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2023年10月 みんなが読んでいる論文
Streptococcus mutansバイオフィルムのう蝕原性ならびにエナメル質および象牙質の脱灰に及ぼすウシ乳の影響
Effect of bovine milk on Streptococcus mutans biofilm cariogenic properties and enamel and dentin demineralization.
- Pediatr Dent.2012;34(7):e197-201.
The effect of bruxism on treatment planning for dental implants.
- Dent Today.2002 Sep;21(9):76-81.
Stress transfer of four mandibular implant overdenture cantilever designs.
- J Prosthet Dent.2004 Oct;92(4):328-36.
Study of the radiofrequency-induced heating inside the human head with dental implants at 7 T.
- Bioelectromagnetics.2023 Oct;
Effect of supragingival air polishing on subgingival periodontitis microbiota.
- Can J Dent Hyg.2023 Feb;57(1):7-13.
The oral microbiome of implant-abutment screw holes compared with the peri-implant sulcus and natural supragingival plaque in healthy individuals.
- J Periodontal Implant Sci.2023 Jun;53(3):233-244.
Direct and semi-direct resin composite restoration in large cavity preparations: analysis of dentin bond strength stability and bottom/top microhardness ratio in a cavity model.
- Odontology.2022 Jul;110(3):482-488.
A Predictable Approach to Exquisite Anterior Direct Restorations: the Additive Solution.
- Compend Contin Educ Dent.2023 Oct;44(9):e5-e8.
Comparison of Marginal Fracture Between Conventional and Bonded Amalgam Restorations in Posterior Permanent Molar Teeth.
- Cureus.2023 Aug;15(8):e44295.
Clinical longevity of intracoronal restorations made of gold, lithium disilicate, leucite, and indirect resin composite: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Clin Oral Investig.2023 Sep;27(9):4877-4896.
Restoration Survival: Revisiting Patients' Risk Factors Through a Systematic Literature Review.
- Oper Dent.2016 Sep;41(S7):S7-S26.
[A PhD completed 5. Restoration survival in the composite resin age].
- Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd.2016 Sep;123(9):429-31.
Patient risk factors' influence on survival of posterior composites.
- J Dent Res.2013 Jul;92(7 Suppl):78S-83S.
Assessment of Number of Critical Satellites for Ground-Based Augmentation System Continuity Allocation to Support Category II/III Precision Approaches.
- Sensors (Basel).2023 Oct;23(19).
Prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Clin Oral Investig.2021 Feb;25(2):441-453.
Relationship between rotational disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint and the dentoskeletal morphology.
- Korean J Orthod.2021 Mar;51(2):105-114.
Relationship of computed tomography-verified degenerative condylar morphology with temporomandibular joint disk displacement and sex.
- Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol.2021 Jul;132(1):93-103.
Top 100 Cited Publications in the Field of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Bibliometric Analysis.
- Front Oral Health.2022;3:864519.
Temporomandibular Joint Disk Displacement: Etiology, Diagnosis, Imaging, and Therapeutic Approaches.
- J Craniofac Surg.2023 May;34(3):1115-1121.
Evaluation of Changes in Soft and Hard Tissues of TMJ among Class II Division 2 Patients after Prefunctional Orthodontics and Twin Block Functional Appliance Therapy: A Prospective MRI Study.
- Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2022;15(5):479-488.
Temporomandibular Joint: Review of Anatomy and Clinical Implications.
- Dent Clin North Am.2023 Apr;67(2):199-209.
MRI changes and clinical characteristics in temporomandibular joints with displacement of the articular disk without reduction - a cross-sectional observational study.
- Cranio.2023 Apr;:1-10.
Biomechanics and Derangements of the Temporomandibular Joint.
- Dent Clin North Am.2023 Apr;67(2):243-257.
Photobiomodulation Therapy for the Symptoms Related to Temporomandibular Joint Disk Displacement.
- Case Rep Dent.2023;2023:5947168.
Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents: A review.
- Arch Pediatr.2023 Jul;30(5):335-342.
Apoptosis in displaced temporomandibular joint disc with and without reduction: an immunohistochemical study.
- J Oral Pathol Med.2011 Jan;40(1):103-10.
