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2021年01月 みんなが読んでいる論文

吸収性コラーゲン膜にヒト線維芽細胞増殖因子2を含浸させた組換えヒト線維芽細胞増殖因子2のミラーズクラスIおよびII歯肉後退欠損症治療における有効性 ヒト初の臨床試験からの予備的結果

Efficacy of recombinant human fibroblast growth factor 2 impregnated absorbable collagen membrane in the treatment of Miller's Class I and II gingival recession defects Preliminary results from the first in human clinical trial.
  • Rampalli Viswa Chandra
  • Kidambi Sneha
  • Sabbani Pushpalatha
  • Yarabham Chakravarthy
  • J Indian Soc Periodontol.2020 Nov-Dec;24(6):541-546. JISP-24-541. doi: 10.4103/jisp.jisp_76_20.Epub 2020-11-14.


Clinical and histologic evaluation of an enamel matrix derivative combined with a biphasic calcium phosphate for the treatment of human intrabony periodontal defects.
  • Anton Sculean
  • Péter Windisch
  • Dóra Szendröi-Kiss
  • Attila Horváth
  • Péter Rosta
  • Jürgen Becker
  • István Gera
  • Frank Schwarz
  • J Periodontol.2008 Oct;79(10):1991-9. doi: 10.1902/jop.2008.080009 .

サウジアラビアの鎌状赤血球症の子供のカロリー摂取量と特定の体格測定に対するオメガ 3 系脂肪酸の影響

Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on calorie intake and certain anthropometric measurements in children with sickle cell disease in Saudi Arabia.
  • Shahida Khan
  • Ghazi Damanhouri
  • Tahir Jameel
  • Ashraf Ali
  • Ahmad Makki
  • Sarah Khan
  • Ibtehal AlAnsari
  • Saeed Halawani
  • Fatma Zahrani
  • Mohammad AlKazmi
  • Ibrahim Ghita
  • Bioinformation.2019;15(3):189-193. 97320630015189. doi: 10.6026/97320630015189.Epub 2019-03-15.

キシリトールとソルビトールのStreptococcus mutansとCandida albicansのバイオフィルムに対する抑制効果はショ糖の存在によって抑制される

Inhibitory effects of xylitol and sorbitol on Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans biofilms are repressed by the presence of sucrose.
  • Ally Chan
  • Kassapa Ellepola
  • Thuyen Truong
  • Preethi Balan
  • Hyun Koo
  • Chaminda Jayampath Seneviratne
  • Arch Oral Biol.2020 Nov;119:104886. S0003-9969(20)30264-8. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104886.Epub 2020-08-29.


In Vitro Studies of Xylitol and Erythritol Inhibition of Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus Growth and Biofilm Production.
  • M L Cannon
  • M Merchant
  • W Kabat
  • Le Catherine
  • K White
  • B Unruh
  • A Ramones
  • J Clin Pediatr Dent.2020 Sep;44(5):307-314. 447336. doi: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.5.4.


Generalizability of the added benefits of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • M S Tonetti
  • P Cortellini
  • J E Suvan
  • P Adriaens
  • C Baldi
  • D Dubravec
  • A Fonzar
  • I Fourmousis
  • C Magnani
  • V Muller-Campanile
  • S Patroni
  • M Sanz
  • T Vangsted
  • I Zabalegui
  • G Pini Prato
  • N P Lang
  • J Periodontol.1998 Nov;69(11):1183-92. doi: 10.1902/jop.1998.69.11.1183.


Generalizability of the added benefits of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • M S Tonetti
  • P Cortellini
  • J E Suvan
  • P Adriaens
  • C Baldi
  • D Dubravec
  • A Fonzar
  • I Fourmousis
  • C Magnani
  • V Muller-Campanile
  • S Patroni
  • M Sanz
  • T Vangsted
  • I Zabalegui
  • G Pini Prato
  • N P Lang
  • J Periodontol.1998 Nov;69(11):1183-92. doi: 10.1902/jop.1998.69.11.1183.


