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Early Treatment with Exosomes following Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock in a Swine Model Promotes Transcriptional Changes associated with Neuroprotection.
  • Aaron M Williams
  • Gerald A Higgins
  • Umar F Bhatti
  • Ben E Biesterveld
  • Simone E Dekker
  • Ranganath G Kathawate
  • Yuzi Tian
  • Zhenyu Wu
  • Michael T Kemp
  • Glenn K Wakam
  • Baoling Liu
  • Yongqing Li
  • Benjamin Buller
  • Hasan B Alam
  • J Trauma Acute Care Surg.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002815.Epub 2020-06-03.


Prospective Evaluation of Clinico-pathological Predictors of Post-operative Atrial Fibrillation: An Ancillary Study from the OPERA Trial.
  • Domenico Corradi
  • Jeffrey E Saffitz
  • Deborah Novelli
  • Angeliki Asimaki
  • Caterina Simon
  • Emanuela Oldoni
  • Serge Masson
  • Jennifer M T A Meessen
  • Rodolfo Monaco
  • Roberta Manuguerra
  • Roberto Latini
  • Peter Libby
  • Luigi Tavazzi
  • Roberto Marchioli
  • Luca Dozza
  • Laura Cavallotti
  • Aneta Aleksova
  • Renato Gregorini
  • Dariush Mozaffarian
  • Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.008382.Epub 2020-07-12.

ディープラーニングに基づくデジタルサブトラクションアンギオグラフィ上での頭蓋内動脈瘤の検出。A feasibility study

Deep learning based detection of intracranial aneurysms on digital subtraction angiography: A feasibility study.
  • Nicolin Hainc
  • Manoj Mannil
  • Vaia Anagnostakou
  • Hatem Alkadhi
  • Christian Blüthgen
  • Lorenz Wacht
  • Andrea Bink
  • Shakir Husain
  • Zsolt Kulcsár
  • Sebastian Winklhofer
  • Neuroradiol J.2020 Jul;:1971400920937647. doi: 10.1177/1971400920937647.Epub 2020-07-07.

抗血小板薬の二重投与下での破断していない前房循環動脈瘤に対するコホート研究からの新しいp64MW HPCフローダイバータの初期の経験

Initial experience with the novel p64MW HPC flow diverter from a cohort study in unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms under dual antiplatelet medication.
  • Andrey Petrov
  • Ganbaatar Rentsenkhuu
  • Baatarjan Nota
  • Erdenebat Ganzorig
  • Boldbat Regzengombo
  • Sara Jagusch
  • Elina Henkes
  • Hans Henkes
  • Interv Neuroradiol.2020 Jul;:1591019920939845. doi: 10.1177/1591019920939845.Epub 2020-07-08.

Bacillus megaterium株PL8が産生する新規多糖類BM2を廃水処理用の効率的なバイオ凝集剤として利用することで、廃水処理の効率的なバイオ凝集剤候補として大きな可能性を秘めていることが示唆された

Using a novel polysaccharide BM2 produced by Bacillus megaterium strain PL8 as an efficient bioflocculant for wastewater treatment.
  • Lei Pu
  • Ying-Jie Zeng
  • Pei Xu
  • Fang-Zhou Li
  • Min-Hua Zong
  • Ji-Guo Yang
  • Wen-Yong Lou
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 Jun;162:374-384. S0141-8130(20)33609-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.06.167.Epub 2020-06-20.


Extravascular dermal trypanosomes in suspected and confirmed cases of gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis.
  • Mariame Camara
  • Alseny M'mah Soumah
  • Hamidou Ilbouldo
  • Christelle Travaillé
  • Caroline Clucas
  • Anneli Cooper
  • Nono-Raymond Kuispond Swar
  • Oumou Camara
  • Ibrahim Sadissou
  • Estefania Calvo Alvarez
  • Aline Crouzols
  • Jean-Mathieu Bart
  • Vincent Jamonneau
  • Mamadou Camara
  • Annette MacLeod
  • Bruno Bucheton
  • Brice Rotureau
  • Clin. Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;ciaa897. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa897.Epub 2020-07-08.