Effects of glycation end-products on the dental pulp in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Int Endod J.2023 Nov;56(11):1373-1384.
[Bruxism--a function of the masticatory organ to cope with stress].
- Wien Med Wochenschr.2004 Dec;154(23-24):584-9.
Quantitative Evaluation of Aerosols Produced in the Dental Office during Caries Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- J Clin Med.2023 Jul;12(14).
Assessing the Acceptability of Less Invasive Caries Removal Techniques for treating Deep Carious Lesions: A Conjoint Survey among Dentists Practicing in a Midwestern American State".
- Caries Res.2023 Sep;
Factors that Affect the Shear Bond Strength of Pit and Fissure Sealants to Tooth Structure: A Systematic Review.
- Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent.2023 Sep;
Efficient Removal of Dental Plaque Biofilm from Training Typodont Teeth via Water Flosser.
- Bioengineering (Basel).2023 Sep;10(9).
The Benefits of Probiotics on Oral Health: Systematic Review of the Literature.
- Pharmaceuticals (Basel).2023 Sep;16(9).
Comparison of the Color Appearance of Peri-implant Soft Tissue with Natural Gingiva Using Anodized Pink-Neck Implants and Pink Abutments: A Prospective Clinical Trial.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2019;34(3):752–758.
Effect of anodized titanium abutment collars on peri-implant soft tissue: A split-mouth clinical study.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Jul;130(1):59-67.
Review of adhesive techniques used in removable prosthodontic practice.
- J Oral Sci.2012 Sep;54(3):205-11.
Comparison of fracture strength and failure mode of different ceramic implant abutments.
- J Prosthet Dent.2017 Apr;117(4):499-506.
Fracture strength of zirconia implant abutments on narrow diameter implants with internal and external implant abutment connections: A study on the titanium resin base concept.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2018 Apr;29(4):411-423.
Influence of Different Cleaning Procedures on Tensile Bond Strength Between Zirconia Abutment and Titanium Base.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2019;34(6):1318-1327.
Evaluation of Adhesion Protocol for Titanium Base Abutments to Different Ceramic and Hybrid Materials.
- Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent.2021 Feb;29(1):22-34.
Cementation Protocol for Bonding Zirconia Crowns to Titanium Base CAD/CAM Abutments.
- Int J Prosthodont.2020;33(5):527-535.
Fracture strength of various titanium-based, CAD-CAM and PFM implant crowns.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2021 Apr;33(3):522-530.
Effect of fatigue loading and failure mode of different ceramic implant abutments.
- J Prosthet Dent.2022 Jun;127(6):875-881.
Evaluation of Fracture Resistance of Zirconia Modification/Polishing Around Implant Abutments.
- J Oral Implantol.2022 Jun;48(3):202-209.
Titanium Base Abutments in Implant Prosthodontics: A Literature Review.
- Eur J Dent.2022 Feb;16(1):49-55.
スクリューアクセスチャンネルに角度をつけた場合とストレートを使用した場合のチタンベースに対するジルコニアクラウンの保持:invitro study
Retention of zirconia crowns to titanium bases with straight versus angled screw access channels: an invitro study.
- BMC Oral Health.2023 Jul;23(1):458.
Effect of gingival height of a titanium base on the biomechanical behavior of 2-piece custom implant abutments: A 3-dimensional nonlinear finite element study.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Sep;130(3):380.e1-380.e9.
チタン製ベースアバットメントの高さがジルコニア製修復物の維持に及ぼす影響:in vitro試験
Influence of varying titanium base abutment heights on retention of zirconia restorations: An in vitro study.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Oct;130(4):604.e1-604.e5.
チタンベースのインプラントアバットメントに合着されたジルコニアクラウンの維持に対する合着剤、アバットメントの高さ、および疲労の影響のin vitro評価
In vitro assessment of the effect of luting agents, abutment height, and fatigue on the retention of zirconia crowns luted to titanium base implant abutments.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Sep;
Effects of cyclic loading on loss of abutment screw torque of angled screw channel single implant crowns on narrow diameter implants.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Sep;
グループ2 ITIコンセンサスレポート:インプラント補綴の技術開発
Group 2 ITI Consensus Report: Technological developments in implant prosthetics.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2023 Sep;34 Suppl 26:104-111.
