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Ta および T1 膀胱癌に対する膀胱内投与の Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 対 mitomycin C.コクランレビューの要約

Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin versus mitomycin C for Ta and T1 bladder cancer: Abridged summary of the Cochrane Review.
  • Stefanie Schmidt
  • Frank Kunath
  • Bernadette Coles
  • Desiree Louise Draeger
  • Laura-Maria Krabbe
  • Rick Dersch
  • Samuel Kilian
  • Katrin Jensen
  • Philipp Dahm
  • Joerg J Meerpohl
  • Investig Clin Urol.2020 Jul;61(4):349-354. doi: 10.4111/icu.2020.61.4.349.Epub 2020-06-29.

Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-Hsp90 組織化タンパク質 (PfHop) の生物物理学的解析により、柔軟性のあるリンカーで連結された折り畳みセグメントが特徴のモノマーが明らかになりました

Biophysical analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-Hsp90 organising protein (PfHop) reveals a monomer that is characterised by folded segments connected by flexible linkers.
  • Stanley Makumire
  • Tawanda Zininga
  • Juha Vahokoski
  • Inari Kursula
  • Addmore Shonhai
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(4):e0226657. PONE-D-19-33340. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226657.Epub 2020-04-28.


High prevalence of congenital generalized lipodystrophy in Piura, Peru.
  • Nelson David Purizaca-Rosillo
  • Yamalí Elena Benites-Cóndor
  • Hugo Abarca Barriga
  • Carlos Del Águila Villar
  • Miguel Chávez Pastor
  • Littner Franco Palacios
  • Ricardo Olea Zapata
  • James Rejas Parodi
  • Luz Martinez Uceda
  • Felix Chavesta Velásquez
  • John Gamarra Vilela
  • Sebastián Arámbulo Castillo
  • Amanda Ávila Reyes
  • Intractable Rare Dis Res.2020 Feb;9(1):58-60. doi: 10.5582/irdr.2020.01004.


Diagnosis of precocious puberty: clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of precocious puberty.
  • América L Miranda-Lora
  • Margarita Torres-Tamayo
  • Jessie N Zurita-Cruz
  • Blanca E Aguilar-Herrera
  • Raúl Calzada-León
  • Aleida J Rivera-Hernández
  • Marco A Morales-Pérez
  • Miriam M Padrón-Martínez
  • María L Ruiz-Reyes
  • Leticia M García-Morales
  • Consuelo Barrón-Uribe
  • Sletza L Arguinzoniz-Valenzuela
  • Mayra C Torres-Castañeda
  • Lorena Lizárraga-Paulin
  • Jorge A Núñez-Hernández
  • Judith Cornejo-Barrera
  • María T Vidal-González
  • María R Martínez-Alvarado
  • Elisa Nishimura-Meguro
  • Luz E Bravo-Ríos
  • Eulalia P Garrido-Magaña
  • José A Orozco-Morales
  • Patricia G Medina-Bravo
  • Ninel Coyote-Estrada
  • M Fernanda Castilla-Peón
  • Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex.2020;77(Supl 1):7-14. j77/Supl 1/7. doi: 10.24875/BMHIM.20000075.


Nerve growth factor from Indian Russell's viper venom (RVV-NGFa) shows high affinity binding to TrkA receptor expressed in breast cancer cells: Application of fluorescence labeled RVV-NGFa in the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer.
  • Taufikul Islam
  • Munmi Majumder
  • Anil Bidkar
  • Siddhartha S Ghosh
  • Rupak Mukhopadhyay
  • Yuri Utkin
  • Ashis K Mukherjee
  • Biochimie.2020 Jun;176:31-44. S0300-9084(20)30136-X. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.06.004.Epub 2020-06-23.


Effects of the methanol root extract of Carpolobia lutea on sperm indices, acrosome reaction, and sperm DNA integrity in cadmium-induced reproductive toxicity in male Wistar rats.
  • Adeniran Oluwadamilare Akinola
  • Adekunle Wahab Oyeyemi
  • Oluyemi O Daramola
  • Yinusa Raji
  • JBRA Assist Reprod.2020 Jun;doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20200036.Epub 2020-06-08.


