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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Incidental diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis type I in an infant with chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction by exome sequencing.
  • Auriane Cospain
  • Christèle Dubourg
  • Swellen Gastineau
  • Samia Pichard
  • Virginie Gandemer
  • Jacinthe Bonneau
  • Marie de Tayrac
  • Caroline Moreau
  • Sylvie Odent
  • Laurent Pasquier
  • Lena Damaj
  • Alinoë Lavillaureix
  • Mol Genet Metab Rep.2020 Sep;24:100621. S2214-4269(20)30067-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgmr.2020.100621.Epub 2020-07-07.


Obliteration of a Portosystemic Shunt by Hybrid Interventional Radiology Using a Transmesenteric Approach Under Minilaparotomy After Liver Transplantation: A Case Report.
  • Sotaro Fukuhara
  • Masahiro Ohira
  • Keigo Chosa
  • Yasutaka BaBa
  • Michinori Hamaoka
  • Naoki Tanimine
  • Hiroshi Morimoto
  • Shintaro Kuroda
  • Hiroyuki Tahara
  • Kentaro Ide
  • Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
  • Kazuo Awai
  • Hideki Ohdan
  • Transplant. Proc..2020 Jul;S0041-1345(20)30348-1. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2020.06.014.Epub 2020-07-15.


Cell death associated release of volatile organic sulphur compounds with antioxidant properties in chemical-challenged tobacco BY-2 suspension cultured cells.
  • Elena T Iakimova
  • Zhenia P Yordanova
  • Simona M Cristescu
  • Frans F M Harren
  • Ernst J Woltering
  • J. Plant Physiol..2020 Aug;251:153223. S0176-1617(20)30113-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153223.Epub 2020-07-02.


The reduction of concomitant glucocorticoids dosage following treatment with IL-1 receptor antagonist in adult onset Still's disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
  • Piero Ruscitti
  • Francesco Ursini
  • Jurgen Sota
  • Roberto De Giorgio
  • Luca Cantarini
  • Roberto Giacomelli
  • Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis.2020;12:1759720X20933133. 10.1177_1759720X20933133. doi: 10.1177/1759720X20933133.Epub 2020-06-17.


Novel mutations in the KCNJ10 gene associated to a distinctive ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss and spasticity clinical phenotype.
  • Matias Morin
  • Anna-Lena Forst
  • Paula Pérez-Torre
  • Adriano Jiménez-Escrig
  • Verónica Barca-Tierno
  • Eva García-Galloway
  • Richard Warth
  • Jose Luis Lopez-Sendón Moreno
  • Miguel Angel Moreno-Pelayo
  • Neurogenetics.2020 Apr;21(2):135-143. 10.1007/s10048-020-00605-6. doi: 10.1007/s10048-020-00605-6.Epub 2020-02-15.


Decrypting the Molecular Mechanistic Pathways Delineating the Chemotherapeutic Potential of Ruthenium-Phloretin Complex in Colon Carcinoma Correlated with the Oxidative Status and Increased Apoptotic Events.
  • Guoguo Jin
  • Zhenjiang Zhao
  • Tania Chakraborty
  • Aikyadeep Mandal
  • Arka Roy
  • Souvik Roy
  • Zhiping Guo
  • Oxid Med Cell Longev.2020;2020:7690845. doi: 10.1155/2020/7690845.Epub 2020-05-31.

本試験は、糖尿病予備軍を対象に、Allium hookeri 抽出物の抗糖尿病効果を評価するための無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照クロスオーバー臨床試験である

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial to evaluate the anti-diabetic effects of Allium hookeri extract in the subjects with prediabetes.
  • Soo-Hyun Park
  • Ui-Jin Bae
  • Eun-Kyung Choi
  • Su-Jin Jung
  • Sung-Hyen Lee
  • Jae-Heon Yang
  • You-Suk Kim
  • Do-Youn Jeong
  • Hyun-Ju Kim
  • Byung-Hyun Park
  • Soo-Wan Chae
  • BMC Complement Med Ther.2020 Jul;20(1):211. 10.1186/s12906-020-03005-3. doi: 10.1186/s12906-020-03005-3.Epub 2020-07-06.


