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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Using Self-Nanoemulsifying System to Improve Oral Bioavailability of a Pediatric Antiepileptic Agent Stiripentol: Formulation and Pharmacokinetics Studies.
  • Qiuyang Dai
  • Peiyan Zhang
  • Yilan Jin
  • Mi Tang
  • Mengling Shen
  • Shujun Xu
  • Susu Huang
  • Yong Chen
  • AAPS PharmSciTech.2020 Jul;21(5):192. 10.1208/s12249-020-01730-z. doi: 10.1208/s12249-020-01730-z.Epub 2020-07-13.


Therapeutic drug monitoring study on the switch from coformulated 600-mg efavirenz, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, and emtricitabine to coformulated 400-mg efavirenz, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, and lamivudine among HIV-positive patients with viral suppression.
  • Wei-Chieh Huang
  • Chun-Kai Huang
  • Sung-Hsi Huang
  • Shu-Wen Lin
  • Shyh-Tyan Ou
  • Yi-Ting Chen
  • Ya-Wen Chen
  • Shu-Yuan Chang
  • Wen-Chun Liu
  • Hsin-Yun Sun
  • Chien-Ching Hung
  • J Microbiol Immunol Infect.2020 Jul;S1684-1182(20)30151-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2020.06.010.Epub 2020-07-07.

HIV と好酸球性食道炎の患者におけるアバカビル、エムトリシタビン、および砕いたドルテグラビルとテノフォビル・アラフェナミドによる持続的なウイルス学的抑制

Sustained virologic suppression with abacavir, emtricitabine, and crushed dolutegravir and tenofovir alafenamide in a patient with HIV and eosinophilic esophagitis.
  • Sarah E Moore
  • Emily Huesgen
  • Zachary Howe
  • Int J STD AIDS.2020 03;31(3):285-287. doi: 10.1177/0956462419895690.Epub 2020-02-09.


Fast-response flow-based method for evaluating I from biological and hospital waste samples exploiting liquid scintillation detection.
  • Donagi Esparza
  • Manuel Valiente
  • Antoni Borràs
  • Marina Villar
  • Luz O Leal
  • Fernando Vega
  • Víctor Cerdà
  • Laura Ferrer
  • Talanta.2020 Jan;206:120224. S0039-9140(19)30857-4. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120224.Epub 2019-08-05.


Manganese increases Aβ and Tau protein levels through proteasome 20S and heat shock proteins 90 and 70 alteration, leading to SN56 cholinergic cell death following single and repeated treatment.
  • Paula Moyano
  • José Manuel García
  • Jimena García
  • María José Anadon
  • María Victoria Naval
  • María Teresa Frejo
  • Emma Sola
  • Adela Pelayo
  • Javier Del Pino
  • Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf..2020 Jul;203:110975. S0147-6513(20)30814-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110975.Epub 2020-07-14.


Sustained exercise programs for hemodialysis patients: The characteristics of successful approaches in Portugal, Canada, Mexico, and Germany.
  • João L Viana
  • Pedro Martins
  • Kristen Parker
  • Magdalena Madero
  • Héctor Pérez Grovas
  • Kirsten Anding
  • Stefan Degenhardt
  • Iwona Gabrys
  • Shauna Raugust
  • Christina West
  • Theresa E Cowan
  • Kenneth R Wilund
  • Semin Dial.2019 07;32(4):320-330. doi: 10.1111/sdi.12814.Epub 2019-05-13.


Selecting between iron-rich and clay-rich soils: a geophagy field experiment with black-and-white colobus monkeys in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda.
  • Paula A Pebsworth
  • Thibaud Gruber
  • Joshua D Miller
  • Klaus Zuberbühler
  • Sera L Young
  • Primates.2020 Jul;10.1007/s10329-020-00845-y. doi: 10.1007/s10329-020-00845-y.Epub 2020-07-16.


