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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文

母体の BPA 曝露により誘発される生殖機能障害は,雌性ラットにおいて,オートファジーの異常や mTOR および TLR4/NF-κB シグナル経路を介した炎症の活性化と関連していると考えられている.

Adverse reproductive function induced by maternal BPA exposure is associated with abnormal autophagy and activating inflamation via mTOR and TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathways in female offspring rats.
  • Yuan Meng
  • Zhao Yannan
  • Lin Ren
  • Sun Qi
  • Wei Wei
  • Jia Lihong
  • Reprod. Toxicol..2020 Jul;S0890-6238(20)30175-1. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2020.07.001.Epub 2020-07-04.


Morphological and Molecular-Biological Features of Inflammatory and Regeneratory Processes in Peridont Tissues with Periimplantitis and Periodontitis.
  • A A Kulakov
  • E A Kogan
  • T V Brailovskaya
  • A P Vedyaeva
  • N V Zharkov
  • Dokl. Biochem. Biophys..2020 May;492(1):142-146. 10.1134/S1607672920030060. doi: 10.1134/S1607672920030060.Epub 2020-07-06.


A lean magnesium-zinc-calcium alloy ZX00 used for bone fracture stabilization in a large growing-animal model.
  • Patrick Holweg
  • Leopold Berger
  • Martina Cihova
  • Nicholas Donohue
  • Bernhard Clement
  • Uwe Schwarze
  • Nicole G Sommer
  • Gloria Hohenberger
  • Jeroen J J P van den Beucken
  • Franz Seibert
  • Andreas Leithner
  • Jörg F Löffler
  • Annelie-Martina Weinberg
  • Acta Biomater.2020 Jun;S1742-7061(20)30334-2. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.06.013.Epub 2020-06-14.


Aptamer based proteomic pilot study reveals a urine signature indicative of pediatric urinary tract infections.
  • Liang Dong
  • Joshua Watson
  • Sha Cao
  • Samuel Arregui
  • Vijay Saxena
  • John Ketz
  • Abduselam K Awol
  • Daniel M Cohen
  • Jeffrey M Caterino
  • David S Hains
  • Andrew L Schwaderer
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235328. PONE-D-19-29587. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235328.Epub 2020-07-06.

編集者への手紙「非機器関連右辺性感染性心内膜炎を中心とした感染性心内膜炎の疫学。南デンマーク地域におけるレトロスペクティブな登録ベースの研究」(Lassen et al.

Letter to the editor on "The epidemiology of infective endocarditis with focus on non-device related right-sided infective endocarditis: A retrospective register-based study in the region of Southern Denmark" by Lassen et al.
  • Pau Vilardell
  • Sergio Moral
  • Ramon Brugada
  • Int. J. Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;S1201-9712(20)30547-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.07.005.Epub 2020-07-04.


CIP2A immunosensor comprised of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube interdigitated electrodes towards point-of-care oral cancer screening.
  • Shaowei Ding
  • Suprem R Das
  • Benjamin J Brownlee
  • Kshama Parate
  • Taylor M Davis
  • Loreen R Stromberg
  • Edward K L Chan
  • Joseph Katz
  • Brian D Iverson
  • Jonathan C Claussen
  • Biosens Bioelectron.2018 Oct;117:68-74. S0956-5663(18)30276-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2018.04.016.Epub 2018-04-08.


Immediate vs conventional loading of Facility-Equator system in mandibular overdenture wearers: 1-year RCT with clinical, biological, and functional evaluation.
  • Alessandra J Schuster
  • Raissa M Marcello-Machado
  • Amália M Bielemann
  • Anna Paula da Rosa Possebon
  • Otacílio L Chagas Júnior
  • Fernanda Faot
  • Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2020 Jun;22(3):270-280. doi: 10.1111/cid.12902.Epub 2020-05-04.


The epidemiologic and clinical features of suspected and confirmed cases of imported 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in north Shanghai, China.
  • Shuanshuan Xie
  • Guoliang Zhang
  • Hong Yu
  • Jin Wang
  • Sheng Wang
  • Guangyu Tang
  • Changfeng Guo
  • Jiyu Li
  • Songhua Wei
  • Changhui Wang
  • Huanlong Qin
  • Ann Transl Med.2020 May;8(10):637. atm-08-10-637. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2119.


Comparison of stress induced in mandible around an implant-supported overdenture with locator attachment and telescopic crowns - a finite element analysis.
  • Meer Rownaq Ali Abbasi
  • Dileep Nag Vinnakota
  • Vijaya Sankar
  • Rekhalakshmi Kamatham
  • Med Pharm Rep.2020 Apr;93(2):181-189. cm-93-181. doi: 10.15386/mpr-1312.Epub 2020-04-22.


