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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Haematoprotective and red blood cell membrane stabilizing effects of Justicia carnae leaf extracts in sodium nitrate-treated rats.
  • Eberechukwu Mbanaso
  • Azubuike Nwankwo
  • Solomon Nnah Ijioma
  • Okezie Emmanuel
  • Eziuche Amadike Ugbogu
  • Ngozi Nwagbara
  • Kingsley Ugwuanyi
  • J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol.2020 Jul;/j/jbcpp.ahead-of-print/jbcpp-2019-0275/jbcpp-2019-0275.xml. doi: 10.1515/jbcpp-2019-0275.Epub 2020-07-13.


Human collectin-11 (COLEC11) and its synergic genetic interaction with MASP2 are associated with the pathophysiology of Chagas Disease.
  • Thaisa Lucas Sandri
  • Fabiana Antunes Andrade
  • Kárita Cláudia Freitas Lidani
  • Elias Einig
  • Angelica Beate Winter Boldt
  • Benjamin Mordmüller
  • Meral Esen
  • Iara J Messias-Reason
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2019 04;13(4):e0007324. PNTD-D-18-01714. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007324.Epub 2019-04-17.


Alkaloids from Black Pepper ( L.) Exhibit Anti-Inflammatory Activity in Murine Macrophages by Inhibiting Activation of NF-κB Pathway.
  • Heying Pei
  • Linlin Xue
  • Minghai Tang
  • Huan Tang
  • Shuang Kuang
  • Lun Wang
  • Xu Ma
  • Xiaoying Cai
  • Yan Li
  • Min Zhao
  • Aihua Peng
  • Haoyu Ye
  • Lijuan Chen
  • J. Agric. Food Chem..2020 Feb;68(8):2406-2417. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b07754.Epub 2020-02-18.


Plasticity in One Hemisphere, Control From Two: Adaptation in Descending Motor Pathways After Unilateral Corticospinal Injury in Neonatal Rats.
  • Tong-Chun Wen
  • Sophia Lall
  • Corey Pagnotta
  • James Markward
  • Disha Gupta
  • Shivakeshavan Ratnadurai-Giridharan
  • Jacqueline Bucci
  • Lucy Greenwald
  • Madelyn Klugman
  • N Jeremy Hill
  • Jason B Carmel
  • Front Neural Circuits.2018;12:28. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2018.00028.Epub 2018-04-12.


Neuroprotective and neuro-survival properties of safinamide against methamphetamine-induced neurodegeneration: Hypothetic possible role of BDNF/TrkB/PGC-1α signaling pathway and mitochondrial uncoupling protein -2(UCP-2).
  • Afrah Sepehr
  • Fereshteh Taheri
  • Sara Heidarian
  • Majid Motaghinejad
  • Sepideh Safari
  • Med. Hypotheses.2020 Jul;143:110094. S0306-9877(20)30442-4. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110094.Epub 2020-07-11.


Pemetrexed-Based Chemotherapy Is Inferior to Pemetrexed-Free Regimens in Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 (TTF-1)-Negative, EGFR/ALK-Negative Lung Adenocarcinoma: A Propensity Score Matched Pairs Analysis.
  • Nikolaj Frost
  • Tamar Zhamurashvili
  • Maximilian von Laffert
  • Frederick Klauschen
  • Christoph Ruwwe-Glösenkamp
  • Matthias Raspe
  • Matthias Brunn
  • Sebastian Ochsenreither
  • Bettina Temmesfeld-Wollbrück
  • Norbert Suttorp
  • Christian Grohé
  • Martin Witzenrath
  • Clin Lung Cancer.2020 May;S1525-7304(20)30154-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cllc.2020.05.014.Epub 2020-05-22.


Modulating microglia activation prevents maternal immune activation induced schizophrenia-relevant behavior phenotypes via arginase 1 in the dentate gyrus.
  • Yucen Xia
  • Zhiqing Zhang
  • Weipeng Lin
  • Jinglan Yan
  • Chuan'an Zhu
  • Dongmin Yin
  • Su He
  • Yang Su
  • Nenggui Xu
  • Robert William Caldwell
  • Lin Yao
  • Yongjun Chen
  • Neuropsychopharmacology.2020 Jun;10.1038/s41386-020-0743-7. doi: 10.1038/s41386-020-0743-7.Epub 2020-06-29.


Structure and composition of field margin vegetation in the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India: a case study on an unexplored dimension of agroecosystems.
  • Sunil Nautiyal
  • Mrinalini Goswami
  • Rama Rao Nidamanuri
  • Ellen M Hoffmann
  • Andreas Buerkert
  • Environ Monit Assess.2020 Jul;192(8):520. 10.1007/s10661-020-08428-6. doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08428-6.Epub 2020-07-15.


Effects of the organic UV-filter, 3-(4-methylbenzylidene) camphor, on benthic invertebrates and ecosystem function in artificial streams.
  • Diana Campos
  • Ana L Machado
  • Diogo N Cardoso
  • Ana Rita R Silva
  • Patrícia V Silva
  • Andreia C M Rodrigues
  • Fátima C P Simão
  • Susana Loureiro
  • Kateřina Grabicová
  • Petra Nováková
  • Amadeu M V M Soares
  • João L T Pestana
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 May;260:113981. S0269-7491(19)36601-1. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113981.Epub 2020-01-13.


