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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


The diabetic microenvironment causes mitochondrial oxidative stress in glomerular endothelial cells and pathological crosstalk with podocytes.
  • Gabriella A Casalena
  • Liping Yu
  • Roberto Gil
  • Samuel Rodriguez
  • Shantel Sosa
  • William Janssen
  • Evren U Azeloglu
  • Jeremy S Leventhal
  • Ilse S Daehn
  • Cell Commun. Signal.2020 Jul;18(1):105. 10.1186/s12964-020-00605-x. doi: 10.1186/s12964-020-00605-x.Epub 2020-07-08.

Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasiaは、Ano5遺伝子の変異を持つそれぞれのマウスモデルでは再現されていない

Gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia is not recapitulated in a respective mouse model carrying a mutation of the Ano5 gene.
  • Tim Rolvien
  • Osman Avci
  • Simon von Kroge
  • Till Koehne
  • Stefan Selbert
  • Stephan Sonntag
  • Doron Shmerling
  • Uwe Kornak
  • Ralf Oheim
  • Michael Amling
  • Thorsten Schinke
  • Timur Alexander Yorgan
  • Bone Rep.2020 Jun;12:100281. S2352-1872(20)30041-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bonr.2020.100281.Epub 2020-05-14.

また、転写因子 FOXM1 をサイレンシングすることで、ALDH2 の発現を制御することで、肝癌幹細胞の増殖、遊走、浸潤を抑制し、アポトーシスを誘導することが示された

Silencing transcription factor FOXM1 represses proliferation, migration, and invasion while inducing apoptosis of liver cancer stem cells by regulating the expression of ALDH2.
  • Lijian Chen
  • Meiyun Wu
  • Chunyi Ji
  • Miaoxian Yuan
  • Chaoyang Liu
  • Qiang Yin
  • IUBMB Life.2020 02;72(2):285-295. doi: 10.1002/iub.2166.Epub 2019-10-03.


Assessment of Predictive Biomarkers of the Response to Pazopanib Based on an Integrative Analysis of High-grade Soft-tissue Sarcomas: Analysis of a Tumor Sample from a Responder and Patients with Other Soft-tissue Sarcomas.
  • Yoshiyuki Suehara
  • Shinji Kohsaka
  • Shigeo Yamaguchi
  • Takuo Hayashi
  • Taisei Kurihara
  • Kei Sano
  • Keita Sasa
  • Keisuke Akaike
  • Toshihide Ueno
  • Shinya Kojima
  • Masachika Ikegami
  • Sho Mizuno
  • Taketo Okubo
  • Youngji Kim
  • Kazuo Kaneko
  • Tsuyoshi Saito
  • Shunsuke Kato
  • Hiroyuki Mano
  • Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001322.Epub 2020-06-10.

急性中耳炎の子供の抗生物質消費量を減らすための麻酔・鎮痛薬点耳薬:CEDAR RCT

Anaesthetic-analgesic ear drops to reduce antibiotic consumption in children with acute otitis media: the CEDAR RCT.
  • Alastair D Hay
  • Harriet Downing
  • Nick A Francis
  • Grace J Young
  • Clare Clement
  • Sue D Harris
  • Aideen Ahern
  • Behnaz Schofield
  • Tammy E Thomas
  • Jeremy Horwood
  • Peter S Blair
  • William Hollingworth
  • Victoria Wilson
  • Chris Metcalfe
  • Peter Stoddart
  • Desmond Nunez
  • Mark D Lyttle
  • Paul Little
  • Michael V Moore
  • Health Technol Assess.2019 07;23(34):1-48. doi: 10.3310/hta23340.

Ficus carica L.およびPrunus spinosa L.の抽出物は、アントシアニン系の新規食品着色料として期待されています。製菓製品における徹底した研究

Ficus carica L. and Prunus spinosa L. extracts as new anthocyanin-based food colorants: A thorough study in confectionery products.
  • Emanueli Backes
  • Maria G Leichtweis
  • Carla Pereira
  • Marcio Carocho
  • João C M Barreira
  • Aziza Kamal Genena
  • Ilton José Baraldi
  • Maria Filomena Barreiro
  • Lillian Barros
  • Isabel C F R Ferreira
  • Food Chem.2020 Jul;333:127457. S0308-8146(20)31319-4. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127457.Epub 2020-07-03.