Modification of the existing maximum residue levels for cyantraniliprole in Chinese cabbages, blackberries and raspberries.
  • Maria Anastassiadou
  • Alba Brancato
  • Luis Carrasco Cabrera
  • Luna Greco
  • Samira Jarrah
  • Aija Kazocina
  • Renata Leuschner
  • Jose Oriol Magrans
  • Ileana Miron
  • Stefanie Nave
  • Ragnor Pedersen
  • Hermine Reich
  • Alejandro Rojas
  • Angela Sacchi
  • Miguel Santos
  • Alois Stanek
  • Anne Theobald
  • Benedicte Vagenende
  • Alessia Verani
  • EFSA J.2019 Nov;17(11):e05903. EFS25903. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5903.Epub 2019-11-22.


Effectiveness of strontium-doped brushite, bovine-derived hydroxyapatite and synthetic hydroxyapatite in rabbit sinus augmentation with simultaneous implant installation.
  • Da-Zhuang Lu
  • Yan-Bo Zhang
  • Wei Dong
  • Wen-Juan Bi
  • Xiao-Jie Feng
  • Li-Ming Wen
  • Hong Sun
  • Hui Chen
  • Lu-Yang Zang
  • Meng-Chun Qi
  • J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B Appl. Biomater..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34675.Epub 2020-07-03.


Melatonin rescues glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of osteoblast differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells via the PI3K/AKT and BMP/Smad signalling pathways.
  • Rui Zhao
  • Lin Tao
  • Shui Qiu
  • Lin Shen
  • Yihao Tian
  • Zunlei Gong
  • Zheng Bo Tao
  • Yue Zhu
  • Life Sci..2020 Jul;:118044. S0024-3205(20)30794-3. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.118044.Epub 2020-07-02.


Esthetic outcome of immediately placed and nonfunctionally loaded implants in the anterior maxilla utilizing a definitive abutment: A pilot clinical trial.
  • Sandra AlTarawneh
  • Ahmad A S Hamdan
  • Abeer Alhadidi
  • Susan Hattar
  • Mohammad Al-Rabab'ah
  • Zaid Baqain
  • Dent Res J (Isfahan).2020 Mar-Apr;17(2):92-99. Epub 2020-03-17.


Hard and soft tissue changes in the rehabilitation of the anterior maxilla with triangular shape neck implants: a retrospective clinical study with a one-year follow up.
  • F D'Avenia
  • M Del Fabbro
  • L Karanxha
  • T Weinstein
  • S Corbella
  • D Fumagalli
  • L Francetti
  • S Taschieri
  • J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents.2019 Nov-Dec;33(6 Suppl. 2):13-21. 2.


Negative correlation between the number of sunspots and the occurrence of 7Be and 22Na in the surface air and their contribution to radiation doses.
  • Drago Brodnik
  • Denis Glavič-Cindro
  • Matjaž Korun
  • Marijan Nečemer
  • Petra Maver-Modec
  • Toni Petrovič
  • Tim Vidmar
  • Branko Vodenik
  • Benjamin Zorko
  • Arh Hig Rada Toksikol.2019 Dec;70(4):290-295. aiht-2019-70-3336. doi: 10.2478/aiht-2019-70-3336.


The use of attachments in aligner treatment: Analyzing the "innovation" of expanding the use of acid etching-mediated bonding of composites to enamel and its consequences.
  • Theodore Eliades
  • Spyridon N Papageorgiou
  • Anthony J Ireland
  • Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2020 Jul;S0889-5406(20)30246-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.008.Epub 2020-07-02.


Strategies towards potent trypanocidal drugs: Application of Rh-catalyzed [2 + 2 + 2] cycloadditions, sulfonyl phthalide annulation and nitroalkene reactions for the synthesis of substituted quinones and their evaluation against Trypanosoma cruzi.
  • James M Wood
  • Nishikant S Satam
  • Renata G Almeida
  • Vinicius S Cristani
  • Dênis P de Lima
  • Luiza Dantas-Pereira
  • Kelly Salomão
  • Rubem F S Menna-Barreto
  • Irishi N N Namboothiri
  • John F Bower
  • Eufrânio N da Silva Júnior
  • Bioorg. Med. Chem..2020 Aug;28(15):115565. S0968-0896(20)30395-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115565.Epub 2020-05-30.


Immediate Tooth Replacement Therapy in Postextraction Sockets: A Comparative Prospective Study on the Effect of Variable Platform-Switched Subcrestal Angle Correction Implants.
  • Stephen J Chu
  • Hanae Saito
  • Pär-Olov Östman
  • Barry P Levin
  • Mark A Reynolds
  • Dennis P Tarnow
  • Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2020 Jul/Aug;40(4):509-517. doi: 10.11607/prd.4440.


Extraction of Maxillary Impacted Teeth with Simultaneous Immediate Full Mouth Loading Using Long Implant: A Case Report.
  • Yoshiaki Shimoo
  • Takashi Uesugi
  • Masaru Hiruta
  • Yuichi Ishiura
  • Kazuhisa Nakayama
  • Tae Watanabe
  • Kazuho Yamada
  • Hidetomo Hirouchi
  • Masahito Yamamoto
  • Satoru Matsunaga
  • Shinichi Abe
  • Bull. Tokyo Dent. Coll..2020 Jul;61(2):135-143. doi: 10.2209/tdcpublication.2019-0004.Epub 2020-06-05.