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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Prevalence of somatic and psychiatric morbidity across occupations in Switzerland and its correlation with suicide mortality: results from the Swiss National Cohort (1990-2014).
  • M Schmid
  • L Michaud
  • N Bovio
  • I Guseva Canu
  • BMC Psychiatry.2020 Jun;20(1):324. 10.1186/s12888-020-02733-7. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02733-7.Epub 2020-06-22.


Differential splicing of the lectin domain of an O-glycosyltransferase modulates both peptide and glycopeptide preferences.
  • Carolyn May
  • Suena Ji
  • Zulfeqhar A Syed
  • Leslie Revoredo
  • Earnest James Paul Daniel
  • Thomas A Gerken
  • Lawrence A Tabak
  • Nadine L Samara
  • Kelly G Ten Hagen
  • J. Biol. Chem..2020 Jul;jbc.RA120.014700. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014700.Epub 2020-07-15.

Chascomús 連鎖浅い湖水系(アルゼンチン)の排水流出口と受水域におけるステロイドホルモンとエストロゲン活性

Steroid hormones and estrogenic activity in the wastewater outfall and receiving waters of the Chascomús chained shallow lakes system (Argentina).
  • Anelisa González
  • Kevin J Kroll
  • Cecilia Silva-Sanchez
  • Pedro Carriquiriborde
  • Juan I Fernandino
  • Nancy D Denslow
  • Gustavo M Somoza
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 Jul;743:140401. S0048-9697(20)33923-1. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140401.Epub 2020-07-06.


Percutaneous Interventricular Septal Access Guided by Subcostal Echocardiography and Fluoroscopy for Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation in a Patient with Aortic and Mitral Mechanical Valves.
  • Dursun Aras
  • Serkan Topaloglu
  • Ozcan Ozeke
  • Firat Ozcan
  • Serkan Cay
  • Zehra Golbasi
  • J Innov Card Rhythm Manag.2019 Jul;10(7):3719-3721. icrm.2019.100702. doi: 10.19102/icrm.2019.100702.Epub 2019-07-15.


Patients with mutations of the Thyroid hormone beta-receptor show an ADHD-like phenotype for performance monitoring: an electrophysiological study.
  • Jan Uter
  • Marcus Heldmann
  • Berenike Rogge
  • Martina Obst
  • Julia Steinhardt
  • Georg Brabant
  • Carla Moran
  • Krishna Chatterjee
  • Thomas F Münte
  • Neuroimage Clin.2020 Mar;26:102250. S2213-1582(20)30087-5. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102250.Epub 2020-03-19.


Relationship between Infection and Plasmacytoid and Myeloid Dendritic Cells in Peripheral Blood and Gastric Mucosa of Children.
  • Anna Helmin-Basa
  • Małgorzata Wiese-Szadkowska
  • Anna Szaflarska-Popławska
  • Maciej Kłosowski
  • Milena Januszewska
  • Magdalena Bodnar
  • Andrzej Marszałek
  • Lidia Gackowska
  • Jacek Michalkiewicz
  • Mediators Inflamm..2019;2019:7190596. doi: 10.1155/2019/7190596.Epub 2019-11-11.


Clinical, biochemical and genetic characteristics of children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 17α-hydroxylase deficiency.
  • Adlyne Reena Asirvatham
  • Karthik Balachandran
  • Packiamary Jerome
  • Vettriselvi Venkatesan
  • Teena Koshy
  • Shriraam Mahadevan
  • J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab..2020 Jul;/j/jpem.ahead-of-print/jpem-2020-0050/jpem-2020-0050.xml. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2020-0050.Epub 2020-07-13.


Ultra-low NA step-index large mode area Yb-doped fiber with a germanium doped cladding for high power pulse amplification.
  • Raghuraman Sidharthan
  • Di Lin
  • Kang Jie Lim
  • Huizi Li
  • Serene Huiting Lim
  • Chen Jian Chang
  • Yue Men Seng
  • Song Liang Chua
  • Yongmin Jung
  • David J Richardson
  • Seongwoo Yoo
  • Opt Lett.2020 Jul;45(14):3828-3831. 433190. doi: 10.1364/OL.396157.


