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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 4-{2,2-di-chloro-1-[()-(4-fluoro-phen-yl)diazen-yl]ethen-yl}-,-di-methyl-aniline.
  • Kadriye Özkaraca
  • Mehmet Akkurt
  • Namiq Q Shikhaliyev
  • Ulviyya F Askerova
  • Gulnar T Suleymanova
  • Irada M Shikhaliyeva
  • Ajaya Bhattarai
  • Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun.2020 Jun;76(Pt 6):811-815. vm2232. doi: 10.1107/S2056989020006106.Epub 2020-05-06.

脊椎動物学的研究: 広範囲にわたる遺伝子ツリーの不一致とプラスチッド遺伝子の進化速度不均一性との関連

Plastome phylogenomic study of Gentianeae (Gentianaceae): widespread gene tree discordance and its association with evolutionary rate heterogeneity of plastid genes.
  • Xu Zhang
  • Yanxia Sun
  • Jacob B Landis
  • Zhenyu Lv
  • Jun Shen
  • Huajie Zhang
  • Nan Lin
  • Lijuan Li
  • Jiao Sun
  • Tao Deng
  • Hang Sun
  • Hengchang Wang
  • BMC Plant Biol..2020 Jul;20(1):340. 10.1186/s12870-020-02518-w. doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02518-w.Epub 2020-07-17.


Synthesis and evaluation of Tc-analogues of [I]mIBG prepared via [Tc][Tc(CO)(HO)] synthon for targeting norepinephrine transporter.
  • Soumen Das
  • Navin Sakhare
  • Anupam Mathur
  • Madhava B Mallia
  • Shubhangi Mirapurkar
  • M Sheela
  • H D Sarma
  • S S Sachdev
  • Ashutosh Dash
  • Nucl. Med. Biol..2019 Jan - Feb;68-69:49-57. S0969-8051(18)30249-X. doi: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2019.01.001.Epub 2019-01-18.


Severe euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis of multifactorial etiology in a type 2 diabetic patient treated with empagliflozin: case report and literature review.
  • Erasmia Sampani
  • Pantelis Sarafidis
  • Chrysostomos Dimitriadis
  • Efstratios Kasimatis
  • Dimitra Daikidou
  • Konstantinos Bantis
  • Alexios Papanikolaou
  • Aikaterini Papagianni
  • BMC Nephrol.2020 Jul;21(1):276. 10.1186/s12882-020-01930-6. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-01930-6.Epub 2020-07-15.


Effect of Maternal Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-Free Survival in Breastfed Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
  • Isabelle Marc
  • Bruno Piedboeuf
  • Thierry Lacaze-Masmonteil
  • William Fraser
  • Benoît Mâsse
  • Ibrahim Mohamed
  • Mosarrat Qureshi
  • Jehier Afifi
  • Brigitte Lemyre
  • Georges Caouette
  • Julie Bartholomew
  • Anne Monique Nuyt
  • Pierre Julien
  • Anne Synnes
  • Michel Lucas
  • Thérèse Perreault
  • Lannae Strueby
  • Zenon Cieslak
  • Kamran Yusuf
  • Gustavo Pelligra
  • Edith Massé
  • Bodil Larsen
  • Cecilia de Cabo
  • Chelsea Ruth
  • Faiza Khurshid
  • Pascal M Lavoie
  • JAMA.2020 07;324(2):157-167. 2768134. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.8896.

潜在的なフレーバー培養物。Lactobacillus harbinensis M1は、2,3-ブタンジオンとアセトインの高産生により、発酵豆乳のオルガノレプティックな品質を向上させる

A potential flavor culture: Lactobacillus harbinensis M1 improves the organoleptic quality of fermented soymilk by high production of 2,3-butanedione and acetoin.
  • Yin Zheng
  • Yongtao Fei
  • Yue Yang
  • Zekun Jin
  • Baoning Yu
  • Li Li
  • Food Microbiol..2020 Oct;91:103540. S0740-0020(20)30129-5. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2020.103540.Epub 2020-05-03.


