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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Allosteric and ATP-Competitive Inhibitors of mTOR Effectively Suppress Tumor Progression-Associated Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in the Kidneys of Tsc2 Mice.
  • Ashley T Jones
  • Jian Yang
  • Kalin Narov
  • Elizabeth P Henske
  • Julian R Sampson
  • Ming Hong Shen
  • Neoplasia.2019 08;21(8):731-739. S1476-5586(19)30148-4. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2019.05.003.Epub 2019-06-14.


Methyl jasmonate reverses chronic stress-induced memory dysfunctions through modulation of monoaminergic neurotransmission, antioxidant defense system, and Nrf2 expressions.
  • Oritoke M Aluko
  • Solomon Umukoro
  • Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00210-020-01939-6. doi: 10.1007/s00210-020-01939-6.Epub 2020-07-14.


Physiological stress response of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata exposed to polyethylene microplastics.
  • Chantal M Lanctôt
  • Vanessa N Bednarz
  • Steven Melvin
  • Hugo Jacob
  • François Oberhaensli
  • Peter W Swarzenski
  • Christine Ferrier-Pagès
  • Anthony R Carroll
  • Marc Metian
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 Aug;263(Pt A):114559. S0269-7491(19)36710-7. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114559.Epub 2020-04-12.


SCREENED: A Multistage Model of Thyroid Gland Function for Screening Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in a Biologically Sex-Specific Manner.
  • Lorenzo Moroni
  • Fulvio Barbaro
  • Florian Caiment
  • Orla Coleman
  • Sabine Costagliola
  • Giusy Di Conza
  • Lisa Elviri
  • Stefan Giselbrecht
  • Christian Krause
  • Carlos Mota
  • Marta Nazzari
  • Stephen R Pennington
  • Annette Ringwald
  • Monica Sandri
  • Simon Thomas
  • James Waddington
  • Roberto Toni
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 May;21(10). E3648. doi: 10.3390/ijms21103648.Epub 2020-05-21.


Rationally engineered prolyl endopeptidases from Sphingomonas capsulata with improved hydrolytic activity towards pathogenic peptides of celiac diseases.
  • Bin Xiao
  • Chun Zhang
  • Xiaotong Song
  • Miao Wu
  • Jianping Mao
  • Rong Yu
  • Yongxiang Zheng
  • Eur J Med Chem.2020 Jul;202:112499. S0223-5234(20)30471-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112499.Epub 2020-07-06.


Investigation of molecular mechanisms of experimental compounds in murine models of chronic allergic airways disease using synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy.
  • Nadia Mazarakis
  • Jitraporn Vongsvivut
  • Keith R Bambery
  • Katherine Ververis
  • Mark J Tobin
  • Simon G Royce
  • Chrishan S Samuel
  • Kenneth J Snibson
  • Paul V Licciardi
  • Tom C Karagiannis
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11713. 10.1038/s41598-020-68671-2. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68671-2.Epub 2020-07-16.


A five-year retrospective study shows increasing rates of antimicrobial drug resistance in Cabo Verde for both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
  • Tamar Monteiro
  • Magdalena Wysocka
  • Elena Tellez
  • Ofelia Monteiro
  • Luzia Spencer
  • Elisa Veiga
  • Sandra Monteiro
  • Carine de Pina
  • Deisy Gonçalves
  • Sandrine de Pina
  • Antonio Ludgero-Correia
  • Joao Moreno
  • Teresa Conceição
  • Marta Aires De Sousa
  • Herminia de Lencastre
  • Laura J Gray
  • Manish Pareek
  • David R Jenkins
  • Sandra Beleza
  • Marco R Oggioni
  • Isabel Inês Araujo
  • J Glob Antimicrob Resist.2020 Apr;22:483-487. S2213-7165(20)30094-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jgar.2020.04.002.Epub 2020-04-27.


Partial least squares regression as a tool to retrieve gas concentrations in mixtures detected by using quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy.
  • Andrea Zifarelli
  • Marilena Giglio
  • Giansergio Menduni
  • Angelo Sampaolo
  • Pietro Patimisco
  • Vittorio M N Passaro
  • Hongpeng Wu
  • Lei Dong
  • Vincenzo Spagnolo
  • Anal. Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00075.Epub 2020-07-17.


Deep Convolutional Neural Network-based Software Improves Radiologist Detection of Malignant Lung Nodules on Chest Radiographs.
  • Yongsik Sim
  • Myung Jin Chung
  • Elmar Kotter
  • Sehyo Yune
  • Myeongchan Kim
  • Synho Do
  • Kyunghwa Han
  • Hanmyoung Kim
  • Seungwook Yang
  • Dong-Jae Lee
  • Byoung Wook Choi
  • Radiology.2020 01;294(1):199-209. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2019182465.Epub 2019-11-12.


