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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab Versus Sunitinib for Patients with Untreated Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma and Sarcomatoid Features: A Prespecified Subgroup Analysis of the IMmotion151 Clinical Trial.
  • Brian I Rini
  • Robert J Motzer
  • Thomas Powles
  • David F McDermott
  • Bernard Escudier
  • Frede Donskov
  • Robert Hawkins
  • Sergio Bracarda
  • Jens Bedke
  • Ugo De Giorgi
  • Camillo Porta
  • Alain Ravaud
  • Francis Parnis
  • Enrique Grande
  • Wei Zhang
  • Mahrukh Huseni
  • Susheela Carroll
  • Roxana Sufan
  • Christina Schiff
  • Michael B Atkins
  • Eur. Urol..2020 Jul;S0302-2838(20)30450-4. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.06.021.Epub 2020-07-09.


Expression and identification of 10 sarcomeric MyHC isoforms in human skeletal muscles of different embryological origin. Diversity and similarity in mammalian species.
  • Francesco Mascarello
  • Luana Toniolo
  • Pasqua Cancellara
  • Carlo Reggiani
  • Lisa Maccatrozzo
  • Ann. Anat..2016 Sep;207:9-20. S0940-9602(16)30029-2. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2016.02.007.Epub 2016-03-09.


Molecular Characterization of the Cytidine Monophosphate-N-Acetylneuraminic Acid Hydroxylase (CMAH) Gene Associated with the Feline AB Blood Group System.
  • Toshinori Omi
  • Shota Nakazawa
  • Chihiro Udagawa
  • Naomi Tada
  • Kazuhiko Ochiai
  • Yong Hwa Chong
  • Yuiko Kato
  • Hiroko Mitsui
  • Azusa Gin
  • Hitomi Oda
  • Daigo Azakami
  • Kyoichi Tamura
  • Toshinori Sako
  • Takeshi Inagaki
  • Atsushi Sakamoto
  • Toshihiko Tsutsui
  • Makoto Bonkobara
  • Shuichi Tsuchida
  • Shigenori Ikemoto
  • PLoS ONE.2016;11(10):e0165000. PONE-D-16-31188. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165000.Epub 2016-10-18.

米国南カリフォルニア沿岸のBrandt's cormorants ()が関与するエピゾート感染に伴う原虫性脳炎とその間に発生した原虫性脳炎

Protozoal encephalitis associated with and during an epizootic involving Brandt's cormorants () in coastal Southern California, USA.
  • Ozge Erdogan Bamac
  • Krysta H Rogers
  • David Arranz-Solís
  • Jeroen P J Saeij
  • Stephany Lewis
  • Rebecca Duerr
  • Julie Skoglund
  • Lisa Peronne
  • Aslı Mete
  • Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl.2020 Aug;12:185-191. S2213-2244(20)30059-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.06.005.Epub 2020-06-13.


Drugs Targeting Tumor-Initiating Cells Prolong Survival in a Post-Surgery, Post-Chemotherapy Ovarian Cancer Relapse Model.
  • Brittney S Harrington
  • Michelle K Ozaki
  • Michael W Caminear
  • Lidia F Hernandez
  • Elizabeth Jordan
  • Nicholas J Kalinowski
  • Ian S Goldlust
  • Rajarshi Guha
  • Marc Ferrer
  • Craig Thomas
  • Jyoti Shetty
  • Bao Tran
  • Nathan Wong
  • Carrie D House
  • Christina M Annunziata
  • Cancers (Basel).2020 Jun;12(6). E1645. doi: 10.3390/cancers12061645.Epub 2020-06-21.


A possible underlying mechanism behind the cardioprotective efficacy of tangeretin on isoproterenol triggered cardiotoxicity via modulating PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in a rat model.
  • Ermiao Zhang
  • Hailing Yang
  • Min Li
  • Mei Ding
  • J. Food Biochem..2020 Jul;:e13368. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13368.Epub 2020-07-09.


Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery for high-risk advanced gastric cancer: long-term results of KDOG1001 trial.
  • Kei Hosoda
  • Chikatoshi Katada
  • Kenji Ishido
  • Masahiro Niihara
  • Hideki Ushiku
  • Mikiko Sakuraya
  • Marie Washio
  • Takuya Wada
  • Akinori Watanabe
  • Hiroki Harada
  • Takeo Sato
  • Hiroshi Tajima
  • Takashi Kaizu
  • Yoshimasa Kosaka
  • Hiroshi Kato
  • Norihiko Sengoku
  • Kiyoshi Tanaka
  • Takeshi Naito
  • Yusuke Kumamoto
  • Takafumi Sangai
  • Satoshi Tanabe
  • Wasaburo Koizumi
  • Keishi Yamashita
  • Naoki Hiki
  • Langenbecks Arch Surg.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00423-020-01924-w. doi: 10.1007/s00423-020-01924-w.Epub 2020-07-02.


High genetic similarity between non-typhoidal Salmonella isolated from paired blood and stool samples of children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Marie-France Phoba
  • Barbara Barbé
  • Benedikt Ley
  • Sandra Van Puyvelde
  • Annelies Post
  • Wesley Mattheus
  • Stijn Deborggraeve
  • Octavie Lunguya
  • Jan Jacobs
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 Jul;14(7):e0008377. PNTD-D-20-00088. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008377.Epub 2020-07-02.


The projected volume of primary and revision total knee arthroplasty will place an immense burden on future heath care systems over the next 30 years.
  • Alexander Klug
  • Yves Gramlich
  • Maximilian Rudert
  • Philipp Drees
  • Reinhard Hoffmann
  • Manuel Weißenberger
  • Karl Philipp Kutzner
  • Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00167-020-06154-7. doi: 10.1007/s00167-020-06154-7.Epub 2020-07-15.


Secondary Renal Neoplasia Following Chemotherapy or Radiation in Pediatric Patients.
  • Sounak Gupta
  • Chad M Vanderbilt
  • Bradley C Leibovich
  • Loren Herrera-Hernandez
  • Aditya Raghunathan
  • William R Sukov
  • Jesse S Voss
  • Emily G Barr Fritcher
  • Katelyn A Reed
  • Christine M Lohse
  • Victor E Reuter
  • Rafael E Jimenez
  • R Houston Thompson
  • John C Cheville
  • Hum. Pathol..2020 Jul;S0046-8177(20)30137-4. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2020.07.014.Epub 2020-07-15.


Exercise training ameliorates cerebrovascular dysfunction in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease: role of the P2Y2 receptor and endoplasmic reticulum stress.
  • Junyoung Hong
  • Soon-Gook Hong
  • Jonghae Lee
  • Joon-Young Park
  • Jason L Eriksen
  • Bridgette V Rooney
  • Yoonjung Park
  • Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol..2020 06;318(6):H1559-H1569. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00129.2020.Epub 2020-05-08.


Effect of elagolix exposure on clinical efficacy endpoints in phase 3 trials in women with endometriosis-associated pain: An application of Markov model.
  • Insa Winzenborg
  • Akshanth R Polepally
  • Ahmed Nader
  • Nael M Mostafa
  • Peter Noertersheuser
  • Juki Ng
  • CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/psp4.12545.Epub 2020-07-03.


Cerebral ischemia induces TRPC6 via HIF1α/ZEB2 axis in the glomerular podocytes and contributes to proteinuria.
  • Krishnamurthy Nakuluri
  • Rajkishor Nishad
  • Dhanunjay Mukhi
  • Sireesh Kumar
  • Venkata P Nakka
  • Lakshmi P Kolligundla
  • Parimala Narne
  • Sai Sampath K Natuva
  • Prakash Babu Phanithi
  • Anil K Pasupulati
  • Sci Rep.2019 11;9(1):17897. 10.1038/s41598-019-52872-5. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52872-5.Epub 2019-11-29.


Long non-coding RNA366.2 controls endometrial epithelial cell proliferation and migration by upregulating WNT6 as a ceRNA of miR-1576 in sheep uterus.
  • Xiaoxiao Gao
  • Xiaolei Yao
  • Zhibo Wang
  • Xiaohe Li
  • Xiaodan Li
  • Shiyu An
  • Zongyou Wei
  • Guomin Zhang
  • Feng Wang
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech.2020 Jul;:194606. S1874-9399(20)30189-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194606.Epub 2020-07-14.