Can personalized treatment prediction improve the outcomes, compared with the group average approach, in a randomized trial? Developing and validating a multivariable prediction model in a pragmatic megatrial of acute treatment for major depression.
  • Toshi A Furukawa
  • Thomas P A Debray
  • Tatsuo Akechi
  • Mitsuhiko Yamada
  • Tadashi Kato
  • Michael Seo
  • Orestis Efthimiou
  • J Affect Disord.2020 Sep;274:690-697. S0165-0327(20)30097-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.141.Epub 2020-05-30.


Residual Solvents in Nanomedicine and Lipid-Based Drug Delivery Systems: a Case Study to Better Understand Processes.
  • Amrita Dikpati
  • Farzad Mohammadi
  • Karine Greffard
  • Caroline Quéant
  • Philippe Arnaud
  • Guillaume Bastiat
  • Iwona Rudkowska
  • Nicolas Bertrand
  • Pharm. Res..2020 Jul;37(8):149. 10.1007/s11095-020-02877-x. doi: 10.1007/s11095-020-02877-x.Epub 2020-07-17.

イブプロフェンではなくメタミゾールはセルトラリンの血漿中濃度を低下させる - 疼痛とうつ病・不安障害の同時治療への示唆

Metamizole but not Ibuprofen reduces the plasma concentration of sertraline - Implications for the concurrent treatment of pain and depression/anxiety disorders.
  • Arnim Johannes Gaebler
  • Georgios Schoretsanitis
  • Nagia Ben Omar
  • Ekkehard Haen
  • Katharina Endres
  • Christoph Hiemke
  • Michael Paulzen
  • Br J Clin Pharmacol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/bcp.14471.Epub 2020-07-11.

メトホルミンの同定と妥当性の検証 トール様受容体経路を標的とすることでPM誘発マクロファージの細胞毒性を防御する

Identification and validation of metformin protects against PM-induced macrophages cytotoxicity by targeting toll like receptor pathway.
  • Yanfeng Shi
  • Josevata Werelagi Batibawa
  • Modibo Maiga
  • Baiyang Sun
  • Yang Li
  • Junchao Duan
  • Zhiwei Sun
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;251:126526. S0045-6535(20)30719-0. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126526.Epub 2020-03-27.


Dosimetry-based high-activity therapy with I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (I-mIBG) and topotecan for the treatment of high-risk refractory neuroblastoma.
  • Jose Genolla
  • Trinidad Rodriguez
  • Pablo Minguez
  • Ricardo Lopez-Almaraz
  • Veronica Llorens
  • Aizpea Echebarria
  • Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging.2019 Jul;46(7):1567-1575. 10.1007/s00259-019-04291-x. doi: 10.1007/s00259-019-04291-x.Epub 2019-03-05.


Simvastatin-loaded polymeric micelles are more effective and less toxic than conventional statins in a pre-clinical model of advanced chronic liver disease.
  • Diana Hide
  • Mar Gil
  • Fernanda Andrade
  • Diana Rafael
  • Imma Raurell
  • Miren Bravo
  • Aurora Barberá
  • Jordi Gracia-Sancho
  • Víctor Vargas
  • Salvador Augustin
  • Joan Genescà
  • Simo Schwartz
  • Maria Martell
  • Nanomedicine.2020 Jul;:102267. S1549-9634(20)30121-0. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2020.102267.Epub 2020-07-15.


Polysaccharide-rich hydrogel formulation combined with photobiomodulation repairs UV-induced photodamage in mice skin.
  • Lia Mara Grosso Neves
  • Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto
  • Carla Roberta Tim
  • Elaine Medeiros Floriano
  • Renata F Vianna Lopez
  • Tiago Venâncio
  • João Batista Fernandes
  • Marcia Regina Cominetti
  • Wound Repair Regen.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/wrr.12826.Epub 2020-06-26.


