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2021年04月 みんなが読んでいる論文

オリジナルインプラントアバットメントと非オリジナルインプラントアバットメントのインプラント-アバットメント界面におけるメカニカルアウトカム、マイクロリーケージ、マージナルアキュラシー。In Vitro研究のシステマティックレビュー

Mechanical Outcomes, Microleakage, and Marginal Accuracy at the Implant-Abutment Interface of Original versus Nonoriginal Implant Abutments: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies.
  • Marco Tallarico
  • Joseph Fiorellini
  • Yasushi Nakajima
  • Yuki Omori
  • Iida Takahisa
  • Luigi Canullo
  • Biomed Res Int.2018;2018:2958982. doi: 10.1155/2018/2958982.Epub 2018-12-30.

後方萎縮性上顎骨の補綴リハビリテーション、短い(6mm以下)歯科用インプラントと長い(10mm以上)歯科用インプラントのどちらが良いか?A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis:ナポリコンセンサスレポートワーキンググループA

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Posterior Atrophic Maxilla, Short (≤6 mm) or Long (≥10 mm) Dental Implants? A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis: Naples Consensus Report Working Group A.
  • Andrea Ravidà
  • I-Ching Wang
  • Gilberto Sammartino
  • Shayan Barootchi
  • Mustafa Tattan
  • Giuseppe Troiano
  • Luigi Laino
  • Gaetano Marenzi
  • Ugo Covani
  • Hom-Lay Wang
  • Implant Dent.2019 Dec;28(6):590-602. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000919.


Survival rates and complication behaviour of tooth implant-supported, fixed dental prostheses: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Manja von Stein-Lausnitz
  • Hans-Joachim Nickenig
  • Stefan Wolfart
  • Konrad Neumann
  • Axel von Stein-Lausnitz
  • Benedikt Christopher Spies
  • Florian Beuer
  • J Dent.2019 09;88:103167. S0300-5712(19)30149-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2019.07.005.Epub 2019-07-12.


Short implants (≤6 mm) versus longer implants with sinus floor elevation in atrophic posterior maxilla: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Qi Yan
  • Xinyu Wu
  • Meiying Su
  • Fang Hua
  • Bin Shi
  • BMJ Open.2019 10;9(10):e029826. bmjopen-2019-029826. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029826.Epub 2019-10-28.


Effect of crown-to-implant ratio on the marginal bone level changes and implant survival - A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Ninad Milind Padhye
  • Tabrez Lakha
  • Nadja Naenni
  • Mohit Kheur
  • J Oral Biol Craniofac Res.2020 Oct-Dec;10(4):705-713. S2212-4268(20)30146-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2020.10.002.Epub 2020-10-04.


Do implant-supported prostheses affect bioavailability of nutrients of complete and partially edentulous patients? A systematic review with meta-analysis.
  • Adriana Pinto Bezerra
  • Lorena Tavares Gama
  • Luciano José Pereira
  • Andries van der Bilt
  • Marie-Agnès Peyron
  • Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues Garcia
  • Thais Marques Simek Vega Gonçalves
  • Clin Nutr.2021 Feb;S0261-5614(21)00092-3. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2021.02.018.Epub 2021-02-23.


Fracture Resistance of Cement-retained, Screw-retained, and Combined Cement- and Screw-retained Metal-ceramic Implant-supported Molar Restorations.
  • Violeta Malpartida-Carrillo
  • Pedro Luis Tinedo-López
  • Fernando Ortiz-Culca
  • Maria E Guerrero
  • Silvia P Amaya-Pajares
  • Mutlu Özcan
  • J Contemp Dent Pract.2020 Aug;21(8):868-873. 1526-3711-2640. Epub 2020-08-01.

インプラント支持のレジン・マトリックス・セラミック・クラウンの生存率。In silicoおよび疲労解析

Survival of implant-supported resin-matrix ceramic crowns: In silico and fatigue analyses.
  • Edmara T P Bergamo
  • Satoshi Yamaguchi
  • Paulo G Coelho
  • Adolfo C O Lopes
  • Chunwoo Lee
  • Gerson Bonfante
  • Ernesto B Benalcázar Jalkh
  • Everardo N S de Araujo-Júnior
  • Estevam A Bonfante
  • Dent Mater.2021 Mar;37(3):523-533. S0109-5641(21)00004-X. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2020.12.009.Epub 2021-01-20.


