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Exploring behaviours of concern including aggression, self-harm, sexual harm and absconding within an Australian inpatient mental health service.
  • Matthew Kang
  • Hannah Bushell
  • Stuart Lee
  • Caitlin Berry
  • Yitzchak Hollander
  • Ilan Rauchberger
  • Fiona Whitecross
  • Australas Psychiatry.2020 Jun;:1039856220926940. doi: 10.1177/1039856220926940.Epub 2020-06-02.


The insecticidal wasp toxin Γ-Pompilidotoxin is a linear peptide modulating voltage-gated sodium channels.
  • Steve Peigneur
  • Andrey V Tsarev
  • Alexander S Paramonov
  • Christina I Schroeder
  • Maria P Ikonomopoulou
  • Hidetoshi Inagaki
  • David J Craik
  • Katsuhiro Konno
  • Zakhar O Shenkarev
  • Jan Tytgat
  • Toxicon.2020 Apr;177 Suppl 1:S40. S0041-0101(19)30831-1. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.12.069.


Modulation of CYP2E1 metabolic activity in a cohort of confirmed caffeine ingesting pregnant women with preterm offspring.
  • M R Alcorta-García
  • C N López-Villaseñor
  • G Sánchez-Ferrer
  • H Flores-Mendoza
  • F Castorena-Torres
  • M A Aguilar-Torres
  • C M Sepúlveda-Treviño
  • J A Hernández-Hernández
  • R C López-Sánchez
  • V J Lara-Díaz
  • Mol Cell Pediatr.2020 Jun;7(1):4. 10.1186/s40348-020-00096-3. doi: 10.1186/s40348-020-00096-3.Epub 2020-06-01.


Cladribine Induces ATF4 Mediated Apoptosis and Synergizes with SAHA in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cells.
  • Linyan Xu
  • Jun Jiao
  • Xiaoshen Sun
  • Wei Sang
  • Xiang Gao
  • Pu Yang
  • Dongmei Yan
  • Xuguang Song
  • Cai Sun
  • Mengdi Liu
  • Yuanyuan Qin
  • Yu Tian
  • Feng Zhu
  • Lingyu Zeng
  • Zhenyu Li
  • Kailin Xu
  • Int J Med Sci.2020;17(10):1375-1384. ijmsv17p1375. doi: 10.7150/ijms.41793.Epub 2020-05-30.


Lysis of cold-storage-induced microvascular obstructions for ex vivo revitalization of marginal human kidneys.
  • Jenna R DiRito
  • Sarah A Hosgood
  • Melanie Reschke
  • Claire Albert
  • Laura G Bracaglia
  • John R Ferdinand
  • Benjamin J Stewart
  • Christopher M Edwards
  • Anand G Vaish
  • Sathia Thiru
  • David C Mulligan
  • Danielle J Haakinson
  • Menna R Clatworthy
  • W Mark Saltzman
  • Jordan S Pober
  • Michael L Nicholson
  • Gregory T Tietjen
  • Am. J. Transplant..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/ajt.16148.Epub 2020-07-05.

TBX5 R264KはT-box経路とは独立してマウスの拡張型心筋症発症の修飾因子として作用する

TBX5 R264K acts as a modifier to develop dilated cardiomyopathy in mice independently of T-box pathway.
  • Nariaki Miyao
  • Yukiko Hata
  • Hironori Izumi
  • Ryo Nagaoka
  • Yuko Oku
  • Ichiro Takasaki
  • Taisuke Ishikawa
  • Shinya Takarada
  • Mako Okabe
  • Hideyuki Nakaoka
  • Keijiro Ibuki
  • Sayaka Ozawa
  • Tomoyuki Yoshida
  • Hideyuki Hasegawa
  • Naomasa Makita
  • Naoki Nishida
  • Hisashi Mori
  • Fukiko Ichida
  • Keiichi Hirono
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(4):e0227393. PONE-D-19-34630. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227393.Epub 2020-04-01.

局所進行性肝胆道悪性腫瘍に対する複雑な肝切除術への肝移植経験の移行性-単施設での 3 10 年間の経験から得られた教訓

Transferability of Liver Transplantation Experience to Complex Liver Resection for Locally Advanced Hepatobiliary Malignancy - Lessons Learnt From 3 Decades of Single Center Experience.
  • Albert C Y Chan
  • Kenneth S H Chok
  • Jeff Dai
  • Simon H Y Tsang
  • Tan To Cheung
  • Ronnie Poon
  • S T Fan
  • C M Lo
  • Ann. Surg..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004227.Epub 2020-07-09.