Genome-wide identification of long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs reveal their ceRNA networks in response to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus infection in watermelon.
  • Yuyan Sun
  • Huiqing Zhang
  • Min Fan
  • Yanjun He
  • Pingan Guo
  • Arch. Virol..2020 May;165(5):1177-1190. 10.1007/s00705-020-04589-4. doi: 10.1007/s00705-020-04589-4.Epub 2020-03-30.


Global change of surgical and oncological clinical practice in urology during early COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Robert Dotzauer
  • Katharina Böhm
  • Maximilian Peter Brandt
  • Peter Sparwasser
  • Maximilian Haack
  • Sebastian Karl Frees
  • Mohamed Mostafa Kamal
  • René Mager
  • Wolfgang Jäger
  • Thomas Höfner
  • Igor Tsaur
  • Axel Haferkamp
  • Hendrik Borgmann
  • World J Urol.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00345-020-03333-6. doi: 10.1007/s00345-020-03333-6.Epub 2020-07-04.


Comparative genomics and antimicrobial resistance profiling of isolates reveals nosocomial transmission and susceptibility to fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
  • Delaney Burnard
  • Letitia Gore
  • Andrew Henderson
  • Ama Ranasinghe
  • Haakon Bergh
  • Kyra Cottrell
  • Derek S Sarovich
  • Erin P Price
  • David L Paterson
  • Patrick N A Harris
  • J. Clin. Microbiol..2020 Jun;JCM.00730-20. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00730-20.Epub 2020-06-24.


Publisher Correction: Developmental stage-specific distribution and phosphorylation of Mblk-1, a transcription factor involved in ecdysteroid-signaling in the honey bee brain.
  • Hitomi Kumagai
  • Takekazu Kunieda
  • Korefumi Nakamura
  • Yasuhiro Matsumura
  • Manami Namiki
  • Hiroki Kohno
  • Takeo Kubo
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11577. 10.1038/s41598-020-68540-y. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68540-y.Epub 2020-07-09.


137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes.
  • Peter de Barros Damgaard
  • Nina Marchi
  • Simon Rasmussen
  • Michaël Peyrot
  • Gabriel Renaud
  • Thorfinn Korneliussen
  • J Víctor Moreno-Mayar
  • Mikkel Winther Pedersen
  • Amy Goldberg
  • Emma Usmanova
  • Nurbol Baimukhanov
  • Valeriy Loman
  • Lotte Hedeager
  • Anders Gorm Pedersen
  • Kasper Nielsen
  • Gennady Afanasiev
  • Kunbolot Akmatov
  • Almaz Aldashev
  • Ashyk Alpaslan
  • Gabit Baimbetov
  • Vladimir I Bazaliiskii
  • Arman Beisenov
  • Bazartseren Boldbaatar
  • Bazartseren Boldgiv
  • Choduraa Dorzhu
  • Sturla Ellingvag
  • Diimaajav Erdenebaatar
  • Rana Dajani
  • Evgeniy Dmitriev
  • Valeriy Evdokimov
  • Karin M Frei
  • Andrey Gromov
  • Alexander Goryachev
  • Hakon Hakonarson
  • Tatyana Hegay
  • Zaruhi Khachatryan
  • Ruslan Khaskhanov
  • Egor Kitov
  • Alina Kolbina
  • Tabaldiev Kubatbek
  • Alexey Kukushkin
  • Igor Kukushkin
  • Nina Lau
  • Ashot Margaryan
  • Inga Merkyte
  • Ilya V Mertz
  • Viktor K Mertz
  • Enkhbayar Mijiddorj
  • Vyacheslav Moiyesev
  • Gulmira Mukhtarova
  • Bekmukhanbet Nurmukhanbetov
  • Z Orozbekova
  • Irina Panyushkina
  • Karol Pieta
  • Václav Smrčka
  • Irina Shevnina
  • Andrey Logvin
  • Karl-Göran Sjögren
  • Tereza Štolcová
  • Angela M Taravella
  • Kadicha Tashbaeva
  • Alexander Tkachev
  • Turaly Tulegenov
  • Dmitriy Voyakin
  • Levon Yepiskoposyan
  • Sainbileg Undrakhbold
  • Victor Varfolomeev
  • Andrzej Weber
  • Melissa A Wilson Sayres
  • Nikolay Kradin
  • Morten E Allentoft
  • Ludovic Orlando
  • Rasmus Nielsen
  • Martin Sikora
  • Evelyne Heyer
  • Kristian Kristiansen
  • Eske Willerslev
  • Nature.2018 05;557(7705):369-374. 10.1038/s41586-018-0094-2. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0094-2.Epub 2018-05-09.