Caveolin-1 Ablation Imparts Partial Protection Against Inner Retinal Injury in Experimental Glaucoma and Reduces Apoptotic Activation.
  • Mojdeh Abbasi
  • Vivek K Gupta
  • Nitin Chitranshi
  • Veer B Gupta
  • Mehdi Mirzaei
  • Yogita Dheer
  • Linda Garthwaite
  • Thiri Zaw
  • Robert G Parton
  • Yuyi You
  • Stuart L Graham
  • Mol. Neurobiol..2020 Jun;10.1007/s12035-020-01948-9. doi: 10.1007/s12035-020-01948-9.Epub 2020-06-23.


New insights into the evolution of the fern family Dennstaedtiaceae from an expanded molecular phylogeny and morphological analysis.
  • Pedro B Schwartsburd
  • Leon R Perrie
  • Patrick Brownsey
  • Lara D Shepherd
  • Hui Shang
  • David S Barrington
  • Michael A Sundue
  • Mol. Phylogenet. Evol..2020 Jun;150:106881. S1055-7903(20)30153-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106881.Epub 2020-06-06.

急性視神経炎(MOVING)の最初の片側エピソードの後の Fingolimod - 無作為化、評価者盲検、活性化対照、第2相試験の予備的な結果

Fingolimod after a first unilateral episode of acute optic neuritis (MOVING) - preliminary results from a randomized, rater-blind, active-controlled, phase 2 trial.
  • Christian Albert
  • Janine Mikolajczak
  • Anja Liekfeld
  • Sophie K Piper
  • Michael Scheel
  • Hanna G Zimmermann
  • Claus Nowak
  • Jan Dörr
  • Judith Bellmann-Strobl
  • Claudia Chien
  • Alexander U Brandt
  • Friedemann Paul
  • Olaf Hoffmann
  • BMC Neurol.2020 Mar;20(1):75. 10.1186/s12883-020-01645-z. doi: 10.1186/s12883-020-01645-z.Epub 2020-03-03.


Physical and immunological barrier of human primary nasal epithelial cells from non-allergic and allergic donors.
  • Carolin Bergougnan
  • Daniela C Dittlein
  • Elke Hümmer
  • Rosalie Riepl
  • Selina Eisenbart
  • Dominik Böck
  • Lena Griesbaum
  • Anna Weigl
  • Athanasios Damialis
  • Alexander Hartwig
  • Avidan U Neumann
  • Johannes Zenk
  • Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
  • Stefanie Gilles
  • World Allergy Organ J.2020 Mar;13(3):100109. S1939-4551(20)30012-0. doi: 10.1016/j.waojou.2020.100109.Epub 2020-03-09.


Activated prothrombin complex concentrates for direct oral anticoagulant-associated bleeding or urgent surgery: Hemostatic and thrombotic outcomes.
  • Joseph R Shaw
  • Marc Carrier
  • Dar Dowlatshahi
  • Santanu Chakraborty
  • Melanie Tokessy
  • Hakan Buyukdere
  • Lana A Castellucci
  • Thromb. Res..2020 Jul;195:21-28. S0049-3848(20)30286-3. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.06.044.Epub 2020-07-01.


Overall survival, locoregional recurrence, and distant metastasis of definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy for cervical squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma: before and after propensity score matching analysis of a cohort study.
  • Jiaqiang Zhang
  • Lei Qin
  • Ho-Min Chen
  • Han-Chuan Hsu
  • Chih-Chi Chuang
  • Dar Chen
  • Szu-Yuan Wu
  • Am J Cancer Res.2020;10(6):1808-1820. Epub 2020-06-01.


Combining measures of immune infiltration shows additive effect on survival prediction in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
  • Anne Montfort
  • Stephanie Owen
  • Anna M Piskorz
  • Anna Supernat
  • Luiza Moore
  • Sarwah Al-Khalidi
  • Steffen Böhm
  • Paul Pharoah
  • Jacqueline McDermott
  • Frances R Balkwill
  • James D Brenton
  • Br. J. Cancer.2020 Jun;122(12):1803-1810. 10.1038/s41416-020-0822-x. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-0822-x.Epub 2020-04-06.

