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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文

ブラジルにおける大豆ルーパーChrysodeixis includens(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)によるキチン合成阻害剤殺虫剤に対する圃場発生抵抗性

Field-evolved resistance to chitin synthesis inhibitor insecticides by soybean looper, Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Brazil.
  • Regis F Stacke
  • Daniela N Godoy
  • Venicius E Pretto
  • Fábio M Führ
  • Patricia da S Gubiani
  • Bruna L Hettwer
  • Cínthia G Garlet
  • Junior C Somavilla
  • Dionei S Muraro
  • Oderlei Bernardi
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jun;259:127499. S0045-6535(20)31693-3. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127499.Epub 2020-06-29.


Genetic Study of and Fibromuscular Dysplasia, Meta-Analysis and Effects on Clinical Features of Patients: The ARCADIA-POL Study.
  • Ewa Warchol-Celinska
  • Takiy Berrandou
  • Aleksander Prejbisz
  • Adrien Georges
  • Delia Dupré
  • Magdalena Januszewicz
  • Elzbieta Florczak
  • Katarzyna Jozwik-Plebanek
  • Piotr Dobrowolski
  • Witold Smigielski
  • Wojciech Drygas
  • Jacek Kadziela
  • Adam Witkowski
  • Marek Kabat
  • Malgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
  • Marco Pappaccogli
  • Alexandre Persu
  • Xavier Jeunemaitre
  • Andrzej Januszewicz
  • Nabila Bouatia-Naji
  • Hypertension.2020 Jul;76(1):e4-e7. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.14793.Epub 2020-06-01.


Relation between mutations in the 5' UTR of ANKRD26 gene and inherited thrombocytopenia with predisposition to myeloid malignancies. An Egyptian study.
  • Nahla Ibrahim Zidan
  • Doaa Metwally AbdElmonem
  • Haitham Mohamed Elsheikh
  • Elsayed Anany Metwally
  • Wesam AbdElmonem Mokhtar
  • Gamal Mohamed Osman
  • Platelets.2020 Jul;:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2020.1790512.Epub 2020-07-13.


11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 1 and 2 are up- and downregulated in cortisol-secreting adrenal adenomas.
  • Giuseppina Mazzocchi
  • Ludwik K Malendowicz
  • Francesco Aragona
  • Cinzia Tortorella
  • Lucia Gottardo
  • Gastone G Nussdorfer
  • J. Investig. Med..2002 Jul;50(4):288-92. doi: 10.2310/6650.2002.33012.


Evaluation of a new collagen-based medical device (ElastiCo®) for the treatment of acute Achilles tendon injury and prevention of peritendinous adhesions: An in vitro biocompatibility and in vivo investigation.
  • Francesca Veronesi
  • Gianluca Giavaresi
  • Davide Bellini
  • Veronica Casagranda
  • Daniele Pressato
  • Milena Fini
  • J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/term.3085.Epub 2020-06-27.


Structural studies of triazole inhibitors with promising inhibitor effects against antibiotic resistance metallo-β-lactamases.
  • Zeeshan Muhammad
  • Susann Skagseth
  • Marc Boomgaren
  • Sundus Akhter
  • Christopher Fröhlich
  • Aya Ismael
  • Tony Christopeit
  • Annette Bayer
  • Hanna-Kirsti S Leiros
  • Bioorg. Med. Chem..2020 Aug;28(15):115598. S0968-0896(20)30428-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115598.Epub 2020-06-18.


Defining Myocardial Abnormalities Across the Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.
  • Manvir K Hayer
  • Ashwin Radhakrishnan
  • Anna M Price
  • Boyang Liu
  • Shanat Baig
  • Christopher J Weston
  • Luca Biasiolli
  • Charles J Ferro
  • Jonathan N Townend
  • Richard P Steeds
  • Nicola C Edwards
  • JACC Cardiovasc Imaging.2020 Jul;S1936-878X(20)30411-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2020.04.021.Epub 2020-07-09.


Insights into animal models for cell-based therapies in translational studies of lung diseases: Is the horse with naturally occurring asthma the right choice?
  • Anna Lange-Consiglio
  • Luca Stucchi
  • Enrica Zucca
  • Jean Pierre Lavoie
  • Fausto Cremonesi
  • Francesco Ferrucci
  • Cytotherapy.2019 05;21(5):525-534. S1465-3249(19)30033-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2019.02.010.Epub 2019-03-29.


