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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Molecular Basis for Hormone Recognition and Activation of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptors.
  • Shanshan Ma
  • Qingya Shen
  • Li-Hua Zhao
  • Chunyou Mao
  • X Edward Zhou
  • Dan-Dan Shen
  • Parker W de Waal
  • Peng Bi
  • Chuntao Li
  • Yi Jiang
  • Ming-Wei Wang
  • Patrick M Sexton
  • Denise Wootten
  • Karsten Melcher
  • Yan Zhang
  • H Eric Xu
  • Mol. Cell.2020 02;77(3):669-680.e4. S1097-2765(20)30013-7. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.01.013.Epub 2020-01-30.

土壌蓄積係数とDTPA抽出を用いた汚染土壌におけるCu, Cd, Pb, Znのバイオアベイラビリティーに対するミミズ活性の評価

Assessment of earthworm activity on Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn bioavailability in contaminated soils using biota to soil accumulation factor and DTPA extraction.
  • Ling Xiao
  • Ming-Hui Li
  • Jun Dai
  • Mikael Motelica-Heino
  • Xu-Fei Chen
  • Jia-Long Wu
  • Lanfeng Zhao
  • Kexue Liu
  • Chi Zhang
  • Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf..2020 Jun;195:110513. S0147-6513(20)30352-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110513.Epub 2020-03-23.

ニホンウズラ(Coturnix japonica)におけるアドレノメデュリンの食欲不振作用には、視床下部の弧状核におけるプロピオメラノコルチンとコカインおよびアンフェタミン調節されたトランスクリプトmRNAの増加が関与しています

The anorexigenic effect of adrenomedullin in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) involves increased proopiomelanocortin and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript mRNAs in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.
  • J Wang
  • A Webster
  • W Sims
  • E R Gilbert
  • M A Cline
  • Domest. Anim. Endocrinol..2020 Mar;74:106465. S0739-7240(20)30032-1. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2020.106465.Epub 2020-03-02.

GNAQ および GNA11 変異型非ぶどう膜黒色腫:皮膚黒色腫とぶどう膜黒色腫の両方とは異なるサブタイプ

GNAQ and GNA11 mutant nonuveal melanoma: a subtype distinct from both cutaneous and uveal melanoma.
  • E Livingstone
  • A Zaremba
  • S Horn
  • S Ugurel
  • B Casalini
  • M Schlaak
  • J C Hassel
  • R Herbst
  • J S Utikal
  • B Weide
  • R Gutzmer
  • F Meier
  • C Koelsche
  • E Hadaschik
  • A Sucker
  • H Reis
  • S Merkelbach-Bruse
  • M Siewert
  • F Sahm
  • A von Deimling
  • I Cosgarea
  • L Zimmer
  • D Schadendorf
  • B Schilling
  • K G Griewank
  • Br. J. Dermatol..2020 Feb;doi: 10.1111/bjd.18947.Epub 2020-02-16.


Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induced developmental abnormalities of the ovary in quail (Coturnix japonica) via disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.
  • Xue-Nan Li
  • Hui-Xin Li
  • Tian-Ning Yang
  • Xiao-Wei Li
  • Yue-Qiang Huang
  • Shi-Yong Zhu
  • Jin-Long Li
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 Jun;741:140293. S0048-9697(20)33814-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140293.Epub 2020-06-18.


Leukotriene receptor antagonists enhance HCC treatment efficacy by inhibiting ADAMs and suppressing MICA shedding.
  • Jun Arai
  • Kaku Goto
  • Yumi Otoyama
  • Yoko Nakajima
  • Ikuya Sugiura
  • Atsushi Kajiwara
  • Masayuki Tojo
  • Yuki Ichikawa
  • Shojiro Uozumi
  • Yuu Shimozuma
  • Manabu Uchikoshi
  • Masashi Sakaki
  • Hisako Nozawa
  • Ryo Nakagawa
  • Ryosuke Muroyama
  • Naoya Kato
  • Hitoshi Yoshida
  • Cancer Immunol. Immunother..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00262-020-02660-2. doi: 10.1007/s00262-020-02660-2.Epub 2020-07-18.