Comparative secretome profile analysis of cultured immortalized human endometrial stromal cells supplemented with implanted versus nonimplanted blastocyst-conditioned medium: A preliminary analysis.
  • Feng Xiong
  • ZhiHong Yao
  • PeiLin Chen
  • Qing Sun
  • HuiXian Zhong
  • CaiYun Wan
  • Yong Zeng
  • J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jog.14359.Epub 2020-07-08.


Role of trace elements in anaerobic digestion of food waste: Process stability, recovery from volatile fatty acid inhibition and microbial community dynamics.
  • Wanli Zhang
  • Lintong Li
  • Xue Wang
  • Wanli Xing
  • Rundong Li
  • Tianhua Yang
  • Dan Lv
  • Bioresour. Technol..2020 Jul;315:123796. S0960-8524(20)31068-3. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123796.Epub 2020-07-09.


Capsaicin-sensitive fibers mediate periorbital allodynia and activation of inflammatory cells after traumatic brain injury in rats: Involvement of TRPV1 channels in post-traumatic headache.
  • Fernando da Silva Fiorin
  • Caroline Cunha do Espírito Santo
  • Raphael Santos do Nascimento
  • Gustavo Cassol
  • Evelini Plácido
  • Adair Roberto Soares Santos
  • Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques
  • Patricia S Brocardo
  • Michele Rechia Fighera
  • Luiz Fernando Freire Royes
  • Neuropharmacology.2020 Jun;:108215. S0028-3908(20)30283-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2020.108215.Epub 2020-06-20.


Clinical targeting of HIV capsid protein with a long-acting small molecule.
  • John O Link
  • Martin S Rhee
  • Winston C Tse
  • Jim Zheng
  • John R Somoza
  • William Rowe
  • Rebecca Begley
  • Anna Chiu
  • Andrew Mulato
  • Derek Hansen
  • Eric Singer
  • Luong K Tsai
  • Rujuta A Bam
  • Chien-Hung Chou
  • Eda Canales
  • Gediminas Brizgys
  • Jennifer R Zhang
  • Jiayao Li
  • Michael Graupe
  • Philip Morganelli
  • Qi Liu
  • Qiaoyin Wu
  • Randall L Halcomb
  • Roland D Saito
  • Scott D Schroeder
  • Scott E Lazerwith
  • Steven Bondy
  • Debi Jin
  • Magdeleine Hung
  • Nikolai Novikov
  • Xiaohong Liu
  • Armando G Villaseñor
  • Carina E Cannizzaro
  • Eric Y Hu
  • Robert L Anderson
  • Todd C Appleby
  • Bing Lu
  • Judy Mwangi
  • Albert Liclican
  • Anita Niedziela-Majka
  • Giuseppe A Papalia
  • Melanie H Wong
  • Stephanie A Leavitt
  • Yili Xu
  • David Koditek
  • George J Stepan
  • Helen Yu
  • Nikos Pagratis
  • Sheila Clancy
  • Shekeba Ahmadyar
  • Terrence Z Cai
  • Scott Sellers
  • Scott A Wolckenhauer
  • John Ling
  • Christian Callebaut
  • Nicolas Margot
  • Renee R Ram
  • Ya-Pei Liu
  • Rob Hyland
  • Gary I Sinclair
  • Peter J Ruane
  • Gordon E Crofoot
  • Cheryl K McDonald
  • Diana M Brainard
  • Latesh Lad
  • Swami Swaminathan
  • Wesley I Sundquist
  • Roman Sakowicz
  • Anne E Chester
  • William E Lee
  • Eric S Daar
  • Stephen R Yant
  • Tomas Cihlar
  • Nature.2020 Jul;10.1038/s41586-020-2443-1. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2443-1.Epub 2020-07-01.


Age- and Weight-Adapted Dose of Prasugrel Versus Standard Dose of Ticagrelor in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes: Results From a Randomized Trial.
  • Maurizio Menichelli
  • Franz-Josef Neumann
  • Gjin Ndrepepa
  • Katharina Mayer
  • Jochen Wöhrle
  • Isabell Bernlochner
  • Gert Richardt
  • Bernhard Witzenbichler
  • Dirk Sibbing
  • Senta Gewalt
  • Dominick J Angiolillo
  • Shqipdona Lahu
  • Christian W Hamm
  • Alexander Hapfelmeier
  • Dietmar Trenk
  • Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz
  • Heribert Schunkert
  • Stefanie Schüpke
  • Adnan Kastrati
  • Ann. Intern. Med..2020 Jul;doi: 10.7326/M20-1806.Epub 2020-07-21.