Therapeutic doses of metformin do not have impact on angiogenesis in presence of sera from pre-eclamptic, IUGR and healthy pregnancies.
  • Anita Virtanen
  • Outi Huttala
  • Kati Tihtonen
  • Tarja Toimela
  • Tuula Heinonen
  • Hannele Laivuori
  • Jukka Uotila
  • Pregnancy Hypertens.2020 Jul;22:7-13. S2210-7789(20)30089-1. doi: 10.1016/j.preghy.2020.06.008.Epub 2020-07-06.


Safety and efficacy of co-administered diethylcarbamazine, albendazole and ivermectin during mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in Haiti: Results from a two-armed, open-label, cluster-randomized, community study.
  • Christine L Dubray
  • Anita D Sircar
  • Valery Madsen Beau de Rochars
  • Joshua Bogus
  • Abdel N Direny
  • Jean Romuald Ernest
  • Carl R Fayette
  • Charles W Goss
  • Marisa Hast
  • Kobie O'Brian
  • Guy Emmanuel Pavilus
  • Daniel Frantz Sabin
  • Ryan E Wiegand
  • Gary J Weil
  • Jean Frantz Lemoine
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 Jun;14(6):e0008298. PNTD-D-20-00067. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008298.Epub 2020-06-08.


Laboratory predictors of death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the area of Valcamonica, Italy.
  • Graziella Bonetti
  • Filippo Manelli
  • Andrea Patroni
  • Alessandra Bettinardi
  • Gianluca Borrelli
  • Gianfranco Fiordalisi
  • Antonio Marino
  • Annamaria Menolfi
  • Sara Saggini
  • Roberta Volpi
  • Adriano Anesi
  • Giuseppe Lippi
  • Clin. Chem. Lab. Med..2020 06;58(7):1100-1105. /j/cclm.2020.58.issue-7/cclm-2020-0459/cclm-2020-0459.xml. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2020-0459.


Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Maize: Optimizing Nitrogenase Expression in a Root-Associated Diazotroph.
  • S E Bloch
  • R Clark
  • S S Gottlieb
  • L K Wood
  • N Shah
  • S-M Mak
  • J G Lorigan
  • J Johnson
  • A G Davis-Richardson
  • L Williams
  • M McKellar
  • D Soriano
  • M Petersen
  • A Horton
  • O Smith
  • L Wu
  • E Tung
  • R Broglie
  • A Tamsir
  • K Temme
  • J. Exp. Bot..2020 Apr;eraa176. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa176.Epub 2020-04-08.

AIDS患者におけるサイトメガロウイルス網膜炎に続発する網膜剥離に対する網膜硝子体手術後の予後因子。A Retrospective Single-center Analysis

Prognostic Factors for Outcome after Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment Secondary to Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Patients with AIDS: A Retrospective Single-center Analysis.
  • Wenjun Kong
  • Yong Tao
  • Lianyong Xie
  • Kuifang Du
  • Hongwei Dong
  • Wenbin Wei
  • Ocul. Immunol. Inflamm..2020 Jul;:1-6. doi: 10.1080/09273948.2020.1764591.Epub 2020-07-07.


Favourable long-term results of endovenous laser ablation of great and small saphenous vein incompetence with a 1470-nm laser and radial fiber.
  • Patrizia Pavei
  • Giorgio Spreafico
  • Enrico Bernardi
  • Enzo Giraldi
  • Maurizio Ferrini
  • J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord.2020 Jun;S2213-333X(20)30351-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2020.06.015.Epub 2020-06-26.


Articular damages in multi-generational female offspring due to prenatal caffeine exposure correlates with H3K9 deacetylation of TGFβ signaling pathway.
  • Zhe Zhao
  • Jun Qin
  • Linguo Pei
  • Zheng He
  • Hanwen Luo
  • Jacques Magdalou
  • Liaobin Chen
  • Hui Wang
  • Toxicology.2020 Jul;:152533. S0300-483X(20)30172-4. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2020.152533.Epub 2020-07-11.