ヤコン(Smallanthus sonchifolius)は、大腸発癌の動物モデルにおいて、炎症、酸化ストレス、腸内変化を抑制しました

Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius) prevented inflammation, oxidative stress, and intestinal alterations in an animal model of colorectal carcinogenesis.
  • Thaísa Agrizzi Verediano
  • Mirelle Lomar Viana
  • Maria das Graças Vaz Tostes
  • Daniela Silva de Oliveira
  • Louisiane de Carvalho Nunes
  • Neuza Maria Brunoro Costa
  • J. Sci. Food Agric..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/jsfa.10595.Epub 2020-06-21.


Identification and Investigation of Chalcone Derivatives as Calcium Channel Blockers: Pharmacophore modeling, Docking studies, In-vitro screening, and 3D-QSAR Analysis.
  • Amol S Sherikar
  • Manish S Bhatia
  • Rakesh P Dhavale
  • Curr Comput Aided Drug Des.2020 Jul;CAD-EPUB-108170. doi: 10.2174/1573409916666200714143930.Epub 2020-07-14.


γ9δ2T cell diversity and the receptor interface with tumor cells.
  • Anna Vyborova
  • Dennis X Beringer
  • Domenico Fasci
  • Froso Karaiskaki
  • Eline van Diest
  • Lovro Kramer
  • Aram de Haas
  • Jasper Sanders
  • Anke Janssen
  • Trudy Straetemans
  • Daniel Olive
  • Jeanette Hw Leusen
  • Lola Boutin
  • Steven Nedellec
  • Samantha L Schwartz
  • Michael J Wester
  • Keith A Lidke
  • Emmanuel Scotet
  • Diane Lidke
  • Albert Jr Heck
  • Zsolt Sebestyen
  • Jurgen Kuball
  • J. Clin. Invest..2020 Jun;132489. doi: 10.1172/JCI132489.Epub 2020-06-02.


Clinical value of detecting autoantibodies against β-, β,- and α-adrenergic receptors in carvedilol treatment of patients with heart failure.
  • Dong-Yan Hou
  • Lin Xu
  • Zhi-Yong Zhang
  • Xiao-Rong Xu
  • Xin Wang
  • Juan Zhang
  • Jia-Mei Liu
  • Hua Wang
  • Jin Chen
  • Lin Zhang
  • J Geriatr Cardiol.2020 Jun;17(6):305-312. jgc-17-06-305. doi: 10.11909/j.issn.1671-5411.2020.06.002.

深海生物ノーザンシュリンプ(Pandalus borealis)と冷水サンゴ(Lophelia pertusa)の石油関連芳香族化合物、分散媒、アラスカノーススロープ原油に対する感受性

The sensitivity of the deepsea species northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and the cold-water coral (Lophelia pertusa) to oil-associated aromatic compounds, dispersant, and Alaskan North Slope crude oil.
  • Jenny Bytingsvik
  • Thomas F Parkerton
  • Julien Guyomarch
  • Luca Tassara
  • Stephane LeFloch
  • W Ray Arnold
  • Susanne M Brander
  • Aswani Volety
  • Lionel Camus
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Jul;156:111202. S0025-326X(20)30320-9. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111202.Epub 2020-05-17.


Reconstitution of human haematopoiesis in non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice by clonal cells expanded from single CD34+CD38- cells expressing Flk2/Flt3.
  • Yasuhiro Ebihara
  • Mika Wada
  • Takahiro Ueda
  • Ming-Jiang Xu
  • Atsushi Manabe
  • Ryuhei Tanaka
  • Mamoru Ito
  • Hideo Mugishima
  • Shigetaka Asano
  • Tatsutoshi Nakahata
  • Kohichiro Tsuji
  • Br. J. Haematol..2002 Nov;119(2):525-34. 3820. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2141.2002.03820.x.


Risk assessment and investigation of landfill leachate as a source of emerging organic contaminants to the surrounding environment: a case study of the largest landfill in Jinan City, China.
  • Kun Wang
  • Febelyn Reguyal
  • Tao Zhuang
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 Jul;10.1007/s11356-020-10093-8. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-10093-8.Epub 2020-07-17.