A Nucleotide Analog Prevents Colitis-Associated Cancer via Beta-Catenin Independently of Inflammation and Autophagy.
  • Yong Hua Sheng
  • Rabina Giri
  • Julie Davies
  • Veronika Schreiber
  • Saleh Alabbas
  • Ramya Movva
  • Yaowu He
  • Andy Wu
  • John Hooper
  • Brett McWhinney
  • Iulia Oancea
  • Gregor Kijanka
  • Sumaira Hasnain
  • Andrew J Lucke
  • David P Fairlie
  • Michael A McGuckin
  • Timothy H Florin
  • Jakob Begun
  • Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol.2020 Jun;S2352-345X(20)30088-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.05.012.Epub 2020-06-01.

AKT2, STK38L, HMGA2, ETS1, E2F5を直接標的としたmiR-493-3pによる卵巣癌細胞のアポトーシス誘導

Induction of apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells by miR-493-3p directly targeting AKT2, STK38L, HMGA2, ETS1 and E2F5.
  • Michael Kleemann
  • Helga Schneider
  • Kristian Unger
  • Jeremias Bereuther
  • Simon Fischer
  • Philip Sander
  • E Marion Schneider
  • Pamela Fischer-Posovszky
  • Christian U Riedel
  • René Handrick
  • Kerstin Otte
  • Cell. Mol. Life Sci..2019 Feb;76(3):539-559. 10.1007/s00018-018-2958-x. doi: 10.1007/s00018-018-2958-x.Epub 2018-11-03.


Bolus Infusion Scheme for the Adjustment of Steady State [C]Flumazenil Levels in the Grey Matter and in the Blood Plasma for Neuroreceptor Imaging.
  • Jörg Mauler
  • Alexander Heinzel
  • Andreas Matusch
  • Hans Herzog
  • Irene Neuner
  • Jürgen Scheins
  • Christine Wyss
  • Jürgen Dammers
  • Markus Lang
  • Johannes Ermert
  • Bernd Neumaier
  • Karl-Josef Langen
  • N Jon Shah
  • Neuroimage.2020 Jul;:117160. S1053-8119(20)30646-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117160.Epub 2020-07-14.

経静脈的鉛抽出からの主要な合併症と死亡率に対するセンターボリュームとプロシージャの位置の効果:ESC EHRA EORP European Lead Extraction ConTRolled ELECTRa レジストリのサブアナリシス

The effect of centre volume and procedure location on major complications and mortality from transvenous lead extraction: an ESC EHRA EORP European Lead Extraction ConTRolled ELECTRa registry subanalysis.
  • Baldeep S Sidhu
  • Justin Gould
  • Catey Bunce
  • Mark Elliott
  • Vishal Mehta
  • Charles Kennergren
  • Christian Butter
  • Jean-Claude Deharo
  • Andrzej Kutarski
  • Aldo P Maggioni
  • Angelo Auricchio
  • Karl-Heinz Kuck
  • Carina Blomström-Lundqvist
  • Maria Grazia Bongiorni
  • Christopher A Rinaldi
  • Europace.2020 Jul;euaa131. doi: 10.1093/europace/euaa131.Epub 2020-07-20.


Evaluation of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using quantitative lung CT and clinical data: prediction of short-term outcome.
  • João Matos
  • Francesco Paparo
  • Ilaria Mussetto
  • Lorenzo Bacigalupo
  • Alessio Veneziano
  • Silvia Perugin Bernardi
  • Ennio Biscaldi
  • Enrico Melani
  • Giancarlo Antonucci
  • Paolo Cremonesi
  • Marco Lattuada
  • Alberto Pilotto
  • Emanuele Pontali
  • Gian Andrea Rollandi
  • Eur Radiol Exp.2020 06;4(1):39. 10.1186/s41747-020-00167-0. doi: 10.1186/s41747-020-00167-0.Epub 2020-06-26.