Facile synthesis of porous iridium-palladium-plumbum wire-like nanonetworks with boosted catalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction.
  • Ru-Lan Zhang
  • Jiao-Jiao Duan
  • Li-Ping Mei
  • Jiu-Ju Feng
  • Pei-Xin Yuan
  • Ai-Jun Wang
  • J Colloid Interface Sci.2020 Jul;580:99-107. S0021-9797(20)30875-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.06.124.Epub 2020-07-05.

Lawson 他によるレター「経皮的冠動脈インターベンションを受けた急性冠症候群患者における出血イベント予測のための PRECISE-DAPT スコアの臨床的有用性。SMART-DATE無作為化試験からの分析」について

Letter by Lawson et al Regarding Article, "Clinical Usefulness of PRECISE-DAPT Score for Predicting Bleeding Events in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: An Analysis From the SMART-DATE Randomized Trial".
  • Lucy Olivia Lawson
  • Ali Kirresh
  • Nidhi Shintre
  • Circ Cardiovasc Interv.2020 Jul;13(7):e009612. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.120.009612.Epub 2020-07-17.


Comparison of Component Placement Accuracy Using Two Intraoperative Fluoroscopic Grid Technologies During Direct Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty.
  • Tyler J Thorne
  • Scott T Nishioka
  • Samantha N Andrews
  • Kristin A Mathews
  • Cass K Nakasone
  • J Arthroplasty.2020 Jun;S0883-5403(20)30718-X. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2020.06.053.Epub 2020-06-24.

RBM20 p.R634W変異を持つ拡張型心筋症患者からの多能性幹細胞株とCRISPR/Cas9改変等原性コントロールの生成

Generation of pluripotent stem cell lines and CRISPR/Cas9 modified isogenic controls from a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy harboring a RBM20 p.R634W mutation.
  • Sabine Rebs
  • Farbod Sedaghat-Hamedani
  • Elham Kayvanpour
  • Benjamin Meder
  • Katrin Streckfuss-Bömeke
  • Stem Cell Res.2020 Jul;47:101901. S1873-5061(20)30202-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2020.101901.Epub 2020-07-02.

レボドパ誘発性ジスキネジアの表現型とFosBの発現は、線条体Nurr1ではなく、FosBの発現とFisher 344対Lewisヘミパーキンソン病ラットの遺伝子型との関連を示した

Striatal Nurr1, but not FosB expression links a levodopa-induced dyskinesia phenotype to genotype in Fisher 344 vs. Lewis hemiparkinsonian rats.
  • Kathy Steece-Collier
  • Timothy J Collier
  • Jack W Lipton
  • Jennifer A Stancati
  • Mary E Winn
  • Allyson Cole-Strauss
  • Rhyomi Sellnow
  • Melissa M Conti
  • Natosha M Mercado
  • Eduardo A Nillni
  • Caryl E Sortwell
  • Fredric P Manfredsson
  • Christopher Bishop
  • Exp. Neurol..2020 Aug;330:113327. S0014-4886(20)30158-8. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113327.Epub 2020-05-05.


Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Acute Hepatic Porphyrias: Results from the Longitudinal Study of the U.S. Porphyrias Consortium.
  • Behnam Saberi
  • Hetanshi Naik
  • Jessica R Overbey
  • Angelika L Erwin
  • Karl E Anderson
  • D Montgomery Bissell
  • Herbert L Bonkovsky
  • John D Phillips
  • Bruce Wang
  • Ashwani K Singal
  • Brendan M McGuire
  • Robert J Desnick
  • Manisha Balwani
  • Hepatology.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/hep.31460.Epub 2020-07-18.