The miR319-Targeted GhTCP4 Promotes the Transition from Cell Elongation to Wall Thickening in Cotton Fiber.
  • Jun-Feng Cao
  • Bo Zhao
  • Chao-Chen Huang
  • Zhi-Wen Chen
  • Ting Zhao
  • Hong-Ru Liu
  • Guan-Jing Hu
  • Xiao-Xia Shangguan
  • Chun-Min Shan
  • Ling-Jian Wang
  • Tian-Zhen Zhang
  • Jonathan F Wendel
  • Xue-Ying Guan
  • Xiao-Ya Chen
  • Mol Plant.2020 Jul;13(7):1063-1077. S1674-2052(20)30141-6. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.05.006.Epub 2020-05-16.


Comparative analysis of direct and indirect costs of two minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of renal/ureteral calculi smaller than 2 cm.
  • J Perez-Ardavin
  • L Lorenzo
  • V Caballer-Tarazona
  • A Budía-Alba
  • D Vivas-Consuelo
  • P Bahilo-Mateu
  • G Ordaz-Jurado
  • M Trassierra-Villa
  • J D López-Acón
  • F Boronat-Tormo
  • Actas Urol Esp.2020 Jun;S0210-4806(20)30080-2. doi: 10.1016/j.acuro.2020.03.008.Epub 2020-06-24.


Phase II clinical trial of pazopanib for patients with unresectable or metastatic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
  • Yoshihiro Nishida
  • Hiroshi Urakawa
  • Robert Nakayama
  • Eisuke Kobayashi
  • Toshifumi Ozaki
  • Keisuke Ae
  • Yoshihiro Matsumoto
  • Hiroyuki Tsuchiya
  • Takahiro Goto
  • Hiroaki Hiraga
  • Norifumi Naka
  • Shunji Takahashi
  • Yuichi Ando
  • Masahiko Ando
  • Yachiyo Kuwatsuka
  • Shunsuke Hamada
  • Takafumi Ueda
  • Akira Kawai
  • Int. J. Cancer.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/ijc.33201.Epub 2020-07-07.


Acyltransferase-mediated selection of the length of the fatty acyl chain and of the acylation site governs activation of bacterial RTX toxins.
  • Adriana Osickova
  • Humaira Khaliq
  • Jiri Masin
  • David Jurnecka
  • Anna Sukova
  • Radovan Fiser
  • Jana Holubova
  • Ondrej Stanek
  • Peter Sebo
  • Radim Osicka
  • J. Biol. Chem..2020 Jul;295(28):9268-9280. RA120.014122. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014122.Epub 2020-05-27.


mTORC1 to AMPK switching underlies β-cell metabolic plasticity during maturation and diabetes.
  • Rami Jaafar
  • Stella Tran
  • Ajit N Shah
  • Gao Sun
  • Martin Valdearcos
  • Piero Marchetti
  • Matilde Masini
  • Avital Swisa
  • Simone Giacometti
  • Ernesto Bernal-Mizrachi
  • Aleksey Matveyenko
  • Matthias Hebrok
  • Yuval Dor
  • Guy A Rutter
  • Suneil K Koliwad
  • Anil Bhushan
  • J. Clin. Invest..2019 07;129(10):4124-4137. 127021. doi: 10.1172/JCI127021.Epub 2019-07-02.


A Mindfulness-Based Intervention as a Supportive Care Strategy for Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and their Spouses: Results of a 3-Arm Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
  • Kathrin Milbury
  • Yisheng Li
  • Sania Durrani
  • Zhongxing Liao
  • Anne S Tsao
  • Cindy Carmack
  • Lorenzo Cohen
  • Eduardo Bruera
  • Oncologist.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2020-0125.Epub 2020-07-04.


Dataset on mechanical, thermal and structural characterization of plant fiber-based biopolymers prepared by hot-pressing raw coconut coir, and milled powders of cotton, waste bagasse, wood, and bamboo.
  • Mohammed Abdullah Hamad Alharbi
  • Shinji Hirai
  • Hoang Anh Tuan
  • Shota Akioka
  • Wataru Shoji
  • Data Brief.2020 Jun;30:105510. S2352-3409(20)30404-2. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105510.Epub 2020-04-21.


Using medical claims database to develop a population disease progression model for leuprorelin-treated subjects with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
  • Yixuan Zou
  • Fei Tang
  • Jeffery C Talbert
  • Chee M Ng
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(3):e0230571. PONE-D-19-27455. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230571.Epub 2020-03-24.


A Mobile Phone-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention for Female Sex Workers in Kenya: Development and Qualitative Study.
  • Frances H Ampt
  • Kelly L'Engle
  • Megan S C Lim
  • Kate F Plourde
  • Emily Mangone
  • Collins Mudogo Mukanya
  • Peter Gichangi
  • Griffins Manguro
  • Margaret Hellard
  • Mark Stoové
  • Matthew F Chersich
  • Walter Jaoko
  • Paul A Agius
  • Marleen Temmerman
  • Winnie Wangari
  • Stanley Luchters
  • JMIR Mhealth Uhealth.2020 May;8(5):e15096. v8i5e15096. doi: 10.2196/15096.Epub 2020-05-29.


