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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


A MYC-GCN2-eIF2α negative feedback loop limits protein synthesis to prevent MYC-dependent apoptosis in colorectal cancer.
  • Stefanie Schmidt
  • David Gay
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Uthe
  • Sarah Denk
  • Madelon Paauwe
  • Niels Matthes
  • Markus Elmar Diefenbacher
  • Sheila Bryson
  • Fiona Clare Warrander
  • Florian Erhard
  • Carsten Patrick Ade
  • Apoorva Baluapuri
  • Susanne Walz
  • Rene Jackstadt
  • Catriona Ford
  • Georgios Vlachogiannis
  • Nicola Valeri
  • Christoph Otto
  • Christina Schülein-Völk
  • Katja Maurus
  • Werner Schmitz
  • John Raymond Philip Knight
  • Elmar Wolf
  • Douglas Strathdee
  • Almut Schulze
  • Christoph-Thomas Germer
  • Andreas Rosenwald
  • Owen James Sansom
  • Martin Eilers
  • Armin Wiegering
  • Nat. Cell Biol..2019 11;21(11):1413-1424. 10.1038/s41556-019-0408-0. doi: 10.1038/s41556-019-0408-0.Epub 2019-11-04.


Expanding the anticancer potential of 1,2,3-triazoles via simultaneously targeting Cyclooxygenase-2, 15-lipoxygenase and tumor-associated carbonic anhydrases.
  • Perihan A Elzahhar
  • Shrouk M Abd El Wahab
  • Mohamed Elagawany
  • Hoda Daabees
  • Ahmed S F Belal
  • Ahmed F El-Yazbi
  • Ali H Eid
  • Rana Alaaeddine
  • Rehab R Hegazy
  • Rasha M Allam
  • Maged W Helmy
  • Bahaa Elgendy
  • Andrea Angeli
  • Soad A El-Hawash
  • Claudiu T Supuran
  • Eur J Med Chem.2020 Aug;200:112439. S0223-5234(20)30410-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112439.Epub 2020-05-25.


Unambiguous Phosphosite Localization through the Combination of Trypsin and LysargiNase Mirror Spectra in a Large-Scale Phosphoproteome Study.
  • Feng Xu
  • Li Yu
  • Xuehui Peng
  • Junling Zhang
  • Suzhen Li
  • Shu Liu
  • Yanan Yin
  • Zhiwu An
  • Fuqiang Wang
  • Yan Fu
  • Ping Xu
  • J. Proteome Res..2020 Jun;19(6):2185-2194. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00562.Epub 2020-05-26.


Impact of Ligand Size and Conjugation Chemistry on the Performance of Universal Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells for Tumor Killing.
  • Christian Pellegrino
  • Nicholas Favalli
  • Michael Sandholzer
  • Laura Volta
  • Gabriele Bassi
  • Jacopo Millul
  • Samuele Cazzamalli
  • Mattia Matasci
  • Alessandra Villa
  • Renier Myburgh
  • Markus G Manz
  • Dario Neri
  • Bioconjug. Chem..2020 Jul;31(7):1775-1783. doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.0c00258.Epub 2020-06-23.


Knockout of RP2 decreases GRK1 and rod transducin subunits and leads to photoreceptor degeneration in zebrafish.
  • Fei Liu
  • Jiaxiang Chen
  • Shanshan Yu
  • Rakesh Kotapati Raghupathy
  • Xiliang Liu
  • Yayun Qin
  • Chang Li
  • Mi Huang
  • Shengjie Liao
  • Jiuxiang Wang
  • Jian Zou
  • Xinhua Shu
  • Zhaohui Tang
  • Mugen Liu
  • Hum. Mol. Genet..2015 Aug;24(16):4648-59. ddv197. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv197.Epub 2015-06-01.


Phylogenetic and phylodynamic study of Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) in Iran.
  • Cobra Razavi Pashabayg
  • Navid Momenifar
  • Seyed Amir Malekpour
  • Mehdi Sadeghi
  • Abbas Rahimi Foroushani
  • Houshang Rafatpanah
  • Narges Valizadeh
  • Faezeh Sabet
  • Seyed Mohammad Jazayeri
  • Hossein Keyvani
  • Seyed Abdolrahim Rezaee
  • Mehdi Norouzi
  • Infect. Genet. Evol..2020 Jun;85:104426. S1567-1348(20)30257-4. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104426.Epub 2020-06-16.


Evaluation of COMT (rs4680), CNR2 (rs2501432), CNR2 (rs2229579), UCP2 (rs659366), and IL-17 (rs763780) gene variants in synthetic cannabinoid use disorder patients.
  • Sacide Pehlivan
  • Hasan Mervan Aytac
  • Selin Kurnaz
  • Mustafa Pehlivan
  • Pinar Cetinay Aydin
  • J Addict Dis.2020 Jul;:1-11. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2020.1787770.Epub 2020-07-14.