Podocyte-specific deletion of tubular sclerosis complex 2 promotes focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and progressive renal failure.
  • Wakiko Iwata
  • Hiroyuki Unoki-Kubota
  • Hideki Kato
  • Akira Shimizu
  • Michihiro Matsumoto
  • Toshiyuki Imasawa
  • Arisa Igarashi
  • Kenji Matsumoto
  • Tetsuo Noda
  • Yasuo Terauchi
  • Masaomi Nangaku
  • Masato Kasuga
  • Yasushi Kaburagi
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(3):e0229397. PONE-D-19-22136. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229397.Epub 2020-03-19.

キトサン-PLGA ナノ粒子の特性を調節して、鼻から脳へのルートを意図した神経膠芽腫治療のための共同デリバリープラットフォームを設計する

Modulating chitosan-PLGA nanoparticle properties to design a co-delivery platform for glioblastoma therapy intended for nose-to-brain route.
  • Natália N Ferreira
  • Sara Granja
  • Fernanda I Boni
  • Fabíola G Prezotti
  • Leonardo M B Ferreira
  • Beatriz S F Cury
  • Rui M Reis
  • Fátima Baltazar
  • Maria Palmira D Gremião
  • Drug Deliv Transl Res.2020 Jul;10.1007/s13346-020-00824-2. doi: 10.1007/s13346-020-00824-2.Epub 2020-07-18.

分解性ホモ対マルチブロックコポリマーとその(ミクロ)構造を確立された生体材料と比較したin vivo生体適合性の研究

In vivo biocompatibility study of degradable homo- versus multiblock copolymers and their (micro)structure compared to an established biomaterial.
  • Tobias Haase
  • Robert Klopfleisch
  • Annalena Krost
  • Tilman Sauter
  • Karl Kratz
  • Jan Peter
  • Friedrich Jung
  • Andreas Lendlein
  • Dietlind Zohlnhöfer
  • Constantin Rüder
  • Clin. Hemorheol. Microcirc..2020 Jan;CH190748. doi: 10.3233/CH-190748.Epub 2020-01-04.


Biochemical and imaging parameters in acid sphingomyelinase deficiency: Potential utility as biomarkers.
  • Eline C B Eskes
  • Barbara Sjouke
  • Frédéric M Vaz
  • Susan M I Goorden
  • André B P van Kuilenburg
  • Johannes M F G Aerts
  • Carla E M Hollak
  • Mol. Genet. Metab..2020 05;130(1):16-26. S1096-7192(20)30052-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2020.02.002.Epub 2020-02-12.


Re-labeled GX1 dimer as a novel dual-functional probe targeting TGM2 for imaging and antiangiogenic therapy of gastric cancer.
  • Jipeng Yin
  • Bo Xin
  • Xiaoli Hui
  • Na Chai
  • Liping Yao
  • Hao Hu
  • Bing Xu
  • Wenhui Ma
  • Mingru Zhang
  • Jing Wang
  • Yongzhan Nie
  • Guangqing Zhou
  • Guanliang Wang
  • Liusheng Chen
  • Hongbing Lu
  • Kaichun Wu
  • Eur J Pharm Biopharm.2020 Jul;S0939-6411(20)30218-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2020.07.015.Epub 2020-07-16.


MANα1-2MAN decorated liposomes enhance the immunogenicity induced by a DNA vaccine against BoHV-1.
  • Claudia Alejandra Kornuta
  • Juan Esteban Bidart
  • Ivana Soria
  • Mariela Gammella
  • Valeria Quattrocchi
  • Juan Sebastián Pappalardo
  • Stefano Salmaso
  • Vladimir Petrovich Torchilin
  • Felipe Cheuquepán Valenzuela
  • Yanina Hecker
  • Dadin Prando Moore
  • Patricia Inés Zamorano
  • Cecilia Ana Langellotti
  • Transbound Emerg Dis.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/tbed.13718.Epub 2020-07-09.