シスプラチン誘導性miR-425-3pのExosomal Transferは、オートファジーの活性化を介してNSCLCにおけるシスプラチン抵抗性をもたらす

Exosomal Transfer Of Cisplatin-Induced miR-425-3p Confers Cisplatin Resistance In NSCLC Through Activating Autophagy.
  • Yuzhu Ma
  • Daolu Yuwen
  • Jingwei Chen
  • Bingfeng Zheng
  • Jian Gao
  • Minmin Fan
  • Wenwen Xue
  • Yixuan Wang
  • Wuhao Li
  • Yongqian Shu
  • Qiang Xu
  • Yan Shen
  • Int J Nanomedicine.2019;14:8121-8132. 221383. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S221383.Epub 2019-10-07.


In silico evaluation of the antibacterial and modulatory activity of lapachol and nor-lapachol derivates.
  • Fernando Gomes Figueredo
  • Ingrid T L Ramos
  • Josinete A Paz
  • Tania M S Silva
  • Celso A Camara
  • Cícera Datiane de Morais Oliveira-Tintino
  • Saulo Relison Tintino
  • Pablo Antônio Maia de Farias
  • Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho
  • Marta Maria de F Fonteles
  • Microb. Pathog..2020 Jul;144:104181. S0882-4010(20)30468-X. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104181.Epub 2020-04-08.


Preliminary Investigation of Association between Methylphenidate and Serum Growth Markers in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Case-Control Study.
  • Woo Jin Kim
  • Young Rong Bang
  • Je-Wook Kang
  • Jae Ho Yoo
  • Seong Hwan Kim
  • Jae Hong Park
  • Soa Chongsonyon Chongsin Uihak.2020 Jul;31(3):154-160. JKACAP-31-154. doi: 10.5765/jkacap.200014.


Statement of the Independent Forensic Expert Group on Conversion Therapy.
  • Djordje Alempijevic
  • Rusudan Beriashvili
  • Jonathan Beynon
  • Djordje Alempijevic Petersen
  • Bettina Birmanns
  • Marie Brasholt
  • Juliet Cohen
  • Djordje Alempijevic Petersen
  • Maximo Duque
  • Pierre Duterte
  • Adriaan Van Es
  • Ravindra Fernando
  • Sebnem Korur Fincanci
  • Steen Holger Hansen
  • Sana Hamzeh
  • Lilla Hardi
  • Michele Heisler
  • Vincent Iacopino
  • Peter Mygind Leth
  • James Lin
  • Said Louahlia
  • Hege Luytkis
  • Said Louahlia
  • Maria-Dolores Morcillo-Mendez
  • Alejandro Moreno
  • Valeria Moscoso
  • Resmiye Oral
  • Onder Ozkalipci
  • Jason Payne-James
  • Jose Quiroga
  • Onder Ozkalipci
  • Hernan Reyes
  • Sidsel Rogde
  • Antti Sajantilla
  • Onder Ozkalipci
  • Matthis Schick
  • Agis Terzidis
  • Jorgen Lange Thomsen
  • Morris Tidball-Binz
  • Felicitas Treue
  • Peter Vanezis
  • Duarte Nuno Viera
  • Torture.2020;30(1):66-78. doi: 10.7146/torture.v30i1.119654.


Combination of Curcumin and Metformin Inhibits Cell Growth and Induces Apoptosis without Affecting the Cell Cycle in LNCaP Prostate Cancer Cell Line.
  • Seyed Sadegh Eslami
  • Davod Jafari
  • Hamed Montazeri
  • Majid Sadeghizadeh
  • Parastoo Tarighi
  • Nutr Cancer.2020 Jul;:1-14. doi: 10.1080/01635581.2020.1783327.Epub 2020-07-13.

同種幹細胞移植後 11 日目から 20 日目までのシロリムス濃度が肝副鼻腔閉塞症候群のリスクに及ぼす影響

Effect of Sirolimus levels between days 11 and 20 after allogeneic stem cell transplantation on the risk of hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome.
  • Vaibhav Agrawal
  • Praveen Ranganath
  • Kirsten D Ervin
  • Caitlin A Schmidt
  • Elizabeth A Cox
  • Robert P Nelson
  • Jennifer E Schwartz
  • Mohammad Abu Zaid
  • Rafat Abonour
  • Michael J Robertson
  • Bryan J Brinda
  • Shawn P Griffin
  • Teresa C Thakrar
  • Sherif S Farag
  • Bone Marrow Transplant..2020 Jul;10.1038/s41409-020-0987-1. doi: 10.1038/s41409-020-0987-1.Epub 2020-07-04.