Evaluation of seed nitrate assimilation and stimulation of phenolic-linked antioxidant on pentose phosphate pathway and nitrate reduction in three feed-plant species.
  • Derong Lin
  • Yichen Huang
  • Jingjing Zhao
  • Zhijun Wu
  • Shuliang Liu
  • Wen Qin
  • Dingtao Wu
  • Hong Chen
  • Qing Zhang
  • BMC Plant Biol..2020 Jun;20(1):267. 10.1186/s12870-020-02453-w. doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02453-w.Epub 2020-06-09.


Lidocaine turns the surface charge of biological membranes more positive and changes the permeability of blood-brain barrier culture models.
  • Ana R Santa-Maria
  • Fruzsina R Walter
  • Sándor Valkai
  • Ana Rita Brás
  • Mária Mészáros
  • András Kincses
  • Adrián Klepe
  • Diana Gaspar
  • Miguel A R B Castanho
  • László Zimányi
  • András Dér
  • Mária A Deli
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr.2019 09;1861(9):1579-1591. S0005-2736(19)30158-0. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2019.07.008.Epub 2019-07-10.

ロングノンコーディングRNA HUMTのハイメチル化は、トリプルネガティブ乳癌において、FOXK1転写を活性化することを介してリンパ管形成と転移を促進することが明らかになった

Long non-coding RNA HUMT hypomethylation promotes lymphangiogenesis and metastasis via activating FOXK1 transcription in triple-negative breast cancer.
  • Shaoquan Zheng
  • Lu Yang
  • Yutian Zou
  • Jie-Ying Liang
  • Peng Liu
  • Guanfeng Gao
  • Anli Yang
  • Hailin Tang
  • Xiaoming Xie
  • J Hematol Oncol.2020 03;13(1):17. 10.1186/s13045-020-00852-y. doi: 10.1186/s13045-020-00852-y.Epub 2020-03-05.


Analysis on the diagnosis of infection risk factors and the incidence of ureteroscopy holmium laser lithotripsy and vagal excitation under computed tomography image information health technology.
  • Yuelong Zhang
  • Qi Zhang
  • Jia Lv
  • Dahong Zhang
  • Neurosci. Lett..2020 Jun;:135224. S0304-3940(20)30494-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135224.Epub 2020-06-30.


Perioperative outcomes of interrupted anticoagulation in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation undergoing non-cardiac surgery.
  • Bo Eun Park
  • Myung Hwan Bae
  • Hyeon Jeong Kim
  • Yoon Jung Park
  • Hong Nyun Kim
  • Se Yong Jang
  • Jang Hoon Lee
  • Dong Heon Yang
  • Hun Sik Park
  • Yongkeun Cho
  • Shung Chull Chae
  • Yeungnam Univ J Med.2020 Jul;yujm.2020.00353. doi: 10.12701/yujm.2020.00353.Epub 2020-07-16.

循環中のプレゲノム HBV RNA は、Nucleos(t)ide アナログ療法を受けている慢性 B 型肝炎患者において、一次的に完全長である

Circulating Pregenomic HBV RNA is Primarily Full-length in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Undergoing Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Therapy.
  • Mark Anderson
  • Jeffery Gersch
  • Ka-Cheung Luk
  • George Dawson
  • Ivana Carey
  • Kosh Agarwal
  • Pir Shah
  • Geoffrey Dusheiko
  • Daryl Lau
  • Gavin Cloherty
  • Clin. Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;ciaa1015. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1015.Epub 2020-07-20.


Quantitation of oxylipins in fish and algae oil supplements using optimized hydrolysis procedures and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass-spectrometry.
  • Shiva Emami
  • Zhichao Zhang
  • Ameer Y Taha
  • J. Agric. Food Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02461.Epub 2020-07-20.