Preoperative erythropoietin within a patient blood management program decreases both blood transfusion and postoperative anemia: a prospective observational study.
  • Philippe Biboulet
  • Caroline Motais
  • Mathieu Pencole
  • Oliver Karam
  • Gaëtan Dangelser
  • Pierre Smilevitch
  • Guillaume Maissiat
  • Xavier Capdevila
  • Sophie Bringuier
  • Transfusion.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/trf.15900.Epub 2020-07-18.


iFR uncovers profound but mostly reversible ischemia in CTOs and helps to optimize PCI results.
  • Peter Kayaert
  • Mathieu Coeman
  • Benny Drieghe
  • Johan Bennett
  • Keir McCutcheon
  • Jo Dens
  • Claudiu Ungureanu
  • Carlo Zivelonghi
  • Pierfrancesco Agostoni
  • Yoann Bataille
  • Quentin de Hemptinne
  • Sofie Gevaert
  • Michel De Pauw
  • Steven Haine
  • Catheter Cardiovasc Interv.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/ccd.29072.Epub 2020-06-17.


Comparison of the Effects of Desflurane, Sevoflurane, and Propofol on the Glottic Opening Area during Remifentanil-Based General Anesthesia Using a Supraglottic Airway Device.
  • Takashi Kondo
  • Hiromichi Izumi
  • Makiko Kitagawa
  • Anesthesiol Res Pract.2020;2020:1302898. doi: 10.1155/2020/1302898.Epub 2020-06-19.


Mitochondrial dysfunction impairs osteogenesis, increases osteoclast activity, and accelerates age related bone loss.
  • Philip F Dobson
  • Ella P Dennis
  • Daniel Hipps
  • Amy Reeve
  • Alex Laude
  • Carla Bradshaw
  • Craig Stamp
  • Anna Smith
  • David J Deehan
  • Doug M Turnbull
  • Laura C Greaves
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11643. 10.1038/s41598-020-68566-2. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68566-2.Epub 2020-07-15.


Assessing the utility of cardiorespiratory fitness, visceral fat and liver fat in predicting changes in insulin sensitivity beyond simple changes in body weight after exercise training in adolescents.
  • Jennifer L Kuk
  • SoJung Lee
  • Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1139/apnm-2020-0284.Epub 2020-07-16.


Lessons learned from the development and implementation of an electronic paediatric emergency and acute care database in Lilongwe, Malawi.
  • Emily J Ciccone
  • Alyssa E Tilly
  • Msandeni Chiume
  • Yamikani Mgusha
  • Michelle Eckerle
  • Howard Namuku
  • Heather L Crouse
  • Treasure B Mkaliainga
  • Jeff A Robison
  • Charles J Schubert
  • Tisungane Mvalo
  • Elizabeth Fitzgerald
  • BMJ Glob Health.2020 Jul;5(7). e002410. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002410.


Small Renal Mass Surveillance: Histology-specific Growth Rates in a Biopsy-characterized Cohort.
  • Antonio Finelli
  • Douglas C Cheung
  • Ashraf Al-Matar
  • Andrew J Evans
  • Christopher G Morash
  • Stephen E Pautler
  • D Robert Siemens
  • Simon Tanguay
  • Ricardo A Rendon
  • Martin E Gleave
  • Darrel E Drachenberg
  • Joseph L Chin
  • Neil E Fleshner
  • Masoom A Haider
  • John R Kachura
  • Jenna Sykes
  • Michael A S Jewett
  • Eur. Urol..2020 Jul;S0302-2838(20)30513-3. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.06.053.Epub 2020-07-14.

全インド眼科学会-インド眼輪形成術協会 COVID-19 パンデミック時の眼輪形成術および涙腺外科手術における好ましい実施方法に関するコンセンサス声明

All India Ophthalmological Society - Oculoplastics Association of India consensus statement on preferred practices in oculoplasty and lacrimal surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Mohammad Javed Ali
  • Raghuraj Hegde
  • Akshay Gopinathan Nair
  • Mandeep S Bajaj
  • Subhash M Betharia
  • Kasturi Bhattacharjee
  • Apjit K Chhabra
  • Jayanta K Das
  • Gagan Dudeja
  • Ashok K Grover
  • Santosh G Honavar
  • Usha Kim
  • Lakshmi Mahesh
  • Bipasha Mukherjee
  • Anita Sethi
  • Mukesh Sharma
  • Usha Singh
  • Indian J Ophthalmol.2020 06;68(6):974-980. IndianJOphthalmol_2020_68_6_974_284779. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1415_20.