Ill Effects and Complications Associated to Removable Dentures With Improper Use and Poor Oral Hygiene: A Systematic Review.
- Cureus.2022 Aug;14(8):e28144.
Does the use of conventional complete dentures influence taste perception? A systematic review.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Mar;
Full-Arch Guided Restoration and Bone Regeneration: A Complete Digital Workflow Case Report.
- Healthcare (Basel).2023 May;11(9).
The effect of surface treatments on the color stability of CAD-CAM interim fixed dental prostheses.
- J Prosthet Dent.2021 Aug;126(2):248-253.
DLP 3Dプリンティングにおけるインク材料の選択と光学設計の考察
Ink Material Selection and Optical Design Considerations in DLP 3D Printing.
- Appl Mater Today.2023 Feb;30.
The effect of fabrication methods (conventional, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing milling, three-dimensional printing) and material type on the fracture strength of provisional restorations.
- Dent Res J (Isfahan).2023;20:86.
Effect of build orientation on the trueness of occlusal splints fabricated by three-dimensional printing.
- J Oral Sci.2023 Oct;65(4):261-264.
Comparison of marginal and internal adaptation of provisional polymethyl methacrylate restorations fabricated by two three-dimensional printers: An study.
- Dent Res J (Isfahan).2023;20:87.
Flexural Strength Analysis of Different Complete Denture Resin-Based Materials Obtained by Conventional and Digital Manufacturing.
- Materials (Basel).2023 Oct;16(19).
Accidental ingestion of drain cleaner.
- BMJ Case Rep.2020 Sep;13(9).
All-on-Four コンセプトを用いた完全無歯顎の固定再建と即時リハビリテーション:症例シリーズ
A Fixed Reconstruction and Immediate Rehabilitation of Fully Edentulous Arch Using the All-on-Four Concept: Case Series.
- J Long Term Eff Med Implants.2023;33(2):41-49.
Implants Placed with the All-On-4 Technique: A Radiographic Retrospective Study on 156 Implants with a 5- to 14-Year Follow-up.
- Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2023;43(5):606-613.
Influence of Operator Experience on Scanning Time and Accuracy with Two Different Intraoral Scanners - A Prospective Clinical Trial.
- Turk J Orthod.2023 Mar;36(1):10-14.
The precision of two alternative indirect workflows for digital model production: an illusion or a possibility?
- Clin Oral Investig.2023 Jul;27(7):3787-3797.
The impact of software updates on accuracy of intraoral scanners.
- BMC Oral Health.2023 Apr;23(1):219.
Development and Comparison of Conventional and 3D-Printed Laboratory Models of Maxillary Defects.
- Dent J (Basel).2023 Apr;11(5).
[Dental implants].
- Rev Esp Estomatol.1983;31(6):447-52.
Investigating the implant position reproducibility of optical impressions obtained using an intraoral scanner and 3D-printed models fabricated using an intraoral scanner.
- Int J Implant Dent.2023 Jun;9(1):14.
Accuracy Analysis of Computer-Assisted and Guided Dental Implantology by Comparing 3D Planning Data and Actual Implant Placement in a Mandibular Training Model: A Monocentric Comparison between Dental Students and Trained Implantologists.
- J Pers Med.2023 Jun;13(7).
Accuracy of single-implant digital impression with various scanbody exposure levels at anterior and posterior regions.
- J Dent.2023 Jul;138:104641.
Comparison of 3D accuracy of three different digital intraoral scanners in full-arch implant impressions.
- J Adv Prosthodont.2023 Aug;15(4):179-188.
Influence of Implant Scanbody Material and Intraoral Scanner on the Accuracy of Complete-Arch Digital Implant Impressions.
- Int J Prosthodont.2023 Sep;0(0):0.
再置換術による矢状面矯正の消失 > 成人脊柱変形手術後3年:誰が、なぜ?
Revision Free Loss of Sagittal Correction > 3 Years After Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Who and Why?
- Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2023 Oct;
Comment on: "Comparison of the effectiveness of soft and hard splints in the symptomatic management of temporomandibular joint disorders".