Increased adiponectin gene expression in adipose tissue may be related to an abnormal serum fatty acid profile in patients with chronic kidney disease.
  • Justyna Korczyńska
  • Aleksandra Czumaj
  • Michał Chmielewski
  • Maciej Śledziński
  • Adriana Mika
  • Tomasz Śledziński
  • 2020 Jul;doi: 10.20452/pamw.15517.Epub 2020-07-20.


Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Retinal Artery Resistive Index Measurements with Bedside Ophthalmic Ultrasound in Pediatric Patients with Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome.
  • Nagehan Aslan
  • Dincer Yildizdas
  • Neslihan Ozcan
  • Ozden Ozgur Horoz
  • Gulen Gul Mert
  • Yasar Sertdemir
  • Sakir Altunbasak
  • J Pediatr Intensive Care.2020 Sep;9(3):181-187. 1900075. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1705112.Epub 2020-03-06.


Quick and sensitive enantioselective determination of permethrin in fruits and vegetables by combining supramolecular solvents and chiral liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
  • Ana Belén Lara
  • Carmen Caballo
  • María Dolores Sicilia
  • Soledad Rubio
  • J. Agric. Food Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02533.Epub 2020-07-20.


Simultaneously enhance the inactivation and inhibit the photoreactivation of fungal spores by the combination of UV-LEDs and chlorine: Kinetics and mechanisms.
  • Qiqi Wan
  • Gang Wen
  • Ruihua Cao
  • Hui Zhao
  • Xiangqian Xu
  • Yuancheng Xia
  • Gehui Wu
  • Wei Lin
  • Jingyi Wang
  • Tinglin Huang
  • Water Res..2020 Jul;184:116143. S0043-1354(20)30680-1. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116143.Epub 2020-07-12.


Association of Factor V Leiden with Subsequent Atherothrombotic Events: A GENIUS-CHD Study of Individual Participant Data.
  • Bakhtawar K Mahmoodi
  • Vinicius Tragante
  • Marcus E Kleber
  • Michael V Holmes
  • Amand F Schmidt
  • Raymond O McCubrey
  • Laurence J Howe
  • Kenan Direk
  • Hooman Allayee
  • Ekaterina V Baranova
  • Peter S Braund
  • Graciela E Delgado
  • Niclas Eriksson
  • Crystel M Gijsberts
  • Yan Gong
  • Jaana Hartiala
  • Mahyar Heydarpour
  • Gerard Pasterkamp
  • Salma Kotti
  • Pekka Kuukasjärvi
  • Petra A Lenzini
  • Daniel Levin
  • Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen
  • Jochen D Muehlschlegel
  • Christopher P Nelson
  • Kjell Nikus
  • Anna P Pilbrow
  • W H Wilson Tang
  • Sander W van der Laan
  • Jessica van Setten
  • Ragnar O Vilmundarson
  • John Deanfield
  • Panos Deloukas
  • Frank Dudbridge
  • Stefan James
  • Ify R Mordi
  • Andrej Teren
  • Thomas O Bergmeijer
  • Simon C Body
  • Michiel Bots
  • Ralph Burkhardt
  • Rhonda M Cooper-DeHoff
  • Sharon Cresci
  • Nicolas Danchin
  • Robert N Doughty
  • Diederick E Grobbee
  • Emil Hagström
  • Stanley L Hazen
  • Claes Held
  • Imo E Hoefer
  • G Kees Hovingh
  • Julie A Johnson
  • Marcin P Kaczor
  • Mika Kähönen
  • Olaf H Klungel
  • Jari O Laurikka
  • Terho Lehtimäki
  • Anke H Maitland-van der Zee
  • Ruth McPherson
  • Colin N Palmer
  • Adriaan O Kraaijeveld
  • Carl J Pepine
  • Marek Sanak
  • Naveed Sattar
  • Markus Scholz
  • Tabassome Simon
  • John A Spertus
  • Alexandre F R Stewart
  • Wojciech Szczeklik
  • Joachim Thiery
  • Frank L J Visseren
  • Johannes Waltenberger
  • A Mark Richards
  • Chim C Lang
  • Vicky A Cameron
  • Axel Åkerblom
  • Guillaume Pare
  • Winfried März
  • Nilesh J Samani
  • Aroon D Hingorani
  • Jurriën M Ten Berg
  • Lars Wallentin
  • Folkert W Asselbergs
  • Riyaz Patel
  • Circulation.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.045526.Epub 2020-07-13.