Coral damage by recreational diving activities in a Marine Protected Area of India: Unaccountability leading to 'tragedy of the not so commons'.
  • Kalyan De
  • Mandar Nanajkar
  • Sambhaji Mote
  • Baban Ingole
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Jun;155:111190. S0025-326X(20)30308-8. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111190.Epub 2020-05-04.


Does functional assessment predict everyday visual functioning? Visual function testing and quality of life in mild/moderate age-related macular degeneration.
  • Geoffrey K Broadhead
  • Thomas Hong
  • John R Grigg
  • Peter McCluskey
  • Timothy E Schlub
  • Kimberly Spooner
  • Andrew A Chang
  • Int Ophthalmol.2020 Jul;10.1007/s10792-020-01508-z. doi: 10.1007/s10792-020-01508-z.Epub 2020-07-14.


Improves in external and internal egg quality of Japanese quail () by giving lactic acid bacteria as alternative antibiotic growth promoter.
  • Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari
  • Anam Al Arif
  • Soeharsono Soeharsono
  • Anisah Fathinah
  • Rifqi Najwan
  • Hana Cipka Pramuda Wardhani
  • Nabil Fariz Noorrahman
  • Khoirul Huda
  • Nuria Ulfah
  • Andreas Berny Yulianto
  • Iran J Microbiol.2019 Oct;11(5):406-411.

フィンランドで全国的に組織されたヘリコプター救急医療サービスの最初の7年間 - 質の高い登録簿からのデータ

The first seven years of nationally organized helicopter emergency medical services in Finland - the data from quality registry.
  • Anssi Saviluoto
  • Johannes Björkman
  • Anna Olkinuora
  • Ilkka Virkkunen
  • Hetti Kirves
  • Piritta Setälä
  • Ilkka Pulkkinen
  • Päivi Laukkanen-Nevala
  • Lasse Raatiniemi
  • Helena Jäntti
  • Timo Iirola
  • Jouni Nurmi
  • Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med.2020 May;28(1):46. 10.1186/s13049-020-00739-4. doi: 10.1186/s13049-020-00739-4.Epub 2020-05-29.


Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Alirocumab in Healthy Volunteers or Hypercholesterolemic Subjects Using a Michaelis-Menten Approximation of a Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Model-Support for a Biologics License Application Submission: Part I.
  • Jean-Marie Martinez
  • Aurélie Brunet
  • Fabrice Hurbin
  • A Thomas DiCioccio
  • Clémence Rauch
  • David Fabre
  • Clin Pharmacokinet.2019 01;58(1):101-113. 10.1007/s40262-018-0669-y. doi: 10.1007/s40262-018-0669-y.


Rational Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Indole Nitrogen Hybrids as Photosystem II Inhibitors.
  • Jéssica Maria de Souza
  • Bruno Rodrigues Fazolo
  • Jhully Wellen Ferreira Lacerda
  • Mariana de Souza Moura
  • Arielly Celestino Rodrigues Dos Santos
  • Leonardo Gomes de Vasconcelos
  • Paulo Teixeira de Sousa Junior
  • Evandro Luiz Dall'Oglio
  • Akbar Ali
  • Olívia Moreira Sampaio
  • Lucas Campos Curcino Vieira
  • Photochem. Photobiol..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/php.13295.Epub 2020-06-13.

2種のグリプチンとその主な合成不純物のin vitro毒性評価

In vitro toxic evaluation of two gliptins and their main impurities of synthesis.
  • Camila F A Giordani
  • Sarah Campanharo
  • Nathalie R Wingert
  • Lívia M Bueno
  • Joanna W Manoel
  • Barbara Costa
  • Shanda Cattani
  • Marcelo Dutra Arbo
  • Solange Cristina Garcia
  • Cássia Virginia Garcia
  • Nádia Maria Volpato
  • Elfrides Eva Scherman Schapoval
  • Martin Steppe
  • BMC Pharmacol Toxicol.2019 12;20(Suppl 1):82. 10.1186/s40360-019-0354-2. doi: 10.1186/s40360-019-0354-2.Epub 2019-12-19.


