
WHITE CROSSは、歯科・医療現場で働く方を対象に、良質な歯科医療情報の提供を目的とした会員制サイトです。



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東欧地域における脳卒中治療の強化と加速。ESO EASTプログラムの方法と成果

Enhancing and accelerating stroke treatment in Eastern European region: Methods and achievement of the ESO EAST program.
  • Robert Mikulík
  • Valeria Caso
  • Natan M Bornstein
  • Veronika Svobodová
  • Francesca Romana Pezzella
  • Andreea Grecu
  • Steven Simsic
  • Zuzana Gdovinova
  • Anna Członkowska
  • Tamara S Mishchenko
  • Yuriy Flomin
  • Ivan G Milanov
  • Silva Andonova
  • Cristina Tiu
  • Anita Arsovska
  • Hrvoje Budinčević
  • Stanislav A Groppa
  • Daniel Bereczki
  • Janika Kõrv
  • Tatiana Kharitonova
  • Milan R Vosko
  • Eur Stroke J.2020 Jun;5(2):204-212. 10.1177_2396987319897156. doi: 10.1177/2396987319897156.Epub 2020-01-20.


Evaluation of Confounding and Selection Bias in Epidemiological Studies of Populations Exposed to Low-Dose, High-Energy Photon Radiation.
  • Mary K Schubauer-Berigan
  • Amy Berrington de Gonzalez
  • Elisabeth Cardis
  • Dominique Laurier
  • Jay H Lubin
  • Michael Hauptmann
  • David B Richardson
  • J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monographs.2020 Jul;2020(56):133-153. 5869936. doi: 10.1093/jncimonographs/lgaa008.

干ばつと熱ストレス時の光化学系 II の性能の脂質過酸化とクロロフィル蛍光は、C3 ヒマワリとC4 トウモロコシ品種の抗酸化能力と関連している

Lipid Peroxidation and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Photosystem II Performance during Drought and Heat Stress is Associated with the Antioxidant Capacities of C3 Sunflower and C4 Maize Varieties.
  • Dilek Killi
  • Antonio Raschi
  • Filippo Bussotti
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Jul;21(14). E4846. doi: 10.3390/ijms21144846.Epub 2020-07-09.


Computational aided acetaminophen - phthalic acid molecularly imprinted polymer design for analytical determination of known and new developed recreational drugs.
  • M Paredes-Ramos
  • A Sabín-López
  • J Peña-García
  • H Pérez-Sánchez
  • J M López-Vilariño
  • M E Sastre de Vicente
  • J. Mol. Graph. Model..2020 Apr;100:107627. S1093-3263(20)30026-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2020.107627.Epub 2020-04-25.

3D CBCTによる歯科インプラント埋入に関連する下顎骨間膜領域の解剖学的ランドマーク:無歯顎と歯科下顎の比較

Anatomical landmarks of mandibular interforaminal region related to dental implant placement with 3D CBCT: comparison between edentulous and dental mandibles.
  • Elif Sener
  • Erinc Onem
  • Gulcan Coskun Akar
  • Figen Govsa
  • Mehmet Asim Ozer
  • Yelda Pinar
  • Ali Mert
  • B Guniz Baksi Sen
  • Surg Radiol Anat.2018 Jun;40(6):615-623. 10.1007/s00276-017-1934-8. doi: 10.1007/s00276-017-1934-8.Epub 2017-11-09.


RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, methyl 2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-2-ene-1-carboxylate, CAS Registry Number 28043-10-9.
  • A M Api
  • F Belmonte
  • D Belsito
  • S Biserta
  • D Botelho
  • M Bruze
  • G A Burton
  • J Buschmann
  • M A Cancellieri
  • M L Dagli
  • M Date
  • W Dekant
  • C Deodhar
  • A D Fryer
  • S Gadhia
  • L Jones
  • K Joshi
  • A Lapczynski
  • M Lavelle
  • D C Liebler
  • M Na
  • D O'Brien
  • A Patel
  • T M Penning
  • G Ritacco
  • F Rodriguez-Ropero
  • J Romine
  • N Sadekar
  • D Salvito
  • T W Schultz
  • I G Sipes
  • G Sullivan
  • Y Thakkar
  • Y Tokura
  • S Tsang
  • Food Chem. Toxicol..2020 Jul;:111471. S0278-6915(20)30361-6. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111471.Epub 2020-07-05.


RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 3-phenylbutanal, CAS Registry Number 16251-77-7.
  • A M Api
  • D Belsito
  • S Biserta
  • D Botelho
  • M Bruze
  • G A Burton
  • J Buschmann
  • M A Cancellieri
  • M L Dagli
  • M Date
  • W Dekant
  • C Deodhar
  • A D Fryer
  • S Gadhia
  • L Jones
  • K Joshi
  • A Lapczynski
  • M Lavelle
  • D C Liebler
  • M Na
  • D O'Brien
  • A Patel
  • T M Penning
  • G Ritacco
  • F Rodriguez-Ropero
  • J Romine
  • N Sadekar
  • D Salvito
  • T W Schultz
  • F Siddiqi
  • I G Sipes
  • G Sullivan
  • Y Thakkar
  • Y Tokura
  • S Tsang
  • Food Chem. Toxicol..2020 Jul;:111528. S0278-6915(20)30418-X. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111528.Epub 2020-07-05.


