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Successful treatment of eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis and eosinophilic otitis media using the anti-IL-5 receptor monoclonal antibody benralizumab: A case report.
  • Hiroki Kagoshima
  • Ryusuke Hori
  • Tsuyoshi Kojima
  • Yusuke Okanoue
  • Atsushi Taguchi
  • Hirotaka Yamamoto
  • Koki Hasebe
  • Kazuhiko Shoji
  • Respir Med Case Rep.2020;30:101135. S2213-0071(20)30192-1. doi: 10.1016/j.rmcr.2020.101135.Epub 2020-06-17.


Synthesis of a zinc ferrite effectively encapsulated by reduced graphene oxide composite anode material for high-rate lithium ion storage.
  • Qingke Tan
  • Chao Wang
  • Yangdi Cao
  • Xuehua Liu
  • Haijie Cao
  • Guanglei Wu
  • Binghui Xu
  • J Colloid Interface Sci.2020 Jul;579:723-732. S0021-9797(20)30882-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.07.004.Epub 2020-07-05.


Focusing On A Unique Innate Memory Cell Population Of Natural Killer Cells In The Fight Against COVID-19: Harnessing The Ubiquity Of Cytomegalovirus Exposure.
  • Sarita Rani Jaiswal
  • Pankaj Malhotra
  • Dipendra K Mitra
  • Suparno Chakrabarti
  • Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis.2020;12(1):e2020047. mjhid-12-1-e2020047. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2020.047.Epub 2020-07-01.


A Multi-modality Image-guided Precision Radiation Research Platform: Integrating X-ray, Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Tomography with Radiotherapy.
  • Junwei Shi
  • Keying Xu
  • Amir Keyvanloo
  • Thirupandiyur S Udayakumar
  • Fei Yang
  • Yidong Yang
  • Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys..2020 Jun;S0360-3016(20)31310-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.06.023.Epub 2020-06-22.

IL10RA は NPM1-ALK 陽性の未分化大細胞リンパ腫におけるクリゾチニブ感受性を調節する

IL10RA Modulates Crizotinib Sensitivity in NPM1-ALK-positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
  • Nina Prokoph
  • Nicola Anna Probst
  • Liam Changwoo Lee
  • Jack Michael Monahan
  • Jamie David Matthews
  • Huan-Chang Liang
  • Klaas Bahnsen
  • Ivonne A Montes-Mojarro
  • Elif Karaca Atabay
  • Geeta Geeta Sharma
  • Vikas Malik
  • Hugo Larose
  • Sorcha Denise Forde
  • Stephen Paul Ducray
  • Cosimo Lobello
  • Qi Wang
  • Shi-Lu Luan
  • Sarka Pospisilova
  • Carlo B Gambacorti-Passerini
  • Amos Burke
  • Shahid Pervez
  • Andishe Attarbaschi
  • Andrea Janikova
  • Helene Pacquement
  • Judith Landman-Parker
  • Anne Lambilliotte
  • Gudrun Schleiermacher
  • Wolfram Klapper
  • Ralf Jauch
  • Wilhelm Woessmann
  • Gilles Vassal
  • Lukas Kenner
  • Olaf Merkel
  • Luca Mologni
  • Roberto Chiarle
  • Laurence Brugieres
  • Birgit Geoerger
  • Isaia Barbieri
  • Suzanne D Turner
  • Blood.2020 Jun;blood.2019003793. doi: 10.1182/blood.2019003793.Epub 2020-06-23.


Deep Sequencing of Small RNAs from Neurosurgical Extracellular Vesicles Substantiates miR-486-3p as a Circulating Biomarker that Distinguishes Glioblastoma from Lower-Grade Astrocytoma Patients.
  • Susannah Hallal
  • Saeideh Ebrahim Khani
  • Heng Wei
  • Maggie Yuk Ting Lee
  • Hao-Wen Sim
  • Joanne Sy
  • Brindha Shivalingam
  • Michael E Buckland
  • Kimberley L Alexander-Kaufman
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Jul;21(14). E4954. doi: 10.3390/ijms21144954.Epub 2020-07-13.