CLL 患者における COVID-19 のアウトカム:国際的な多施設共同試験の経験

Outcomes of COVID-19 in Patients with CLL: A Multicenter, International Experience.
  • Anthony R Mato
  • Lindsey Elizabeth Roeker
  • Nicole Lamanna
  • John Allan
  • Lori Ann Leslie
  • John M Pagel
  • Krish Patel
  • Anders Osterborg
  • Daniel Wojenski
  • Manali Kamdar
  • Scott F Huntington
  • Matthew S Davids
  • Jennifer R Brown
  • Darko Antic
  • Ryan W Jacobs
  • Inhye E Ahn
  • Jeffrey J Pu
  • Krista Isaac
  • Paul M Barr
  • Chaitra Ujjani
  • Mark Blaine Geyer
  • Ellin Berman
  • Andrew D Zelenetz
  • Nikita Malakhov
  • Richard R Furman
  • Michael Koropsak
  • Neil Bailey
  • Lotta Hansson
  • Guilherme Fleury Perini
  • Shuo Ma
  • Christine E Ryan
  • Adrian Wiestner
  • Craig A Portell
  • Mazyar Shadman
  • Elise A Chong
  • Danielle M Brander
  • Suchitra Sundaram
  • Amanda N Seddon
  • Erlene Seymour
  • Meera Patel
  • Nicolas Martinez-Calle
  • Talha Munir
  • Renata Walewska
  • Angus Broom
  • Harriet Sarah Walter
  • Dima El-Sharkawi
  • Helen Parry
  • Matthew R Wilson
  • Piers E Patten
  • José-Ángel Hernández-Rivas
  • Fatima Miras
  • Noemi Fernández Escalada
  • Paola Ghione
  • Chadi Nabhan
  • Sonia Lebowitz
  • Erica B Bhavsar
  • Javier López-Jiménez
  • Daniel Naya
  • Jose Antonio Garcia-Marco
  • Sigrid S Skånland
  • Raul Cordoba
  • Toby Andrew Eyre
  • Blood.2020 Jul;blood.2020006965. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020006965.Epub 2020-07-20.

2種の熱帯植物(Tetrapleura tetrapteraとQuassia undulata)の水性抽出物は、スコポラミン誘発性健忘症ラットにおいて空間的・非空間的作業記憶を改善した。神経細胞のコリン作動系と抗酸化系の影響

Aqueous extracts of two tropical ethnobotanicals (Tetrapleura tetraptera and Quassia undulata) improved spatial and non-spatial working memories in scopolamine-induced amnesic rats: Influence of neuronal cholinergic and antioxidant systems.
  • Veronica O Odubanjo
  • Emmanuel O Ibukun
  • Ganiyu Oboh
  • Stephen A Adefegha
  • Biomed. Pharmacother..2018 Mar;99:198-204. S0753-3322(17)35005-9. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2018.01.043.

心房細動患者における薬剤溶出ステント vs ベアメタルステントの安全性と有効性。システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス

Safety and efficacy of drug eluting stents vs bare metal stents in patients with atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Antonia Sambola
  • Pau Rello
  • Toni Soriano
  • Deepak L Bhatt
  • Vinay Pasupuleti
  • Christopher P Cannon
  • C Michael Gibson
  • Willem J M Dewilde
  • Gregory Y H Lip
  • Eric D Peterson
  • K E Juhani Airaksinen
  • Tuomas Kiviniemi
  • Laurent Fauchier
  • Lorenz Räber
  • Juan M Ruiz-Nodar
  • Maciej Banach
  • Héctor Bueno
  • Adrian V Hernandez
  • Thromb. Res..2020 Jul;195:128-135. S0049-3848(20)30301-7. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.07.010.Epub 2020-07-09.


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and transitions in stages of alcohol involvement among US adults: Progression and regression.
  • Anika A H Alvanzo
  • Carla L Storr
  • Beth Reboussin
  • Kerry M Green
  • Ramin Mojtabai
  • Lareina N La Flair
  • Bernadette A Cullen
  • Ryoko Susukida
  • Marissa Seamans
  • Rosa M Crum
  • Child Abuse Negl.2020 Jul;107:104624. S0145-2134(20)30279-9. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104624.Epub 2020-07-16.

バングラデシュにおける養殖および野生由来の淡水エビ(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)における微量金属の生物濃縮とヒトの健康リスク評価

Bioaccumulation of trace metals in freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii from farmed and wild sources and human health risk assessment in Bangladesh.
  • Farhana Mostafiz
  • Md Monirul Islam
  • Badhan Saha
  • Md Kamal Hossain
  • Mohammad Moniruzzaman
  • Md Habibullah-Al-Mamun
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 May;27(14):16426-16438. 10.1007/s11356-020-08028-4. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08028-4.Epub 2020-03-02.