Lipid-induced lysosomal damage after demyelination corrupts microglia protective function in lysosomal storage disorders.
  • Enrique Gabandé-Rodríguez
  • Azucena Pérez-Cañamás
  • Beatriz Soto-Huelin
  • Daniel N Mitroi
  • Sara Sánchez-Redondo
  • Elena Martínez-Sáez
  • César Venero
  • Héctor Peinado
  • María Dolores Ledesma
  • EMBO J..2019 01;38(2). e99553. doi: 10.15252/embj.201899553.Epub 2018-12-07.


Dynamic Regulation of Caveolin-1 Phosphorylation and Caveolae Formation by Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 2 in Bladder Cancer Cells.
  • Andrew M Hau
  • Sounak Gupta
  • Mariah Z Leivo
  • Kazufumi Nakashima
  • Jesus Macias
  • Weidong Zhou
  • Alex Hodge
  • Julie Wulfkuhle
  • Brian Conkright
  • Krithika Bhuvaneshwar
  • Shruti Rao
  • Subha Madhavan
  • Emanuel F Petricoin
  • Donna E Hansel
  • Am. J. Pathol..2019 09;189(9):1846-1862. S0002-9440(19)30079-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.05.010.Epub 2019-06-11.


Nuclear accumulation of MKL1 in luminal breast cancer cells impairs genomic activity of ERα and is associated with endocrine resistance.
  • Charly Jehanno
  • Tamara Fernandez-Calero
  • Denis Habauzit
  • Stephane Avner
  • Frederic Percevault
  • Emmanuelle Jullion
  • Pascale Le Goff
  • Marie May Coissieux
  • Simone Muenst
  • Monica Marin
  • Denis Michel
  • Raphaël Métivier
  • Gilles Flouriot
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech.2020 05;1863(5):194507. S1874-9399(19)30462-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194507.Epub 2020-02-27.


Netrin-1 promotes naive pluripotency through Neo1 and Unc5b co-regulation of Wnt and MAPK signalling.
  • Aurélia Huyghe
  • Giacomo Furlan
  • Duygu Ozmadenci
  • Christina Galonska
  • Jocelyn Charlton
  • Xavier Gaume
  • Noémie Combémorel
  • Christina Riemenschneider
  • Nicolas Allègre
  • Jenny Zhang
  • Pauline Wajda
  • Nicolas Rama
  • Pauline Vieugué
  • Isabelle Durand
  • Marie Brevet
  • Nicolas Gadot
  • Thomas Imhof
  • Bradley J Merrill
  • Manuel Koch
  • Patrick Mehlen
  • Claire Chazaud
  • Alexander Meissner
  • Fabrice Lavial
  • Nat. Cell Biol..2020 04;22(4):389-400. 10.1038/s41556-020-0483-2. doi: 10.1038/s41556-020-0483-2.Epub 2020-03-30.

Pileostegia tomentella (ZLTE)の酢酸エチル抽出物は、活性酸素誘導性アポトーシスを介してH1299細胞に抗がん作用を発揮します

The ethyl acetate extraction of Pileostegia tomentella (ZLTE) exerts anti-cancer effects on H1299 cells via ROS-induced canonical apoptosis.
  • Qiu-Mei Fan
  • Wen-Tong Zhao
  • Renyikun Yuan
  • Qin-Qin Wang
  • Li-Feng Zhang
  • Hong-Wei Gao
  • Jing Leng
  • Shi-Lin Yang
  • Chin J Nat Med.2020 Jul;18(7):508-516. S1875-5364(20)30061-3. doi: 10.1016/S1875-5364(20)30061-3.


Assessment of a personalized and distributed patient guidance system.
  • Mor Peleg
  • Yuval Shahar
  • Silvana Quaglini
  • Tom Broens
  • Roxana Budasu
  • Nick Fung
  • Adi Fux
  • Gema García-Sáez
  • Ayelet Goldstein
  • Arturo González-Ferrer
  • Hermie Hermens
  • M Elena Hernando
  • Val Jones
  • Guy Klebanov
  • Denis Klimov
  • Daniel Knoppel
  • Nekane Larburu
  • Carlos Marcos
  • Iñaki Martínez-Sarriegui
  • Carlo Napolitano
  • Àngels Pallàs
  • Angel Palomares
  • Enea Parimbelli
  • Belén Pons
  • Mercedes Rigla
  • Lucia Sacchi
  • Erez Shalom
  • Pnina Soffer
  • Boris van Schooten
  • Int J Med Inform.2017 05;101:108-130. S1386-5056(17)30049-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.02.010.Epub 2017-02-21.


Artificial intelligence in tongue diagnosis: Using deep convolutional neural network for recognizing unhealthy tongue with tooth-mark.
  • Xu Wang
  • Jingwei Liu
  • Chaoyong Wu
  • Junhong Liu
  • Qianqian Li
  • Yufeng Chen
  • Xinrong Wang
  • Xinli Chen
  • Xiaohan Pang
  • Binglong Chang
  • Jiaying Lin
  • Shifeng Zhao
  • Zhihong Li
  • Qingqiong Deng
  • Yi Lu
  • Dongbin Zhao
  • Jianxin Chen
  • Comput Struct Biotechnol J.2020;18:973-980. S2001-0370(20)30032-5. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.04.002.Epub 2020-04-08.