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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Sex-opposed inflammatory effects of 27-hydroxycholesterol are mediated via differences in estrogen signaling.
  • Tom Houben
  • Albert V Bitorina
  • Yvonne Oligschlaeger
  • Mike Lj Jeurissen
  • Sander Rensen
  • S Eleonore Köhler
  • Marit Westerterp
  • Dieter Lütjohann
  • Jan Theys
  • Andrea Romano
  • Jogchum Plat
  • Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov
  • J. Pathol..2020 Aug;251(4):429-439. doi: 10.1002/path.5477.Epub 2020-07-07.


Effects of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801 (dizocilpine) on bone homeostasis in mice.
  • Shuichi Kiyohara
  • Nobuhiro Sakai
  • Kazuaki Handa
  • Tomoyuki Yamakawa
  • Koji Ishikawa
  • Masahiro Chatani
  • Akiko Karakawa
  • Yuki Azetsu
  • Motohiro Munakata
  • Masahiko Ozeki
  • Takako Negishi-Koga
  • Masamichi Takami
  • J Oral Biosci.2020 Jun;62(2):131-138. S1349-0079(20)30046-3. doi: 10.1016/j.job.2020.03.003.Epub 2020-04-11.


Effect of Anatomic Segment Involvement on Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Facial Nerve Schwannomas: An International Multicenter Cohort Study.
  • Gautam U Mehta
  • Gregory P Lekovic
  • William H Slattery
  • Derald E Brackmann
  • Hao Long
  • Hideyuki Kano
  • Douglas Kondziolka
  • Monica Mureb
  • Kenneth Bernstein
  • Anne-Marie Langlois
  • David Mathieu
  • Ahmed M Nabeel
  • Wael A Reda
  • Sameh R Tawadros
  • Khaled Abdelkarim
  • Amr M N El-Shehaby
  • Reem M Emad
  • Nasser Mohammed
  • Dusan Urgosik
  • Roman Liscak
  • Cheng-Chia Lee
  • Huai-Che Yang
  • Amanallah Montazeripouragha
  • Anthony M Kaufmann
  • Krishna C Joshi
  • Gene H Barnett
  • Daniel M Trifiletti
  • L Dade Lunsford
  • Jason P Sheehan
  • Neurosurgery.2020 Jul;nyaa313. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa313.Epub 2020-07-20.

ブラジルの様々な牛種における Rhipicephalus microplus ダニと Anaplasma marginale 感染との相関

Correlation between Rhipicephalus microplus ticks and Anaplasma marginale infection in various cattle breeds in Brazil.
  • Kauê Rodriguez Martins
  • Marcos Valério Garcia
  • Paulino Bonatte-Junior
  • Pãmella Oliveira Duarte
  • Leandro Oliveira Souza de Higa
  • Bárbara Guimarães Csordas
  • Jacqueline Cavalcante Barros
  • Renato Andreotti
  • Exp. Appl. Acarol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10493-020-00514-1. doi: 10.1007/s10493-020-00514-1.Epub 2020-07-17.


Effect of AIDS-defining events at initiation of antiretroviral therapy on long-term mortality of HIV/AIDS patients in Southwestern China: a retrospective cohort study.
  • Yunxuan Huang
  • Oulu Zhou
  • Zhigang Zheng
  • Yuexiang Xu
  • Yi Shao
  • Chunwei Qin
  • Fengxiang Qin
  • Jingzhen Lai
  • Huifang Liu
  • Rongfeng Chen
  • Li Ye
  • Hao Liang
  • Xionglin Qin
  • Junjun Jiang
  • AIDS Res Ther.2020 Jul;17(1):44. 10.1186/s12981-020-00300-4. doi: 10.1186/s12981-020-00300-4.Epub 2020-07-17.

B型慢性肝炎に対するベシフォビルジピボキシルマレイン酸塩の144週間投与。第 3 相試験の非盲検延長試験

Besifovir Dipivoxil Maleate 144-Week Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B: An Open-Label Extensional Study of a Phase 3 Trial.
  • Hyung Joon Yim
  • Won Kim
  • Sang Hoon Ahn
  • Jin Mo Yang
  • Jae Young Jang
  • Yong Oh Kweon
  • Yong Kyun Cho
  • Yoon Jun Kim
  • Gun Young Hong
  • Dong Joon Kim
  • Young Kul Jung
  • Soon Ho Um
  • Joo Hyun Sohn
  • Jin Woo Lee
  • Sung Jae Park
  • Byung Seok Lee
  • Ju Hyun Kim
  • Hong Soo Kim
  • Seung Kew Yoon
  • Moon Young Kim
  • Kwan Sik Lee
  • Young Suk Lim
  • Wan Sik Lee
  • Kwang-Hyub Han
  • Am. J. Gastroenterol..2020 May;doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000605.Epub 2020-05-01.