The temporal stability of factors affecting driver injury severity in run-off-road crashes: A random parameters ordered probit model with heterogeneity in the means approach.
  • Miao Yu
  • Changjiang Zheng
  • Changxi Ma
  • Jinxing Shen
  • Accid Anal Prev.2020 Jul;144:105677. S0001-4575(20)30752-1. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2020.105677.Epub 2020-07-15.


An antibiotic depleted microbiome drives severe Campylobacter jejuni-mediated Type 1/17 colitis, Type 2 autoimmunity and neurologic sequelae in a mouse model.
  • Phillip T Brooks
  • Julia A Bell
  • Christopher E Bejcek
  • Ankit Malik
  • Linda S Mansfield
  • J. Neuroimmunol..2019 12;337:577048. S0165-5728(19)30214-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2019.577048.Epub 2019-09-04.


Distinct mechanisms mediate pacemaker dysfunction associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia mutations: Insights from computational modeling.
  • Limor Arbel-Ganon
  • Joachim A Behar
  • Ana María Gómez
  • Yael Yaniv
  • J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol..2020 Jun;143:85-95. S0022-2828(20)30100-0. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2020.04.017.Epub 2020-04-25.


Author Correction: Strontium ranelate promotes odonto-/osteogenic differentiation/mineralization of dental papillae cells in vitro and mineralized tissue formation of the dental pulp in vivo.
  • Alamuddin Bakhit
  • Nobuyuki Kawashima
  • Kentaro Hashimoto
  • Sonoko Noda
  • Keisuke Nara
  • Masashi Kuramoto
  • Kento Tazawa
  • Takashi Okiji
  • Sci Rep.2020 May;10(1):8375. 10.1038/s41598-020-65509-9. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65509-9.Epub 2020-05-15.


Two new reliable immunohistochemical methods for simultaneous identification of capillaries, the three types of fibers and basal lamina in human skeletal muscle.
  • Mélina Bailly
  • Léonard Féasson
  • Bruno Pereira
  • Amandine Boileau
  • Christophe Hourdé
  • Natacha Germain
  • Bogdan Galusca
  • Daniel Courteix
  • David Thivel
  • Julien Verney
  • Histochem. Cell Biol..2020 Jun;10.1007/s00418-020-01895-5. doi: 10.1007/s00418-020-01895-5.Epub 2020-06-26.

ブロイラーニワトリのCYP3A37およびMDR1 mRNA発現レベルに及ぼすピペリンおよびケルセチンの単独またはマーボフロキサシンとの併用の効果

Effect of piperine and quercetin alone or in combination with marbofloxacin on CYP3A37 and MDR1 mRNA expression levels in broiler chickens.
  • Harshad B Patel
  • Urvesh D Patel
  • Basavaraj S Mathapati
  • Chirag M Modi
  • Res. Vet. Sci..2019 Oct;126:178-183. S0034-5288(18)31589-3. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2019.09.005.Epub 2019-09-12.


Loss of paraplegin drives spasticity rather than ataxia in a cohort of 241 patients with .
  • Giulia Coarelli
  • Rebecca Schule
  • Bart P C van de Warrenburg
  • Peter De Jonghe
  • Claire Ewenczyk
  • Andrea Martinuzzi
  • Matthis Synofzik
  • Elisa G Hamer
  • Jonathan Baets
  • Mathieu Anheim
  • Ludger Schöls
  • Tine Deconinck
  • Pegah Masrori
  • Bertrand Fontaine
  • Thomas Klockgether
  • Maria Grazia D'Angelo
  • Marie-Lorraine Monin
  • Jan De Bleecker
  • Isabelle Migeotte
  • Perrine Charles
  • Maria Teresa Bassi
  • Thomas Klopstock
  • Fanny Mochel
  • Elisabeth Ollagnon-Roman
  • Marc D'Hooghe
  • Christoph Kamm
  • Delia Kurzwelly
  • Melanie Papin
  • Claire-Sophie Davoine
  • Guillaume Banneau
  • Sophie Tezenas du Montcel
  • Danielle Seilhean
  • Alexis Brice
  • Charles Duyckaerts
  • Giovanni Stevanin
  • Alexandra Durr
  • Neurology.2019 06;92(23):e2679-e2690. WNL.0000000000007606. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000007606.Epub 2019-05-08.


