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北米におけるミトコンドリア疾患。NAMDC レジストリの分析

Mitochondrial diseases in North America: An analysis of the NAMDC Registry.
  • Emanuele Barca
  • Yuelin Long
  • Victoria Cooley
  • Robert Schoenaker
  • Valentina Emmanuele
  • Salvatore DiMauro
  • Bruce H Cohen
  • Amel Karaa
  • Georgirene D Vladutiu
  • Richard Haas
  • Johan L K Van Hove
  • Fernando Scaglia
  • Sumit Parikh
  • Jirair K Bedoyan
  • Susanne D DeBrosse
  • Ralitza H Gavrilova
  • Russell P Saneto
  • Gregory M Enns
  • Peter W Stacpoole
  • Jaya Ganesh
  • Austin Larson
  • Zarazuela Zolkipli-Cunningham
  • Marni J Falk
  • Amy C Goldstein
  • Mark Tarnopolsky
  • Andrea Gropman
  • Kathryn Camp
  • Danuta Krotoski
  • Kristin Engelstad
  • Xiomara Q Rosales
  • Joshua Kriger
  • Johnston Grier
  • Richard Buchsbaum
  • John L P Thompson
  • Michio Hirano
  • Neurol Genet.2020 Apr;6(2):e402. NG2019011163. doi: 10.1212/NXG.0000000000000402.Epub 2020-03-02.


An evaluation framework for new approach methodologies (NAMs) for human health safety assessment.
  • Stanley T Parish
  • Michael Aschner
  • Warren Casey
  • Marco Corvaro
  • Michelle R Embry
  • Suzanne Fitzpatrick
  • Darren Kidd
  • Nicole C Kleinstreuer
  • Beatriz Silva Lima
  • Raja S Settivari
  • Douglas C Wolf
  • Daiju Yamazaki
  • Alan Boobis
  • Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol..2020 Apr;112:104592. S0273-2300(20)30018-0. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2020.104592.Epub 2020-02-01.


Longitudinal analysis on parasite diversity in honeybee colonies: new taxa, high frequency of mixed infections and seasonal patterns of variation.
  • Carolina Bartolomé
  • María Buendía-Abad
  • María Benito
  • Beatriz Sobrino
  • Jorge Amigo
  • Angel Carracedo
  • Raquel Martín-Hernández
  • Mariano Higes
  • Xulio Maside
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jun;10(1):10454. 10.1038/s41598-020-67183-3. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67183-3.Epub 2020-06-26.


Daily Undulating Periodization Is More Effective Than Nonperiodized Training on Maximal Strength, Aerobic Capacity, and TCD4+ Cell Count in People Living With HIV.
  • Vitor Lopes Soares
  • Weverton Fonseca Soares
  • Hugo Ribeiro Zanetti
  • Fernando Freitas Neves
  • Mário Leon Silva-Vergara
  • Edmar Lacerda Mendes
  • J Strength Cond Res.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003675.Epub 2020-06-24.


Maternal separation induces long-term oxidative stress alterations and increases anxiety-like behavior of male Balb/cJ mice.
  • Luiza Martins Costa Malcon
  • Luis Eduardo Wearick-Silva
  • Aline Zaparte
  • Rodrigo Orso
  • Carolina Luft
  • Saulo Gantes Tractenberg
  • Márcio Vinicius Fagundes Donadio
  • Jarbas Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira
  • Exp Brain Res.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00221-020-05859-y. doi: 10.1007/s00221-020-05859-y.Epub 2020-07-12.


Asian Organization for Crohn's and Colitis and Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology Practice Recommendations for Medical Management and Monitoring of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asia.
  • Zhihua Ran
  • Kaichun Wu
  • Katsuyoshi Matsuoka
  • Yoon Tae Jeen
  • Shu Chen Wei
  • Vineet Ahuja
  • Minhu Chen
  • Pin-Jin Hu
  • Akira Andoh
  • Hyo Jong Kim
  • Suk-Kyun Yang
  • Mamoru Watanabe
  • Siew Chien Ng
  • Toshifumi Hibi
  • Ida Normiha Hilmi
  • Yasuo Suzuki
  • Dong Soo Han
  • Wai Keung Leung
  • Jose Sollano
  • Choon Jin Ooi
  • Jiaming Qian
  • J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/jgh.15185.Epub 2020-07-16.