Identifying isoniazid resistance markers to guide inclusion of high-dose isoniazid in tuberculosis treatment regimens: a systematic review.
  • Emmanuel Rivière
  • Michael G Whitfield
  • Jochem Nelen
  • Tim H Heupink
  • Annelies Van Rie
  • Clin. Microbiol. Infect..2020 Jul;S1198-743X(20)30387-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.07.004.Epub 2020-07-09.


Machine Learning and Multiparametric Brain MRI to Differentiate Hereditary Diffuse Leukodystrophy with Spheroids from Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Gabriel Mangeat
  • Russell Ouellette
  • Maxime Wabartha
  • Benjamin De Leener
  • Michael Plattén
  • Virginija Danylaité Karrenbauer
  • Marcel Warntjes
  • Nikola Stikov
  • Caterina Mainero
  • Julien Cohen-Adad
  • Tobias Granberg
  • J Neuroimaging.2020 May;doi: 10.1111/jon.12725.Epub 2020-05-26.

フィブリノーゲンγ鎖ペプチド被覆、ADP カプセル化リポソームの心肺バイパス凝固症後の止血アジュバントとしての治療的可能性

Therapeutic potential of fibrinogen γ-chain peptide-coated, ADP-encapsulated liposomes as a haemostatic adjuvant for post-cardiopulmonary bypass coagulopathy.
  • Osamu Ishida
  • Kohsuke Hagisawa
  • Nozomu Yamanaka
  • Koji Tsutsumi
  • Hidenori Suzuki
  • Masato Takikawa
  • Shinji Takeoka
  • Manabu Kinoshita
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11308. 10.1038/s41598-020-68307-5. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68307-5.Epub 2020-07-09.

フォークヘッドボックス(FOX)G1は、T-cell factor-4/β-カテニン/FOXG1複合体を形成し、Wntシグナルを活性化することで、肝細胞癌の上皮-間葉系転移を促進する

Forkhead box (FOX) G1 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma epithelial-Mesenchymal transition by activating Wnt signal through forming T-cell factor-4/Beta-catenin/FOXG1 complex.
  • Xingrong Zheng
  • Jiaxin Lin
  • Hewei Wu
  • Zhishuo Mo
  • Yunwen Lian
  • Peipei Wang
  • Zhaoxia Hu
  • Zhiliang Gao
  • Liang Peng
  • Chan Xie
  • J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res..2019 Nov;38(1):475. 10.1186/s13046-019-1433-3. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1433-3.Epub 2019-11-27.


Bevacizumab-based treatment as salvage therapy in patients with recurrent symptomatic brain metastases.
  • Anna Sophie Berghoff
  • Michael Oliver Breckwoldt
  • Lars Riedemann
  • Kianush Karimian-Jazi
  • Sarah Loew
  • Franziska Schlieter
  • Julia Furtner
  • Marc Cinci
  • Michael Thomas
  • Moritz J Strowitzki
  • Frederik Marmé
  • Laura L Michel
  • Thomas Schmidt
  • Dirk Jäger
  • Martin Bendszus
  • Matthias Preusser
  • Wolfgang Wick
  • Frank Winkler
  • Neurooncol Adv.2020 Jan-Dec;2(1):vdaa038. vdaa038. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa038.Epub 2020-03-16.

慢性疼痛を持つ児童・青少年に対するデジタルヘルス心理学的介入(WebMAP Mobile):ハイブリッド有効性実施段階的ウェッジクラスター無作為化試験の結果

A digital health psychological intervention (WebMAP Mobile) for children and adolescents with chronic pain: results of a hybrid effectiveness-implementation stepped wedge cluster randomized trial.
  • Tonya M Palermo
  • Rocio de la Vega
  • Caitlin Murray
  • Emily Law
  • Chuan Zhou
  • Pain.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001994.Epub 2020-07-10.


Six and eight weeks injection frequencies of bevacizumab are non-inferior to the current four weeks injection frequency for quality of life in neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a randomized controlled trial.
  • Martijn S Visser
  • Sankha Amarakoon
  • Tom Missotten
  • Reinier Timman
  • Jan J V Busschbach
  • Qual Life Res.2020 Jul;10.1007/s11136-020-02580-9. doi: 10.1007/s11136-020-02580-9.Epub 2020-07-14.