ALG13 欠損症の 29 例の個体における優勢型および新規 de novo バリアント。臨床的記述、バイオマーカーの状態、生化学的分析と治療の提案

Predominant and novel de novo variants in 29 individuals with ALG13 deficiency: Clinical description, biomarker status, biochemical analysis and treatment suggestions.
  • Bobby G Ng
  • Erik A Eklund
  • Sergey A Shiryaev
  • Yin Y Dong
  • Mary-Alice Abbott
  • Carla Asteggiano
  • Michael J Bamshad
  • Eileen Barr
  • Jonathan A Bernstein
  • Shabeed Chelakkadan
  • John Christodoulou
  • Wendy K Chung
  • Michael A Ciliberto
  • Janice Cousin
  • Fiona Gardiner
  • Suman Ghosh
  • William D Graf
  • Stephanie Grunewald
  • Katherine Hammond
  • Natalie S Hauser
  • George E Hoganson
  • Kimberly M Houck
  • Jennefer N Kohler
  • Eva Morava
  • Austin A Larson
  • Pengfei Liu
  • Sujana Madathil
  • Colleen McCormack
  • Naomi J L Meeks
  • Rebecca Miller
  • Kristin G Monaghan
  • Deborah A Nickerson
  • Timothy Blake Palculict
  • Gabriela Magali Papazoglu
  • Beth A Pletcher
  • Ingrid E Scheffer
  • Andrea Beatriz Schenone
  • Rhonda E Schnur
  • Yue Si
  • Leah J Rowe
  • Alvaro H Serrano Russi
  • Rossana Sanchez Russo
  • Farouq Thabet
  • Allysa Tuite
  • María Mercedes Villanueva
  • Raymond Y Wang
  • Richard I Webster
  • Dorcas Wilson
  • Alice Zalan
  • Undiagnosed Diseases Network
  • Lynne A Wolfe
  • Jill A Rosenfeld
  • Lindsay Rhodes
  • Hudson H Freeze
  • J. Inherit. Metab. Dis..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/jimd.12290.Epub 2020-07-18.


Early molecular events associated with liver and colon sub-acute responses to 1,2-dimethylhydrazine: Potential implications on preneoplastic and neoplastic lesion development.
  • Brunno Felipe Ramos Caetano
  • Mariana Baptista Tablas
  • Guilherme Ribeiro Romualdo
  • Maria Aparecida Marchesan Rodrigues
  • Luís Fernando Barbisan
  • Toxicol. Lett..2020 Sep;329:67-79. S0378-4274(20)30114-4. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.04.009.Epub 2020-05-06.


Antihypertensive effect of carvacrol is improved after incorporation in β-cyclodextrin as a drug delivery system.
  • Liliane Barreto
  • Samuel Barbosa Camargo
  • Raiana Dos Anjos Moraes
  • Carla Fiama Medeiros
  • Anderson de Melo Jesus
  • Afrânio Evangelista
  • Cristiane Flora Villarreal
  • Lucindo José Quintans-Júnior
  • Darízy Flávia Silva
  • Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.13364.Epub 2020-06-22.

メロン/ワタアブラムシ(Aphis gossypii Glover)のジノテフランに対する代謝抵抗性には、CYP6CY14、CYP6CY22、CYP6UN1の3つのチトクロームP450遺伝子の過剰発現が関与していることが明らかになった

The overexpression of three cytochrome P450 genes CYP6CY14, CYP6CY22 and CYP6UN1 contributed to metabolic resistance to dinotefuran in melon/cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover.
  • Anqi Chen
  • Huihui Zhang
  • Tisheng Shan
  • Xueyan Shi
  • Xiwu Gao
  • Pestic Biochem Physiol.2020 Jul;167:104601. S0048-3575(20)30096-1. doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104601.Epub 2020-05-11.


Reassessment of early I inhalation doses by the Fukushima nuclear accident based on atmospheric Cs and I/Cs observation data and multi-ensemble of atmospheric transport and deposition models.
  • Mai Takagi
  • Toshimasa Ohara
  • Daisuke Goto
  • Yu Morino
  • Junya Uchida
  • Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama
  • Shoji F Nakayama
  • Mitsuru Ebihara
  • Yasuji Oura
  • Teruyuki Nakajima
  • Haruo Tsuruta
  • Yuichi Moriguchi
  • J Environ Radioact.2020 Jul;218:106233. S0265-931X(19)30992-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106233.Epub 2020-03-17.


A Smorgasbord of Opportunities Exist to Improve Diversity, Inclusion, Representation, and Participation in Epidemiology: More Informed Action is Necessary Since Current Approaches are Insufficient.
  • Chandra L Jackson
  • Am. J. Epidemiol..2020 Jun;kwaa104. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwaa104.Epub 2020-06-30.