An Epoxide Intermediate in Glycosidase Catalysis.
  • Lukasz F Sobala
  • Gaetano Speciale
  • Sha Zhu
  • Lluís Raich
  • Natalia Sannikova
  • Andrew J Thompson
  • Zalihe Hakki
  • Dan Lu
  • Saeideh Shamsi Kazem Abadi
  • Andrew R Lewis
  • Víctor Rojas-Cervellera
  • Ganeko Bernardo-Seisdedos
  • Yongmin Zhang
  • Oscar Millet
  • Jesús Jiménez-Barbero
  • Andrew J Bennet
  • Matthieu Sollogoub
  • Carme Rovira
  • Gideon J Davies
  • Spencer J Williams
  • ACS Cent Sci.2020 May;6(5):760-770. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00111.Epub 2020-04-16.


Amentoflavone suppresses cell proliferation and induces cell death through triggering autophagy-dependent ferroptosis in human glioma.
  • Yan Chen
  • Ning Li
  • Haijing Wang
  • Ningning Wang
  • Hui Peng
  • Jing Wang
  • Yihong Li
  • Mingdi Liu
  • Hui Li
  • Yu Zhang
  • Zhaohui Wang
  • Life Sci..2020 Apr;247:117425. S0024-3205(20)30172-7. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117425.Epub 2020-02-11.


Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS)1 and SOCS3 Proteins Are Mediators of Interleukin-10 Modulation of Inflammatory Responses Induced by and Its Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP) in Mouse J774 Macrophages.
  • Skyla A Duncan
  • Rajnish Sahu
  • Saurabh Dixit
  • Shree R Singh
  • Vida A Dennis
  • Mediators Inflamm..2020;2020:7461742. doi: 10.1155/2020/7461742.Epub 2020-06-24.

マンゴージンジャー(curcuma amada)は、ラットの炎症性サイトカインレベルを調節することにより、コラーゲン誘発性関節炎を抑制する

Mango ginger (curcuma amada) inhibits collagen-induced arthritis by modulating inflammatory cytokine levels in rats.
  • Ahmet KarataŞ
  • Cemal Orhan
  • Mehmet Tuzcu
  • Nurhan Şahİn
  • İbrahİm Hanİfİ Özercan
  • SÜleyman Serdar Koca
  • Vijaya Juturu
  • Kazİm Şahİn
  • Turk J Med Sci.2020 Jul;doi: 10.3906/sag-2004-105.Epub 2020-07-14.


Exploring how social media exposure and interactions are associated with ENDS and tobacco use in adolescents from the PATH study.
  • Patricia Cavazos-Rehg
  • Xiao Li
  • Erin Kasson
  • Nina Kaiser
  • Jacob T Borodovsky
  • Richard Grucza
  • Li-Shiun Chen
  • Laura J Bierut
  • Nicotine Tob. Res..2020 Jun;ntaa113. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa113.Epub 2020-06-29.


Synthesis and cytotoxicity of hybrids of 1,3,4- or 1,2,5-oxadiazoles tethered from ursane and lupane core with 1,2,3-triazole.
  • Sergey A Popov
  • Marya D Semenova
  • Dmitry S Baev
  • Tatiana S Frolova
  • Michael A Shestopalov
  • Chengzhang Wang
  • Zhiwen Qi
  • Elvira E Shults
  • Māris Turks
  • Steroids.2020 Jul;:108698. S0039-128X(20)30124-0. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2020.108698.Epub 2020-07-17.