Factors associated with complete and partial remission, improvement, or unchanged diabetes status of obese adults 1 year after sleeve gastrectomy.
  • Isra Elgenaied
  • Walid El Ansari
  • Mohamed Aly Elsherif
  • Sama Abdulrazzaq
  • Amjad Salah Qabbani
  • Wahiba Elhag
  • Surg Obes Relat Dis.2020 May;S1550-7289(20)30271-9. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2020.05.013.Epub 2020-05-27.

Dioscorea tokoro Makino ex Miyabe に含まれるトコロニンは、古典的 MAPK パスウェイ活性化の抑制を介して B16 細胞のα-MSH 誘導メラニン生成を抑制した

Tokoronin Contained in Dioscorea tokoro Makino ex Miyabe Suppressed α-MSH-Induced Melanogenesis in B16 Cells via Suppression of Classical MAPK Pathway Activation.
  • Motohiko Ukiya
  • Daisuke Sato
  • Hirokazu Kimura
  • Yasuaki Hirai
  • Atsuyoshi Nishina
  • Chem. Biodivers..2020 Jun;17(6):e2000077. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.202000077.Epub 2020-05-07.

TBK1 と IKKε は、ミエロイド細胞における STING 誘導 NF-κB 応答を媒介するために冗長に作用します

TBK1 and IKKε Act Redundantly to Mediate STING-Induced NF-κB Responses in Myeloid Cells.
  • Katherine R Balka
  • Cynthia Louis
  • Tahnee L Saunders
  • Amber M Smith
  • Dale J Calleja
  • Damian B D'Silva
  • Fiona Moghaddas
  • Maximilien Tailler
  • Kate E Lawlor
  • Yifan Zhan
  • Christopher J Burns
  • Ian P Wicks
  • Jonathan J Miner
  • Benjamin T Kile
  • Seth L Masters
  • Dominic De Nardo
  • Cell Rep.2020 Apr;31(1):107492. S2211-1247(20)30370-3. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.03.056.


A systematic review and meta-analysis of recent studies reporting hormone levels related to thyroid gland function in migraineurs, until April 2020.
  • Ali Seidkhani-Nahal
  • Asad Mirzaei
  • Gholam Basati
  • Davoud Parvizi-Faraz
  • Ali Noori-Zadeh
  • Hormones (Athens).2020 Jul;10.1007/s42000-020-00228-4. doi: 10.1007/s42000-020-00228-4.Epub 2020-07-15.


Superfluous glutamine synthetase activity in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells selected under glutamine limitation is growth limiting in glutamine-replete conditions and can be inhibited by serine.
  • Vishwanathgouda Maralingannavar
  • Dharmeshkumar Parmar
  • Venkateswarlu Panchagnula
  • Mugdha Gadgil
  • Biotechnol. Prog..2019 09;35(5):e2856. doi: 10.1002/btpr.2856.Epub 2019-06-12.


Human umbilical cord multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells alleviate acute ischemia-reperfusion injury of spermatogenic cells via reducing inflammatory response and oxidative stress.
  • Liang Zhong
  • Mengbo Yang
  • Xiangyu Zou
  • Tao Du
  • Huiming Xu
  • Jie Sun
  • Stem Cell Res Ther.2020 Jul;11(1):294. 10.1186/s13287-020-01813-5. doi: 10.1186/s13287-020-01813-5.Epub 2020-07-17.


Total cell-free DNA, carcinoembryonic antigen, and C-reactive protein for assessment of prognosis in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
  • Karen-Lise Garm Spindler
  • Christina Demuth
  • Boe Sandahl Sorensen
  • Julia S Johansen
  • Dorte Nielsen
  • Niels Pallisgaard
  • Estrid Hoegdall
  • Per Pfeiffer
  • Benny Vittrup Jensen
  • Tumour Biol..2018 Nov;40(11):1010428318811207. doi: 10.1177/1010428318811207.


Hyperprolactinaemia attenuates the inhibitory effect of vitamin D/selenomethionine combination therapy on thyroid autoimmunity in euthyroid women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: A pilot study.
  • Robert Krysiak
  • Karolina Kowalcze
  • Bogusław Okopień
  • J Clin Pharm Ther.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13214.Epub 2020-07-10.


Dynamic light caused less photosynthetic suppression, rather than more, under nitrogen deficit conditions than under sufficient nitrogen supply conditions in soybean.
  • Yu-Ting Li
  • Ying Li
  • Yue-Nan Li
  • Ying Liang
  • Qiang Sun
  • Geng Li
  • Peng Liu
  • Zi-Shan Zhang
  • Hui-Yuan Gao
  • BMC Plant Biol..2020 Jul;20(1):339. 10.1186/s12870-020-02516-y. doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02516-y.Epub 2020-07-17.