  • Felipe Jose F Coimbra
  • Orlando Jorge M Torres
  • Ruslan Alikhanov
  • Anil Agarwal
  • Patrick Pessaux
  • Eduardo de Souza M Fernandes
  • Claudemiro Quireze-Junior
  • Raphael Leonardo C Araujo
  • André Luis Godoy
  • Fabio Luis Waechter
  • Alexandre Prado de Resende
  • Marcio Fernando Boff
  • Gustavo Rego Coelho
  • Marcelo Bruno de Rezende
  • Marcelo Moura Linhares
  • Marcos Belotto
  • Jose Maria A Moraes-Junior
  • Paulo Cezar G Amaral
  • Rinaldo Danesi Pinto
  • Tercio Genzini
  • Agnaldo Soares Lima
  • Heber Salvador C Ribeiro
  • Eduardo José Ramos
  • Marciano Anghinoni
  • Lucio Lucas Pereira
  • Marcelo Enne
  • Adriano Sampaio
  • André Luis Montagnini
  • Alessandro Diniz
  • Victor Hugo Fonseca de Jesus
  • Bhawna Sirohi
  • Shailesh V Shrikhande
  • Renata D Alpino Peixoto
  • Antonio Nocchi Kalil
  • Nicolas Jarufe
  • Martin Smith
  • Paulo Herman
  • Arq Bras Cir Dig.2020 Jul;33(1):e1496. S0102-67202020000100306. doi: 10.1590/0102-672020190001e1496.


Suppression with Adeno-Associated Virus and MicroRNA in Familial ALS.
  • Christian Mueller
  • James D Berry
  • Diane M McKenna-Yasek
  • Gwladys Gernoux
  • Margaret A Owegi
  • Lindsay M Pothier
  • Catherine L Douthwright
  • Dario Gelevski
  • Sarah D Luppino
  • Meghan Blackwood
  • Nicholas S Wightman
  • Derek H Oakley
  • Matthew P Frosch
  • Terrence R Flotte
  • Merit E Cudkowicz
  • Robert H Brown
  • N. Engl. J. Med..2020 07;383(2):151-158. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2005056.

Millet and Debevec reへの反応:Patricianらによる「The Effect of an Expiratory Resistance Mask With Dead Space on Sleep, Acute Mountain Sickness, Cognition, and Ventilatory Acclimatization in Normobaric Hypoxia」と「Global REACH 2018.デッドスペース付き呼気抵抗性マスクの睡眠・急性高山病に対する影響と低気圧低酸素への急性曝露時の換気順応」(Carrら)

Response to Millet and Debevec re: "The Effect of an Expiratory Resistance Mask With Dead Space on Sleep, Acute Mountain Sickness, Cognition, and Ventilatory Acclimatization in Normobaric Hypoxia," by Patrician et al. and "Global REACH 2018: The Effect of an Expiratory Resistance Mask with Dead Space on Sleep and Acute Mountain Sickness During Acute Exposure to Hypobaric Hypoxia" by Carr et al.
  • Alexander Patrician
  • Jay Carr
  • Philip N Ainslie
  • High Alt. Med. Biol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1089/ham.2020.0111.Epub 2020-07-13.


Filtered air intervention reduces inflammation and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activation in adult male and female rats after PM 2.5 exposure.
  • Cuiying Liu
  • Jian Yang
  • Longfei Guan
  • Yuequan Zhu
  • Xiaokun Geng
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 Jun;10.1007/s11356-020-09564-9. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-09564-9.Epub 2020-06-27.


Computer-aided screening for potential TMPRSS2 inhibitors: a combination of pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation approaches.
  • Mukhtar Oluwaseun Idris
  • Abeeb Abiodun Yekeen
  • Oluwaseun Suleiman Alakanse
  • Olanrewaju Ayodeji Durojaye
  • J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn..2020 Jul;:1-19. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1792346.Epub 2020-07-16.


The Promising Treatment Schedule of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Alternative for Conventional Fractionation Using Mathematical Analysis.
  • Yoshihiro Ueda
  • Osamu Suzuki
  • Shingo Ohira
  • Masashi Yagi
  • Iori Sumida
  • Kentaro Wada
  • Shoki Inui
  • Masaru Isono
  • Masayoshi Miyazaki
  • Kazuhiko Ogawa
  • Teruki Teshima
  • Anticancer Res..2020 Jul;40(7):4095-4104. 40/7/4095. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.14408.


Can caffeine intake combined with aerobic exercise lead to improvement in attentional and psychomotor performance in trained individuals?
  • Sergio Machado
  • Alberto Souza Sá Filho
  • Carlos Campos
  • Carolina Cavalcante de Paula
  • Fabyana Bernardes
  • Eric Murillo-Rodriguez
  • Geraldo A Maranhão Neto
  • Eduardo Lattari
  • IBRO Rep.2020 Jun;8:76-81. S2451-8301(20)30003-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ibror.2020.01.002.Epub 2020-02-13.