Cereblon Deletion Ameliorates Lipopolysaccharide-induced Proinflammatory Cytokines through 5'-Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase/Heme Oxygenase-1 Activation in ARPE-19 Cells.
  • Yun Kyu Kim
  • Soo Chul Chae
  • Hun Ji Yang
  • Da Eun An
  • Sion Lee
  • Myeong Gu Yeo
  • Kyung Jin Lee
  • Immune Netw.2020 Jun;20(3):e26. 2020200307. doi: 10.4110/in.2020.20.e26.Epub 2020-06-25.


Critical insight and indication on particle size effects towards uranium release from uranium mill tailings: Geochemical and mineralogical aspects.
  • Meiling Yin
  • Daniel C W Tsang
  • Jing Sun
  • Jin Wang
  • Jianying Shang
  • Fa Fang
  • Yang Wu
  • Juan Liu
  • Gang Song
  • Tangfu Xiao
  • Diyun Chen
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;250:126315. S0045-6535(20)30508-7. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126315.Epub 2020-02-26.

重症COVID-19患者の後期病理組織学的特徴。侵襲性アスペルギルス症の証拠を伴わない異なる表現型、1 症例シリーズ

Late histopathologic characteristics of critically ill COVID-19 patients: Different phenotypes without evidence of invasive aspergillosis, a case series.
  • Antine W Flikweert
  • Marco J J H Grootenboers
  • David C Y Yick
  • Arthur W F du Mée
  • Nardo J M van der Meer
  • Thijs C D Rettig
  • Merijn K M Kant
  • J Crit Care.2020 Jul;59:149-155. S0883-9441(20)30603-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.07.002.Epub 2020-07-08.

超臨界状態の CO が薬物-ポリマー系の特性、溶解性、ビカルタミド含有錠の特性にどのような影響を与えるか?

How Does the CO in Supercritical State Affect the Properties of Drug-Polymer Systems, Dissolution Performance and Characteristics of Tablets Containing Bicalutamide?
  • Agata Antosik-Rogóż
  • Joanna Szafraniec-Szczęsny
  • Krzysztof Chmiel
  • Justyna Knapik-Kowalczuk
  • Mateusz Kurek
  • Karolina Gawlak
  • Vittorio P Danesi
  • Marian Paluch
  • Renata Jachowicz
  • Materials (Basel).2020 Jun;13(12). E2848. doi: 10.3390/ma13122848.Epub 2020-06-25.

安定した腎移植患者では,タクロリムスのトラフ値が6 ng/mLを超えても,1年後には必要とされない可能性がある

Tacrolimus trough levels higher than 6 ng/mL might not be required after a year in stable kidney transplant recipients.
  • Hee-Yeon Jung
  • Min Young Seo
  • Yena Jeon
  • Kyu Ha Huh
  • Jae Berm Park
  • Cheol Woong Jung
  • Sik Lee
  • Seung-Yeup Han
  • Han Ro
  • Jaeseok Yang
  • Curie Ahn
  • Ji-Young Choi
  • Jang-Hee Cho
  • Sun-Hee Park
  • Yong-Lim Kim
  • Chan-Duck Kim
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235418. PONE-D-20-13868. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235418.Epub 2020-07-02.

軽度から中等度の開放角緑内障患者における白内障手術時の2つのTrabecular Microbypass Stentのカナダでの費用対効果の分析

A Canadian Cost-Utility Analysis of 2 Trabecular Microbypass Stents at Time of Cataract Surgery in Patients with Mild to Moderate Open-Angle Glaucoma.
  • Iqbal Ike K Ahmed
  • Dominik W Podbielski
  • Vardhaman Patel
  • Heather Falvey
  • Judith Murray
  • Marc Botteman
  • Ron Goeree
  • Ophthalmol Glaucoma.2020 Mar - Apr;3(2):103-113. S2589-4196(19)30350-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ogla.2019.11.009.Epub 2019-11-30.


Shenhuang granule in the treatment of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): study protocol for an open-label randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Bangjiang Fang
  • Wen Zhang
  • Xinxin Wu
  • Tingrong Huang
  • Huacheng Li
  • You Zheng
  • Jinhua Che
  • Shuting Sun
  • Chao Jiang
  • Shuang Zhou
  • Jun Feng
  • Trials.2020 Jun;21(1):568. 10.1186/s13063-020-04498-6. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04498-6.Epub 2020-06-24.