Anemia, hematinic deficiencies, hyperhomocysteinemia, and serum gastric parietal cell antibody positivity in 884 patients with burning mouth syndrome.
  • Chun-Pin Chiang
  • Yu-Hsueh Wu
  • Yang-Che Wu
  • Julia Yu-Fong Chang
  • Yi-Ping Wang
  • Andy Sun
  • J. Formos. Med. Assoc..2020 Apr;119(4):813-820. S0929-6646(19)30882-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2019.10.013.Epub 2019-11-01.


Progressive dysexecutive syndrome due to Alzheimer's disease: a description of 55 cases and comparison to other phenotypes.
  • Ryan A Townley
  • Jonathan Graff-Radford
  • William G Mantyh
  • Hugo Botha
  • Angelina J Polsinelli
  • Scott A Przybelski
  • Mary M Machulda
  • Ahmed T Makhlouf
  • Matthew L Senjem
  • Melissa E Murray
  • Ross R Reichard
  • Rodolfo Savica
  • Bradley F Boeve
  • Daniel A Drubach
  • Keith A Josephs
  • David S Knopman
  • Val J Lowe
  • Clifford R Jack
  • Ronald C Petersen
  • David T Jones
  • Brain Commun.2020;2(1):fcaa068. fcaa068. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa068.Epub 2020-05-27.


Association of Protein and Genetic Biomarkers with Response to Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections in Subjects with Axial Low Back Pain.
  • Stephen Schaaf
  • Wan Huang
  • Subashan Perera
  • Yvette Conley
  • Inna Belfer
  • Prakash Jayabalan
  • Katie Tremont
  • Paulo Coelho
  • Sara Ernst
  • Megan Cortazzo
  • Debra Weiner
  • Nam Vo
  • James Kang
  • Gwendolyn Sowa
  • Am J Phys Med Rehabil.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001514.Epub 2020-06-22.


Optimized Polyethylene Glycolylated Polymer-Lipid Hybrid Nanoparticles as a Potential Breast Cancer Treatment.
  • Salam Massadeh
  • Mustafa E Omer
  • Asmaa Alterawi
  • Rizwan Ali
  • Fayez H Alanazi
  • Fares Almutairi
  • Wejdan Almotairi
  • Faris F Alobaidi
  • Khulud Alhelal
  • Mansour S Almutairi
  • Abdulaziz Almalik
  • Aiman A Obaidat
  • Manal Alaamery
  • Alaa Eldeen Yassin
  • Pharmaceutics.2020 Jul;12(7). E666. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070666.Epub 2020-07-15.


Fitness is improved by adjustments in muscle intracellular signaling in rats with renovascular hypertension 2K1C undergoing voluntary physical exercise.
  • Taynara Carolina Lima
  • Maria Andrea Barbosa
  • Daniela Caldeira Costa
  • Lenice Kappes Becker
  • Leonardo Máximo Cardoso
  • Andréia Carvalho Alzamora
  • Life Sci..2020 Jun;250:117549. S0024-3205(20)30297-6. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117549.Epub 2020-03-13.

耐熱性または高温に敏感なダイズ遺伝子型の子葉系乳腺細胞における種子タンパク質組成とタンパク質貯蔵液胞 の構造に及ぼす熱ストレスの影響

Effect of Heat Stress on Seed Protein Composition and Ultrastructure of Protein Storage Vacuoles in the Cotyledonary Parenchyma Cells of Soybean Genotypes That Are Either Tolerant or Sensitive to Elevated Temperatures.
  • Hari B Krishnan
  • Won-Seok Kim
  • Nathan W Oehrle
  • James R Smith
  • Jason D Gillman
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Jul;21(13). E4775. doi: 10.3390/ijms21134775.Epub 2020-07-05.


Evaluation of the relative roles of the Tabanidae and Glossinidae in the transmission of trypanosomosis in drug resistance hotspots in Mozambique.
  • Fernando C Mulandane
  • Louwtjie P Snyman
  • Denise R A Brito
  • Jeremy Bouyer
  • José Fafetine
  • Jan Van Den Abbeele
  • Marinda Oosthuizen
  • Vincent Delespaux
  • Luis Neves
  • Parasit Vectors.2020 Apr;13(1):219. 10.1186/s13071-020-04087-1. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-04087-1.Epub 2020-04-29.


The perspectives of adults with suicidal ideation and behaviour regarding their interactions with nurses in mental health and emergency services: A systematic review.
  • Joeri Vandewalle
  • Liesbet Van Bos
  • Peter Goossens
  • Dimitri Beeckman
  • Ann Van Hecke
  • Eddy Deproost
  • Sofie Verhaeghe
  • Int J Nurs Stud.2020 Jun;110:103692. S0020-7489(20)30176-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103692.Epub 2020-06-20.