Keep the quality high: the benefits of lot testing for the quality control of malaria rapid diagnostic tests.
  • Sandra Incardona
  • David Bell
  • Ana Campillo
  • Jane Cunningham
  • Frederic Ariey
  • Thierry Fandeur
  • Jennifer Luchavez
  • Christian Anthony Luna
  • Didier Ménard
  • Sina Nhem
  • Johanna Beulah Sornillo
  • Benoit Witkowski
  • Zachary Katz
  • Sabine Dittrich
  • Xavier C Ding
  • Malar. J..2020 Jul;19(1):247. 10.1186/s12936-020-03324-3. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03324-3.Epub 2020-07-13.


Novel natriuretic peptide receptor/guanylyl cyclase A-selective agonist inhibits angiotensin II- and forskolin-evoked aldosterone synthesis in a human zona glomerulosa cell line.
  • L J Olson
  • D G Lowe
  • J G Drewett
  • Mol. Pharmacol..1996 Aug;50(2):430-5.


Extensive signal integration by the phytohormone protein network.
  • Melina Altmann
  • Stefan Altmann
  • Patricia A Rodriguez
  • Benjamin Weller
  • Lena Elorduy Vergara
  • Julius Palme
  • Nora Marín-de la Rosa
  • Mayra Sauer
  • Marion Wenig
  • José Antonio Villaécija-Aguilar
  • Jennifer Sales
  • Chung-Wen Lin
  • Ramakrishnan Pandiarajan
  • Veronika Young
  • Alexandra Strobel
  • Lisa Gross
  • Samy Carbonnel
  • Karl G Kugler
  • Antoni Garcia-Molina
  • George W Bassel
  • Claudia Falter
  • Klaus F X Mayer
  • Caroline Gutjahr
  • A Corina Vlot
  • Erwin Grill
  • Pascal Falter-Braun
  • Nature.2020 07;583(7815):271-276. 10.1038/s41586-020-2460-0. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2460-0.Epub 2020-07-01.


Inhibition of macrophage migration inhibitory factor prevents thyroid dysfunction in pregnant rats with acute pancreatitis.
  • Ying Chen
  • Chen-Yang Wang
  • Liang Zhao
  • Yu-Pu Hong
  • Xiao-Yi Zhang
  • Fang-Chao Mei
  • Yu Zhou
  • Wen-Yi Guo
  • Qiao Shi
  • Kai-Liang Zhao
  • Chen Chen
  • Jia Yu
  • Wei-Xing Wang
  • Int. Immunopharmacol..2020 Jul;87:106771. S1567-5769(19)33038-3. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2020.106771.Epub 2020-07-16.

ポリダチンによる SIRT1 活性化は、実験的糖尿病性神経障害における酸化的損傷を緩和し、ミトコンドリアの生合成を促進する

SIRT1 Activation by Polydatin Alleviates Oxidative Damage and Elevates Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Experimental Diabetic Neuropathy.
  • Preethi Bheereddy
  • Veera Ganesh Yerra
  • Anil Kumar Kalvala
  • Bhoomika Sherkhane
  • Ashutosh Kumar
  • Cell. Mol. Neurobiol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10571-020-00923-1. doi: 10.1007/s10571-020-00923-1.Epub 2020-07-18.


Preparation of Ag-cellulose nanocomposite for the selective detection and quantification of mercury at nanomolar level and the evaluation of its photocatalytic performance.
  • S Balasurya
  • Asad Syed
  • Ajith M Thomas
  • Ali H Bahkali
  • Sarah Al-Rashed
  • Abdallah M Elgorban
  • Lija L Raju
  • Aurnava Das
  • S Sudheer Khan
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 Jul;S0141-8130(20)33874-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.07.119.Epub 2020-07-16.