PCR and microsatellite analysis of diminazene aceturate resistance of bovine trypanosomes correlated to knowledge, attitude and practice of livestock keepers in South-Western Ethiopia.
  • Y Moti
  • R De Deken
  • E Thys
  • J Van Den Abbeele
  • L Duchateau
  • V Delespaux
  • Acta Trop..2015 Jun;146:45-52. S0001-706X(15)00043-1. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.02.015.Epub 2015-03-01.


Optical coherence tomography versus intravascular ultrasound for culprit lesion assessment in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
  • Blaz Mrevlje
  • Paweł Kleczyński
  • Igor Kranjec
  • Jacek Jąkała
  • Marko Noc
  • Łukasz Rzeszutko
  • Artur Dziewierz
  • Marcin Wizimirski
  • Dariusz Dudek
  • Jacek Legutko
  • Postepy Kardiol Interwencyjnej.2020 Jun;16(2):145-152. 40857. doi: 10.5114/aic.2020.96057.Epub 2020-06-23.


Working Together to Build a Better Future for Children With Cancer in Africa.
  • Inam Chitsike
  • Vivian Paintsil
  • Lillian Sung
  • Festus Njuguna
  • Annelies Mavinkurve-Groothuis
  • Francine Kouya
  • Peter Hesseling
  • Gertjan Kaspers
  • Glenn M Afungchwi
  • Andre Ilbawi
  • Lorna Renner
  • Kathy Pritchard-Jones
  • Laila Hessissen
  • Elizabeth Molyneux
  • George Chagaluka
  • Trijn Israels
  • JCO Glob Oncol.2020 Jul;6:1076-1078. doi: 10.1200/GO.20.00170.


A One-Step, Streamlined Children's Vision Screening Solution Based on Smartphone Imaging for Resource-Limited Areas: Design and Preliminary Field Evaluation.
  • Shuoxin Ma
  • Yongqing Guan
  • Yazhen Yuan
  • Yuan Tai
  • Tan Wang
  • JMIR Mhealth Uhealth.2020 Jul;8(7):e18226. v8i7e18226. doi: 10.2196/18226.Epub 2020-07-13.


Internet and Computer-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
  • Carolien Christ
  • Maria J E Schouten
  • Matthijs Blankers
  • Digna J F van Schaik
  • Aartjan T F Beekman
  • Marike A Wisman
  • Yvonne A J Stikkelbroek
  • Jack J M Dekker
  • J. Med. Internet Res..2020 Jun;doi: 10.2196/17831.Epub 2020-06-21.

討論。ロックダウンで学んだ教訓 - 一般的な精神衛生状態に対する低強度の心理学的介入に関する1日の遠隔配信トレーニング

Debate: Lessons learned in lockdown - a one-day remotely delivered training on low-intensity psychological interventions for common mental health conditions.
  • Rachel Batchelor
  • Matteo Catanzano
  • Ellie Kerry
  • Sophie D Bennett
  • Anna E Coughtrey
  • Holan Liang
  • Vicki Curry
  • Isobel Heyman
  • Roz Shafran
  • Child Adolesc Ment Health.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/camh.12402.Epub 2020-07-16.


Mycotoxins in cereals and cereal-based products: incidence and probabilistic dietary risk assessment for the Brazilian population.
  • Patrícia Diniz Andrade
  • Jonatan Vinicius Dias
  • Darliana Mello Souza
  • Alessandra Page Brito
  • Gerda van Donkersgoed
  • Ionara Regina Pizzutti
  • Eloisa Dutra Caldas
  • Food Chem. Toxicol..2020 Jul;:111572. S0278-6915(20)30462-2. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111572.Epub 2020-07-13.

ドイツの小学4年生を対象としたEuropean Health Literacy Survey Questionnaireの改訂。妥当性の検証と心理測定分析

Adapting the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire for Fourth-Grade Students in Germany: Validation and Psychometric Analysis.
  • Torsten Michael Bollweg
  • Orkan Okan
  • Alexandra Maria Freţian
  • Janine Bröder
  • Olga Maria Domanska
  • Susanne Jordan
  • Dirk Bruland
  • Paulo Pinheiro
  • Ullrich Bauer
  • Health Lit Res Pract.2020 Jul;4(3):e144-e159. doi: 10.3928/24748307-20200428-01.


Local Aphid Species Infestation on Invasive Weeds Affects Virus Infection of Nearest Crops Under Different Management Systems - A Preliminary Study.
  • Attila-Károly Szabó
  • Éva Várallyay
  • Emese Demian
  • Anna Hegyi
  • Zsuzsanna Nagyné Galbács
  • József Kiss
  • János Bálint
  • Hugh D Loxdale
  • Adalbert Balog
  • Front Plant Sci.2020;11:684. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00684.Epub 2020-06-25.


