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Decreased left atrial appendage emptying velocity as a link between atrial fibrillation type, heart failure and older age and the risk of left atrial thrombus in atrial fibrillation.
  • Monika Gawałko
  • Monika Budnik
  • Beata Uziębło-Życzkowska
  • Paweł Krzesiński
  • Piotr Scisło
  • Janusz Kochanowski
  • Agnieszka Jurek
  • Marek Kiliszek
  • Grzegorz Gielerak
  • Krzysztof J Filipiak
  • Grzegorz Opolski
  • Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka
  • Int. J. Clin. Pract..2020 Jul;:e13609. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.13609.Epub 2020-07-12.

エンテロバクターA47が分泌する細菌性フコース多糖類をベースとした銀ナノコンポジットの創傷被覆用途への応用。合成、特性評価およびin vitro生物活性

Silver nanocomposites based on the bacterial fucose-rich polysaccharide secreted by Enterobacter A47 for wound dressing applications: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro bioactivity.
  • Patrícia Concórdio-Reis
  • Carolina V Pereira
  • Miguel P Batista
  • Chantal Sevrin
  • Christian Grandfils
  • Ana C Marques
  • Elvira Fortunato
  • Frédéric B Gaspar
  • Ana A Matias
  • Filomena Freitas
  • Maria A M Reis
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 Jul;S0141-8130(20)33823-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.07.072.Epub 2020-07-09.


International consensus guidelines on the role of diagnostic endoscopic ultrasound in the management of chronic pancreatitis. Recommendations from the working group for the international consensus guidelines for chronic pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology, the American Pancreatic Association, the Japan Pancreas Society, and European Pancreatic Club.
  • C Mel Wilcox
  • Thomas Gress
  • Marja Boermeester
  • Atsushi Masamune
  • Philippe Lévy
  • Takao Itoi
  • Shyam Varadarajulu
  • Atsushi Irisawa
  • Michael Levy
  • Masayuki Kitano
  • Pramod Garg
  • Shuiji Isaji
  • Tooru Shimosegawa
  • Andrea R G Sheel
  • David C Whitcomb
  • John P Neoptolemos
  • Pancreatology.2020 Jun;S1424-3903(20)30203-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pan.2020.05.025.Epub 2020-06-18.

ニセサンゴヘビRhinobothryum bovallii (Andersson, 1916)のデュベルノワ腺分泌のベノミクスとシナプスおよびダイアプス動物モデルに対する毒致死性の評価

Venomics of the Duvernoy's gland secretion of the false coral snake Rhinobothryum bovallii (Andersson, 1916) and assessment of venom lethality towards synapsid and diapsid animal models.
  • Juan J Calvete
  • Fabián Bonilla
  • Sofía Granados-Martínez
  • Libia Sanz
  • Bruno Lomonte
  • Mahmood Sasa
  • J Proteomics.2020 Jun;225:103882. S1874-3919(20)30250-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2020.103882.Epub 2020-06-27.


A Randomized, Crossover, Pharmacokinetic and Adhesion Performance Study of a Lidocaine Topical System 1.8% During Physical Activity and Heat Treatment in Healthy Subjects.
  • Jeffrey Fudin
  • Erica L Wegrzyn
  • Emileigh Greuber
  • Kip Vought
  • Kalpana Patel
  • Sri Nalamachu
  • J Pain Res.2020;13:1359-1367. 238268. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S238268.Epub 2020-06-10.


Role of Probiotics in Oral Health Maintenance Among Patients Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Therapy: a Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials.
  • Francesca Katherine Pietri
  • P Emile Rossouw
  • Fawad Javed
  • Dimitrios Michelogiannakis
  • Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins.2020 Jul;10.1007/s12602-020-09683-2. doi: 10.1007/s12602-020-09683-2.Epub 2020-07-04.


Bio-Based Poly(butylene succinate)/Microcrystalline Cellulose/Nanofibrillated Cellulose-Based Sustainable Polymer Composites: Thermo-Mechanical and Biodegradation Studies.
  • Oskars Platnieks
  • Sergejs Gaidukovs
  • Anda Barkane
  • Aleksandrs Sereda
  • Gerda Gaidukova
  • Liga Grase
  • Vijay Kumar Thakur
  • Inese Filipova
  • Velta Fridrihsone
  • Marite Skute
  • Marianna Laka
  • Polymers (Basel).2020 Jun;12(7). E1472. doi: 10.3390/polym12071472.Epub 2020-06-30.

