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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Chinese massage, Tui Na, combined with herbs improves clinical symptoms and regulates sex hormones in patients with mammary gland hyperplasia.
  • Dandan Li
  • Cheng Wang
  • Di Ruan
  • Jingjing Li
  • Ning Ji
  • Xinwen Ma
  • Yongtao Li
  • Yujiang Qu
  • Zhijin Xuan
  • Lihua Song
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 May;99(21):e20300. 00005792-202005220-00069. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020300.


Toxoplasma gondii Chinese I genotype Wh6 strain infection induces tau phosphorylation via activating GSK3β and causes hippocampal neuron apoptosis.
  • Qing Tao
  • Xianhe Wang
  • Lei Liu
  • Yongsheng Ji
  • Qingli Luo
  • Jian Du
  • Li Yu
  • Jilong Shen
  • Deyong Chu
  • Acta Trop..2020 May;210:105560. S0001-706X(20)30168-6. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105560.Epub 2020-05-31.


N-methyladenosine modification enables viral RNA to escape recognition by RNA sensor RIG-I.
  • Mijia Lu
  • Zijie Zhang
  • Miaoge Xue
  • Boxuan Simen Zhao
  • Olivia Harder
  • Anzhong Li
  • Xueya Liang
  • Thomas Z Gao
  • Yunsheng Xu
  • Jiyong Zhou
  • Zongdi Feng
  • Stefan Niewiesk
  • Mark E Peeples
  • Chuan He
  • Jianrong Li
  • Nat Microbiol.2020 04;5(4):584-598. 10.1038/s41564-019-0653-9. doi: 10.1038/s41564-019-0653-9.Epub 2020-02-03.

Colitis and Crohn's Foundation (India):インド初の全国炎症性腸疾患登録簿

Colitis and Crohn's Foundation (India): a first nationwide inflammatory bowel disease registry.
  • Ajit Sood
  • Kirandeep Kaur
  • Ramit Mahajan
  • Vandana Midha
  • Arshdeep Singh
  • Sarit Sharma
  • Amarender Singh Puri
  • Bhabhadev Goswami
  • Devendra Desai
  • C Ganesh Pai
  • Kiran Peddi
  • Mathew Philip
  • Rakesh Kochhar
  • Sandeep Nijhawan
  • Shobna Bhatia
  • N Sridhara Rao
  • Intest Res.2020 Jul;ir.2019.09169. doi: 10.5217/ir.2019.09169.Epub 2020-07-13.


Normal Ethanol Sensitivity and Rapid Tolerance Require the G Protein Receptor Kinase 2 in Ellipsoid Body Neurons in Drosophila.
  • Yuan Yuan Kang
  • Yusuke Wachi
  • Elizabeth Engdorf
  • Emiliano Fumagalli
  • Youyou Wang
  • Jennifer Myers
  • Shebna Massey
  • Antony Greiss
  • Shiyu Xu
  • Gregg Roman
  • Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/acer.14396.Epub 2020-06-23.


Sources and diffusive air-water exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an oligotrophic North-Patagonian lake.
  • Felipe Tucca
  • Thais Luarte
  • Jorge Nimptsch
  • Stefan Woelfl
  • Karla Pozo
  • Gemma Casas
  • Jordi Dachs
  • Ricardo Barra
  • Gustavo Chiang
  • Cristóbal Galbán-Malagón
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 May;738:139838. S0048-9697(20)33358-1. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139838.Epub 2020-05-30.


Minimally invasive hardware removal after minimally invasive distal radius plate osteosynthesis (MIPO): Feasibility study in a 388 case series.
  • P Luigi Medda
  • A-S Matheron
  • J J Hidalgo Diaz
  • N Maire
  • P Vernet
  • S Facca
  • P Liverneaux
  • Orthop Traumatol Surg Res.2017 02;103(1):85-87. S1877-0568(16)30227-4. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2016.10.015.Epub 2016-12-05.