Comparing feasibility of low-tube-voltage protocol with low-iodine-concentration contrast and high-tube-voltage protocol with high-iodine-concentration contrast in coronary computed tomography angiography.
  • Min Jae Cha
  • Sung Mok Kim
  • Tae Ran Ahn
  • Yeon Hyeon Choe
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0236108. PONE-D-20-04325. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236108.Epub 2020-07-16.


Activation of pro- and anti-inflammatory responses in lung tissue injury during the acute phase of PRRSV-1 infection with the virulent strain Lena.
  • J M Sánchez-Carvajal
  • I M Rodríguez-Gómez
  • I Ruedas-Torres
  • F Larenas-Muñoz
  • I Díaz
  • C Revilla
  • E Mateu
  • J Domínguez
  • G Martín-Valls
  • I Barranco
  • F J Pallarés
  • L Carrasco
  • J Gómez-Laguna
  • Vet. Microbiol..2020 Jul;246:108744. S0378-1135(20)30433-8. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2020.108744.Epub 2020-06-02.


The acidic tail of HMGB1 regulates its secondary structure and conformational flexibility: A circular dichroism and molecular dynamics simulation study.
  • Wresti L Anggayasti
  • Kenta Ogino
  • Eiji Yamamoto
  • Erik Helmerhorst
  • Kenji Yasuoka
  • Ricardo L Mancera
  • Comput Struct Biotechnol J.2020;18:1160-1172. S2001-0370(20)30275-0. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.05.012.Epub 2020-05-16.

Toll-like receptor 7-adapter complexはHIV刺激を受けた形質細胞性樹状細胞におけるインターフェロン-α産生を調節している

Toll-like receptor 7-adapter complex modulates interferon-α production in HIV-stimulated plasmacytoid dendritic cells.
  • Andy A Patamawenu
  • Nathaniel E Wright
  • Tulley Shofner
  • Sean Evans
  • Maura M Manion
  • Nicole Doria-Rose
  • Stephen A Migueles
  • Daniel Mendoza
  • Bennett Peterson
  • Christopher Wilhelm
  • Julia Rood
  • Amy Berkley
  • Nancy A Cogliano
  • C Jason Liang
  • Kiki Tesselaar
  • Frank Miedema
  • Julian Bess
  • Jeffrey Lifson
  • Mark Connors
  • PLoS ONE.2019;14(12):e0225806. PONE-D-19-21147. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225806.Epub 2019-12-12.


Unfractionated heparin attenuates endothelial barrier dysfunction via the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/serine/threonine kinase/nuclear factor kappa-B pathway.
  • Sheng-Tian Mu
  • Jie Tang
  • Jian-Qi Ma
  • Yu Zhong
  • Han-Zhe Liu
  • Xiao-Chun Ma
  • Zhen Zheng
  • Chin. Med. J..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000905.Epub 2020-07-01.

パリ郊外の大学病院における COVID-19 を示唆する症状を持つ医療従事者の間での SARS-CoV-2 の鼻咽頭感染

[Nasopharyngeal carriage of SARS-CoV-2 among health personnel with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 in a University Hospital in the Paris suburbs].
  • S Greffe
  • F Espinasse
  • C Duran
  • S Labrune
  • M Sirol
  • B Mantalvan
  • M C Gramer
  • C Babulle
  • G Do Rosario
  • Q Vauvillier
  • A Huet
  • A Van der Heidjen
  • J Tysebaert
  • L F Kramarz
  • J-P Rabes
  • G Pellissier
  • T Chinet
  • F Moreau
  • E Rouveix
  • Rev Med Interne.2020 Jul;S0248-8663(20)30243-5. doi: 10.1016/j.revmed.2020.06.017.Epub 2020-07-08.


Impact of COVID-19 on clinical practice, income, health and lifestyle behavior of Brazilian urologists.
  • Cristiano M Gomes
  • Luciano A Favorito
  • João Victor T Henriques
  • Alfredo F Canalini
  • Karin M J Anzolch
  • Roni de Carvalho Fernandes
  • Carlos H S Bellucci
  • Caroline S Silva
  • Marcelo L Wroclawski
  • Antonio Carlos L Pompeo
  • José de Bessa
  • Int Braz J Urol.2020 Jun;46. IBJU20209915. doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2020.99.15.Epub 2020-06-05.


The novel protein homeostatic modulator BTX306 is active in myeloma and overcomes bortezomib and lenalidomide resistance.
  • Jianxuan Zou
  • Richard J Jones
  • Hua Wang
  • Isere Kuiatse
  • Fazal Shirazi
  • Elisabet E Manasanch
  • Hans C Lee
  • Robert Sullivan
  • Leah Fung
  • Normand Richard
  • Paul Erdman
  • Eduardo Torres
  • David Hecht
  • Imelda Lam
  • Brooke McElwee
  • Aparajita H Chourasia
  • Kyle W H Chan
  • Frank Mercurio
  • David I Stirling
  • Robert Z Orlowski
  • J. Mol. Med..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00109-020-01943-6. doi: 10.1007/s00109-020-01943-6.Epub 2020-07-06.