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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Rhizobial microsymbionts of the narrowly endemic Oxytropis species growing in Kamchatka are characterized by significant genetic diversity and possess a set of genes that are associated with T3SS and T6SS secretion systems and can affect the development of symbiosis.
  • Vera Safronova
  • Polina Guro
  • Anna Sazanova
  • Irina Kuznetsova
  • Andrey Belimov
  • Valentin Yakubov
  • Elizaveta Chirak
  • Alexey Afonin
  • Yuri Gogolev
  • Evgeny Andronov
  • Igor Tikhonovich
  • Mol. Plant Microbe Interact..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1094/MPMI-05-20-0114-R.Epub 2020-07-20.


Lipopolysaccharide promotes Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission and associated inflammatory responses in macrophages.
  • Ronan Kapetanovic
  • Syeda Farhana Afroz
  • Divya Ramnath
  • Grace Mep Lawrence
  • Takashi Okada
  • James Eb Curson
  • Jost de Bruin
  • David P Fairlie
  • Kate Schroder
  • Justin C St John
  • Antje Blumenthal
  • Matthew J Sweet
  • Immunol. Cell Biol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/imcb.12363.Epub 2020-07-20.


Increasing endogenous activity of NMDARs on GABAergic neurons increases inhibition, alters sensory processing and prevents noise-induced tinnitus.
  • Di Deng
  • Samer Masri
  • Lulu Yao
  • Xiaoyan Ma
  • Xuebing Cao
  • Sungchil Yang
  • Shaowen Bao
  • Qiang Zhou
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11969. 10.1038/s41598-020-68652-5. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68652-5.Epub 2020-07-20.


An OTX2-PAX3 signaling axis regulates Group 3 medulloblastoma cell fate.
  • Jamie Zagozewski
  • Ghazaleh M Shahriary
  • Ludivine Coudière Morrison
  • Olivier Saulnier
  • Margaret Stromecki
  • Agnes Fresnoza
  • Gareth Palidwor
  • Christopher J Porter
  • Antoine Forget
  • Olivier Ayrault
  • Cynthia Hawkins
  • Jennifer A Chan
  • Maria C Vladoiu
  • Lakshmikirupa Sundaresan
  • Janilyn Arsenio
  • Michael D Taylor
  • Vijay Ramaswamy
  • Tamra E Werbowetski-Ogilvie
  • Nat Commun.2020 Jul;11(1):3627. 10.1038/s41467-020-17357-4. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17357-4.Epub 2020-07-20.


Peripheral myelin protein 22 modulates store-operated calcium channel activity, providing insights into Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease etiology.
  • Carlos G Vanoye
  • Masayoshi Sakakura
  • Rose M Follis
  • Alexandra J Trevisan
  • Malathi Narayan
  • Jun Li
  • Charles R Sanders
  • Bruce D Carter
  • J. Biol. Chem..2019 08;294(32):12054-12065. RA118.006248. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006248.Epub 2019-06-18.


Fast and Chemoselective Addition of in Deep Eutectic Solvent Generated Highly Polarized Lithium Phosphides (LiPR2) to Aldehydes and Epoxides at Room Temperature and Under Air.
  • Joaquin García-Álvarez
  • Luciana Cicco
  • Alba Fombona-Pascual
  • Joaquin García Álvarez
  • Gabino A Carriedo
  • Filippo M Perna
  • Vito Capriati
  • Alejandro Presa Soto
  • Alba Sánchez-Condado
  • ChemSusChem.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/cssc.202001449.Epub 2020-07-14.


Noncompetitive binding of PpiD and YidC to the SecYEG translocon expands the global view on the SecYEG interactome in .
  • Benjamin Jauss
  • Narcis-Adrian Petriman
  • Friedel Drepper
  • Lisa Franz
  • Ilie Sachelaru
  • Thomas Welte
  • Ruth Steinberg
  • Bettina Warscheid
  • Hans-Georg Koch
  • J. Biol. Chem..2019 12;294(50):19167-19183. RA119.010686. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.010686.Epub 2019-11-07.

COVID -19 で入院し、適応外のヒドロキシクロロキンとアジスロマイシンで治療された患者の臨床転帰と有害事象

Clinical outcomes and adverse events in patients hospitalised with COVID -19, treated with off- label hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
  • Mary Kelly
  • Ròisìn O'Connor
  • Liam Townsend
  • Miriam Coghlan
  • Eileen Relihan
  • Miriam Moriarty
  • Bernard Carr
  • Gail Melanophy
  • Caitriona Doyle
  • Ciaran Bannan
  • Ruth O'Riordan
  • Concepta Merry
  • Susie Clarke
  • Colm Bergin
  • Br J Clin Pharmacol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/bcp.14482.Epub 2020-07-20.


Structural basis and mechanism for metallochaperone-assisted assembly of the Cu center in cytochrome oxidase.
  • Fabia Canonica
  • Daniel Klose
  • Raphael Ledermann
  • Maximilian M Sauer
  • Helge K Abicht
  • Nick Quade
  • Alvar D Gossert
  • Serge Chesnov
  • Hans-Martin Fischer
  • Gunnar Jeschke
  • Hauke Hennecke
  • Rudi Glockshuber
  • Sci Adv.2019 07;5(7):eaaw8478. aaw8478. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw8478.Epub 2019-07-31.