Incidence and risk factors associated with postoperative delirium following primary elective total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective nationwide inpatient sample database study.
  • Qinfeng Yang
  • Jian Wang
  • Xusheng Huang
  • Yichuan Xu
  • Yang Zhang
  • BMC Psychiatry.2020 Jul;20(1):343. 10.1186/s12888-020-02742-6. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02742-6.Epub 2020-07-01.


Amelioration of BPSD-Like Phenotype and Cognitive Decline in SAMP8 Mice Model Accompanied by Molecular Changes after Treatment with I-Imidazoline Receptor Ligand MCR5.
  • Foteini Vasilopoulou
  • Andrea Bagan
  • Sergio Rodriguez-Arevalo
  • Carmen Escolano
  • Christian Griñán-Ferré
  • Mercè Pallàs
  • Pharmaceutics.2020 May;12(5). E475. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12050475.Epub 2020-05-23.


Olipudase alfa for treatment of acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (ASMD): safety and efficacy in adults treated for 30 months.
  • Melissa P Wasserstein
  • George A Diaz
  • Robin H Lachmann
  • Marie-Hélène Jouvin
  • Indrani Nandy
  • Allena J Ji
  • Ana Cristina Puga
  • J. Inherit. Metab. Dis..2018 09;41(5):829-838. 10.1007/s10545-017-0123-6. doi: 10.1007/s10545-017-0123-6.Epub 2018-01-05.


Comparative assessment on rodent impacts and cultural perceptions of ecologically based rodent management in 3 Afro-Malagasy farming regions.
  • Natasha L Constant
  • Lourens H Swanepoel
  • Samual T Williams
  • Voahangy Soarimalala
  • Steven M Goodman
  • Apia T Massawe
  • Loth S Mulungu
  • Rhodes H Makundi
  • Mashaka E Mdangi
  • Peter J Taylor
  • Steven R Belmain
  • Integr Zool.2020 Apr;doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12447.Epub 2020-04-29.


Spatio-temporal data visualization for monitoring of control measures in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Mirza Ponjavić
  • Almir Karabegović
  • Elvir Ferhatbegović
  • Emin Tahirović
  • Selma Uzunović
  • Maja Travar
  • Aida Pilav
  • Maida Mulić
  • Sead Karakaš
  • Nermin Avdić
  • Zarina Mulabdić
  • Goran Pavić
  • Medina Bičo
  • Ivan Vasilj
  • Diana Mamić
  • Mirsada Hukić
  • Med Glas (Zenica).2020 Aug;17(2). doi: 10.17392/1215-20.Epub 2020-08-01.


Evaluation of two (02) platforms for chemiluminescence-based detection of anti-rubella IgG antibodies in a sub-Saharan country, Côte d'Ivoire.
  • Bamory Dembele
  • Aimé Cézaire Adiko
  • Roseline Affi-Aboli
  • Rodrigue Denis Kouame
  • Kady Mabity Bamba
  • Jea-Luc Adjoumani
  • Tano Matthieu Kabran
  • André Inwoley
  • J Immunoassay Immunochem.2020 Jun;:1-11. doi: 10.1080/15321819.2020.1786398.Epub 2020-06-30.


Is Sporothrix chilensis circulating outside Chile?
  • Carlos Alberto Tiburcio Valeriano
  • Reginaldo Gonçalves de Lima-Neto
  • Cícero Pinheiro Inácio
  • Vanessa Brito de Souza Rabello
  • Ertênia Paiva Oliveira
  • Rosely Maria Zancopé-Oliveira
  • Rodrigo Almeida-Paes
  • Rejane Pereira Neves
  • Manoel Marques Evangelista de Oliveira
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 03;14(3):e0008151. PNTD-D-19-01612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008151.Epub 2020-03-30.