Reduction of inflammation and colon injury by a Pennyroyal phenolic extract in experimental inflammatory bowel disease in mice.
  • João Rocha
  • Rosa Direito
  • Ana Lima
  • Joana Mota
  • Margarida Gonçalves
  • Maria Paula Duarte
  • João Solas
  • Bruno Felício Peniche
  • Adelaide Fernandes
  • Rui Pinto
  • Ricardo Boavida Ferreira
  • Bruno Sepodes
  • Maria-Eduardo Figueira
  • Biomed. Pharmacother..2019 Oct;118:109351. S0753-3322(19)32012-8. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109351.Epub 2019-08-22.


Tumor-Cell-Surface Adherable Peptide-Drug Conjugate Prodrug Nanoparticles Inhibit Tumor Metastasis and Augment Treatment Efficacy.
  • Chen Qian
  • Jingjing Wang
  • Ying Qian
  • Rongfeng Hu
  • Jiayu Zou
  • Chenqi Zhu
  • Yuan Zhu
  • Shuyang Qi
  • Xiaobin Jia
  • Li Wu
  • Weidong Li
  • Zhipeng Chen
  • Nano Lett..2020 Jun;20(6):4153-4161. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00152.Epub 2020-05-28.


Anaerobic digestates from sewage sludge used as fertilizer on a poor alkaline sandy soil and on a peat substrate: Effects on tomato plants growth and on soil properties.
  • Giulio Cristina
  • Enrico Camelin
  • Tonia Tommasi
  • Debora Fino
  • Massimo Pugliese
  • J. Environ. Manage..2020 Sep;269:110767. S0301-4797(20)30699-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110767.Epub 2020-05-28.


Serine Catabolism Feeds NADH when Respiration Is Impaired.
  • Lifeng Yang
  • Juan Carlos Garcia Canaveras
  • Zihong Chen
  • Lin Wang
  • Lingfan Liang
  • Cholsoon Jang
  • Johannes A Mayr
  • Zhaoyue Zhang
  • Jonathan M Ghergurovich
  • Le Zhan
  • Shilpy Joshi
  • Zhixian Hu
  • Melanie R McReynolds
  • Xiaoyang Su
  • Eileen White
  • Raphael J Morscher
  • Joshua D Rabinowitz
  • Cell Metab..2020 Apr;31(4):809-821.e6. S1550-4131(20)30114-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.02.017.Epub 2020-03-17.


Apolipoproteins AI and E are associated with neuroaxonal injury to gray matter in multiple sclerosis.
  • Mason McComb
  • Robert Parambi
  • Richard W Browne
  • Mary Lou Bodziak
  • Dejan Jakimovski
  • Niels Bergsland
  • Aleksandra Maceski
  • Bianca Weinstock-Guttman
  • Jens Kuhle
  • Robert Zivadinov
  • Murali Ramanathan
  • Mult Scler Relat Disord.2020 Jul;45:102389. S2211-0348(20)30464-8. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102389.Epub 2020-07-11.


Microbiological characterization of Gioddu, an Italian fermented milk.
  • Antonietta Maoloni
  • Giuseppe Blaiotta
  • Ilario Ferrocino
  • Nicoletta P Mangia
  • Andrea Osimani
  • Vesna Milanović
  • Federica Cardinali
  • Cristiana Cesaro
  • Cristiana Garofalo
  • Francesca Clementi
  • Marina Pasquini
  • Maria Federica Trombetta
  • Luca Cocolin
  • Lucia Aquilanti
  • Int. J. Food Microbiol..2020 Jun;323:108610. S0168-1605(20)30104-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108610.Epub 2020-03-20.


Incorporation of the first and second heart fields and prospective fate of the straight heart tube via in vivo labeling of chicken embryos.
  • Villavicencio Guzmán Laura
  • Salazar García Marcela
  • Jaime Cruz Ricardo
  • Lazzarini Roberto
  • Toledano-Toledano Filiberto
  • Concepción Sánchez Gómez
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0234069. PONE-D-19-25042. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234069.Epub 2020-07-10.

ブラジル・リオデジャネイロ州に生息するグレイトトリガーフィッシュBalistes capriscus Gmelin, 1789とクイーントリガーフィッシュB. vetula Linnaeus, 1758 (Osteichthyes: Balistidae)のメタゾアン寄生の群集生態

Community ecology of the metazoan parasites of the grey triggerfish, Balistes capriscus Gmelin, 1789 and queen triggerfish B. vetula Linnaeus,1758 (Osteichthyes: Balistidae) from the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Dimitri R Alves
  • Aline R Paraguassú
  • José L Luque
  • Rev Bras Parasitol Vet.2005 Apr-Jun;14(2):71-7.