複製適合性小胞性口内炎ウイルスワクチンベクターは SARS-CoV-2 が媒介する病原体から保護します

Replication-competent vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine vector protects against SARS-CoV-2-mediated pathogenesis.
  • James Brett Case
  • Paul W Rothlauf
  • Rita E Chen
  • Natasha M Kafai
  • Julie M Fox
  • Swathi Shrihari
  • Broc T McCune
  • Ian B Harvey
  • Brittany Smith
  • Shamus P Keeler
  • Louis-Marie Bloyet
  • Emma S Winkler
  • Michael J Holtzman
  • Daved H Fremont
  • Sean P J Whelan
  • Michael S Diamond
  • bioRxiv.2020 Jul;2020.07.09.196386. doi: 10.1101/2020.07.09.196386.Epub 2020-07-10.


Integration of BOLD-fMRI and DTI into radiation treatment planning for high-grade gliomas located near the primary motor cortexes and corticospinal tracts.
  • Minglei Wang
  • Hui Ma
  • Xiaodong Wang
  • Yanhong Guo
  • Xinshe Xia
  • Hechun Xia
  • Yulin Guo
  • Xueying Huang
  • Hong He
  • Xiaoxiong Jia
  • Yan Xie
  • Radiat Oncol.2015 Mar;10:64. 10.1186/s13014-015-0364-1. doi: 10.1186/s13014-015-0364-1.Epub 2015-03-08.


Pre-initiation and elongation structures of full-length La Crosse virus polymerase reveal functionally important conformational changes.
  • Benoît Arragain
  • Grégory Effantin
  • Piotr Gerlach
  • Juan Reguera
  • Guy Schoehn
  • Stephen Cusack
  • Hélène Malet
  • Nat Commun.2020 Jul;11(1):3590. 10.1038/s41467-020-17349-4. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17349-4.Epub 2020-07-17.

また、p62/SQSTM1 の分解阻害と転写活性化による蓄積は、NF-κB 活性化を介したシリカナノ粒子誘起気道炎症に重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された

p62/SQSTM1 accumulation due to degradation inhibition and transcriptional activation plays a critical role in silica nanoparticle-induced airway inflammation via NF-κB activation.
  • Yifan Wu
  • Yang Jin
  • Tianyu Sun
  • Piaoyu Zhu
  • Jinlong Li
  • Qinglin Zhang
  • Xiaoke Wang
  • Junkang Jiang
  • Gang Chen
  • Xinyuan Zhao
  • J Nanobiotechnology.2020 May;18(1):77. 10.1186/s12951-020-00634-1. doi: 10.1186/s12951-020-00634-1.Epub 2020-05-19.

エチオピアにおけるPlasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Proteinの頻発とその疫学的意義

Frequent expansion of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein in Ethiopia and its epidemiological significance.
  • Eugenia Lo
  • Jessica B Hostetler
  • Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Richard D Pearson
  • Muzamil M A Hamid
  • Karthigayan Gunalan
  • Daniel Kepple
  • Anthony Ford
  • Daniel A Janies
  • Julian C Rayner
  • Louis H Miller
  • Guiyun Yan
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2019 09;13(9):e0007222. PNTD-D-19-00177. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007222.Epub 2019-09-11.