20nm以下のギャップを持つ2次元周期プラズモニック有限アレイからの高透過率をGa FIBミリングで実現しました

High transmission from 2D periodic plasmonic finite arrays with sub-20-nm gaps realized with Ga FIB milling.
  • Filippo Pisano
  • Antonio Balena
  • Muhammad Fayyaz Kashif
  • Marco Pisanello
  • Gaia De Marzo
  • Luciana Algieri
  • Antonio Qualtieri
  • Leonardo Sileo
  • Tiziana Stomeo
  • Antonella D'Orazio
  • Massimo De Vittorio
  • Ferruccio Pisanello
  • Marco Grande
  • Nanotechnology.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aba57a.Epub 2020-07-13.


Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Iran during 1990-2017: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
  • M Shahrezaee
  • S Keshtkari
  • M Moradi-Lakeh
  • M Abbasifard
  • V Alipour
  • S Amini
  • J Arabloo
  • A Arzani
  • M Bakhshaei
  • A Barzegar
  • A Bijani
  • M Dianatinasab
  • S Eskandarieh
  • R Ghanei Gheshlagh
  • A Ghashghaee
  • R Heidari-Soureshjani
  • S S N Irvani
  • A Lahimchi
  • S Maleki
  • N Manafi
  • A Manafi
  • M A Mansournia
  • A Mohammadian-Hafshejani
  • M A Mohseni Bandpei
  • R Moradzadeh
  • M Naderi
  • K Pakshir
  • A Rafiei
  • V Rashedi
  • N Rezaei
  • A Rezapour
  • M A Sahraian
  • S Shahabi
  • M Shamsi
  • A Soheili
  • A Soroush
  • M Zamani
  • B Mohajer
  • F Farzadfar
  • Arch Osteoporos.2020 Jul;15(1):103. 10.1007/s11657-020-00767-8. doi: 10.1007/s11657-020-00767-8.Epub 2020-07-10.

C 型肝炎に対する直接作用型抗ウイルス治療後の非アルコール性脂肪肝疾患のリスク因子は、肝臓関連転帰に影響します

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Risk Factors Affect Liver-Related Outcomes After Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C.
  • Jihane N Benhammou
  • Andrew M Moon
  • Joseph R Pisegna
  • Feng Su
  • Philip Vutien
  • Cynthia A Moylan
  • George N Ioannou
  • Dig. Dis. Sci..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10620-020-06457-2. doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06457-2.Epub 2020-07-11.


Characterization of progressive changes in pedicle morphometry and neurovascular anatomy during growth in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis versus adolescents without scoliosis.
  • Colin M Davis
  • Caroline A Grant
  • Maree T Izatt
  • Geoffrey N Askin
  • Robert D Labrom
  • Clayton J Adam
  • Mark J Pearcy
  • J Paige Little
  • Spine Deform.2020 Jun;10.1007/s43390-020-00160-y. doi: 10.1007/s43390-020-00160-y.Epub 2020-06-17.


Effects of vitamin K dietary supplementation in pulmonary dysfunction induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in rat.
  • Oluwatosin A Dosumu
  • Solomon O Rotimi
  • Jacob Akintunde
  • Oluwagbemiga O Adeleye
  • Latifah O Sani
  • Oluwatosin O Omotosho
  • Kehinde T Osinuga
  • Odunayo A Taiwo
  • Oluwafemi A Ojo
  • J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol..2020 Jul;:e22584. doi: 10.1002/jbt.22584.Epub 2020-07-14.

進行性肝線維症を有する HCV GEN3 患者における高い持続性ウイルス反応:ジョージア州における HCV 排除プログラムの実世界のデータ

High sustained viral response among HCV genotype 3 patients with advanced liver fibrosis: real-world data of HCV elimination program in Georgia.
  • Maia Butsashvili
  • Lia Gvinjilia
  • George Kamkamidze
  • David Metreveli
  • Shorena Dvali
  • Tamar Rukhadze
  • Amiran Gamkrelidze
  • Muazzam Nasrullah
  • Shaun Shadaker
  • Juliette Morgan
  • Francisco Averhoff
  • BMC Res Notes.2020 Jul;13(1):332. 10.1186/s13104-020-05173-4. doi: 10.1186/s13104-020-05173-4.Epub 2020-07-11.