Phlebotomus papatasi sand fly predicted salivary protein diversity and immune response potential based on in silico prediction in Egypt and Jordan populations.
  • Catherine M Flanley
  • Marcelo Ramalho-Ortigao
  • Iliano V Coutinho-Abreu
  • Rami Mukbel
  • Hanafi A Hanafi
  • Shabaan S El-Hossary
  • Emadeldin Y Fawaz
  • David F Hoel
  • Alexander W Bray
  • Gwen Stayback
  • Douglas A Shoue
  • Shaden Kamhawi
  • Scott Emrich
  • Mary Ann McDowell
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 Jul;14(7):e0007489. PNTD-D-19-00799. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007489.Epub 2020-07-13.


Marine litter arrived: Distribution and potential sources on an unpopulated atoll in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Sea.
  • Luana Portz
  • Rogério Portantiolo Manzolli
  • Guido Vasquez Herrera
  • Liliana Laiton Garcia
  • Diego A Villate
  • Juliana A Ivar do Sul
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Aug;157:111323. S0025-326X(20)30441-0. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111323.Epub 2020-06-16.


Effect of alectinib versus crizotinib on progression-free survival, central nervous system efficacy and adverse events in ALK- positive non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Yan-Li Yang
  • Zi-Jian Xiang
  • Jing-Hua Yang
  • Wen-Jie Wang
  • Ruo-Lan Xiang
  • Ann Palliat Med.2020 Jun;apm-19-643. doi: 10.21037/apm-19-643.Epub 2020-06-08.


FcRn is a CD32a coreceptor that determines susceptibility to IgG immune complex-driven autoimmunity.
  • Jonathan J Hubbard
  • Michal Pyzik
  • Timo Rath
  • Lisa K Kozicky
  • Kine M K Sand
  • Amit K Gandhi
  • Algirdas Grevys
  • Stian Foss
  • Susan C Menzies
  • Jonathan N Glickman
  • Edda Fiebiger
  • Derry C Roopenian
  • Inger Sandlie
  • Jan Terje Andersen
  • Laura M Sly
  • Kristi Baker
  • Richard S Blumberg
  • J. Exp. Med..2020 Oct;217(10). e20200359. doi: 10.1084/jem.20200359.


Two-Minute Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping From Three-Dimensional Echo-Planar Imaging: Accuracy, Reliability, and Detection Performance in Patients With Cerebral Microbleeds.
  • Krishna Pandu Wicaksono
  • Yasutaka Fushimi
  • Satoshi Nakajima
  • Yusuke Yokota
  • Sonoko Oshima
  • Sayo Otani
  • Azusa Sakurama
  • Atsushi Shima
  • Nobukatsu Sawamoto
  • Tomohisa Okada
  • Yuji Nakamoto
  • Invest Radiol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000708.Epub 2020-07-08.

Mycoplasma ovipneumoniaeの遺伝的構造は、米国西部のカプリナ科の家畜と野生のカプリナ科の間の病原体の波及動態に影響を与えている

Genetic structure of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae informs pathogen spillover dynamics between domestic and wild Caprinae in the western United States.
  • Pauline L Kamath
  • Kezia Manlove
  • E Frances Cassirer
  • Paul C Cross
  • Thomas E Besser
  • Sci Rep.2019 10;9(1):15318. 10.1038/s41598-019-51444-x. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51444-x.Epub 2019-10-25.


Characterizing population and individual migration patterns among native and restored bighorn sheep ().
  • Blake Lowrey
  • Kelly M Proffitt
  • Douglas E McWhirter
  • Patrick J White
  • Alyson B Courtemanch
  • Sarah R Dewey
  • Hollie M Miyasaki
  • Kevin L Monteith
  • Julie S Mao
  • Jamin L Grigg
  • Carson J Butler
  • Ethan S Lula
  • Robert A Garrott
  • Ecol Evol.2019 Aug;9(15):8829-8839. ECE35435. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5435.Epub 2019-07-09.


Short implants versus longer implants in the posterior alveolar region after an observation period of at least five years: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Xinxin Xu
  • Jiao Huang
  • Xuewei Fu
  • Yunchun Kuang
  • Hui Yue
  • Jinlin Song
  • Ling Xu
  • J Dent.2020 May;:103386. S0300-5712(20)30132-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103386.Epub 2020-05-29.


Protecting cows in small holder farms in East Africa from tsetse flies by mimicking the odor profile of a non-host bovid.
  • Rajinder K Saini
  • Benedict O Orindi
  • Norber Mbahin
  • John A Andoke
  • Peter N Muasa
  • David M Mbuvi
  • Caroline M Muya
  • John A Pickett
  • Christian W Borgemeister
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2017 Oct;11(10):e0005977. PNTD-D-17-00385. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005977.Epub 2017-10-17.