アレルギー性鼻炎治療における間接灸の有効性と安全性.RCT のシステマティックレビューとメタアナリシスのためのプロトコル

Effectiveness and safety of indirect moxibustion for the treatment of allergic rhinitis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs.
  • Ting Yuan
  • Yong Fu
  • Jun Xiong
  • Haifeng Zhang
  • Jun Yang
  • Xue Wang
  • Hao Fan
  • Yunfeng Jiang
  • Xiaohong Zhou
  • Kai Liao
  • Lingling Xu
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jul;99(28):e20911. 00005792-202007100-00036. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020911.


Mislocalization of SMN from the I-band and M-band in human skeletal myofibers in spinal muscular atrophy associates with primary structural alterations of the sarcomere.
  • María T Berciano
  • María S Castillo-Iglesias
  • J Fernando Val-Bernal
  • Vanesa Lafarga
  • José C Rodriguez-Rey
  • Miguel Lafarga
  • Olga Tapia
  • Cell Tissue Res..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00441-020-03236-3. doi: 10.1007/s00441-020-03236-3.Epub 2020-07-16.


Genetic variation implicates plasma angiopoietin-2 in the development of acute kidney injury sub-phenotypes.
  • Pavan K Bhatraju
  • Max Cohen
  • Ryan J Nagao
  • Eric D Morrell
  • Susanna Kosamo
  • Xin-Ya Chai
  • Robin Nance
  • Victoria Dmyterko
  • Joseph Delaney
  • Jason D Christie
  • Kathleen D Liu
  • Carmen Mikacenic
  • Sina A Gharib
  • W Conrad Liles
  • Ying Zheng
  • David C Christiani
  • Jonathan Himmelfarb
  • Mark M Wurfel
  • BMC Nephrol.2020 Jul;21(1):284. 10.1186/s12882-020-01935-1. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-01935-1.Epub 2020-07-17.


Effects of denosumab as compared with parathyroidectomy regarding calcium, renal, and bone involvement in osteoporotic patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.
  • Daichi Miyaoka
  • Yasuo Imanishi
  • Eiko Kato
  • Norikazu Toi
  • Yuki Nagata
  • Masafumi Kurajoh
  • Shinsuke Yamada
  • Masaaki Inaba
  • Masanori Emoto
  • Endocrine.2020 Jul;10.1007/s12020-020-02401-6. doi: 10.1007/s12020-020-02401-6.Epub 2020-07-03.

危機的状況の中で必要な枠組みとしての障害者の権利 標準ケアと今後の医療のあり方

Disability Rights as a Necessary Framework for Crisis Standards of Care and the Future of Health Care.
  • Laura Guidry-Grimes
  • Katie Savin
  • Joseph A Stramondo
  • Joel Michael Reynolds
  • Marina Tsaplina
  • Teresa Blankmeyer Burke
  • Angela Ballantyne
  • Eva Feder Kittay
  • Devan Stahl
  • Jackie Leach Scully
  • Rosemarie Garland-Thomson
  • Anita Tarzian
  • Doron Dorfman
  • Joseph J Fins
  • Hastings Cent Rep.2020 May;50(3):28-32. doi: 10.1002/hast.1128.


Identification of human glycerophosphodiesterase 3 as an ecto phospholipase C that converts the G protein-coupled receptor 55 agonist lysophosphatidylinositol to bioactive monoacylglycerols in cultured mammalian cells.
  • Toshihiko Tsutsumi
  • Risa Matsuda
  • Katsuya Morito
  • Kohei Kawabata
  • Miho Yokota
  • Miki Nikawadori
  • Manami Inoue-Fujiwara
  • Satoshi Kawashima
  • Mayumi Hidaka
  • Takenori Yamamoto
  • Naoshi Yamazaki
  • Tamotsu Tanaka
  • Yasuo Shinohara
  • Hiroyuki Nishi
  • Akira Tokumura
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids.2020 Jul;1865(9):158761. S1388-1981(20)30153-0. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2020.158761.Epub 2020-07-03.