Metabolic and psychiatric effects of acyl coenzyme A binding protein (ACBP)/diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI).
  • Adrien Joseph
  • Stéphanie Moriceau
  • Valentina Sica
  • Gerasimos Anagnostopoulos
  • Jonathan Pol
  • Isabelle Martins
  • Antoine Lafarge
  • Maria Chiara Maiuri
  • Marion Leboyer
  • Josephine Loftus
  • Frank Bellivier
  • Raoul Belzeaux
  • Fabrice Berna
  • Bruno Etain
  • Delphine Capdevielle
  • Philippe Courtet
  • Caroline Dubertret
  • Julien Dubreucq
  • D' Amato Thierry
  • Guillaume Fond
  • Sebastien Gard
  • Pierre-Michel Llorca
  • Jasmina Mallet
  • David Misdrahi
  • Emilie Olié
  • Christine Passerieux
  • Mircea Polosan
  • Paul Roux
  • Ludovic Samalin
  • Franck Schürhoff
  • Raymond Schwan
  • Christophe Magnan
  • Franck Oury
  • José M Bravo-San Pedro
  • Guido Kroemer
  • Cell Death Dis.2020 Jul;11(7):502. 10.1038/s41419-020-2716-5. doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-2716-5.Epub 2020-07-06.


TNF-α-mediated caspase-8 activation induces ROS production and TRPM2 activation in adult ventricular myocytes.
  • Stéphanie Roberge
  • Julien Roussel
  • Daniel C Andersson
  • Albano C Meli
  • Bastien Vidal
  • Florence Blandel
  • Johanna T Lanner
  • Jean-Yves Le Guennec
  • Abram Katz
  • Håkan Westerblad
  • Alain Lacampagne
  • Jérémy Fauconnier
  • Cardiovasc. Res..2014 Jul;103(1):90-9. cvu112. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvu112.Epub 2014-05-06.


Circulating tumour cells as a potential biomarker for lung cancer screening: a prospective cohort study.
  • Charles-Hugo Marquette
  • Jacques Boutros
  • Jonathan Benzaquen
  • Marion Ferreira
  • Jean Pastre
  • Christophe Pison
  • Bernard Padovani
  • Faiza Bettayeb
  • Vincent Fallet
  • Nicolas Guibert
  • Damien Basille
  • Marius Ilie
  • Véronique Hofman
  • Paul Hofman
  • Lancet Respir Med.2020 Jul;8(7):709-716. S2213-2600(20)30081-3. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30081-3.


A treatment planning comparison between modulated tri-cobalt-60 teletherapy and linear accelerator-based stereotactic body radiotherapy for central early-stage non-small cell lung cancer.
  • Catherine Merna
  • Jean-Claude M Rwigema
  • Minsong Cao
  • Pin-Chieh Wang
  • Amar U Kishan
  • Argin Michailian
  • James Lamb
  • Ke Sheng
  • Nzhde Agazaryan
  • Daniel A Low
  • Patrick Kupelian
  • Michael L Steinberg
  • Percy Lee
  • Med Dosim.2016;41(1):87-91. S0958-3947(15)00108-9. doi: 10.1016/j.meddos.2015.09.002.Epub 2016-01-02.


Rationale, design, and methods of electroencephalography-based investigation of the effects of oral desmopressin on improving slow-wave sleep time in nocturnal polyuria patients (the DISTINCT study): protocol for a single-arm, open-label, single-assignment trial.
  • Kazumasa Torimoto
  • Makito Miyake
  • Yasushi Nakai
  • Katsuya Aoki
  • Nobumichi Tanaka
  • Kiyohide Fujimoto
  • BMC Urol.2020 Jul;20(1):96. 10.1186/s12894-020-00668-5. doi: 10.1186/s12894-020-00668-5.Epub 2020-07-11.


Chlorpyrifos-induced cell proliferation in human breast cancer cell lines differentially mediated by estrogen and aryl hydrocarbon receptors and KIAA1363 enzyme after 24 h and 14 days exposure.
  • Paula Moyano
  • Jimena García
  • José Manuel García
  • Adela Pelayo
  • Pilar Muñoz-Calero
  • María Teresa Frejo
  • Maria Jose Anadon
  • Margarita Lobo
  • Javier Del Pino
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;251:126426. S0045-6535(20)30619-6. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126426.Epub 2020-03-06.