Fos-expressing neuronal ensemble in rat ventromedial prefrontal cortex encodes cocaine seeking but not food seeking in rats.
  • Louisa Kane
  • Marco Venniro
  • Richard Quintana-Feliciano
  • Rajtarun Madangopal
  • F Javier Rubio
  • Jennifer M Bossert
  • Daniele Caprioli
  • Yavin Shaham
  • Bruce T Hope
  • Brandon L Warren
  • Addict Biol.2020 Jul;:e12943. doi: 10.1111/adb.12943.Epub 2020-07-19.


Androgen action on renal calcium and phosphate handling: Effects of bisphosphonate treatment and low calcium diet.
  • Rougin Khalil
  • Ioannis Simitsidellis
  • Na Ri Kim
  • Ferran Jardi
  • Dieter Schollaert
  • Ludo Deboel
  • Philippa Saunders
  • Geert Carmeliet
  • Frank Claessens
  • Dirk Vanderschueren
  • Brigitte Decallonne
  • Mol. Cell. Endocrinol..2020 Jun;514:110891. S0303-7207(20)30191-X. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2020.110891.Epub 2020-06-10.


The role of air pollution and climate on the growth of urban trees.
  • Giuliano Maselli Locosselli
  • Evelyn Pereira de Camargo
  • Tiana Carla Lopes Moreira
  • Enzo Todesco
  • Maria de Fátima Andrade
  • Carmen Diva Saldiva de André
  • Paulo Afonso de André
  • Julio M Singer
  • Luciana Schwandner Ferreira
  • Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva
  • Marcos Silveira Buckeridge
  • Sci. Total Environ..2019 May;666:652-661. S0048-9697(19)30789-2. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.291.Epub 2019-02-19.


Profiles of Staphyloccocus aureus isolated from goat persistent mastitis before and after treatment with enrofloxacin.
  • Magna Coroa Lima
  • Mariana de Barros
  • Thalita Moreira Scatamburlo
  • Richard Costa Polveiro
  • Laís Karolyne de Castro
  • Samuel Henrique Sales Guimarães
  • Sanely Lourenço da Costa
  • Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa
  • Maria Aparecida Scatamburlo Moreira
  • BMC Microbiol..2020 May;20(1):127. 10.1186/s12866-020-01793-9. doi: 10.1186/s12866-020-01793-9.Epub 2020-05-24.


Extraintestinal Manifestations in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Study Based on the ENEIDA Registry.
  • Alicia Algaba
  • Iván Guerra
  • Elena Ricart
  • Eva Iglesias
  • Miriam Mañosa
  • Javier P Gisbert
  • Jordi Guardiola
  • Miguel Mínguez
  • Beatriz Castro
  • Ruth de Francisco
  • Pilar Nos
  • Federico Bertoletti
  • Francisco Mesonero
  • Jesús Barrio
  • María Dolores Martín-Arranz
  • Xavier Calvet
  • Santiago García-López
  • Beatriz Sicilia
  • Gillermo Alcaín
  • María Esteve
  • Lucía Márquez
  • Marta Piqueras
  • Laura Jiménez
  • José L Perez-Calle
  • Luis Bujanda
  • Mariana García-Sepulcre
  • Alejandra Fernández
  • Irene Moraleja
  • Rufo Humberto Lorente
  • Orlando García-Bosch
  • Ana Lambán
  • Isabel Blázquez
  • Esther Rodríguez
  • José M Huguet
  • Alfredo J Lucendo
  • Pedro Almela
  • David Busquets
  • Patricia Ramírez de la Piscina
  • Marcela Pérez
  • Eugeni Domenech
  • Fernando Bermejo
  • Dig. Dis. Sci..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10620-020-06424-x. doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06424-x.Epub 2020-07-15.


A Comparative Study Between Concentric Single-Needle Puncture Technique and Conventional 2-Needle Technique for Temporomandibular Joint Arthrocentesis Plus Corticosteroid Injections.
  • Amit Kumar
  • Amit Gupta
  • Rajarshi Ghosh
  • Rajeev Pandey
  • Sanjeev Kumar
  • Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr.2020 Jun;13(2):99-104. 10.1177_1943387520911826. doi: 10.1177/1943387520911826.Epub 2020-03-17.