Bevacizumab Does Not Influence the Efficacy of Partial Splenic Embolization in the Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Hypersplenism.
  • Alexandre A Jácome
  • Aki Ohinata
  • Armeen Mahvash
  • Michael J Overman
  • Bryan Kee
  • David Fogelman
  • Van K Morris
  • Benny Johnson
  • Nicole D Rothschild
  • Robert A Wolff
  • Cathy Eng
  • Clin Colorectal Cancer.2020 Jun;S1533-0028(20)30065-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clcc.2020.04.007.Epub 2020-06-12.


[Thoughts on a favourable evolution of a COVID-19 in a patient with resistant schizophrenia and on a combination of clozapine and paliperidone palmitate].
  • N Bouaziz
  • H Ben Rejeb
  • S Ateb
  • T Fourati
  • F Chammas
  • D Baha
  • R Rosetti
  • K Kalalou
  • G Saba
  • R Benadhira
  • D Januel
  • Encephale.2020 Jun;46(3S):S126-S127. S0013-7006(20)30094-4. doi: 10.1016/j.encep.2020.05.009.Epub 2020-05-21.


Golgi organization is regulated by proteasomal degradation.
  • Avital Eisenberg-Lerner
  • Ron Benyair
  • Noa Hizkiahou
  • Neta Nudel
  • Roey Maor
  • Matthias P Kramer
  • Merav D Shmueli
  • Inbal Zigdon
  • Marina Cherniavsky Lev
  • Adi Ulman
  • Jitka Yehudith Sagiv
  • Molly Dayan
  • Bareket Dassa
  • Mercedes Rosenwald
  • Idit Shachar
  • Jie Li
  • Yanzhuang Wang
  • Nili Dezorella
  • Suman Khan
  • Ziv Porat
  • Eyal Shimoni
  • Ori Avinoam
  • Yifat Merbl
  • Nat Commun.2020 01;11(1):409. 10.1038/s41467-019-14038-9. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-14038-9.Epub 2020-01-21.


The transcriptional profile of mesenchymal stem cell populations in primary osteoporosis is distinct and shows overexpression of osteogenic inhibitors.
  • Peggy Benisch
  • Tatjana Schilling
  • Ludger Klein-Hitpass
  • Sönke P Frey
  • Lothar Seefried
  • Nadja Raaijmakers
  • Melanie Krug
  • Martina Regensburger
  • Sabine Zeck
  • Thorsten Schinke
  • Michael Amling
  • Regina Ebert
  • Franz Jakob
  • PLoS ONE.2012;7(9):e45142. PONE-D-12-12518. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045142.Epub 2012-09-24.


Estimation of Stroke Volume and Aortic Valve Area in Patients with Aortic Stenosis: A Comparison of Echocardiography versus Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.
  • Ezequiel Guzzetti
  • Romain Capoulade
  • Lionel Tastet
  • Julio Garcia
  • Florent Le Ven
  • Marie Arsenault
  • Elisabeth Bédard
  • Eric Larose
  • Marie-Annick Clavel
  • Philippe Pibarot
  • J Am Soc Echocardiogr.2020 Jun;S0894-7317(20)30205-4. doi: 10.1016/j.echo.2020.03.020.Epub 2020-06-21.


Vibrational Spectroscopic Map, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and Intermolecular Interaction.
  • Carlos R Baiz
  • Bartosz Błasiak
  • Jens Bredenbeck
  • Minhaeng Cho
  • Jun-Ho Choi
  • Steven A Corcelli
  • Arend G Dijkstra
  • Chi-Jui Feng
  • Sean Garrett-Roe
  • Nien-Hui Ge
  • Magnus W D Hanson-Heine
  • Jonathan D Hirst
  • Thomas L C Jansen
  • Kijeong Kwac
  • Kevin J Kubarych
  • Casey H Londergan
  • Hiroaki Maekawa
  • Mike Reppert
  • Shinji Saito
  • Santanu Roy
  • James L Skinner
  • Gerhard Stock
  • John E Straub
  • Megan C Thielges
  • Keisuke Tominaga
  • Andrei Tokmakoff
  • Hajime Torii
  • Lu Wang
  • Lauren J Webb
  • Martin T Zanni
  • Chem. Rev..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00813.Epub 2020-06-29.


Veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure in COVID-19 Patients: Early Experience From a Major Academic Medical Center in North America.
  • Asishana A Osho
  • Philicia Moonsamy
  • Kathryn A Hibbert
  • Kenneth T Shelton
  • John M Trahanas
  • Rizwan Q Attia
  • Jordan P Bloom
  • Michael T Onwugbufor
  • David A D'Alessandro
  • Mauricio A Villavicencio
  • Thoralf M Sundt
  • Jerome C Crowley
  • Yuval Raz
  • Masaki Funamoto
  • Ann. Surg..2020 08;272(2):e75-e78. 00000658-202008000-00023. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004084.


Counteraction of ABA-Mediated Inhibition of Seed Germination and Seedling Establishment by ABA Signaling Terminator in Arabidopsis.
  • Zhijuan Wang
  • Ziyin Ren
  • Chunhong Cheng
  • Tao Wang
  • Hongtao Ji
  • Yang Zhao
  • Zhiping Deng
  • Liya Zhi
  • Jingjing Lu
  • Xinying Wu
  • Shimin Xu
  • Mengmeng Cao
  • Hongtao Zhao
  • Liu Liu
  • Jiankang Zhu
  • Xia Li
  • Mol Plant.2020 Jun;S1674-2052(20)30212-4. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.06.011.Epub 2020-06-30.


Traumatic skull fractures in dogs and cats: A comparative analysis of neurological and computed tomographic features.
  • Pablo Amengual-Batle
  • Roberto José-López
  • Alexane Durand
  • Michal Czopowicz
  • Elsa Beltran
  • Julien Guevar
  • Kali Lazzerini
  • Steven De Decker
  • Karen Muñana
  • Peter Early
  • Christopher Mariani
  • Natasha Olby
  • Nicholas Petrovitch
  • Rodrigo Gutierrez-Quintana
  • J. Vet. Intern. Med..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jvim.15838.Epub 2020-07-20.

ウミウシは、海藻類である Laurencia dendroidea とその近縁種において化学防御の誘導を促進する

The sea-hare Aplysia brasiliana promotes induction in chemical defense in the seaweed Laurencia dendroidea and in their congeneric neighbors.
  • Renato C Pereira
  • Nathália Nocchi
  • María L Souto
  • José J Fernández
  • Manuel Norte
  • Heitor M Duarte
  • Angélica R Soares
  • Plant Physiol. Biochem..2020 Jun;154:295-303. S0981-9428(20)30244-8. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.05.020.Epub 2020-06-17.


A New Approach of Mitigating CYP3A4 Induction Led to the Discovery of Potent Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Capsid Inhibitor with Optimal ADMET Profiles.
  • Xianfeng Lin
  • Houguang Shi
  • Weixing Zhang
  • Zongxing Qiu
  • Zheng Zhou
  • Fabian Dey
  • Sheng Zhong
  • Hongxia Qiu
  • Jianxun Xie
  • Xue Zhou
  • Guang Yang
  • Guozhi Tang
  • Hong C Shen
  • Wei Zhu
  • J. Med. Chem..2019 11;62(22):10352-10361. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01421.Epub 2019-11-18.


Unproductive Effects of ALK Gene Amplification and Copy Number Gain in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. ALK Gene Amplification and Copy Gain in NSCLC.
  • Federica Zito Marino
  • Gerardo Botti
  • Gabriella Aquino
  • Stefano Ferrero
  • Gabriella Gaudioso
  • Alessandro Palleschi
  • Danilo Rocco
  • Rosario Salvi
  • Maria Carolina Micheli
  • Pietro Micheli
  • Alessandro Morabito
  • Gaetano Rocco
  • Antonio Giordano
  • Rossella De Cecio
  • Renato Franco
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Jul;21(14). E4927. doi: 10.3390/ijms21144927.Epub 2020-07-12.


Rousette Bat Dendritic Cells Overcome Marburg Virus-Mediated Antiviral Responses by Upregulation of Interferon-Related Genes While Downregulating Proinflammatory Disease Mediators.
  • Joseph Prescott
  • Jonathan C Guito
  • Jessica R Spengler
  • Catherine E Arnold
  • Amy J Schuh
  • Brian R Amman
  • Tara K Sealy
  • Lisa W Guerrero
  • Gustavo F Palacios
  • Mariano Sanchez-Lockhart
  • Cesar G Albariño
  • Jonathan S Towner
  • mSphere.2019 12;4(6). e00728-19. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00728-19.Epub 2019-12-04.


Higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) increases the risk of suboptimal platelet inhibition and major cardiovascular ischemic events among ACS patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor.
  • Monica Verdoia
  • Matteo Nardin
  • Rocco Gioscia
  • Federica Negro
  • Marco Marcolongo
  • Harry Suryapranata
  • Elvin Kedhi
  • Giuseppe De Luca
  • Vascul. Pharmacol..2020 Jul;:106765. S1537-1891(20)30072-0. doi: 10.1016/j.vph.2020.106765.Epub 2020-07-15.


COVID-19 experience of the major pandemic response center in the capital: Results of the pandemic's first month in Turkey.
  • Rahmet Güner
  • İmran Hasanoğlu
  • Bircan Kayaaslan
  • Adalet Aypak
  • Ayşe Kaya Kalem
  • Fatma Eser
  • Burcu Özdemir
  • Elif Mukime Sarıcaoğlu
  • Müge Ayhan
  • Yeşim Aybar Bilir
  • Işıl Özkoçak Turan
  • Deniz Erdem
  • Nevzat Mehmet Mutlu
  • Turan Buzğan
  • Bedia Dinç
  • Esragül Akıncı
  • Turk J Med Sci.2020 07;doi: 10.3906/sag-2006-164.Epub 2020-07-19.


High-protein diet more effectively reduces hepatic fat than low-protein diet despite lower autophagy and FGF21 levels.
  • Chenchen Xu
  • Mariya Markova
  • Nicole Seebeck
  • Anne Loft
  • Silke Hornemann
  • Thomas Gantert
  • Stefan Kabisch
  • Kathleen Herz
  • Jennifer Loske
  • Mario Ost
  • Verena Coleman
  • Frederick Klauschen
  • Anke Rosenthal
  • Volker Lange
  • Jürgen Machann
  • Susanne Klaus
  • Tilman Grune
  • Stephan Herzig
  • Olga Pivovarova-Ramich
  • Andreas F H Pfeiffer
  • Liver Int..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/liv.14596.Epub 2020-07-11.

CD27 および CD70 欠損症における臨床および免疫学的表現型の拡大と移植転帰

Extended clinical and immunological phenotype and transplant outcome in CD27 and CD70 deficiency.
  • Sujal Ghosh
  • Sevgi Köstel Bal
  • Emily S J Edwards
  • Bethany Pillay
  • Raúl Jimenez-Heredia
  • Geetha Rao
  • Funda Erol Cipe
  • Elisabeth Salzer
  • Samaneh Zoghi
  • Hassan Abolhassani
  • Tooba Momen
  • Emma Gostick
  • David A Price
  • Yu Zhang
  • Andrew J Oler
  • Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui
  • Baran Erman
  • Ayse Metin
  • Inci Ilhan
  • Sule Haskologlu
  • Candan Islamoglu
  • Kubra Baskin
  • Serdar Ceylaner
  • Ebru Yilmaz
  • Ekrem Unal
  • Musa Karakukcu
  • Dagmar Berghuis
  • Theresa Cole
  • Aditya Kumar Gupta
  • Fabian Hauck
  • Andy Hoepelman
  • Safa Baris
  • Elif Karakoc-Aydiner
  • Ahmet Ozen
  • Leo Kager
  • Dirk Holzinger
  • Michael Paulussen
  • Renate Krüger
  • Roland Meisel
  • Prasad Thomas Oommen
  • Emma C Morris
  • Benedicte Neven
  • Austen J J Worth
  • Joris M van Montfrans
  • Pieter Fraaij
  • Sharon Choo
  • Figen Dogu
  • E Graham Davies
  • Siobhan Burns
  • Gregor Dueckers
  • Ruy Perez Becker
  • Horst von Bernuth
  • Sylvain Latour
  • Maura Faraci
  • Marco Gattorno
  • Helen Su
  • Qiang Pan-Hammarström
  • Lennart Hammarström
  • Michael J Lenardo
  • Cindy S Ma
  • Tim Niehues
  • Asghar Aghamohammadi
  • Nima Rezaei
  • Aydan Ikinciogullari
  • Stuart G Tangye
  • Arjan C Lankester
  • Kaan Boztug
  • Blood.2020 Jun;blood.2020006738. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020006738.Epub 2020-06-30.