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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Alterations of the renin angiotensin system in human end-stage heart failure before and after mechanical cardiac unloading by LVAD support.
  • Rebecca Messmann
  • Alexander Dietl
  • Stefan Wagner
  • Oliver Domenig
  • Carsten Jungbauer
  • Andreas Luchner
  • Lars S Maier
  • Simon Schopka
  • Stephan Hirt
  • Christof Schmid
  • Christoph Birner
  • Mol. Cell. Biochem..2020 Jun;10.1007/s11010-020-03787-7. doi: 10.1007/s11010-020-03787-7.Epub 2020-06-20.


Effect of selected local medicinal plants on the asexual blood stage of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum.
  • Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Abd Razak
  • Adlin Afzan
  • Rosnani Ali
  • Nur Fasihah Amir Jalaluddin
  • Mohd Isa Wasiman
  • Siti Habsah Shiekh Zahari
  • Noor Rain Abdullah
  • Zakiah Ismail
  • BMC Complement Altern Med.2014 Dec;14:492. 1472-6882-14-492. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-492.Epub 2014-12-15.


Fluoropyrimidin-2,4-dihydroxy-5-isopropylbenzamides as antitumor agents against CRC and NSCLC cancer cells.
  • Wei-Cheng Wu
  • Yi-Min Liu
  • Yu-Hsuan Liao
  • Kai-Cheng Hsu
  • Ssu-Ting Lien
  • I-Chung Chen
  • Mei-Jung Lai
  • Yu-Hsuan Li
  • Shiow-Lin Pan
  • Mei-Chuan Chen
  • Jing-Ping Liou
  • Eur J Med Chem.2020 Jul;203:112540. S0223-5234(20)30512-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112540.Epub 2020-07-16.


25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and continuous positive airway pressure treatment: a brief review.
  • Dimitra I Siachpazidou
  • Vasileios Stavrou
  • Spyridon Zouridis
  • Eudoxia Gogou
  • Nicholas-Tiberio Economou
  • Chaido Pastaka
  • Chrissi Hatzoglou
  • Konstantinos I Gourgoulianis
  • Sleep Sci.2020 Jan-Mar;13(1):78-83. doi: 10.5935/1984-0063.20190126.


SAMHD1 is a key regulator of the lineage-specific response of acute lymphoblastic leukaemias to nelarabine.
  • Tamara Rothenburger
  • Katie-May McLaughlin
  • Tobias Herold
  • Constanze Schneider
  • Thomas Oellerich
  • Florian Rothweiler
  • Andrew Feber
  • Tim R Fenton
  • Mark N Wass
  • Oliver T Keppler
  • Martin Michaelis
  • Jindrich Cinatl
  • Commun Biol.2020 Jun;3(1):324. 10.1038/s42003-020-1052-8. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-1052-8.Epub 2020-06-24.


Tadalafil alleviates cisplatin-induced reproductive toxicity through the activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway and the inhibition of oxidative stress and apoptosis in male rats.
  • Basel A Abdel-Wahab
  • Saad Ahmad Alkahtani
  • Ehab A M Elagab
  • Reprod. Toxicol..2020 Jul;96:165-174. S0890-6238(20)30174-X. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.06.015.Epub 2020-07-01.


Characterization of an HLA-restricted and human cytomegalovirus-specific antibody repertoire with therapeutic potential.
  • Moritz Bewarder
  • Gerhard Held
  • Lorenz Thurner
  • Stephan Stilgenbauer
  • Sigrun Smola
  • Klaus-Dieter Preuss
  • Gabi Carbon
  • Birgit Bette
  • Konstantinos Christofyllakis
  • Joerg Thomas Bittenbring
  • Arne Felbel
  • Alexander Hasse
  • Niels Murawski
  • Dominic Kaddu-Mulindwa
  • Frank Neumann
  • Cancer Immunol. Immunother..2020 Aug;69(8):1535-1548. 10.1007/s00262-020-02564-1. doi: 10.1007/s00262-020-02564-1.Epub 2020-04-16.


Reassessing the role of high dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone in relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Jonathan Canaani
  • Meital Nagar
  • Gabriel Heering
  • Chen Gefen
  • Ronit Yerushalmi
  • Noga Shem-Tov
  • Yulia Volchek
  • Drorit Merkel
  • Abraham Avigdor
  • Avichai Shimoni
  • Ninette Amariglio
  • Gidi Rechavi
  • Arnon Nagler
  • Oncotarget.2020 Jun;11(23):2233-2245. 27618. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.27618.Epub 2020-06-09.