Caspase-8 is the molecular switch for apoptosis, necroptosis and pyroptosis.
  • Melanie Fritsch
  • Saskia D Günther
  • Robin Schwarzer
  • Marie-Christine Albert
  • Fabian Schorn
  • J Paul Werthenbach
  • Lars M Schiffmann
  • Neil Stair
  • Hannah Stocks
  • Jens M Seeger
  • Mohamed Lamkanfi
  • Martin Krönke
  • Manolis Pasparakis
  • Hamid Kashkar
  • Nature.2019 11;575(7784):683-687. 10.1038/s41586-019-1770-6. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1770-6.Epub 2019-11-20.


The FLUKA Monte Carlo code coupled with an OER model for biologically weighted dose calculations in proton therapy of hypoxic tumors.
  • Tordis Johnsen Dahle
  • Espen Rusten
  • Camilla Hanquist Stokkevåg
  • Antti Silvoniemi
  • Andrea Mairani
  • Lars Fredrik Fjæra
  • Eivind Rørvik
  • Helge Henjum
  • Pauliina Wright
  • Camilla Grindeland Boer
  • Sarita Forsback
  • Heikki Minn
  • Eirik Malinen
  • Kristian Smeland Ytre-Hauge
  • Phys Med.2020 Jul;76:166-172. S1120-1797(20)30163-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.07.003.Epub 2020-07-16.


[Neuroprotective effects of the peel of Citrus kawachiensis (Kawachi Bankan) and auraptene in the hippocampus of hyperglycemia mice and global cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury mice].
  • Satoshi Okuyama
  • Atsushi Sawamoto
  • Mitsunari Nakajima
  • Yoshiko Furukawa
  • Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi.2020;155(4):214-219. doi: 10.1254/fpj.20022.


Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cinnamic acid derivatives with synergetic neuroprotection and angiogenesis effect.
  • Wen-Xi Zhang
  • Hui Wang
  • He-Rong Cui
  • Wen-Bo Guo
  • Fei Zhou
  • De-Sheng Cai
  • Bing Xu
  • Xiao-Hui Jia
  • Xue-Mei Huang
  • Yu-Qin Yang
  • Hong-Shan Chen
  • Jin-Chai Qi
  • Peng-Long Wang
  • Hai-Min Lei
  • Eur J Med Chem.2019 Dec;183:111695. S0223-5234(19)30845-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2019.111695.Epub 2019-09-13.

Bacillus toyonensis COPE52は脂質・脂肪酸組成を修飾し、抗真菌活性を発揮し、塩分条件下でのトマト植物の生育を促進する

Bacillus toyonensis COPE52 Modifies Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition, Exhibits Antifungal Activity, and Stimulates Growth of Tomato Plants Under Saline Conditions.
  • Daniel Rojas-Solis
  • Miguel A Vences-Guzmán
  • Christian Sohlenkamp
  • Gustavo Santoyo
  • Curr. Microbiol..2020 Jun;10.1007/s00284-020-02069-1. doi: 10.1007/s00284-020-02069-1.Epub 2020-06-05.


Fasting in diabetes treatment (FIT) trial: study protocol for a randomised, controlled, assessor-blinded intervention trial on the effects of intermittent use of a fasting-mimicking diet in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • Elske L van den Burg
  • Marjolein P Schoonakker
  • Petra G van Peet
  • M Elske van den Akker-van Marle
  • Ko Willems van Dijk
  • Valter D Longo
  • Hildo J Lamb
  • Mattijs E Numans
  • Hanno Pijl
  • BMC Endocr Disord.2020 Jun;20(1):94. 10.1186/s12902-020-00576-7. doi: 10.1186/s12902-020-00576-7.Epub 2020-06-24.


Parvalbumin-, substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunopositive axons in the human dental pulp differ in their distribution of varicosities.
  • Sook Kyung Park
  • Seung Ki Choi
  • Youn Gyung Kim
  • So Young Choi
  • Jin Wook Kim
  • Sang Hyeok Seo
  • Ji Hyun Lee
  • Yong Chul Bae
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jun;10(1):10672. 10.1038/s41598-020-67804-x. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67804-x.Epub 2020-06-30.