Effects of estrogen deficiency followed by streptozotocin-induced diabetes on periodontal tissues of female rats.
  • Gisela Rodrigues da Silva Sasso
  • Rinaldo Florencio-Silva
  • Caio Cesar Navarrete da Fonseca
  • Luana Carvalho Cezar
  • Adriana Aparecida Ferraz Carbonel
  • Cristiane Damas Gil
  • Manuel de Jesus Simões
  • Manoel João Batista Castello Girão
  • J. Mol. Histol..2020 Jun;10.1007/s10735-020-09885-6. doi: 10.1007/s10735-020-09885-6.Epub 2020-06-03.


Retrospective Analysis of the Treatment Outcome in Myeloid Leukemia of Down Syndrome in Polish Pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma Study Group From 2005 to 2019.
  • Malgorzata Czogala
  • Katarzyna Pawinska-Wasikowska
  • Teofila Ksiazek
  • Barbara Sikorska-Fic
  • Michal Matysiak
  • Jolanta Skalska-Sadowska
  • Jacek Wachowiak
  • Anna Rodziewicz-Konarska
  • Alicja Chybicka
  • Katarzyna Myszynska-Roslan
  • Maryna Krawczuk-Rybak
  • Dominik Grabowski
  • Jerzy Kowalczyk
  • Lucyna Maciejka-Kemblowska
  • Elzbieta Adamkiewicz-Drozynska
  • Katarzyna Bobeff
  • Wojciech Mlynarski
  • Renata Tomaszewska
  • Tomasz Szczepanski
  • Joanna Pohorecka
  • Agnieszka Chodala-Grzywacz
  • Grazyna Karolczyk
  • Agnieszka Mizia-Malarz
  • Katarzyna Mycko
  • Wanda Badowska
  • Karolina Zielezinska
  • Tomasz Urasinski
  • Magdalena Nykiel
  • Mariola Woszczyk
  • Malgorzata Ciebiera
  • Radosław Chaber
  • Szymon Skoczen
  • Walentyna Balwierz
  • Front Pediatr.2020;8:277. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00277.Epub 2020-06-19.


RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, hexyl 2-methylbutyrate, CAS Registry Number 10032-15-2.
  • A M Api
  • D Belsito
  • S Biserta
  • D Botelho
  • M Bruze
  • G A Burton
  • J Buschmann
  • M A Cancellieri
  • M L Dagli
  • M Date
  • W Dekant
  • C Deodhar
  • A D Fryer
  • S Gadhia
  • L Jones
  • K Joshi
  • A Lapczynski
  • M Lavelle
  • D C Liebler
  • M Na
  • D O'Brien
  • A Patel
  • T M Penning
  • G Ritacco
  • F Rodriguez-Ropero
  • J Romine
  • N Sadekar
  • D Salvito
  • T W Schultz
  • F Siddiqi
  • I G Sipes
  • G Sullivan
  • Y Thakkar
  • Y Tokura
  • S Tsang
  • Food Chem. Toxicol..2020 Jul;:111463. S0278-6915(20)30353-7. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111463.Epub 2020-07-05.

TEM プロービング、AFM ナノメカニカルマッピング、理論計算により明らかになった TiC MXene ナノシートのヤング率と引張強さ

Young's Modulus and Tensile Strength of TiC MXene Nanosheets As Revealed by TEM Probing, AFM Nanomechanical Mapping, and Theoretical Calculations.
  • Konstantin L Firestein
  • Joel E von Treifeldt
  • Dmitry G Kvashnin
  • Joseph F S Fernando
  • Chao Zhang
  • Alexander G Kvashnin
  • Evgeny V Podryabinkin
  • Alexander V Shapeev
  • Dumindu P Siriwardena
  • Pavel B Sorokin
  • Dmitri Golberg
  • Nano Lett..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01861.Epub 2020-07-13.


Contributions of Liquid-Based (Papanicolaou) Cytology and Human Papillomavirus Testing in Cotesting for Detection of Cervical Cancer and Precancer in the United States.
  • Harvey W Kaufman
  • Damian P Alagia
  • Zhen Chen
  • Agnieszka Onisko
  • R Marshall Austin
  • Am. J. Clin. Pathol..2020 Jul;aqaa074. doi: 10.1093/ajcp/aqaa074.Epub 2020-07-08.