Oral health-related quality of life changes after placement of immediately loaded single implants in healed alveolar ridges or extraction sockets: a 5-year prospective follow-up study.
  • Stefanie Raes
  • Filiep Raes
  • Lyndon Cooper
  • Luis Giner Tarrida
  • Stijn Vervaeke
  • Jan Cosyn
  • Hugo De Bruyn
  • Clin Oral Implants Res.2017 Jun;28(6):662-667. doi: 10.1111/clr.12858.Epub 2016-05-22.


Survey on the Current Clinical and Technological Level of Implant Prosthesis Application and Its Complications among Romanian Prosthodontic Specialists.
  • Ligia Muntianu
  • Luminita Oancea
  • Mihaela Pantea
  • Andrei Macris
  • Cristina Bodnar
  • George Ion
  • Eugenia Panaitescu
  • Catalin Gagiu
  • Maedica (Bucur).2020 Sep;15(3):348-358. doi: 10.26574/maedica.2020.15.3.348.


Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Full-Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitation: An Evaluation of Preoperative, Intermediate, and Posttreatment Assessments of Patients Using a Modification of the OHIP Questionnaire.
  • Elena Dellepiane
  • Francesco Pera
  • Paola Zunino
  • Maria Grazia Mugno
  • Paolo Pesce
  • Maria Menini
  • J Oral Implantol.2020 Dec;46(6):540-549. 440754. doi: 10.1563/aaid-joi-D-19-00274.


Dental implant care and trouble among dependent patients based on the questionnaire survey among Japanese dental practitioners.
  • Yuji Sato
  • Shigeto Koyama
  • Chikahiro Ohkubo
  • Shin Ogura
  • Ryutaro Kamijo
  • Soh Sato
  • Jun Aida
  • Yuichi Izumi
  • Mihoko Atsumi
  • Akio Isobe
  • Shunsuke Baba
  • Noriharu Ikumi
  • Fumihiko Watanabe
  • BMC Oral Health.2020 11;20(1):335. 10.1186/s12903-020-01279-0. doi: 10.1186/s12903-020-01279-0.Epub 2020-11-25.


The benefits and challenges of family genetic testing in rare genetic diseases-lessons from Fabry disease.
  • Dominique P Germain
  • Sergey Moiseev
  • Fernando Suárez-Obando
  • Faisal Al Ismaili
  • Huda Al Khawaja
  • Gheona Altarescu
  • Fellype C Barreto
  • Farid Haddoum
  • Fatemeh Hadipour
  • Irina Maksimova
  • Mirelle Kramis
  • Sheela Nampoothiri
  • Khanh Ngoc Nguyen
  • Dau-Ming Niu
  • Juan Politei
  • Long-Sun Ro
  • Dung Vu Chi
  • Nan Chen
  • Sergey Kutsev
  • Mol Genet Genomic Med.2021 Apr;:e1666. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.1666.Epub 2021-04-09.


Agalsidase beta treatment slows estimated glomerular filtration rate loss in classic Fabry disease patients: results from an individual patient data meta-analysis.
  • Alberto Ortiz
  • Steve Kanters
  • Alaa Hamed
  • Pronabesh DasMahapatra
  • Eugene Poggio
  • Manish Maski
  • Mario Aguiar
  • Elvira Ponce
  • Jeroen P Jansen
  • Dieter Ayers
  • Rachel Goldgrub
  • Robert J Desnick
  • Clin Kidney J.2021 Apr;14(4):1136-1146. sfaa065. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfaa065.Epub 2020-05-22.


Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of JR-051, a biosimilar of agalsidase beta, in healthy adults and patients with Fabry disease: Phase I and II/III clinical studies.
  • Kimitoshi Nakamura
  • Satoshi Kawashima
  • Hirotaka Tozawa
  • Mariko Yamaoka
  • Tatsuyoshi Yamamoto
  • Noboru Tanaka
  • Ryuji Yamamoto
  • Torayuki Okuyama
  • Yoshikatsu Eto
  • Mol Genet Metab.2020 07;130(3):215-224. S1096-7192(20)30109-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2020.04.003.Epub 2020-05-01.


Full-mouth oral rehabilitation in a titanium allergy patient using zirconium oxide dental implants and zirconium oxide restorations. A case report from an ongoing clinical study.
  • Xavi Oliva
  • Josep Oliva
  • Josep D Oliva
  • Eur J Esthet Dent.2010;5(2):190-203. 852038.


Allergy or tolerance: reduced inflammatory cytokine response and concomitant IL-10 production of lymphocytes and monocytes in symptom-free titanium dental implant patients.
  • Peter Thomas
  • Gerhard Iglhaut
  • Andreas Wollenberg
  • Dieter Cadosch
  • Burkhard Summer
  • Biomed Res Int.2013;2013:539834. doi: 10.1155/2013/539834.Epub 2013-09-11.