Proteome and transcriptome reveal the involvement of heat shock proteins and antioxidant system in thermotolerance of Clematis florida.
  • Changhua Jiang
  • Yuke Bi
  • Jianbin Mo
  • Ruyao Zhang
  • Mingnan Qu
  • Shucheng Feng
  • Jemaa Essemine
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jun;10(1):8883. 10.1038/s41598-020-65699-2. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65699-2.Epub 2020-06-01.


An interpersonal nutrition campaign and maternal knowledge and childhood feeding practices: a case study from mothers in rural Indonesia.
  • Cecily Starkweather
  • Ayla Guarino
  • Natalie Bennion
  • Malynne Cottam
  • Josie McGhie
  • Kirk A Dearden
  • Otte Santika
  • Hafizah Jusril
  • Cougar Hall
  • Benjamin T Crookston
  • Mary Linehan
  • Scott Torres
  • Cudjoe Bennett
  • Joshua H West
  • Arch Public Health.2020;78:62. 444. doi: 10.1186/s13690-020-00444-9.Epub 2020-07-09.


Interventional Radiology Image-Guided Suprapubic Cystostomy Using Trocar versus Seldinger Technique: A Comparative Analysis of Outcomes and Complications.
  • Dustin G Roberts
  • Ricky B Patel
  • Scott J Genshaft
  • Siddharth A Padia
  • Justin P McWilliams
  • John M Moriarty
  • Ravi N Srinivasa
  • Urology.2020 May;S0090-4295(20)30559-8. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2020.05.015.Epub 2020-05-20.


Cone-beam computed tomographic and micro-computed tomographic evaluations of the root apexes of teeth with posttreatment apical periodontitis.
  • Paula A Villa-Machado
  • Diana M Restrepo-Patiño
  • Juliana P Calvo-Trejos
  • Felipe A Restrepo-Restrepo
  • Sergio I Tobón-Arroyave
  • José C Provenzano
  • José F Siqueira
  • Flávio R F Alves
  • J Endod.2020 Jul;S0099-2399(20)30496-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2020.07.009.Epub 2020-07-16.

2 型糖尿病患者における地中海式食事および/または薬物治療のアドヒアランスが血糖コントロールに与える影響。DM2-CUMCYL試験

Impact of adherence to Mediterranean diet and/or drug treatment on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: DM2-CUMCYL study.
  • María Sonsoles Sánchez-Hernández
  • María Cristina Rodríguez-Caldero
  • María Pilar Martín-Pérez
  • Jose Joaquín Mira-Solves
  • Julian Vitaller-Burillo
  • María Concepción Carratalá-Munuera
  • Prim Care Diabetes.2020 Jul;S1751-9918(20)30220-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2020.06.008.Epub 2020-07-13.


A laboratory study of the impact of ultraconservative access cavities and minimal root canal tapers on the ability to shape canals in extracted mandibular molars and their fracture resistance.
  • C M Augusto
  • A F A Barbosa
  • C C Guimarães
  • C O Lima
  • C M Ferreira
  • L M Sassone
  • E J N L Silva
  • Int Endod J.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/iej.13369.Epub 2020-07-19.

カドミウムと鉛で汚染された圃場のファイトレメディエーションを促進するために、内生植物を接種したSedum alfrediiとファバ豆の間作を実施した

Fava bean intercropping with Sedum alfredii inoculated with endophytes enhances phytoremediation of cadmium and lead co-contaminated field.
  • Lin Tang
  • Yasir Hamid
  • Afsheen Zehra
  • Zulfiqar Ali Sahito
  • Zhenli He
  • Wolde Tefera Beri
  • Muhammad Bilal Khan
  • Xiaoe Yang
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 May;265(Pt A):114861. S0269-7491(20)32450-7. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114861.Epub 2020-05-29.