1,2,3-Triazolylmethaneboronate: A Structure Activity Relationship Study of a Class of β-Lactamase Inhibitors against Cephalosporinase.
  • Emilia Caselli
  • Francesco Fini
  • Maria Luisa Introvigne
  • Mattia Stucchi
  • Magdalena A Taracila
  • Erin R Fish
  • Kali A Smolen
  • Philip N Rather
  • Rachel A Powers
  • Bradley J Wallar
  • Robert A Bonomo
  • Fabio Prati
  • ACS Infect Dis.2020 Jul;6(7):1965-1975. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00254.Epub 2020-06-24.


Silencing of p68 and STAT3 synergistically diminishes cancer progression.
  • Vida Hashemi
  • Armin Ahmadi
  • Farinaz Malakotikhah
  • Mitra Ghasemi Chaleshtari
  • Mahdi Baghi Moornani
  • Ali Masjedi
  • Mozhdeh Sojoodi
  • Fatemeh Atyabi
  • Afshin Nikkhoo
  • Narges Rostami
  • Behzad Baradaran
  • Gholamreza Azizi
  • Bahman Yousefi
  • Ghasem Ghalamfarsa
  • Farhad Jadidi-Niaragh
  • Life Sci..2020 May;249:117499. S0024-3205(20)30247-2. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117499.Epub 2020-03-03.


The association between Ki-67 expression and the clinical pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Jing Li
  • Zhi-Ye Liu
  • Hai-Bo Yu
  • Xiu-Sheng Qu
  • Qing Xue
  • Hai-Tao Yu
  • Christina Weeks
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 May;99(21):e19996. 00005792-202005220-00019. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019996.


Spatial and temporal turnover of parasite species and parasite-host interactions: a case study with fleas and gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals.
  • Boris R Krasnov
  • Natalia P Korallo-Vinarskaya
  • Maxim V Vinarski
  • Irina S Khokhlova
  • Parasitol. Res..2020 Jul;119(7):2093-2104. 10.1007/s00436-020-06726-z. doi: 10.1007/s00436-020-06726-z.Epub 2020-05-28.


Chronic consumption of cassava juice induces cellular stress in rat substantia nigra.
  • Christian de Jesús Rosas-Jarquín
  • Eduardo Rivadeneyra-Domínguez
  • Bertha Alicia León-Chávez
  • Rasajna Nadella
  • Aurora Del Carmen Sánchez-García
  • Daniel Rembao-Bojórquez
  • Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Landa
  • Daniel Hernandez-Baltazar
  • Iran J Basic Med Sci.2020 Jan;23(1):93-101. doi: 10.22038/IJBMS.2019.38460.9131.


Estimation of equipotent doses for anti-inflammatory effects of prednisolone and AZD9567, an oral selective non-steroidal glucocorticoid receptor modulator.
  • Joachim Almquist
  • Muhammad Waqas Sadiq
  • Ulf G Eriksson
  • Tove Hegelund Myrbäck
  • Susanne Prothon
  • Jacob Leander
  • CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/psp4.12536.Epub 2020-06-05.


Use of capillary ketones monitoring in treatment of mild ketotic crisis in people with ketosis-prone atypical diabetes.
  • Eugene Sobngwi
  • Christine Ghislaine G Ngo Ngai
  • Martine Etoa Etoga
  • Eric Lontchi-Yimagou
  • Armand Mbanya
  • Mesmin Dehayem
  • Jean-Claude Mbanya
  • J. Investig. Med..2020 Jul;jim-2019-001267. doi: 10.1136/jim-2019-001267.Epub 2020-07-14.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates From a Cohort of Mexican Children With Cystic Fibrosis Show Adaptation to a Chronic Phenotype.
  • Roberto Rosales-Reyes
  • Marian Rodríguez-Alvarado
  • José Luis Lezana-Fernández
  • Joselin Yleana Sánchez-Lozano
  • Catalina Gayosso-Vázquez
  • Ma Dolores Jarillo-Quijada
  • José Eduardo Toledano-Tableros
  • Martha Jimena Arredondo-Mercado
  • María Dolores Alcántar-Curiel
  • Nilton Lincopan
  • Jorge E Vidal
  • Ricardo Lascurain
  • Miguel A Valvano
  • José Ignacio Santos-Preciado
  • Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J..2020 May;doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002714.Epub 2020-05-20.

高脂肪食を与えたマウスの血漿脂質値および腸内マイクロバイオームに及ぼすLactobacillus plantararus Urumuma-SU4発酵青ヘチマの効果

Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum Uruma-SU4 fermented green loofah on plasma lipid levels and gut microbiome of high-fat diet fed mice.
  • Ayane Shikano
  • Takashi Kuda
  • Junna Shibayama
  • Ai Toyama
  • Yuka Ishida
  • Hajime Takahashi
  • Bon Kimura
  • Food Res. Int..2019 07;121:817-824. S0963-9969(18)31022-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.12.065.Epub 2019-01-06.