Finding the relevance of antimicrobial stewardship for cystic fibrosis.
  • Jonathan D Cogen
  • Barbara C Kahl
  • Holly Maples
  • Susanna A McColley
  • Jason A Roberts
  • Kevin L Winthrop
  • Andrew M Morris
  • Alison Holmes
  • Patrick A Flume
  • Donald R VanDevanter
  • Valerie Waters
  • Marianne S Muhlebach
  • J Stuart Elborn
  • Lisa Saiman
  • Scott C Bell
  • J. Cyst. Fibros..2020 Jul;19(4):511-520. S1569-1993(20)30059-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2020.02.012.Epub 2020-02-29.

ブラジルの小児固形腫瘍患者コホートにおけるTP53 p.R337H突然変異の頻度

Frequency of the TP53 p.R337H mutation in a Brazilian cohort of pediatric patients with solid tumors.
  • José Antonio da Silva Feitosa
  • Pablo Ferreira das Chagas
  • Graziella Ribeiro de Sousa
  • Rosane Gomes de Paula Queiroz
  • Gustavo Alencastro Veiga Cruzeiro
  • Luiz Gonzaga Tone
  • Kleiton Silva Borges
  • Elvis Terci Valera
  • Mol. Biol. Rep..2020 Jul;10.1007/s11033-020-05655-5. doi: 10.1007/s11033-020-05655-5.Epub 2020-07-15.


Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Interventions for HIV-Neuropathy Pain. A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis.
  • Aikaterini Amaniti
  • Chrysanthi Sardeli
  • Varvara Fyntanidou
  • Panagiota Papakonstantinou
  • Ioannis Dalakakis
  • Antonios Mylonas
  • Konstantinos Sapalidis
  • Christoforos Kosmidis
  • Athanasios Katsaounis
  • Dimitrios Giannakidis
  • Charilaos Koulouris
  • Zoi Aidoni
  • Nikolaos Michalopoulos
  • Paul Zarogoulidis
  • Isaak Kesisoglou
  • Aris Ioannidis
  • Anastasios Vagionas
  • Konstantinos Romanidis
  • Panagoula Oikonomou
  • Vasilios Grosomanidis
  • Medicina (Kaunas).2019 Nov;55(12). E762. doi: 10.3390/medicina55120762.Epub 2019-11-28.


Is adipose tissue suitable for detection of (synthetic) cannabinoids? A comparative study analyzing antemortem and postmortem specimens following pulmonary administration of JWH-210, RCS-4, as well as ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol to pigs.
  • Nadine Schaefer
  • Frederike Nordmeier
  • Ann-Katrin Kröll
  • Christina Körbel
  • Matthias W Laschke
  • Michael D Menger
  • Hans H Maurer
  • Markus R Meyer
  • Peter H Schmidt
  • Arch. Toxicol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00204-020-02843-x. doi: 10.1007/s00204-020-02843-x.Epub 2020-07-14.


Infected versus sterile abdominal fluid collections in postoperative CT: a scoring system based on clinical and imaging findings.
  • Christoph G Radosa
  • Julia C Radosa
  • Michael Laniado
  • Julia Brandt
  • Johannes Streitzig
  • Danilo Seppelt
  • Andreas Volk
  • Verena Plodeck
  • Jens P Kühn
  • Ralf-Thorsten Hoffmann
  • Abdom Radiol (NY).2020 Jul;10.1007/s00261-020-02635-y. doi: 10.1007/s00261-020-02635-y.Epub 2020-07-16.

単純な虫垂炎に対する腹腔鏡下虫垂切除術後の術後抗生物質の静脈内投与は必要か?A Prospective Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial

Are Postoperative Intravenous Antibiotics Indicated After Laparoscopic Appendicectomy for Simple Appendicitis? A Prospective Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Nicole Mennie
  • Gayathri Panabokke
  • Annette Chang
  • Sharman Tan Tanny
  • Wei Cheng
  • Maurizio Pacilli
  • Peter Ferguson
  • Ramesh M Nataraja
  • Ann. Surg..2020 Aug;272(2):248-252. 00000658-202008000-00057. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003732.