Dynamic and static small-animal SPECT in rats for monitoring renal function after 177Lu-labeled Tyr3-octreotate radionuclide therapy.
  • Marleen Melis
  • Jan de Swart
  • Monique de Visser
  • Saskia C Berndsen
  • Stuart Koelewijn
  • Roelf Valkema
  • Otto C Boerman
  • Eric P Krenning
  • Marion de Jong
  • J. Nucl. Med..2010 Dec;51(12):1962-8. jnumed.110.080143. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.110.080143.Epub 2010-11-15.


HOX Transcript Antisense RNA Abrogates Vasculogenic Mimicry by Targeting the AngiomiR-204/FAK Axis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells.
  • Allan Lozano-Romero
  • Horacio Astudillo-de la Vega
  • María Cruz Del Rocío Terrones-Gurrola
  • Laurence A Marchat
  • Daniel Hernández-Sotelo
  • Yarely M Salinas-Vera
  • Rosalío Ramos-Payan
  • Macrina B Silva-Cázares
  • Stephanie I Nuñez-Olvera
  • Olga N Hernández-de la Cruz
  • César López-Camarillo
  • Noncoding RNA.2020 May;6(2). E19. doi: 10.3390/ncrna6020019.Epub 2020-05-26.


Submental nalbuphine exhibits improved efficacy in ameliorating acute pain in prehospital emergent conditions; a comparative study with conventional intramuscular using gamma scintigraphy.
  • Kushagra Khanna
  • Ritu Karwasra
  • Sandeep Choudhary
  • Deeksha Sharma
  • Nitin Sharma
  • Puja Nagpal
  • Varsha Chorsiya
  • Dhruv Kumar Nishad
  • Harvinder Popli
  • Aseem Bhatnagar
  • Injury.2020 Jun;S0020-1383(20)30538-6. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.06.031.Epub 2020-06-20.


Metabolomics Reveals Altered Hepatic Bile Acids, Gut Microbiome Metabolites, and Cell Membrane Lipids Associated with Marginal Vitamin A Deficiency in a Mongolian Gerbil Model.
  • Michael R La Frano
  • Alex Brito
  • Catherine M Johnson
  • Baylee Wilhelmson
  • Bryan Gannon
  • Rob K Fanter
  • Theresa L Pedersen
  • Sherry A Tanumihardjo
  • John W Newman
  • Mol Nutr Food Res.2020 Jul;64(13):e1901319. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201901319.Epub 2020-06-22.


Morphologic Classification Is an Important Prognostic Factor in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Treated with Bortezomib or Lenalidomide.
  • Teruhito Takakuwa
  • Taku Araki
  • Koji Nakamura
  • Tomoko Fukuyama
  • Akiko Miura
  • Yotaro Fujitani
  • Akari Hisanabe
  • Anna Kaieda
  • Erina Fukada
  • Ryosuke Yamamura
  • Ann. Clin. Lab. Sci..2020 May;50(3):333-341. 50/3/333.


Transcutaneous Electrical Acustimulation Improves Gastrointestinal Disturbances Induced by Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization in Patients With Liver Cancers.
  • Ying Zhu
  • Xianpeng Li
  • Jibo Ma
  • Wenyi Xu
  • Miaomiao Li
  • Yaoyao Gong
  • Bo Zhang
  • Ying Chen
  • Sun Chao
  • Qingcheng Xu
  • Lin Lin
  • Jiande D Z Chen
  • Neuromodulation.2020 May;doi: 10.1111/ner.13158.Epub 2020-05-06.


Biomarker measurement in non-invasively sampled colorectal mucus as a novel approach to colorectal cancer detection: screening and triage implications.
  • Alexandre Loktionov
  • Anet Soubieres
  • Tatiana Bandaletova
  • Nader Francis
  • Joanna Allison
  • Julian Sturt
  • Jai Mathur
  • Andrew Poullis
  • Br. J. Cancer.2020 May;10.1038/s41416-020-0893-8. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-0893-8.Epub 2020-05-13.


The protective effect of ginsenoside Rg1 on depression may benefit from the gap junction function in hippocampal astrocytes.
  • Yu-Xia Lou
  • Zhen-Zhen Wang
  • Cong-Yuan Xia
  • Zheng Mou
  • Qian Ren
  • Dan-Dan Liu
  • Xin Zhang
  • Nai-Hong Chen
  • Eur. J. Pharmacol..2020 Jun;:173309. S0014-2999(20)30401-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173309.Epub 2020-06-26.