Erythromycin inhibits neutrophilic inflammation and mucosal disease by upregulating DEL-1.
  • Tomoki Maekawa
  • Hikaru Tamura
  • Hisanori Domon
  • Takumi Hiyoshi
  • Toshihito Isono
  • Daisuke Yonezawa
  • Naoki Hayashi
  • Naoki Takahashi
  • Koichi Tabeta
  • Takeyasu Maeda
  • Masataka Oda
  • Athanasios Ziogas
  • Vasileia Ι Alexaki
  • Triantafyllos Chavakis
  • Yutaka Terao
  • George Hajishengallis
  • JCI Insight.2020 Jun;136706. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.136706.Epub 2020-06-30.


Comparative transcriptome and metabolomic profiling reveal the complex mechanisms underlying the developmental dynamics of tobacco leaves.
  • Wei Chang
  • Huina Zhao
  • Shizhou Yu
  • Jing Yu
  • Kai Cai
  • Wei Sun
  • Xumei Liu
  • Xiaodong Li
  • Mengna Yu
  • Shahzad Ali
  • Kai Zhang
  • Cunmin Qu
  • Bo Lei
  • Kun Lu
  • Genomics.2020 Jul;S0888-7543(20)30541-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.07.005.Epub 2020-07-07.

25-OH-D3 の栄養補給は、ブロイラー飼育鶏の心機能と居住性を改善し、血圧と血管リモデリングの改善をもたらします

Dietary supplementation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol improves cardiac function and livability in broiler breeder hens-amelioration of blood pressure and vascular remodeling.
  • Yo-Lin Yeh
  • Pao-Chia Chou
  • Yu-Hui Chen
  • Lih-Shiuh Lai
  • Thau Kiong Chung
  • Rosemary L Walzem
  • San-Yuan Huang
  • Shuen-Ei Chen
  • Poult. Sci..2020 Jul;99(7):3363-3373. S0032-5791(20)30175-9. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.03.015.Epub 2020-04-17.


Nucleoside analogs assisted with Chinese compound prescription in treating hepatic fibrosis of chronic hepatitis B patients: A protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Maoyuan Cheng
  • Xianrong Feng
  • Long Wang
  • Yu Yang
  • Li Ma
  • Baojia Wang
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jul;99(27):e21032. 00005792-202007020-00107. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000021032.


Complete genome analysis of hepatitis B virus in Qinghai-Tibet plateau: the geographical distribution, genetic diversity, and co-existence of HBsAg and anti-HBs antibodies.
  • He Liu
  • Liping Shen
  • Shuang Zhang
  • Feng Wang
  • Guomin Zhang
  • Zundong Yin
  • Feng Qiu
  • Xiaofeng Liang
  • Fuzhen Wang
  • Shengli Bi
  • Virol. J..2020 06;17(1):75. 10.1186/s12985-020-01350-w. doi: 10.1186/s12985-020-01350-w.Epub 2020-06-12.


Neuroprotective role of resveratrol mediated by purinergic signalling in cerebral cortex of mice infected by Toxoplasma gondii.
  • Nathieli B Bottari
  • Karine Paula Reichert
  • Mateus Fracasso
  • Anielen Dutra
  • Charles Elias Assmann
  • Henning Ulrich
  • Maria Rosa Chitolina Schetinger
  • Vera M Morsch
  • Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva
  • Parasitol. Res..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00436-020-06795-0. doi: 10.1007/s00436-020-06795-0.Epub 2020-07-17.


The Use of Partial Least Squares-Path Modelling to Understand the Impact of Ambivalent Sexism on Violence-Justification among Adolescents.
  • Roberto Fasanelli
  • Ida Galli
  • Maria Gabriella Grassia
  • Marina Marino
  • Rosanna Cataldo
  • Carlo Natale Lauro
  • Chiara Castiello
  • Filomena Grassia
  • Caterina Arcidiacono
  • Fortuna Procentese
  • Int J Environ Res Public Health.2020 Jul;17(14). E4991. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17144991.Epub 2020-07-10.