- Int J Rheum Dis.2023 Sep;
Association between Dental Diseases and Oral Hygiene Care and the Risk of Dementia: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
- J Am Med Dir Assoc.2023 Sep;
Is calcium hydroxide more effective than formocresol or camphor phenol as intracanal disinfectants in acute pulpitis among deciduous teeth?
- Evid Based Dent.2019 Sep;20(3):86-87.
Antimicrobial efficacy of chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide/camphorated paramonochlorophenol on infected primary molars: a split-mouth randomized clinical trial.
- Quintessence Int.2013 Feb;44(2):113-22.
Repair versus replacement for active endocarditis of the mitral valve: 9 years of experience.
- J Card Surg.2022 Nov;37(11):3713-3719.
Mitral valve surgery in acute infective endocarditis: long-term outcomes of mitral valve repair versus replacement.
- J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown).2023 Aug;
Effect of denture cleansers on color stability and surface roughness of denture bases fabricated from three different techniques: Conventional heat-polymerizing, CAD/CAM additive, and CAD/CAM subtractive manufacturing.
- Clin Exp Dent Res.2023 Jul;
Effect of polishing and denture cleansers on the surface roughness of new-generation denture base materials and their color change after cleansing.
- J Prosthodont.2023 Aug;
Effect of denture cleansers on the physical and mechanical properties of CAD-CAM milled and 3D-printed denture base materials: An in vitro study.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Sep;
バルクフィルベーステクニックと従来のインクリメンタルコンポジットテクニックの処置時間と充填品質-無作為化比較in vitro試験
Procedure time and filling quality for bulk-fill base and conventional incremental composite techniques-A randomised controlled in vitro trial.
- J Dent.2023 Sep;138:104725.
Marginal Adaptation of In Vitro Class II Restorations Made Out of Bulk or Conventional Composite Using Single- or Multi-Layered Techniques.
- Materials (Basel).2023 Sep;16(18).
Microtensile Bond Strength of Different Bonding Agents to Superficial and Deep Dentin in Etch-and-Rinse and Self-Etch Modes.
- Front Dent.2023;20:9.
Longevity of Indirect and Direct Restorations in Anterior Teeth.
- Prim Dent J.2023 Jun;12(2):76-84.
様々な修復材料下での再発う蝕の検出におけるコーンビームCTとデジタル・バイトウィングX線撮影の精度の比較:in vitro試験
Comparison of accuracy cone-beam computed tomography and digital bitewing radiography for detection of recurrent caries under various restorative materials: in vitro study.
- Oral Radiol.2023 Oct;39(4):722-730.
Surgical site infection prophylaxis: what have we learned and are we making progress?
- Curr Opin Infect Dis.2023 Sep;
Clinical performance of various bonding agents in noncarious cervical defects.
- J Conserv Dent.2023;26(3):271-274.
Effect of contamination and decontamination methods on the bond strength of adhesive systems to dentin: A systematic review.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2023 Jul;
Comparison of wear and fracture resistance of additively and subtractively manufactured screw-retained, implant-supported crowns.
- J Prosthet Dent.2023 Jul;
Effect of Various Beverages on Adhesion of Repaired CAD/CAM Restorative Materials.
- J Funct Biomater.2023 Jul;14(7).
The Penetration Depth of Resin Infiltration Into Enamel: A Systematic Review.
- J Int Soc Prev Community Dent.2023;13(3):194-207.
Linear and volumetric shrinkage displacements of resin composite restorations with and without debonding.
- Dent Mater J.2023 Sep;42(5):659-668.
Fracture Resistance of Class II MOD Cavities Restored by Direct and Indirect Techniques and Different Materials Combination.
- Polymers (Basel).2023 Aug;15(16).
The comparison of the repair bond strength of the composite resin to direct and indirect composite restorations with different surface preparations.
- J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects.2023;17(2):101-108.
Dental restoration operative time and analysis of the internal gap of conventional resins (Incremental Technique) vs. Bulk Fill (Single-Increment Technique): study.
- J Clin Exp Dent.2023 Aug;15(8):e621-e628.
Self-adhesive flowable composite resins and flowable composite resins in permanent teeth with occlusal cavities: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- J Dent.2023 Sep;138:104691.
A Remineralizing and Antibacterial Coating for Arresting Caries.
- J Dent Res.2023 Sep;:220345231189992.