Feasibility and value of two-dimensional volumetric stress echocardiography.
  • Tonino Bombardini
  • Angela Zagatina
  • Quirino Ciampi
  • Lauro Cortigiani
  • Antonello D'andrea
  • Clarissa Borguezan Daros
  • Nadezhda Zhuravskaya
  • Jaroslaw D Kasprzak
  • Karina Wierzbowska-Drabik
  • José L De Castro E Silva Pretto
  • Ana Djordjevic-Dikic
  • Branko Beleslin
  • Marija Petrovic
  • Nikola Boskovic
  • Milorad Tesic
  • Ines P Monte
  • Iana Simova
  • Martina Vladova
  • Alla Boshchenko
  • Tamara Ryabova
  • Rodolfo Citro
  • Miguel Amor
  • Paul E Vargas Mieles
  • Rosina Arbucci
  • Claudio Dodi
  • Fausto Rigo
  • Suzana Gligorova
  • Milica Dekleva
  • Sergio Severino
  • Marco A Torres
  • Alessandro Salustri
  • Hugo Rodrìguez-Zanella
  • Fabio M Costantino
  • Albert Varga
  • Gergely Agoston
  • Eduardo Bossone
  • Francesco Ferrara
  • Nicola Gaibazzi
  • Granit Rabia
  • Jelena Celutkiene
  • Maciej Haberka
  • Fabio Mori
  • Maria Grazia D'alfonso
  • Barbara Reisenhofer
  • Ana C Camarozano
  • Michael Salamé
  • Ewa Szymczyk
  • Paulina Wejner-Mik
  • Katarzyna Wdowiak-Okrojek
  • Tamara Preradovic-Kovacevic
  • Fabio Lattanzi
  • Doralisa Morrone
  • Maria Chiara Scali
  • Miodrag Ostojic
  • Aleksandra Nikolic
  • Federica Re
  • Andrea Barbieri
  • Giovanni Di Salvo
  • Paolo Colonna
  • Michele De Nes
  • Marco Paterni
  • Pablo M Merlo
  • Jorge Lowenstein
  • Clara Carpeggiani
  • Dario Gregori
  • Eugenio Picano
  • Minerva Cardioangiol.2020 Jul;S0026-4725.20.05304-9. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4725.20.05304-9.Epub 2020-07-10.

Management of Patients Suffering from Covid-19 pneumoniaにおける2つの併用レジメンの臨床的価値:単一中心のレトロスペクティブ観察研究

The clinical value of two combination regimens in the Management of Patients Suffering from Covid-19 pneumonia: a single centered, retrospective, observational study.
  • Ensieh Vahedi
  • Mostafa Ghanei
  • Ali Ghazvini
  • Hossein Azadi
  • Morteza Izadi
  • Yunes Panahi
  • Saeid Fathi
  • Mahmood Salesi
  • Seyed Hassan Saadat
  • Amir Hossein Ghazale
  • Mohammad Rezapour
  • Abolfazl Mozafari
  • Nahid Zand
  • Mohammadreza Raesi Parsaei
  • Mohammad Hossein Ranjkesh
  • Ramezan Jafari
  • Fatemeh Movaseghi
  • Enayat Darabi
  • Daru.2020 Jun;10.1007/s40199-020-00353-w. doi: 10.1007/s40199-020-00353-w.Epub 2020-06-19.


Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization in periodontal patients: A retrospective consecutive case-series study of single-tooth sites with dehiscence-type osseous defects.
  • Alberto Sicilia-Felechosa
  • Adolfo Pereira-Fernández
  • Javier García-Lareu
  • Julio Bernardo-González
  • Pelayo Sicilia-Blanco
  • Isabel Cuesta-Fernández
  • Clin Oral Implants Res.2020 Mar;31(3):229-238. doi: 10.1111/clr.13559.Epub 2020-01-20.