TRAb elevations occurred even in the third trimester; a case of a mother of a child with neonatal thyroid dysfunction, who received radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease.
  • Nami Suzuki
  • Ai Yoshihara
  • Jaeduk Yoshimura Noh
  • Kazuya Kinoshita
  • Junki Ohnishi
  • Maki Saito
  • Kiminori Sugino
  • Kochi Ito
  • Endocr. J..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ20-0039.Epub 2020-06-10.


Mortality Secondary to Unintentional Poisoning after Inpatient Rehabilitation among Individuals with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Flora M Hammond
  • Jessica Ketchum
  • Kristen Dams-O'Connor
  • John D Corrigan
  • Cate Miller
  • Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa
  • Mark Faul
  • Lance E Trexler
  • Cynthia Harrison-Felix
  • J. Neurotrauma.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1089/neu.2020.7038.Epub 2020-07-08.


Interaction between C/EBPβ and RUNX2 promotes apoptosis of chondrocytes during human lumbar facet joint degeneration.
  • Jinlong Zhang
  • Jiawei Jiang
  • Guofeng Bao
  • Guanhua Xu
  • Lingling Wang
  • Jiajia Chen
  • Chu Chen
  • Chunshuai Wu
  • Pengfei Xue
  • Dawei Xu
  • Yuyu Sun
  • Zhiming Cui
  • J. Mol. Histol..2020 Aug;51(4):401-410. 10.1007/s10735-020-09891-8. doi: 10.1007/s10735-020-09891-8.Epub 2020-07-06.


Phosphodiesterase 9A Inhibition Facilitates Corticostriatal Transmission in Wild-Type and Transgenic Rats That Model Huntington's Disease.
  • Shreaya Chakroborty
  • Fredric P Manfredsson
  • Alexander M Dec
  • Peter W Campbell
  • Grace E Stutzmann
  • Vahri Beaumont
  • Anthony R West
  • Front Neurosci.2020;14:466. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00466.Epub 2020-06-03.


Interprofessional Management of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (Dunbar Syndrome) Related to Lumbar Lordosis and Hip Dysplasia: A Patient's Perspective.
  • Sclinda Lea Janssen
  • Thomas Scholbach
  • Susan Jeno
  • Holte Laurie
  • Mandy Meyer
  • Colin Combs
  • Eur J Case Rep Intern Med.2020;7(7):001605. 1605-1-12722-1-10-20200415. doi: 10.12890/2020_001605.Epub 2020-04-16.


Is Adjuvant Therapy Necessary for Patients with Intermediate-Risk Cervical Cancer after Open Radical Hysterectomy?
  • Hideaki Yahata
  • Kenzo Sonoda
  • Shusaku Inoue
  • Nobuko Yasutake
  • Keisuke Kodama
  • Hiroshi Yagi
  • Masafumi Yasunaga
  • Tatsuhiro Ohgami
  • Ichiro Onoyama
  • Eisuke Kaneki
  • Kaoru Okugawa
  • Kazuo Asanoma
  • Kiyoko Kato
  • Oncology.2020 Jul;:1-6. 000508569. doi: 10.1159/000508569.Epub 2020-07-17.


Comprehensive chemical profiling of Jia-Wei-Qi-Fu-Yin and its network pharmacology-based analysis on Alzheimer's disease.
  • Hai-Ming An
  • Da-Rong Huang
  • Hua Yang
  • Xin-Guang Liu
  • Jing Du
  • Yi Li
  • Chao-Ran Li
  • Han-Qing Pang
  • Run-Zhou Liu
  • Chao Peng
  • Ping Li
  • Wen Gao
  • J Pharm Biomed Anal.2020 Jul;189:113467. S0731-7085(20)31353-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113467.Epub 2020-07-08.

食道扁平上皮癌の食生活や生存率と TGF-β1 および TGF-βR2 の発現の変化は、血液と比較して組織試料中の変化と関連している

Altered expression of TGF-β1 and TGF-βR2 in tissue samples compared to blood is associated with food habits and survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Jayasree Talukdar
  • Kangkana Kataki
  • Eyashin Ali
  • Bikash Narayan Choudhury
  • Munindra Narayan Baruah
  • Mallika Bhattacharyya
  • Sahana Bhattacharjee
  • Subhash Medhi
  • Curr Probl Cancer.2020 Jul;:100617. S0147-0272(20)30104-5. doi: 10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2020.100617.Epub 2020-07-04.