ISSAID/EMQN 次世代シークエンシング時代における単発性自己炎症性疾患の遺伝学的診断のためのベスト・プラクティス・ガイドライン(Best Practice Guidelines for the Genetic Diagnosis of Monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases in the Next-Generation Sequencing Era

ISSAID/EMQN Best Practice Guidelines for the Genetic Diagnosis of Monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases in the Next-Generation Sequencing Era.
  • Yael Shinar
  • Isabella Ceccherini
  • Dorota Rowczenio
  • Ivona Aksentijevich
  • Juan Arostegui
  • Eldad Ben-Chétrit
  • Guilaine Boursier
  • Marco Gattorno
  • Hasmik Hayrapetyan
  • Hiroaki Ida
  • Nobuo Kanazawa
  • Helen J Lachmann
  • Anna Mensa-Vilaro
  • Ryuta Nishikomori
  • Christian Oberkanins
  • Laura Obici
  • Osamu Ohara
  • Seza Ozen
  • Tamara Sarkisian
  • Katie Sheils
  • Nicola Wolstenholme
  • Evelien Zonneveld-Huijssoon
  • Marielle E van Gijn
  • Isabelle Touitou
  • Clin. Chem..2020 Apr;66(4):525-536. 5807902. doi: 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa024.


Feasibility of Ultra-Rapid Exome Sequencing in Critically Ill Infants and Children With Suspected Monogenic Conditions in the Australian Public Health Care System.
  • Sebastian Lunke
  • Stefanie Eggers
  • Meredith Wilson
  • Chirag Patel
  • Christopher P Barnett
  • Jason Pinner
  • Sarah A Sandaradura
  • Michael F Buckley
  • Emma I Krzesinski
  • Michelle G de Silva
  • Gemma R Brett
  • Kirsten Boggs
  • David Mowat
  • Edwin P Kirk
  • Lesley C Adès
  • Lauren S Akesson
  • David J Amor
  • Samantha Ayres
  • Anne Baxendale
  • Sarah Borrie
  • Alessandra Bray
  • Natasha J Brown
  • Cheng Yee Chan
  • Belinda Chong
  • Corrina Cliffe
  • Martin B Delatycki
  • Matthew Edwards
  • George Elakis
  • Michael C Fahey
  • Andrew Fennell
  • Lindsay Fowles
  • Lyndon Gallacher
  • Megan Higgins
  • Katherine B Howell
  • Lauren Hunt
  • Matthew F Hunter
  • Kristi J Jones
  • Sarah King
  • Smitha Kumble
  • Sarah Lang
  • Maelle Le Moing
  • Alan Ma
  • Dean Phelan
  • Michael C J Quinn
  • Anna Richards
  • Christopher M Richmond
  • Jessica Riseley
  • Jonathan Rodgers
  • Rani Sachdev
  • Simon Sadedin
  • Luregn J Schlapbach
  • Janine Smith
  • Amanda Springer
  • Natalie B Tan
  • Tiong Y Tan
  • Suzanna L Temple
  • Christiane Theda
  • Anand Vasudevan
  • Susan M White
  • Alison Yeung
  • Ying Zhu
  • Melissa Martyn
  • Stephanie Best
  • Tony Roscioli
  • John Christodoulou
  • Zornitza Stark
  • JAMA.2020 06;323(24):2503-2511. 2767327. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.7671.


[Stable Nitrite Accumulation and Phosphorus Removal from High-nitrate and Municipal Wastewaters in a Combined Process of Partial Denitrification and Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal (PD-DPR)].
  • Qiu-Ying Wang
  • De-Shuang Yu
  • Ji Zhao
  • Xiao-Xia Wang
  • Meng-Fei Yuan
  • Xiu-Zhen Gong
  • Guang-Yu Chu
  • Tong-Hui He
  • Huan Jing Ke Xue.2020 Mar;41(3):1384-1392. doi: 10.13227/j.hjkx.201909251.