Highly stable AgNPs prepared via a novel green approach for catalytic and photocatalytic removal of biological and non-biological pollutants.
  • Pooja Rani
  • Vanish Kumar
  • Prit Pal Singh
  • Avtar Singh Matharu
  • Wei Zhang
  • Ki-Hyun Kim
  • Jagpreet Singh
  • Mohit Rawat
  • Environ Int.2020 Jul;143:105924. S0160-4120(20)31879-1. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105924.Epub 2020-07-10.


Increased epicardial adipose tissue thickness is associated with microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy.
  • Hayati Eren
  • Muhammed Bahadır Omar
  • Ülker Kaya
  • Lütfi Öcal
  • Mehmet İnanir
  • Aslı GÖzek Öcal
  • Ömer GenÇ
  • Selin GenÇ
  • Ahmet GÜner
  • Mucahit Yetİm
  • Clin. Exp. Hypertens..2020 Jul;:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10641963.2020.1790588.Epub 2020-07-11.


Adverse Events in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty With Drug-Eluting Stents Compared With Drug-Coated Balloons: A Retrospective Outlook.
  • Hamid Sharif Khan
  • Jahanzeb Malik
  • Muhammad Mohsin
  • Asim Javed
  • Muhammad Umar Farooq
  • Cureus.2020 Jun;12(6):e8500. doi: 10.7759/cureus.8500.Epub 2020-06-08.


Detailed Phenotyping and Therapeutic Strategies for Intronic ABCA4 Variants in Stargardt Disease.
  • Mubeen Khan
  • Gavin Arno
  • Ana Fakin
  • David A Parfitt
  • Patty P A Dhooge
  • Silvia Albert
  • Nathalie M Bax
  • Lonneke Duijkers
  • Michael Niblock
  • Kwan L Hau
  • Edward Bloch
  • Elena R Schiff
  • Davide Piccolo
  • Michael C Hogden
  • Carel B Hoyng
  • Andrew R Webster
  • Frans P M Cremers
  • Michael E Cheetham
  • Alejandro Garanto
  • Rob W J Collin
  • Mol Ther Nucleic Acids.2020 Jun;21:412-427. S2162-2531(20)30168-2. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2020.06.007.Epub 2020-06-12.


Stratified care versus usual care for management of patients presenting with sciatica in primary care (SCOPiC): a randomised controlled trial.
  • Kika Konstantinou
  • Martyn Lewis
  • Kate M Dunn
  • Reuben Ogollah
  • Majid Artus
  • Jonathan C Hill
  • Gemma Hughes
  • Michelle Robinson
  • Benjamin Saunders
  • Bernadette Bartlam
  • Jesse Kigozi
  • Sue Jowett
  • Christian D Mallen
  • Elaine M Hay
  • Danielle A van der Windt
  • Nadine E Foster
  • Lancet Rheumatol.2020 Jul;2(7):e401-e411. S2665-9913(20)30099-0. doi: 10.1016/S2665-9913(20)30099-0.Epub 2020-06-25.


Ceftazidime-Avibactam Combination Therapy Compared to Ceftazidime-Avibactam Monotherapy for the Treatment of Severe Infections Due to Carbapenem-Resistant Pathogens: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
  • Marco Fiore
  • Aniello Alfieri
  • Sveva Di Franco
  • Maria Caterina Pace
  • Vittorio Simeon
  • Giulia Ingoglia
  • Andrea Cortegiani
  • Antibiotics (Basel).2020 Jul;9(7). E388. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics9070388.Epub 2020-07-07.