Clinical performance of access flap surgery in the treatment of the intrabony defect. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
  • Filippo Graziani
  • Stefano Gennai
  • Silvia Cei
  • Francesco Cairo
  • Angelo Baggiani
  • Mario Miccoli
  • Mario Gabriele
  • Maurizio Tonetti
  • J Clin Periodontol.2012 Feb;39(2):145-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2011.01815.x.Epub 2011-11-27.


Symposium: Imaging modalities for drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (4), CT and MR imaging findings of antiresorptive agent-related osteonecrosis of the jaws/medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (secondary publication).
  • Akira Baba
  • Hiroya Ojiri
  • Tazuko K Goto
  • Koshi Ikeda
  • Hideomi Yamauchi
  • Nobuhiro Ogino
  • Takuji Mogami
  • Jpn Dent Sci Rev.2019 Nov;55(1):58-64. S1882-7616(18)30092-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdsr.2018.11.001.Epub 2019-02-15.


Vertical Bone Gain after Sinus Lift Procedures with Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate and Simultaneous Implant Placement-A Cross-Sectional Study.
  • Juan Manuel Aragoneses Lamas
  • Margarita Gómez Sánchez
  • Leví Cuadrado González
  • Ana Suárez García
  • Javier Aragoneses Sánchez
  • Medicina (Kaunas).2020 Nov;56(11). E609. doi: 10.3390/medicina56110609.Epub 2020-11-13.


Comparison of cytotoxicity and smear layer removal efficacy of triphala (an Indian ayurvedic herbal formulation) and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as root canal irrigants: An study.
  • V P Reshma Raj
  • R Balagopal Varma
  • J Sureshkumar
  • Parvathy Kumaran
  • Arun Mamachan Xavier
  • Medhini Madhavan
  • J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent.2020 Oct-Dec;38(4):343-349. JIndianSocPedodPrevDent_2020_38_4_343_306217. doi: 10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_297_20.


Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Low-Level Laser Therapy as Adjuvant Treatment: A Case Report.
  • Amanda Azevedo Torres
  • Beatriz Leal de Freitas
  • Patrick Parry Carneiro
  • André Luca Araujo de Sousa
  • Maria Ângela Arêa Leão Ferraz
  • Jean de Pinho Mendes
  • André Luiz Ferreira Costa
  • Antonione Santos Bezerra Pinto
  • J Lasers Med Sci.2020;11(4):497-499. doi: 10.34172/jlms.2020.78.Epub 2020-10-03.


Periodontal regenerative therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes using minimally invasive surgical technique with enamel matrix derivative under 3-year observation: A prospective cohort study.
  • Koji Mizutani
  • Hidehiro Shioyama
  • Takanori Matsuura
  • Risako Mikami
  • Kohei Takeda
  • Yuichi Izumi
  • Akira Aoki
  • Takanori Iwata
  • J Periodontol.2020 Dec;doi: 10.1002/JPER.20-0590.Epub 2020-12-10.

Han and Takie法を用いた歯間乳頭の外科的再建における上皮下結合組織移植と血小板リッチフィブリン膜の有効性の比較評価。無作為化比較臨床試験

Comparative evaluation of efficacy of subepithelial connective tissue graft versus platelet-rich fibrin membrane in surgical reconstruction of interdental papillae using Han and Takie technique: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Preeti Sharma
  • Shubhra Vaish
  • Nikhil Sharma
  • Vidya Sekhar
  • Maydina Achom
  • Farheen Khan
  • J Indian Soc Periodontol.2020 Nov-Dec;24(6):547-553. JISP-24-547. doi: 10.4103/jisp.jisp_125_20.Epub 2020-11-14.

2種類のsubepithelial connective tissue graftによる根被せ後の晩期合併症、臨床的および病理組織学的評価。プロスペクティブコホート研究

Late complications after root coverage with two types of subepithelial connective tissue grafts, clinical and histopathological evaluation: A prospective cohort study.
  • Matheus Völz Cardoso
  • Vanessa Soares Lara
  • Adriana Campos Passanezi Sant'Ana
  • Carla Andreotti Damante
  • Mariana Schutzer Ragghianti Zangrando
  • J Clin Periodontol.2020 Dec;doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13413.Epub 2020-12-19.


