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2021年06月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Influence of cervical preflaring and root canal preparation on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.
  • Paula Barcellos da Silva
  • Simone Ferreti Duarte
  • Murilo Priori Alcalde
  • Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte
  • Rodrigo Ricci Vivan
  • Ricardo Abreu da Rosa
  • Marcus Vinícius Reis Só
  • Angela Longo do Nascimento
  • BMC Oral Health.2020 04;20(1):111. 10.1186/s12903-020-1050-8. doi: 10.1186/s12903-020-1050-8.Epub 2020-04-16.


Comparative Study of Four Endodontic File Systems to Assess Changes in Working Length during Root Canal Instrumentation and the Effect of Canal Curvature on Working Length Change.
  • Michelle Tien
  • Hermawan Tjoa
  • Maggie Zhou
  • Paul V Abbott
  • J Endod.2020 Jan;46(1):110-115. S0099-2399(19)30740-X. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2019.10.004.Epub 2019-11-15.


Why do some extraction sites develop medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw and others do not? A within-patient study assessing radiographic predictors.
  • Hugo Gaêta-Araujo
  • André Ferreira Leite
  • Karla de Faria Vasconcelos
  • Ruxandra Coropciuc
  • Constantinus Politis
  • Reinhilde Jacobs
  • Christiano Oliveira-Santos
  • Int J Oral Implantol (Berl).2021 Mar;14(1):87-98. 1072491.


Comparison Between Removable and Fixed Devices for Nonskeletal Anterior Crossbite Correction in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review.
  • Jader Oliva Jorge
  • Larissa Corradi-Dias
  • Carlos Flores-Mir
  • Isabela Almeida Pordeus
  • Saul Martins Paiva
  • Lucas Guimarães Abreu
  • J Evid Based Dent Pract.2020 09;20(3):101423. S1532-3382(20)30027-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2020.101423.Epub 2020-03-03.


Successful management of enzyme replacement therapy in related fabry disease patients with severe adverse events by switching from agalsidase Beta (fabrazyme(®)) to agalsidase alfa (replagal (®)).
  • Kazuya Tsuboi
  • Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Fuji Somura
  • Hiromi Goto
  • JIMD Rep.2015;15:105-11. doi: 10.1007/8904_2014_304.Epub 2014-04-10.


Patients with Fabry Disease after Enzyme Replacement Therapy Dose Reduction and Switch-2-Year Follow-Up.
  • Malte Lenders
  • Sima Canaan-Kühl
  • Johannes Krämer
  • Thomas Duning
  • Stefanie Reiermann
  • Claudia Sommer
  • Jörg Stypmann
  • Daniela Blaschke
  • Nurcan Üçeyler
  • Hans-Werner Hense
  • Stefan-Martin Brand
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Frank Weidemann
  • Eva Brand
  • J Am Soc Nephrol.2016 Mar;27(3):952-62. ASN.2015030337. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015030337.Epub 2015-07-16.


Cardio- Renal Outcomes With Long- Term Agalsidase Alfa Enzyme Replacement Therapy: A 10- Year Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS) Analysis.
  • Uma Ramaswami
  • Michael Beck
  • Derralynn Hughes
  • Christoph Kampmann
  • Jaco Botha
  • Guillem Pintos-Morell
  • Michael L West
  • Dau-Ming Niu
  • Kathy Nicholls
  • Roberto Giugliani
  • Drug Des Devel Ther.2019;13:3705-3715. 207856. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S207856.Epub 2019-10-25.


Remineralization effectiveness of adhesive containing amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles on artificial initial enamel caries in a biofilm-challenged environment.
  • Menglin Fan
  • Jiaojiao Yang
  • Hockin H K Xu
  • Michael D Weir
  • Siying Tao
  • Zhaohan Yu
  • Yifang Liu
  • Meng Li
  • Xuedong Zhou
  • Kunneng Liang
  • Jiyao Li
  • Clin Oral Investig.2021 Apr;10.1007/s00784-021-03846-3. doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-03846-3.Epub 2021-04-23.

Total Face Approach (TFA) 3D Cephalometry and Superimposition in Orthognathic Surgery:連続したシリーズでの垂直方向の寸法の評価

Total Face Approach (TFA) 3D Cephalometry and Superimposition in Orthognathic Surgery: Evaluation of the Vertical Dimensions in a Consecutive Series.
  • Giovanna Perrotti
  • Giulia Baccaglione
  • Tommaso Clauser
  • Riccardo Scaini
  • Roberta Grassi
  • Luca Testarelli
  • Rodolfo Reda
  • Tiziano Testori
  • Massimo Del Fabbro
  • Methods Protoc.2021 May;4(2). 36. doi: 10.3390/mps4020036.Epub 2021-05-18.


An Evaluation of Remineralization Potential of Functionalized Tricalcium Phosphate Paste and CPP-ACPF on Artificial White Spot Lesion in Primary and Permanent Enamel.
  • Neha Bhadoria
  • Mohit K Gunwal
  • Rinky Kukreja
  • Satish Maran
  • Shashikiran N Devendrappa
  • Shilpy Singla
  • Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2020 Nov-Dec;13(6):579-584. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1813.


Effectiveness of lip repositioning surgeries in the treatment of excessive gingival display: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Silvio Antônio Dos Santos-Pereira
  • Álvaro José Cicareli
  • Fábio Alarcon Idalgo
  • Alexandre Gomes Nunes
  • Elias Naim Kassis
  • José Fernando Castanha Henriques
  • Silvio Augusto Bellini-Pereira
  • J Esthet Restor Dent.2021 04;33(3):446-457. doi: 10.1111/jerd.12695.Epub 2020-12-16.