タンデムマスタグベースの定量的プロテオミクス解析により、綿花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)の乾燥ストレスに対する細根の応答を明らかにした

Tandem mass tag-based (TMT) quantitative proteomics analysis reveals the response of fine roots to drought stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).
  • Shuang Xiao
  • Liantao Liu
  • Yongjiang Zhang
  • Hongchun Sun
  • Ke Zhang
  • Zhiying Bai
  • Hezhong Dong
  • Yuchun Liu
  • Cundong Li
  • BMC Plant Biol..2020 Jul;20(1):328. 10.1186/s12870-020-02531-z. doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02531-z.Epub 2020-07-11.

ヒソップ(Hyssopus officinalis L.)の長期的な水ストレス損傷に対するシトルリンの外因性適用の効果。抗酸化活性、生化学的指標、精油プロファイル

Effects of exogenous application of citrulline on prolonged water stress damages in hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.): Antioxidant activity, biochemical indices, and essential oils profile.
  • Hosein Ahmadi
  • Mesbah Babalar
  • Mohammad Ali Askary Sarcheshmeh
  • Mohammad Reza Morshedloo
  • Majid Shokrpour
  • Food Chem.2020 Jul;333:127433. S0308-8146(20)31295-4. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127433.Epub 2020-07-04.


COVID-19 network: the response of an Italian reference Institute to research challenges about a new pandemia.
  • Alessandra Bandera
  • Stefano Aliberti
  • Roberta Gualtierotti
  • Marina Baldini
  • Francesco Blasi
  • Matteo Cesari
  • Giorgio Costantino
  • Anna Ludovica Fracanzani
  • Andrea Gori
  • Nicola Montano
  • Valter Monzani
  • Alessandro Nobili
  • Flora Peyvandi
  • Antonio Pesenti
  • Daniele Prati
  • Luca Valenti
  • Giuliana Fusetti
  • Luigia Scudeller
  • Silvano Bosari
  • Clin. Microbiol. Infect..2020 Jun;S1198-743X(20)30374-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.06.028.Epub 2020-06-30.


Biuret, a Crucial Reaction Intermediate for Understanding the Urea Pyrolysis to Carbon Nitrides: Crystal Structure Elucidation and In Situ Diffractometric, Vibrational and Thermal Characterisation.
  • Peter Gross
  • Henning A Höppe
  • Chemistry.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1002/chem.202001396.Epub 2020-06-23.

Thermothelomyces thermophilus M77 由来の新規アリールアルコールオキシダーゼの酵素的汎用性と耐熱性

Enzymatic versatility and thermostability of a new aryl-alcohol oxidase from Thermothelomyces thermophilus M77.
  • Marco Antonio Seiki Kadowaki
  • Paula Miwa Rabelo Higasi
  • Mariana Ortiz de Godoy
  • Evandro Ares de Araújo
  • Andre Schutzer Godoy
  • Rolf Alexander Prade
  • Igor Polikarpov
  • Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj.2020 Jul;:129681. S0304-4165(20)30193-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2020.129681.Epub 2020-07-09.


Three-dimensional evaluation of the posterior airway space: differences in computed tomography and cone beam computed tomography.
  • Nassim Ayoub
  • Philipp Eble
  • Kristian Kniha
  • Florian Peters
  • Stephan Christian Möhlhenrich
  • Evgeny Goloborodko
  • Frank Hölzle
  • Ali Modabber
  • Clin Oral Investig.2019 Feb;23(2):603-609. 10.1007/s00784-018-2478-y. doi: 10.1007/s00784-018-2478-y.Epub 2018-05-03.


Glial cell activation and altered metabolic profile in the spinal-trigeminal axis in a rat model of multiple sclerosis associated with the development of trigeminal sensitization.
  • Giulia Magni
  • Silvia Pedretti
  • Matteo Audano
  • Donatella Caruso
  • Nico Mitro
  • Stefania Ceruti
  • Brain Behav. Immun..2020 Jul;S0889-1591(20)30385-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.07.001.Epub 2020-07-10.