多発性脳転移の定位放射線手術に対する単一心室容積変調アーク療法とCyberKnife M6の比較

Single-Isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy vs. CyberKnife M6 for the Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Multiple Brain Metastases.
  • Rami A El Shafie
  • Eric Tonndorf-Martini
  • Daniela Schmitt
  • Aylin Celik
  • Dorothea Weber
  • Kristin Lang
  • Laila König
  • Simon Höne
  • Tobias Forster
  • Bastian von Nettelbladt
  • Sebastian Adeberg
  • Jürgen Debus
  • Stefan Rieken
  • Denise Bernhardt
  • Front Oncol.2020;10:568. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00568.Epub 2020-05-08.


Hypofractionated radiotherapy alone with 2.4 Gy per fraction for head and neck cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Princess Margaret experience and proposal.
  • Shao Hui Huang
  • Brian O'Sullivan
  • Jie Su
  • Jolie Ringash
  • Scott V Bratman
  • John Kim
  • Ali Hosni
  • Andrew Bayley
  • John Cho
  • Meredith Giuliani
  • Andrew Hope
  • Anna Spreafico
  • Aaron R Hansen
  • Lillian L Siu
  • Ralph Gilbert
  • Jonathan C Irish
  • David Goldstein
  • John de Almeida
  • Li Tong
  • Wei Xu
  • John Waldron
  • Cancer.2020 08;126(15):3426-3437. doi: 10.1002/cncr.32968.Epub 2020-06-01.


Local eosinophils are associated with increased IgA subclass levels in the sinonasal mucosa of chronic rhinosinusitis with polyp patients.
  • Hossein Aazami
  • Farhad Seif
  • Babak Ghalehbaghi
  • Pegah Babaheidarian
  • Alireza Mohebbi
  • Aslan Ahmadi
  • Majid Khoshmirsafa
  • Sahand Ghalehbaghi
  • Babak Behnam
  • Kobra Zinat Entezami
  • Zahra Madjd
  • Reza Falak
  • Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol.2020;16:30. 428. doi: 10.1186/s13223-020-00428-y.Epub 2020-04-25.


Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of EdAP, a 4'-Ethynyl-2'-Deoxyadenosine 5'-Monophosphate Analog, as a Potent Influenza a Inhibitor.
  • Toshifumi Takeuchi
  • Nongluk Sriwilaijaroen
  • Ayako Sakuraba
  • Ei Hayashi
  • Shinji Kamisuki
  • Yasuo Suzuki
  • Hiroshi Ohrui
  • Fumio Sugawara
  • Molecules.2019 Jul;24(14). E2603. doi: 10.3390/molecules24142603.Epub 2019-07-17.


Measurements of the radioactivity of the cloud from the accident at Windscale Works (Sellafield, England) in October 1957: data submitted to the International Geophysical Year (IGY; July 1957-December 1958).
  • N G Stewart
  • R N Crooks
  • E M R Fisher
  • J Radiol Prot.2020 Jun;40(2):633-645. doi: 10.1088/1361-6498/ab70cc.Epub 2020-05-27.

ニュージーランド水域のアローイカ(Nototodarus gouldi, N. sloanii)の微量元素濃度の地域的評価。生物学的アクセス性と食物網と人間の消費者への影響

Regional assessment of trace element concentrations in arrow squids (Nototodarus gouldi, N. sloanii) from New Zealand waters: Bioaccessibility and impact on food web and human consumers.
  • A Lischka
  • H E Braid
  • J L Pannell
  • C J Pook
  • S Gaw
  • M Yoo
  • K S R Bolstad
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 Sep;264:114662. S0269-7491(19)37625-0. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114662.Epub 2020-04-24.

ペネヒクリジン塩酸塩の前投薬は、手術後の認知機能障害やせん妄の発生率の増加とは関連していません:A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis(全身レビューとメタアナリシス)

Penehyclidine Hydrochloride Premedication Is Not Associated with Increased Incidence of Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction or Delirium:A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  • Yun Tai Yao
  • Hua Ying
  • Neng Xin Fang
  • Yong Bao Zhang
  • Xin Yuan
  • Chin. Med. Sci. J..2020 Jun;35(2):121-134. 3630. doi: 10.24920/003630.


Intra-abdominal fat estimation by bio-electrical impedance analysis in patients with fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes compared with BMI matched type 2 diabetic subjects and healthy controls.
  • Channabasappa Shivaprasad
  • Kolla Gautham
  • Preethika Palani
  • Soumya Gupta
  • Kejal Shah
  • Diabetes Metab Syndr.2020 May;14(5):789-795. S1871-4021(20)30157-0. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.05.038.Epub 2020-05-27.


Preparation of a thiols β-cyclodextrin/gold nanoparticles-coated open tubular column for capillary electrochromatography enantioseparations.
  • Linlin Fang
  • Yanyan Zhao
  • Chao Wang
  • Changyuan Wang
  • Xu Han
  • Pengjun Chen
  • Lizhu Zhao
  • Jingping Wang
  • Shuang Li
  • Zhen Jiang
  • J Sep Sci.2020 Jun;43(11):2209-2216. doi: 10.1002/jssc.201901323.Epub 2020-04-13.