Real-World Data on Thromboprophylaxis in Active Cancer Patients: Where Are We? Are We Getting There?
  • Nikolaos Tsoukalas
  • Pavlos Papakotoulas
  • Athina Christopoulou
  • Alexandros Ardavanis
  • Georgios Koumakis
  • Christos Papandreou
  • Georgios Papatsimpas
  • Pavlos Papakostas
  • Georgios Samelis
  • Charalambos Andreadis
  • Gerasimos Aravantinos
  • Nikolaos Ziras
  • Charalambos Kalofonos
  • Epameinondas Samantas
  • Maria Souggleri
  • Paris Makrantonakis
  • Georgios Pentheroudakis
  • Athanasios Athanasiadis
  • Helen Stergiou
  • Elli-Sofia Tripodaki
  • Alexandros Bokas
  • Anastasios Grivas
  • Eleni Timotheadou
  • Evangelos Bournakis
  • Ioannis Varthalitis
  • Ioannis Boukovinas
  • Cancers (Basel).2020 Jul;12(7). E1907. doi: 10.3390/cancers12071907.Epub 2020-07-15.


Monitoring phthalates in table and fortified wines by headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis.
  • Rosa Perestrelo
  • Catarina Silva
  • Manuel Algarra
  • José S Câmara
  • J. Agric. Food Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02941.Epub 2020-07-10.


Depression symptoms' impact on personality disorder treatment: Depression symptoms amplifying the interpersonal benefits of negative-affect expression.
  • Daniel W Cox
  • David Kealy
  • Jeffrey H Kahn
  • Katharine D McCloskey
  • Anthony S Joyce
  • John S Ogrodniczuk
  • J Affect Disord.2020 Jul;272:318-325. S0165-0327(19)31941-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.03.133.Epub 2020-04-29.


Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors and differentiated thyroid cancer: do metabolic and inflammatory risk factors play roles?
  • G Cortês Nascimento
  • A G P de Araujo Cortês Nascimento
  • C de Maria Ribeiro Veiga Parente
  • V P Rodrigues
  • R S de Sousa Azulay
  • V C de Carvalho Rocha
  • S da Silva Pereira Damianse
  • M Magalhães
  • M Dos Santos Faria
  • M B Gomes
  • J. Endocrinol. Invest..2020 Jul;10.1007/s40618-020-01357-8. doi: 10.1007/s40618-020-01357-8.Epub 2020-07-17.


Perfluoroalkyl, fluorotelomer sulfonate, and perfluorooctane sulfonamide contamination in biosolids: Composition, co-contamination and re-use implications.
  • Julie A Sleep
  • Albert L Juhasz
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 Jul;266(Pt 1):115120. S0269-7491(20)32400-3. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115120.Epub 2020-07-08.


Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness and associated factors in adolescents of the RPS cohort, in São Luís (MA), Brazil.
  • Sara Machado Miranda Leal Barbosa
  • Rosângela Fernandes Lucena Batista
  • Lívia Dos Santos Rodrigues
  • Maylla Luanna Barbosa Martins Bragança
  • Bianca Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Vanda Maria Ferreira Simões
  • Alan Luiz Eckeli
  • Antônio Augusto Moura da Silva
  • Rev Bras Epidemiol.2020;23:e200071. S1415-790X2020000100463. doi: 10.1590/1980-549720200071.Epub 2020-07-06.


Evaluation of microflow configurations for scale inhibition and serial X-ray diffraction analysis of crystallization processes.
  • Mark A Levenstein
  • Yi-Yeoun Kim
  • Liam Hunter
  • Clara Anduix-Canto
  • Carlos González Niño
  • Sarah J Day
  • Shunbo Li
  • William J Marchant
  • Phillip A Lee
  • Chiu C Tang
  • Manfred Burghammer
  • Fiona C Meldrum
  • Nikil Kapur
  • Lab Chip.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1039/d0lc00239a.Epub 2020-07-15.