイドのE. histolyticaに対する生物学的活性とチオレドキシン還元酵素阻害剤としての分析

Biological activity of esters of quinoxaline-7-carboxylate 1,4-di-N-oxide against E. histolytica and their analysis as potential thioredoxin reductase inhibitors.
  • Jacqueline Soto-Sánchez
  • Luis A Caro-Gómez
  • Alma D Paz-González
  • Laurence A Marchat
  • Gildardo Rivera
  • Rosa Moo-Puc
  • Diego G Arias
  • Esther Ramírez-Moreno
  • Parasitol. Res..2020 Feb;119(2):695-711. 10.1007/s00436-019-06580-8. doi: 10.1007/s00436-019-06580-8.Epub 2020-01-06.

Salivary Scavenger and Agglutinin (SALSA) Is Expressed in Mucosal Epithelial Cells and Decreased in Bronchial Epitheum of Asthmatic Horses(唾液スカベンジャーとアグルチニン(SALSA)は粘膜上皮細胞で発現し、喘息馬の気管支上皮で減少しています

Salivary Scavenger and Agglutinin (SALSA) Is Expressed in Mucosal Epithelial Cells and Decreased in Bronchial Epithelium of Asthmatic Horses.
  • Gary Kwok Cheong Lee
  • Laurence Tessier
  • Dorothee Bienzle
  • Front Vet Sci.2019;6:418. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00418.Epub 2019-11-29.


Anisakis and Hysterothylacium species in Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic fishes commonly consumed in Spain: Epidemiological, molecular and morphometric discriminant analysis.
  • Xavier Roca-Geronès
  • Matías Segovia
  • Carla Godínez-González
  • Roser Fisa
  • Isabel Montoliu
  • Int. J. Food Microbiol..2020 Jul;325:108642. S0168-1605(20)30136-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108642.Epub 2020-04-15.


Rapid response infrastructure for pandemic preparedness in a tertiary care hospital: lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak in Cologne, Germany, February to March 2020.
  • Max Augustin
  • Philipp Schommers
  • Isabelle Suárez
  • Philipp Koehler
  • Henning Gruell
  • Florian Klein
  • Christian Maurer
  • Petra Langerbeins
  • Vanessa Priesner
  • Kirsten Schmidt-Hellerau
  • Jakob J Malin
  • Melanie Stecher
  • Norma Jung
  • Gerhard Wiesmüller
  • Arne Meissner
  • Janine Zweigner
  • Georg Langebartels
  • Felix Kolibay
  • Victor Suárez
  • Volker Burst
  • Philippe Valentin
  • Dirk Schedler
  • Oliver A Cornely
  • Michael Hallek
  • Gerd Fätkenheuer
  • Jan Rybniker
  • Clara Lehmann
  • Euro Surveill..2020 05;25(21). doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.21.2000531.

Oxford Nanopore PromethIONシーケンシングとHi-C技術を用いた、アオカワカワヒメジ(Thamnaconus septentrionalis)の染色体レベルでのゲノムアセンブリー

Chromosome-level genome assembly of the greenfin horse-faced filefish (Thamnaconus septentrionalis) using Oxford Nanopore PromethION sequencing and Hi-C technology.
  • Li Bian
  • Fenghui Li
  • Jianlong Ge
  • Pengfei Wang
  • Qing Chang
  • Shengnong Zhang
  • Jie Li
  • Changlin Liu
  • Kun Liu
  • Xintian Liu
  • Xuming Li
  • Hongju Chen
  • Siqing Chen
  • Changwei Shao
  • Zhishu Lin
  • Mol Ecol Resour.2020 May;doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13183.Epub 2020-05-10.