In vitro anticariogenic and antibiofilm activities of toothpastes formulated with essential oils.
  • Isabela de Oliveira Carvalho
  • Gislaine Aparecida Purgato
  • Mayra Soares Píccolo
  • Virgínia Ramos Pizziolo
  • Rafael Ribeiro Coelho
  • Gaspar Diaz-Muñoz
  • Marisa Alves Nogueira Diaz
  • Arch. Oral Biol..2020 Jul;117:104834. S0003-9969(20)30212-0. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2020.104834.Epub 2020-07-09.

液体クロマトグラフィーと高分解能タンデム質量分析法を結合させた液体クロマトグラフィーによるEscherichia coli、Pseudomonas putidaおよびPseudomonas taiwanensisからの脂質Aの同定と構造的特徴付け

Identification and structural characterization of lipid A from Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas taiwanensis by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution-tandem mass spectrometry.
  • Matti Froning
  • Patrick O Helmer
  • Heiko Hayen
  • Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom..2020 Jul;:e8897. doi: 10.1002/rcm.8897.Epub 2020-07-16.


Back-Splicing Transcript Isoforms (Circular RNAs) Affect Biologically Relevant Pathways and Offer an Additional Layer of Information to Stratify NMIBC Patients.
  • Anshita Goel
  • Douglas G Ward
  • Naheema S Gordon
  • Ben Abbotts
  • Maurice P Zeegers
  • K K Cheng
  • Nicholas D James
  • Richard T Bryan
  • Roland Arnold
  • Front Oncol.2020;10:812. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00812.Epub 2020-05-22.


Going deeper through the Gleason scoring scale: An automatic end-to-end system for histology prostate grading and cribriform pattern detection.
  • Julio Silva-Rodríguez
  • Adrián Colomer
  • María A Sales
  • Rafael Molina
  • Valery Naranjo
  • Comput Methods Programs Biomed.2020 Jul;195:105637. S0169-2607(20)31470-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105637.Epub 2020-07-04.


Prevalence of sacroiliitis and acute and structural changes on MRI in patients with psoriatic arthritis.
  • Marcio Vale Braga
  • Samily Cordeiro de Oliveira
  • Antonio Helder Costa Vasconcelos
  • Jailson Rodrigues Lopes
  • Carlos Leite de Macedo Filho
  • Lysiane Maria Adeodato Ramos
  • Carlos Ewerton Maia Rodrigues
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11580. 10.1038/s41598-020-68456-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68456-7.Epub 2020-07-14.


Association between perioperative glucocorticoids and cancer metastasis and survival in patients undergoing radical cystectomy for urothelial carcinoma of the bladder: A single-center retrospective study.
  • Shiyu Mao
  • Yuan Wu
  • Ruiliang Wang
  • Yadong Guo
  • Jing Yuan
  • Wentao Zhang
  • Junfeng Zhang
  • Yang Yan
  • Xudong Yao
  • Investig Clin Urol.2020 Jul;61(4):382-389. doi: 10.4111/icu.2020.61.4.382.Epub 2020-05-18.


Curcumin preconditioned human adipose derived stem cells co-transplanted with platelet rich plasma improve wound healing in diabetic rats.
  • Hafiz Ghufran
  • Azra Mehmood
  • Maryam Azam
  • Hira Butt
  • Amna Ramzan
  • Muhammad Amin Yousaf
  • Asim Ejaz
  • Moazzam N Tarar
  • Sheikh Riazuddin
  • Life Sci..2020 Jul;:118091. S0024-3205(20)30842-0. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.118091.Epub 2020-07-12.


Redefining cardiac biomarkers in predicting mortality of inpatients with COVID-19.
  • Juan-Juan Qin
  • Xu Cheng
  • Feng Zhou
  • Fang Lei
  • Gauri Akolkar
  • Jingjing Cai
  • Xiao-Jing Zhang
  • Alice Blet
  • Jing Xie
  • Peng Zhang
  • Ye-Mao Liu
  • Zizhen Huang
  • Ling-Ping Zhao
  • Lijin Lin
  • Meng Xia
  • Ming-Ming Chen
  • Xiaohui Song
  • Liangjie Bai
  • Ze Chen
  • Xingyuan Zhang
  • Da Xiang
  • Jing Chen
  • Qingbo Xu
  • Xin-Liang Ma
  • Rhian M Touyz
  • Chen Gao
  • Haitao Wang
  • Liming Liu
  • Weiming Mao
  • Pengcheng Luo
  • Youqin Yan
  • Ping Ye
  • Manhua Chen
  • Guohua Chen
  • Lihua Zhu
  • Zhi-Gang She
  • Xiaodong Huang
  • Yufeng Yuan
  • Bing-Hong Zhang
  • Yibin Wang
  • Peter P Liu
  • Hongliang Li
  • Hypertension.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15528.Epub 2020-07-14.