Microbiological and clinical effects of probiotics and antibiotics on nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo- controlled trial with 9-month follow-up.
  • Alicia Morales
  • Alessandro Gandolfo
  • Joel Bravo
  • Paola Carvajal
  • Nora Silva
  • Claudia Godoy
  • Jocelyn Garcia-Sesnich
  • Anilei Hoare
  • Patricia Diaz
  • Jorge Gamonal
  • J Appl Oral Sci.2018 Jan;26:e20170075. S1678-77572018000100404. doi: 10.1590/1678-7757-2017-0075.Epub 2018-01-18.

口腔内病原体の細胞密度依存的な増殖とin vivoでの病原性は、共生菌との種間相互作用によって可能になる

A cross-species interaction with a symbiotic commensal enables cell-density-dependent growth and in vivo virulence of an oral pathogen.
  • Anilei Hoare
  • Hui Wang
  • Archana Meethil
  • Loreto Abusleme
  • Bo-Young Hong
  • Niki M Moutsopoulos
  • Philip D Marsh
  • George Hajishengallis
  • Patricia I Diaz
  • ISME J.2020 Dec;10.1038/s41396-020-00865-y. doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-00865-y.Epub 2020-12-28.


Effect of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy on Serum Level of Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Chronic Periodontitis Patients with and without Hypothyroidism.
  • Indhuja R Saraswathi
  • Arun Sadasivan
  • Elizabeth Koshi
  • Steffi Vijayakumar
  • Chitra G Vallabhan
  • Sheethel M Vrinda
  • J Contemp Dent Pract.2020 Apr;21(4):410-415. 1526-3711-2556. Epub 2020-04-01.


Clinical and CBCT Evaluation of Combined Periodontal Regenerative Therapies Using Enamel Matrix Derivative and Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral With or Without Collagen Membrane.
  • Yasuko Nemoto
  • Takehiko Kubota
  • Kaname Nohno
  • Arata Nezu
  • Toshiya Morozumi
  • Hiromasa Yoshie
  • Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2018 May/Jun;38(3):373-381. doi: 10.11607/prd.3288.


Regeneration of alveolar ridge defects. Consensus report of group 4 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration.
  • Søren Jepsen
  • Frank Schwarz
  • Luca Cordaro
  • Jan Derks
  • Christoph H F Hämmerle
  • Lisa J Heitz-Mayfield
  • Federico Hernández-Alfaro
  • Henny J A Meijer
  • Nadja Naenni
  • Alberto Ortiz-Vigón
  • Bjarni Pjetursson
  • Gerry M Raghoebar
  • Stefan Renvert
  • Isabella Rocchietta
  • Mario Roccuzzo
  • Ignacio Sanz-Sánchez
  • Massimo Simion
  • Cristiano Tomasi
  • Leonardo Trombelli
  • Istvan Urban
  • J Clin Periodontol.2019 06;46 Suppl 21:277-286. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13121.


Clinical performance of alveolar ridge augmentation with xenogeneic bone block grafts versus autogenous bone block grafts. A systematic review.
  • Luis Sánchez-Labrador
  • Pedro Molinero-Mourelle
  • Fabián Pérez-González
  • Luis Miguel Saez-Alcaide
  • Jorge Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann
  • Juan López-Quiles Martínez
  • Jose María Martínez-González
  • J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg.2020 Nov;S2468-7855(20)30264-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jormas.2020.10.009.Epub 2020-11-05.


Evaluation of density, volume, height and rate of bone resorption of substitutes of autologous bone grafts for the repair of alveolar clefts in humans: A systematic review.
  • Catalina Colorado Osorio
  • Lina María Escobar
  • María Clara González
  • Luis Fernamdo Gamboa
  • Leandro Chambrone
  • Heliyon.2020 Sep;6(9):e04646. S2405-8440(20)31490-0. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04646.Epub 2020-09-04.