Reduction in drinking water arsenic exposure and health risk through arsenic treatment among private well households in Maine and New Jersey, USA.
  • Qiang Yang
  • Sara V Flanagan
  • Steven Chillrud
  • James Ross
  • Wenke Zeng
  • Charles Culbertson
  • Steven Spayd
  • Lorraine Backer
  • Andrew E Smith
  • Yan Zheng
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 May;738:139683. S0048-9697(20)33203-4. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139683.Epub 2020-05-25.


Deleterious Effects of Ethanol, Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and Their Combination on the Spatial Memory and Cognitive Flexibility in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats in the Barnes Maze Task.
  • Ewa Gibula-Tarlowska
  • Karolina Wydra
  • Jolanta H Kotlinska
  • Pharmaceutics.2020 Jul;12(7). E654. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070654.Epub 2020-07-09.


Hygiene promotion might be better than serological screening to deal with Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy: a methodological appraisal and decision analysis.
  • Agathe Billette de Villemeur
  • Pierre Tattevin
  • Louis-Rachid Salmi
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2020 Jun;20(1):418. 10.1186/s12879-020-05139-8. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05139-8.Epub 2020-06-16.


Colitis and Crohn's Foundation (India) consensus statements on use of 5-aminosalicylic acid in inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Ajit Sood
  • Vineet Ahuja
  • Vandana Midha
  • Saroj Kant Sinha
  • C Ganesh Pai
  • Saurabh Kedia
  • Varun Mehta
  • Sawan Bopanna
  • Philip Abraham
  • Rupa Banerjee
  • Shobna Bhatia
  • Karmabir Chakravartty
  • Sunil Dadhich
  • Devendra Desai
  • Manisha Dwivedi
  • Bhabhadev Goswami
  • Kirandeep Kaur
  • Rajeev Khosla
  • Ajay Kumar
  • Ramit Mahajan
  • S P Misra
  • Kiran Peddi
  • Shivaram Prasad Singh
  • Arshdeep Singh
  • Intest Res.2020 Jul;ir.2019.09176. doi: 10.5217/ir.2019.09176.Epub 2020-07-13.

TPC1 欠損または遮断は、全身性アナフィラキシーおよび肥満細胞活性を増強する

TPC1 deficiency or blockade augments systemic anaphylaxis and mast cell activity.
  • Elisabeth Arlt
  • Marco Fraticelli
  • Volodymyr Tsvilovskyy
  • Wiebke Nadolni
  • Andreas Breit
  • Thomas J O'Neill
  • Stefanie Resenberger
  • Gunther Wennemuth
  • Christian Wahl-Schott
  • Martin Biel
  • Christian Grimm
  • Marc Freichel
  • Thomas Gudermann
  • Norbert Klugbauer
  • Ingrid Boekhoff
  • Susanna Zierler
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2020 Jul;201920122. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920122117.Epub 2020-07-13.


The Relationship Between Selected CNR1, MC4R, LEP, FTO and VDR Gene Polymorphisms and Several Basic Toxicological Parameters Among Persons Occupationally Exposed to Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead.
  • Tomasz Matys
  • Anna Szymańska-Chabowska
  • Katarzyna Bogunia-Kubik
  • Beata Smyk
  • Małgorzata Kamińska
  • Grzegorz Mazur
  • Rafał Poręba
  • Paweł Gać
  • J Clin Med.2020 Apr;9(4). E1040. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041040.Epub 2020-04-07.


Aberrant venous anatomy as a risk factor for thromboembolic events in patients with Klippel-Trénaunay Syndrome: case-control study within a cohort study.
  • Lilly Geertruida Johanna Maria Zwerink
  • D Maroeska Wm Te Loo
  • Richard Praster
  • Bas H Verhoeven
  • Carine Jm van der Vleuten
  • J. Am. Acad. Dermatol..2020 Jul;S0190-9622(20)32183-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.07.019.Epub 2020-07-15.