Differential responses of a pi-class glutathione S-transferase (CnGSTp) expression and antioxidant status between golden and brown noble scallops under pathogenic stress.
  • Hongxing Liu
  • Hongkuan Zhang
  • Dewei Cheng
  • Karsoon Tan
  • Ting Ye
  • Hongyu Ma
  • Shengkang Li
  • Huaiping Zheng
  • Fish Shellfish Immunol..2020 Jul;S1050-4648(20)30488-5. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2020.07.004.Epub 2020-07-08.


Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of young people and adults: a systematic review protocol of observational studies.
  • Fernando Jose Guedes da Silva Junior
  • Jaqueline Carvalho E Silva Sales
  • Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro
  • Ana Paula Cardoso Costa
  • Luana Ruth Braga Campos
  • Priscilla Ingrid Gomes Miranda
  • Thiago Alberto de Souza Monteiro
  • Regina Aparecida Garcia Lima
  • Luis Carlos Lopes-Junior
  • BMJ Open.2020 Jul;10(7):e039426. bmjopen-2020-039426. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039426.Epub 2020-07-01.


Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of cerebroside analogues as substrates of cerebroside sulphotransferase and discovery of a competitive inhibitor.
  • Wenjin Li
  • Joren Guillaume
  • Younis Baqi
  • Isabell Wachsmann
  • Volkmar Gieselmann
  • Serge Van Calenbergh
  • Christa E Müller
  • J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem.2020 Dec;35(1):1503-1512. doi: 10.1080/14756366.2020.1791841.


Upper Airway Stimulation versus Untreated Comparators in Positive Airway Pressure Treatment Refractory Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
  • Reena Mehra
  • Armin Steffen
  • Clemens Heiser
  • Benedikt Hofauer
  • Kirk Withrow
  • Karl Doghramji
  • Maurits Boon
  • Colin Huntley
  • Ryan J Soose
  • Suzanne Stevens
  • Chris Larsen
  • Joachim T Maurer
  • Tina Waters
  • Harneet K Walia
  • Alan H Kominsky
  • Doug Trask
  • Richard J Schwab
  • Erica R Thaler
  • Patrick J Strollo
  • Ann Am Thorac Soc.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202001-015OC.Epub 2020-07-14.


Defining a Research Agenda for Layperson Prehospital Hemorrhage Control: A Consensus Statement.
  • Eric Goralnick
  • Chibuike Ezeibe
  • Muhammad Ali Chaudhary
  • Justin McCarty
  • Juan P Herrera-Escobar
  • Tomas Andriotti
  • Elzerie de Jager
  • Daniel Ospina-Delgado
  • Craig Goolsby
  • Richard Hunt
  • Joel S Weissman
  • Adil Haider
  • Lenworth Jacobs
  • Erin Andrade
  • Jeremy Brown
  • Eileen M Bulger
  • Frank K Butler
  • David Callaway
  • Edward J Caterson
  • Niteesh K Choudhry
  • Michael R Davis
  • Alex Eastman
  • Brian J Eastridge
  • Jonathan L Epstein
  • Conor L Evans
  • Marianne Gausche-Hill
  • Mark L Gestring
  • Scott A Goldberg
  • Dan Hanfling
  • John Bradley Holcomb
  • Carl-Oscar Jonson
  • David R King
  • Sean Kivlehan
  • Russ S Kotwal
  • Jon R Krohmer
  • Nomi Levy-Carrick
  • Matthew Levy
  • Joan José Meléndez Lugo
  • David P Mooney
  • Matthew D Neal
  • Robert Niskanen
  • Patrick O'Neill
  • Habeeba Park
  • Peter T Pons
  • Erik Prytz
  • Todd E Rasmussen
  • Michael A Remley
  • Robert Riviello
  • Ali Salim
  • Stacy Shackelfold
  • E Reed Smith
  • Ronald M Stewart
  • Mamta Swaroop
  • Kevin Ward
  • Tarsicio Uribe-Leitz
  • Molly P Jarman
  • Gezzer Ortega
  • JAMA Netw Open.2020 Jul;3(7):e209393. 2767879. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.9393.Epub 2020-07-01.