The influences of chokeberry extract supplementation on redox status and body composition in handball players during competition phase.
  • Nikola Cikiriz
  • Isidora Milosavljevic
  • Biljana Jakovljevic
  • Stefani Bolevich
  • Jovana Jeremic
  • Tamara R Nikolic Turnic
  • Miroslav Mitrovic
  • Ivan M Srejovic
  • Sergey Bolevich
  • Vladimir Jakovljevic
  • Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2020-0095.Epub 2020-07-08.


Physical-chemical characterization of carbon nanotubes-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites with fibrin sealant derived from snake venom.
  • Daniel Mussuri Gouveia
  • Jose Carlos Cogo
  • Hueliton Wilian Kido
  • Fernanda Roberta Marciano
  • Anderson Oliveira Lobo
  • Rui Seabra Ferreira
  • Benedito Barraviera
  • Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
  • Marcelo Henrique de Vasconcelos Mourão
  • Toxicon.2020 Apr;177 Suppl 1:S56. S0041-0101(19)30888-8. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.12.126.

小麦種(Triticum aestivum vs T. spelta)、農法(有機 vs 在来種)、小麦粉の種類(全粒粉 vs 白粉)が小麦粉の組成に及ぼす影響-英国とドイツにおける小売調査の結果- 3.残留農薬含有量

Effect of wheat species (Triticum aestivum vs T. spelta), farming system (organic vs conventional) and flour type (wholegrain vs white) on composition of wheat flour - Results of a retail survey in the UK and Germany - 3. Pesticide residue content.
  • Juan Wang
  • Gultakin Hasanalieva
  • Liza Wood
  • Christos Anagnostopoulos
  • Georgios Ampadogiannis
  • Eleftheria Bempelou
  • Maroula Kiousi
  • Emilia Markellou
  • Per Ole Iversen
  • Chris Seal
  • Marcin Baranski
  • Vanessa Vigar
  • Carlo Leifert
  • Leonidas Rempelos
  • Food Chem X.2020 Sep;7:100089. S2590-1575(20)30013-4. doi: 10.1016/j.fochx.2020.100089.Epub 2020-03-29.


Cytochrome c oxidase oxygen reduction reaction induced by cytochrome c on nickel-coordination surfaces based on graphene oxide in suspension.
  • Xiaoping Zhu
  • Erika Aoyama
  • Alexander V Birk
  • Oladapo Onasanya
  • William H Carr
  • Lev Mourokh
  • Shelley D Minteer
  • Michele Vittadello
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg.2020 Jul;:148262. S0005-2728(20)30112-2. doi: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2020.148262.Epub 2020-07-13.


Development and application of magnetic solid phase extraction in tandem with liquid-liquid extraction method for determination of four tetracyclines by HPLC with UV detection.
  • Hong-Zhi Tang
  • Yong-Hui Wang
  • Shuang Li
  • Jin Wu
  • Zhi-Xian Gao
  • Huan-Ying Zhou
  • J Food Sci Technol.2020 Aug;57(8):2884-2893. 4320. doi: 10.1007/s13197-020-04320-w.Epub 2020-03-20.


Super-dominant pathobiontic bacteria in the nasopharyngeal microbiota as causative agents of secondary bacterial infection in influenza patients.
  • Tian Qin
  • Taoran Geng
  • Haijian Zhou
  • Yang Han
  • Hongyu Ren
  • Zhifeng Qiu
  • Xudong Nie
  • Tiekuan Du
  • Junrong Liang
  • Pengcheng Du
  • Wei Jiang
  • Taisheng Li
  • Jianguo Xu
  • Emerg Microbes Infect.2020;9(1):605-615. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1737578.Epub 2020-03-17.


An updated clinical and epidemiological profile of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour: a collaborative retrospective study.
  • Hans Peter Philipsen
  • Peter A Reichart
  • Chong Huat Siar
  • Kok Han Ng
  • Shin Hin Lau
  • Xiaolin Zhang
  • Kittipong Dhanuthai
  • Somporn Swasdison
  • Aree Jainkittivong
  • Shabnum Meer
  • Vibha Jivan
  • Mario Altini
  • Vinay Hazarey
  • Ikuko Ogawa
  • Takashi Takata
  • Adalberto Abel Mosqueda Taylor
  • Héctor Godoy
  • Wilson A Delgado
  • Roman Carlos-Bregni
  • Juan Fransisco Reyes Macias
  • Kenichi Matsuzaka
  • Daisuke Sato
  • Pablo A Vargas
  • Ezekiel Taiwo Adebayo
  • J. Oral Pathol. Med..2007 Aug;36(7):383-93. JOP536. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.2007.00536.x.