Neurodegeneration of Trigeminal Mesencephalic Neurons by the Tooth Loss Triggers the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease in 3×Tg-AD Model Mice.
  • Tetsuya Goto
  • Eriko Kuramoto
  • Ashis Dhar
  • Rachel P-H Wang
  • Haruka Seki
  • Haruki Iwai
  • Atsushi Yamanaka
  • Shin-Ei Matsumoto
  • Hiromitsu Hara
  • Makoto Michikawa
  • Yasumasa Ohyagi
  • Wai K Leung
  • Raymond C-C Chang
  • J. Alzheimers Dis..2020 Jul;JAD200257. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200257.Epub 2020-07-09.


Seizure control and anxiety: Which factor plays a major role in social adjustment in patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy?
  • Maria Luisa Paiva
  • Ellen Marise Lima
  • Isabelle Bimbatti Siqueira
  • Patricia Rzezak
  • Camila Koike
  • Sylvie P Moschetta
  • Silvia Vincentiis
  • Rudá Alessi
  • Tatiana Cohab Khafif
  • Melanie Mendoza
  • Kette D Valente
  • Seizure.2020 Jul;80:234-239. S1059-1311(20)30196-5. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2020.06.033.Epub 2020-07-02.


Alien ectomycorrhizal plants differ in their ability to interact with co-introduced and native ectomycorrhizal fungi in novel sites.
  • Lukáš Vlk
  • Leho Tedersoo
  • Tomáš Antl
  • Tomáš Větrovský
  • Kessy Abarenkov
  • Jan Pergl
  • Jana Albrechtová
  • Miroslav Vosátka
  • Petr Baldrian
  • Petr Pyšek
  • Petr Kohout
  • ISME J.2020 Jun;10.1038/s41396-020-0692-5. doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-0692-5.Epub 2020-06-04.

また、セレコキシブによる FKBP5 を介した PD-L1 のダウンレギュレーションは、悪性神経膠腫モデルにおける PD-1 ブロッキングの抗腫瘍効果を増強することが明らかになった

Downregulation of PD-L1 via FKBP5 by celecoxib augments antitumor effects of PD-1 blockade in a malignant glioma model.
  • Izumi Yamaguchi
  • Kohei Nakajima
  • Kenji Shono
  • Yoshifumi Mizobuchi
  • Toshitaka Fujihara
  • Eiji Shikata
  • Tadashi Yamaguchi
  • Keiko Kitazato
  • Oltea Sampetrean
  • Hideyuki Saya
  • Yasushi Takagi
  • Neurooncol Adv.2020 Jan-Dec;2(1):vdz058. vdz058. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdz058.Epub 2019-12-26.


Plant-Derived Natural Biomolecule Picein Attenuates Menadione Induced Oxidative Stress on Neuroblastoma Cell Mitochondria.
  • Kavindra Kumar Kesari
  • Anupam Dhasmana
  • Shruti Shandilya
  • Neeraj Prabhakar
  • Ahmed Shaukat
  • Jinze Dou
  • Jessica M Rosenholm
  • Tapani Vuorinen
  • Janne Ruokolainen
  • Antioxidants (Basel).2020 Jun;9(6). E552. doi: 10.3390/antiox9060552.Epub 2020-06-25.


Folded Structure and Membrane Affinity of the N-Terminal Domain of the Three Human Isoforms of the Mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent Anion-Selective Channel.
  • Giorgia Manzo
  • Ilaria Serra
  • Andrea Magrí
  • Mariano Casu
  • Vito De Pinto
  • Matteo Ceccarelli
  • Mariano Andrea Scorciapino
  • ACS Omega.2018 Sep;3(9):11415-11425. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01536.Epub 2018-09-19.


Heritability of the dimensions, compliance and distensibility of the human internal jugular vein wall.
  • Adam Domonkos Tarnoki
  • Andrea Agnes Molnar
  • David Laszlo Tarnoki
  • Levente Littvay
  • Emanuela Medda
  • Corrado Fagnani
  • Antonio Arnofi
  • Filippo Farina
  • Claudio Baracchini
  • Giorgio Meneghetti
  • Giacomo Pucci
  • Giuseppe Schillaci
  • Maria Antonietta Stazi
  • György L Nadasy
  • PLoS ONE.2018;13(3):e0192948. PONE-D-17-23431. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192948.Epub 2018-03-21.


Nutritional Mushroom Treatment in Meniere's Disease with : A Rationale for Therapeutic Intervention in Neuroinflammation and Antineurodegeneration.
  • Maria Scuto
  • Paola Di Mauro
  • Maria Laura Ontario
  • Chiara Amato
  • Sergio Modafferi
  • Domenico Ciavardelli
  • Angela Trovato Salinaro
  • Luigi Maiolino
  • Vittorio Calabrese
  • Int J Mol Sci.2019 Dec;21(1). E284. doi: 10.3390/ijms21010284.Epub 2019-12-31.